In this paper, the authors present the first demonstration of a new class of integrated ceramic m... more In this paper, the authors present the first demonstration of a new class of integrated ceramic microchannel reactors for all-in-one reforming of hydrocarbon fuels. The reactor concept employs precision-machined metal distributors capable of realizing complex flow distribution patterns with extruded ceramic microchannel networks for cost-effective thermal integration of multiple chemical processes. The presently reported reactor is comprised of five methanol steam reforming channels packed with CuO/␥-Al 2 O 3 , interspersed with four methanol combustion channels washcoated with Pt/␥-Al 2 O 3 , for autothermal hydrogen production (i.e., without external heating). Results demonstrate the capability of this new device for integrating combustion and steam reforming of methanol for autothermal production of hydrogen, owing to the axially self-insulating nature of distributor-packaged ceramic microchannels. In the absence of any external insulation, stable reforming of methanol to hydrogen at conversions >90% and hydrogen yields >70% was achieved at a maximum reactor temperature of 400 • C, while simultaneously maintaining a packaging temperature <50 • C.
A parametric study is presented to highlight design challenges of thermally integrated microchann... more A parametric study is presented to highlight design challenges of thermally integrated microchannel networks for portable chemistry and/or fuels reforming. One-dimensional modeling analysis of heat transfer in a two-fluid system is presented for the case of (i) two nonreacting fluids ...
In this work, the authors design, fabricate, and evaluate three prototype ceramic microchannel re... more In this work, the authors design, fabricate, and evaluate three prototype ceramic microchannel reactor architectures with two-dimensional complex flow configurations for coupling methanol steam reforming with methanol combustion/partial oxidation. These ...
De Herbert West, amigo mío durante el tiempo de la universidad y posteriormente, no puedo hablar ... more De Herbert West, amigo mío durante el tiempo de la universidad y posteriormente, no puedo hablar sino con extremo terror. Terror que no se debe totalmente a la forma siniestra en que desapareció recientemente, sino que tuvo origen en la naturaleza entera del trabajo de su vida, y adquirió gravedad por primera vez hará más de diecisiete años, cuando estábamos en tercer año de nuestra carrera, en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Miskatonic de Arkham. Mientras estuvo conmigo, lo prodigioso y diabólico de sus experimentos me tuvieron completamente fascinado, y fui su más intimo compañero. Ahora que ha desaparecido y se ha roto el hechizo, mi miedo es aún mayor. Los recuerdos y las posibilidades son siempre más terribles que la realidad.
In this paper, the authors present the first demonstration of a new class of integrated ceramic m... more In this paper, the authors present the first demonstration of a new class of integrated ceramic microchannel reactors for all-in-one reforming of hydrocarbon fuels. The reactor concept employs precision-machined metal distributors capable of realizing complex flow distribution patterns with extruded ceramic microchannel networks for cost-effective thermal integration of multiple chemical processes. The presently reported reactor is comprised of five methanol steam reforming channels packed with CuO/␥-Al 2 O 3 , interspersed with four methanol combustion channels washcoated with Pt/␥-Al 2 O 3 , for autothermal hydrogen production (i.e., without external heating). Results demonstrate the capability of this new device for integrating combustion and steam reforming of methanol for autothermal production of hydrogen, owing to the axially self-insulating nature of distributor-packaged ceramic microchannels. In the absence of any external insulation, stable reforming of methanol to hydrogen at conversions >90% and hydrogen yields >70% was achieved at a maximum reactor temperature of 400 • C, while simultaneously maintaining a packaging temperature <50 • C.
A parametric study is presented to highlight design challenges of thermally integrated microchann... more A parametric study is presented to highlight design challenges of thermally integrated microchannel networks for portable chemistry and/or fuels reforming. One-dimensional modeling analysis of heat transfer in a two-fluid system is presented for the case of (i) two nonreacting fluids ...
In this work, the authors design, fabricate, and evaluate three prototype ceramic microchannel re... more In this work, the authors design, fabricate, and evaluate three prototype ceramic microchannel reactor architectures with two-dimensional complex flow configurations for coupling methanol steam reforming with methanol combustion/partial oxidation. These ...
De Herbert West, amigo mío durante el tiempo de la universidad y posteriormente, no puedo hablar ... more De Herbert West, amigo mío durante el tiempo de la universidad y posteriormente, no puedo hablar sino con extremo terror. Terror que no se debe totalmente a la forma siniestra en que desapareció recientemente, sino que tuvo origen en la naturaleza entera del trabajo de su vida, y adquirió gravedad por primera vez hará más de diecisiete años, cuando estábamos en tercer año de nuestra carrera, en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Miskatonic de Arkham. Mientras estuvo conmigo, lo prodigioso y diabólico de sus experimentos me tuvieron completamente fascinado, y fui su más intimo compañero. Ahora que ha desaparecido y se ha roto el hechizo, mi miedo es aún mayor. Los recuerdos y las posibilidades son siempre más terribles que la realidad.
Papers by Angela Moreno