Papers by Andrey Nasledov
Kliničeskaâ i specialʹnaâ psihologiâ, Feb 13, 2024

OBM neurobiology, Oct 18, 2023
The study aims to reveal autism vectors that are inherent in 3-4-year-olds with ASD. Three hundre... more The study aims to reveal autism vectors that are inherent in 3-4-year-olds with ASD. Three hundred eighty-three children with ASD took part in the research. An online questionnaire developed earlier by our research group was used. In the first stage, with the repeated use of exploratory factor analysis, the task of identifying the simplest factor structure was solved. As a result, a 7-factor system was obtained, including from 9 to 14 items in each factor (78 items in total): 1) "Persistence on sameness" (Sam); 2) "Emotional dysregulation" (Em); 3) "Alienation" (Al); 4) "Speech understanding" (SU); 5) "Disinhibition/Hyperactivity" (Hyp); 6) "Echolalia" (Ech); 7) "Sensory disintegration" (Sen). Next, a "parcel approach" was applied: binary items included in each factor were randomly distributed into 3 packages, from 3 to 5 items in each box. Thus, instead of 78 binary things, 21 quantitative variables were analyzed. At the second stage, a multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was applied to verify the factor validity and structural and measurement equivalence of the obtained 7-factor model to the parts of the sample that differ by gender (m, f) and age (3 and 4 years). The factor validity of the 7-factor model was confirmed: the factors Em, Al, Su, and Ech correlated with each other (correlations from 0.33 to 0.65), forming a group of communication disorders, the second group consisted of factors Sam and Sen (r = 0.66), the factor Hyp did not correlate with other elements. The equivalence of this 7-factor model was confirmed with respect to samples differing in gender (m, f) and age (3 and 4 years). According to all 7 calculated factors-scales, the example of children with ASD statistically significantly differed from other children with the magnitude of the Coen's d effect from 0.688 to 2.088. However, it can be supposed that the factor dimension of autism symptoms can be even more significant, because the revealed structure is based on 436 initial hypothetical symptoms of autism.
Вестник Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований. Гуманитарные и общественные науки, Dec 29, 2023
Brain Sciences, Apr 19, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, Dec 30, 2020
Резюме В статье изложены результаты исследования особенностей визуального опознания русскоязычных... more Резюме В статье изложены результаты исследования особенностей визуального опознания русскоязычных звукоизобразительных (ЗИ) слов носителями языка (N = 106) с помощью метода «Методика принятия лексического решения». Каждому испытуемому было предъявлено 128 стимулов, из которых 64 являлись не-словами и 64-целевыми стимулами. Целевые стимулы в равных частях были представлены нейтральными (не-ЗИ) словами и ЗИ словами (по 32 слова). ЗИ слова были распределены на 4 равные группы (по 8 слов) по принципу снижения степени иконичности, понимаемой как утрата звукоизобразительности в процессе эволюции языка, таким образом, что к 1-й группе относились наиболее явные ЗИ слова, а, соответственно, к 4-й-полностью деиконизирован-Abstract The article presents the results of research on visual recognition of Russian sound-imitative (SI) words by native speakers (N = 106) in a lexical decision task. Each subject was presented with 64 non-words and 64 target stimuli (a total of 128 stimuli). The target stimuli were equally represented by neutral (non-SI) words and SI words (32 words each). SI words were divided into 4 groups (8 words per group) according to the principle of reducing the degree of iconicity, understood as the loss of sound imitative properties in the process of language evolution, so that the most iconic (explicit) SI words were assigned to group 1, and completely de-iconized SI words were assigned to group 4. The target stimuli were monosyllabic low-frequency words (from 0.4 imp Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 20013-00575 «Психо физио логические индикаторы восприятия звукоизобразительных слов родного и иностранного языка». The reported study was funded by RFBR, project N 20013-00575 «Psychophysiological indicators of perseption of sound-imitaitve words from native and foreign language».
Mathematics, Jul 8, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Sibirskij psihologičeskij žurnal, 2022
In this study, we continued the development of diagnostic tools for the rapid identification (scr... more In this study, we continued the development of diagnostic tools for the rapid identification (screening) of the risk of developing autism (ASD) in children ages 3 and 4. In 2020, we conducted a study on a sample population of 324 children ages 3 and 4, including 116 children with ASD. As a result, an Autism Scale was developed and standardized, consisting of 40 points (symptoms of autism) predicting the child's tendency to ASD within an accuracy of 86.73 - 89.9%. The scale forms into 4 factors (subscales) giving degrees in which children with ASD differ from children without ASD. The objectives of this study were: to test the validity and effectiveness of the developed Autism Scale on a wider sample; study of errors in diagnosing the risk of ASD and the possibility of improving the developed methodology; development of a full-fledged diagnostic technique suitable for practical use. The issues studied in this article cover such aspects of ASD as: the synchronism of the manifestation of ASD symptoms; homogeneity/heterogeneity of the sample for these symptoms; differences between ASD, DD and Normal, and what points allow you to identify these differences. The sample of this study included 178 children with ASD, 124 children with mental retardation, and 203 children with normal development, that is without a clinical diagnosis (Normal). Via an online survey, data was collected on the children with pre-diagnosed symptoms by using a specially designed questionnaire given to 32 specialists (psychologists, defectolo-gists) who worked with these children. The expanded sampling resulted in confirmation of validity, reliability and effectiveness of the developed autism scale, which includes 4 subscales: "Emotional disorders", "Sensory disorders", "Communication disorders" and "Disinhibition". The accuracy of the scale is 88.91% (sensitivity 92.1%, specificity 87.2%). Instructions, stimulus material and test norms for the practical application of the scale were created. Using a 2-stage cluster analysis, 4 groups (clusters) of children with ASD were identified, with significantly different symptom profiles. At the same time, one of these groups (26% of the ASD sample) in terms of symptom profile is the closest to the DD group, and it accounts for 90% of the errors when predicting the risk of ASD. For the remaining clusters, the prediction accuracy of ASD risk is 98.6%. It was found that the main source of errors in predicting the risk of ASD is that in 28.5% of cases children with DD are attributed with ASD symptoms. Our further prospective research is clarification of the typology of ASD symptoms.
Languages, Apr 15, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogičeskogo universiteta, 2018

Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Psihologiâ, 2016
В статье описываются процедура и результаты адаптации «Опросника перфекционизма» Н. Г. Гаранян и ... more В статье описываются процедура и результаты адаптации «Опросника перфекционизма» Н. Г. Гаранян и А. Б. Холмогоровой для диагностики перфекционистских установок студентов первого курса технических вузов. Конфирматорный факторный анализ позволил с достаточно высоким уровнем надежности дифференцировать три шкалы опросника, которые воспроизводятся без изменений в различных половозрастных выборках студентов вузов. Шкалы идентифицированы как «Высокие стандарты и притязания», «Критическое отношение к себе и сомнения в собственных силах» и «Постоянное сравнение себя с другими при ориентации на самых успешных». Значения по шкале «Высокие стандарты и притязания» положительно коррелируют с учебной мотивацией, мотивацией к успеху, интересом к учебным дисциплинам и с оценкой их важности для образования студентов, что может свидетельствовать о позитивном (конструктивном) характере конструкта в учебной деятельности студентов первого курса технических вузов. Показатели шкалы «Критическое отношение к себе и сомнения в собственных силах», напротив, отрицательно коррелируют с учебной мотивацией и мотивацией к успеху и положительно-с трудностью освоения учебных дисциплин, что дает возможность выдвинуть предположение о негативном характере данного компонента перфекционистской установки. Связей шкалы «Постоянное сравнение себя с другими при ориентации на самых успешных» как с мотивацией, так и с отношением к предметам не обнаружено, однако данная шкала значительно коррелирует со шкалой «Критическое отношение к себе и сомнения в собственных силах». Разработаны тестовые нормы шкал перфекционистских установок студентов первого курса технических вузов. Библиогр. 37 назв. Ил. 1. Табл. 8. Ключевые слова: адаптация «Опросника перфекционизма», перфекционизм, перфекционистские установки, конфирматорный факторный анализ, студенты, мотивация, интерес.

Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Psihologiâ, 2017
Описываются процедура и результаты исследования позитивных и негативных аспектов перфекционистски... more Описываются процедура и результаты исследования позитивных и негативных аспектов перфекционистских установок студентов-психологов. Исследование осуществлялось на выборке студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры факультета психологии СПбГУ. Впервые обнаружены значимые положительные связи перфекционистских установок «высокие стандарты и притязания» с познавательной мотивацией, социальными навыками и социально-психологической адаптацией, что подтверждает их конструктивный характер. Перфекционистские установки «критическое отношение к себе и сомнения в собственных силах» и «постоянное сравнение себя с другими при ориентации на самых успешных» отрицательно сказываются на адаптации, социальных навыках и социальном осознании, что подтверждает дезадаптивность данных установок. Исследование подтвердило трехфакторную структуру «Опросника перфекционизма», ранее адаптированного нами для студентов технических вузов, которая воспро-Гао Лин-выпускница аспирантуры факультета психологии, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация,
Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, Dec 1, 2018

Psychology in Russia, 2018
Background. While various screening systems are used worldwide for early detection of development... more Background. While various screening systems are used worldwide for early detection of developmental delay (DD), Russia still does not have such a screening system in place, even though a good prognosis for the cognitive development of a child with DD depend strongly on the time of the diag nosis. Objective. The objective of this study was to create a system to rapidly monitor the mental development of four-to five-year-old Russian children, a system that allows for the use of modern information technologies to obtain reliable results. Design. This study was carried out with a sample of 1,232 children. For data collection, the multifactor study of mental development tool was used as a part of a software complex for longitudinal research. This tool included a much more extensive set of tasks than in traditional tests of abilities, allowing for a wider variation of the factor structure. For the 4-year-olds, 236 tasks were used and 349 for the 5-year-olds. Factor and discriminant analysis were carried out to construct scales for each age group (6-7 points in each), which most accurately predict the diagnosis (Norm/DD). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to verify the prediction model. Results. Two scales were elaborated, which coincided with the type of variables combined in each of them regardless of age (for 4-years-simpler and for 5-years-more complex): logical reasoning, motor skills, and general awareness (listed in descending order of contribution to the prediction). SEM confirmed that the selected scales are indicators of the general ability factor, which is the main predictor of the diagnosis. Conclusions. Two short scales for the rapid diagnosis of DD in preschool children were constructed, allowing the use of computer technology to timely identify the risk group among 4-and 5-year-olds with high sensitivity and specificity of the forecast (not lower than 95%).

Human Physiology, 2015
The characteristic features of brain activity under variation of the information regimes associat... more The characteristic features of brain activity under variation of the information regimes associated with the stages of understanding visually presented texts in adult subjects (n = 148) have been studied. An original methodology for step by step presentation of texts has been developed in order to "detect" the psy chophysiological markers of different degrees of understanding and to identify the successive steps in this pro cess. The following three stages were determined by spectral analysis and calculation of the fractal dimension of EEG: "before understanding," "understanding," and "after understanding." The phenomenon of V shaped changes in the values of EEG fractal dimension was discovered. The first stage is characterized by the increasing power of EEG spectrum in the high frequency range and by the enhanced fractal dimension of EEG, which probably reflects the process of idea generation and the search for solutions. At the next stage ("understanding"), the value of EEG fractal dimension decreases and the spectrum power of the low fre quency range increases, which seems to reflect simplification of invariance to the only valid alternative. The last stage is characterized by an increasing power of EEG spectrum in the high frequency range and the increasing value of EEG fractal dimension, which may reflect the intensification of brain activity related to solution validation. The findings are a step closer to understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms of system brain activity reorganization while making sense of visually presented texts; they outline the pathway to elimination of the contradictions existing in the literature as concerns the role of high and low frequency EEG components as markers of the state of understanding.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oct 1, 2016
Criterion validity and test-retest reliability of the Scale of Psychomotor Development (SPMD) was... more Criterion validity and test-retest reliability of the Scale of Psychomotor Development (SPMD) was studied on groups of children of 4-6 years old. A conclusion about developmental delay or delayed speech development was used as a criterion of external validity. To examine the accuracy of the differential diagnostics of the three groups (the norm and two groups with the above diagnoses) a discriminant analysis was used. The results showed high accuracy in predicting the subject's belonging to the norm group or developmental delay group, and lower prediction accuracy for the group with delayed speech development in differentiation with the norm and developmental delay.

Psychology in Russia, 2019
Background. Sound symbolism (SS) refers to the direct association between the sound and the meani... more Background. Sound symbolism (SS) refers to the direct association between the sound and the meaning of a word. The results of cross-linguistic research prove that SS is universal for different languages and cultures. Thirty percent of all natural languages consist of SS words. But despite the large number of psychosemantic studies which have been conducted, the cognitive mechanisms of the perception of SS words still remain unclear. Objective. The aim of this study was to determine how Russian-speaking subjects perceive visually presented English and Russian words, as measured by the Lexical decision method. Design. The study sample consisted of 148 subjects of ages ranging from 13 to 78. The study was conducted in two stages. During the first stage, the perception of visually-presented English SS words by Russian learners of English, with three different levels of language proficiency, was studied. During the second stage, the perception of visually-presented Russian SS words by Russian native speakers from three different age groups was studied. The stimuli material was selected according to the following criteria: 1) ach word was monosyllabic; 2) Each SS word corresponded to a single arbitrary (non-SS) word of the same pronunciation type; and 3) Each word corresponded to a non-word, formed from it by replacing letters according to the phonotactic rules of English and Russian. At each stage of the study, each subject was given 80 stimuli consisting of 20 SS words, 20 non-SS words, and 40 non-words. An analysis of contingency tables (Chi-square test), comparison of averages (Student's t-test), and analyses of variances (ANOVA) were applied to the data. Results. The visually-presented SS words were identified more slowly and with more errors than the non-SS words, regardless of the language (Russian or English), the subjects' age, and their English language proficiency. Conclusions. The observed delay effect in the cognitive processing of visually-presented SS words is due to the cognitive complexity of the task, which leads to the activation of cross-modal interaction system, besides, interfering systems of information processing are assumed to exist.
Mathematics, Jun 9, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Aids and Behavior, Sep 7, 2016
Russia has one of the fastest rising rates of HIV among women in the world. This study sought to ... more Russia has one of the fastest rising rates of HIV among women in the world. This study sought to identify key factors in HIV transmission among women in Russia. Data were collected as part of a larger clinical trial to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEP). Women at risk for an AEP were recruited at women's clinics; 708 women, aged 18-44 (M= 29.04 years), completed HIV risk surveys. Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) was used to test the relationships between alcohol use and sex behavior constructs with HIV/STI risk. While the model indicated that multiple factors are involved in women's HIV/STI risk, the independent alcohol use variable explains 20% of the variance in women's HIV/STI risk. The findings suggest that alcohol use directly and indirectly predicts HIV/STI risk among women, and its effect is mediated by alcohol use before sex.
Papers by Andrey Nasledov