Papers by Andrew Snarskii
arXiv (Cornell University), 2010
Acyclic networks are a class of complex networks in which links are directed and don't have close... more Acyclic networks are a class of complex networks in which links are directed and don't have closed loops. Here we present an algorithm for transforming an ordinary undirected complex network into an acyclic one. Further analysis of an acyclic network allows finding structural properties of the network. With our approach one can find the communities and key nodes in complex networks. Also we propose a new parameter of complex networks which can mark most vulnerable nodes of the system. The proposed algorithm can be applied to finding communities and bottlenecks in general complex networks.
arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 24, 2010
A concept of implicit links for Complex Networks has been defined and a new valuecohesion factor,... more A concept of implicit links for Complex Networks has been defined and a new valuecohesion factor, which allows to evaluate numerically the presence of such connection between any two nodes, has been introduced. We introduce a generalization of such characteristics as the betweenness, which allows to rank network nodes in more details. The effectiveness of the proposed concepts is shown by the numerical examples.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 17, 2010
ArXiv, 2010
Acyclic networks are a class of complex networks in which links are directed and don't have close... more Acyclic networks are a class of complex networks in which links are directed and don't have closed loops. Here we present an algorithm for transforming an ordinary undirected complex network into an acyclic one. Further analysis of an acyclic network allows finding structural properties of the network. With our approach one can find the communities and key nodes in complex networks. Also we propose a new parameter of complex networks which can mark most vulnerable nodes of the system. The proposed algorithm can be applied to finding communities and bottlenecks in general complex networks.

Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних, 2020
Мережі, що визначаються динамікою тематичних інформаційних потоків Запропоновано методику формува... more Мережі, що визначаються динамікою тематичних інформаційних потоків Запропоновано методику формування, кластеризації і візуалізації так званих кореляційних мереж. Зв'язки між вузлами таких мереж відповідають значенням кореляцій між векторами-наборами параметрів, що відповідають цим вузлам. Для побудови мережевих структур для кожного вузла (тематики) формуються вектори-масиви чисел, що відповідають тематичним документальним добіркам. Для цього передбачено застосування системи контент-моніторингу соціальних медіа. Наведений підхід, на відміну від існуючих, має такі переваги як відносно низька розмірність векторів-параметрів, що відповідають тематикам; незалежність від мови документів-вектори параметрів визначаються лише запитами до системи контент-моніторингу, які можуть містити слова, наведені різними мовами; відносна простота реалізації. Наведена методика може застосовуватися в інформаційно-аналітичних системах різного призначення для аналізу масивів сутностей без явно виражених зв'язків між ними. Кореляційні мережі можна розглядати як основу побудови ймовірнісних мереж і застосування технологій нечітких семантичних мереж для подальшого проведення сценарного аналізу. Ключові слова: кореляційна мережа, динаміка інформаційних потоків, система контент-моніторингу, візуалізація мережевих структур, кластерний аналіз, модулярність. Вступ Сучасні інформаційні технології неможливо уявити без методів і засобів обробки мережевих структур, але не завжди ці структури виражені явно. Зрозуміло, якщо йдеться щодо явних мереж, вузлів і зв'язків між ними, то проблем не виникає. А ось як побудувати мережу, щоб застосувати великий спектр методів і засо

Polymer, 2019
Polydimethylsiloxane based magnetoactive elastomers demonstrate above the melting transition rang... more Polydimethylsiloxane based magnetoactive elastomers demonstrate above the melting transition range (e.g. at room temperature) an induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, which grows with increasing magnetic field. By freezing a material down to 150 K, displaced iron microparticles are immobilized, so that the magnetic anisotropy can be measured. Magnetic anisotropy "constant" is a consequence of particle displacements and a characteristic of the energy of internal deformations in the polymer matrix. The maximum anisotropy constant of the filling is at least one order of magnitude larger than the shear modulus of the pure elastomer (matrix). In a magnetic field, the gain in the rigidity of the composite material is attributed to the magnetomechanical coupling, which is in turn a source of anisotropy. The concept of effective magnetic field felt by the magnetization allows one to explain the magnetization curve at room temperature from low-temperature measurements. The results can be useful for developing vibration absorbers and isolators.
2014 13th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014
This paper describes the construction methodology of a network of natural terms hierarchy based o... more This paper describes the construction methodology of a network of natural terms hierarchy based on the analysis of a homogeneous or heterogeneous text corpus. It also presents a criterion for the evaluation of paper relevance to a particular scientific conference. The proposed method is illustrated by the examples from the heterogeneous corpus of the STIDS 2013 conference proceedings.
A compactified horizontal visibility graph for the language network is proposed. It was found tha... more A compactified horizontal visibility graph for the language network is proposed. It was found that the networks constructed in such way are scale free, and have a property that among the nodes with largest degrees there are words that determine not only a text structure communication, but also its informational structure.
Method for detection and visualization of trends, periodicities, local peculiarities in measureme... more Method for detection and visualization of trends, periodicities, local peculiarities in measurement series (L ∆-method) based on DFA technology (Detrended fluctuation analysis) is proposed. The essence of the method lies in reflecting the values of absolute deviation of measurement accumulation series points from the respective values of linear approximation. It is shown that L ∆-method in some cases allows better determination of local peculiarities than wavelet-analysis. Easy-to-realize approach that is proposed can be used in the analysis of time series in such fields as economics and sociology.
Technical Physics, 2000
ABSTRACT The amplitude of the third harmonic in highly anisotropic media was calculated with a pe... more ABSTRACT The amplitude of the third harmonic in highly anisotropic media was calculated with a percolation model. Inclusion-shape and local-conductivity anisotropies were considered. Associated critical indexes and crossover values were obtained.
Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних, 2019
The new framework for finance is proposed. This framework based on three known approaches in econ... more The new framework for finance is proposed. This framework based on three known approaches in econophysics. Assumptions of the framework are the following: 1. For the majority of situations market follows non-arbitrage condition. 2. For the small number of situations market influenced by the actions of big firms. 3. If actions of big players lead to the arbitrage opportunity, small players could self-organize to take advantage of this opportunity. The framework is an attempt to combine approaches of Bouchaud, Gabaix, Sornette, Stanley and coauthors. Suggested framework is applied for the analysis of market impact models, behavior of big players, self-organization of market firm and volatility description.
Physical Review B
A system with exponentially distributed resistances is examined here. The importance of field and... more A system with exponentially distributed resistances is examined here. The importance of field and current distribution inside each resistance is shown to be a necessary sign of the so-called continual problem. Consideration of this current distribution leads to a further increase of the relative spectral density of 1/f noise and the appearance of another critical exponent in comparison with a discrete problem. The critical exponent connected with the inhomogeneity of current distribution inside each resistance has been evaluated.

The local heat flux measurements are limited by low working temperature of the gradient heat flux... more The local heat flux measurements are limited by low working temperature of the gradient heat flux sensors (GHFS) [1–3]. The novel heterogeneous sensors (HGHFS) made from metal-metal or metal-semiconductor layered composites (so-called anisotropic thermoelements) have high temperature level of 1300 K and more. Theory of the HGHFS allows to choose thickness and angle of inclination for the layers of composite, and to forecast volt-watt sensitivity. The sensitivity of metal-metal sensors is typically on the order of 0.02 to 0.5 mV/W, and it is much beyond when semiconductors are used. HGHFS are used for a first time for heat flux measurements in the furnace of the industrial boiler which is in operating of the Thermal Power Plant (fossil fuel power plant) in the city of Kirov (Russia). The local heat flux at the surface of refractory-faced water wall is measured in different regimes of operating. It is also shown that HGHFS may be used as indicator of furnace slugging. Small sizes (minimally 2×2×0.1 mm) and high working temperature of the HGHFS are useful for heat transfer investigations.© 2010 ASME
ABSTRACT The influence of the microstructure of slightly nonlinear composites on the nonlinear re... more ABSTRACT The influence of the microstructure of slightly nonlinear composites on the nonlinear response is investigated. The third-harmonic amplitude is expressed in terms of the fourth moment of the current and the local value of the nonlinear sensitivity tensor of the composite. The general structure of the effective sensitivity tensor is analyzed. The possibility of measuring the components of the tensor experimentally is discussed.
A model of distribution of the wealth in a society based on the properties of complex networks ha... more A model of distribution of the wealth in a society based on the properties of complex networks has been proposed. The wealth is interpreted as a consequence of communication possibilities and proportional to the number of connections possessed by a person (as a vertex of the social network). Numerical simulation of wealth distribution shows a transition from the Pareto law to distribution with a gap demonstrating the absence of the middle class. Such a transition has been described as a second-order phase transition, the order parameter has been introduced and the value of the critical exponent has been found.
In this paper a model of subscriber telephone network based on the concept of cellular automata i... more In this paper a model of subscriber telephone network based on the concept of cellular automata is elaborated . Some fractal properties inherent in the model are revealed that vary depending on parameters assigning its operation rules. The main advantage of the model in question is its compatibility with algorithmic methods -a finite set of formal rules, assigned on a finite set of elements (cells), allows precise realization in the form of algorithms.
Papers by Andrew Snarskii