Papers by Andrew Mhya Stanley
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Oct 15, 2013
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Futy Journal of the Environment, Nov 6, 2020

Activities of man on the environment have influenced the ecosystem deterioration. Generation and ... more Activities of man on the environment have influenced the ecosystem deterioration. Generation and disposal of wastes, combustion of fossil fuel and bush burning are some of the activities linked to ecosystem degradation. The study assessed household waste disposal practice and its challenges in Sabon Gari, Zaria. This was carried out through administration of questionnaire, checklist, physical inspection and photographing of dump sites and interview with agencies responsible for municipal solid waste m anagem ent. 150 questionnaires were random ly adm inistered to households in the study area out of which 76% response rate was received. The results show that 97.37% of households generate an average of 2kg composite wastes daily, of which 32.43% are food residues with high frequency (54.95%) of generation. 87.39% of the wastes are degradable, while 38.74% are reuseable. 80.18% of the wastes are kept in bins for disposal, while 46.85% are burned. The results also show that 37.84% of th...

The study assessed electric energy consumption profile in female students’ hostels of Ahmadu Bell... more The study assessed electric energy consumption profile in female students’ hostels of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Questionnaire survey method, energy audit and checklist were used in the study. Twenty four (24) different types of electric appliances were identified in the students’ hostels. Electric pressing iron dominates with frequency of 61(9.79%), followed by handset charger 58(9.31%), electric fan 52(8.35%). The appliances with least frequency of 2(0.32%) were dishwasher and electric indoor grill. The study established that pressing iron has the highest energy consumption of 67,100W representing 18.7% total energy consumption of appliances in the hostels. This was followed by boiling ring with 60,000W representing 16.8% and hotplate with 57,600W representing 16.1%. The appliance with the least energy consumption was handset charger (232W) representing 0.1% of the total energy consumption. The total energy consumed by appliances in the hostels was 357,287W with a cost of N9, ...

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2013
This paper shows the combustion of biogas in rural households' appliances. Biogas has been known ... more This paper shows the combustion of biogas in rural households' appliances. Biogas has been known since 1800s as an odourless and colourless gas with high combustion rate. Its use is beginning to gain ground in most developing countries like Nigeria due to its availability, ease of generation and environmental friendliness. Developing countries are characterized by poor infrastructural development, inadequate energy and water supply, poor health delivery system, etc. which hinders economic and social development. Most sources of rural households' energy are firewood, animal dung, crop residue and kerosene which are associated with negative environmental impacts. The study was carried-out by articulation of past literatures on biogas combustion and consumption in household's appliances and internal combustion engines. The study ascertains from the past studies high efficiency of biogas compared with natural gas and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) on stove-top burner, oven and two panel flue heater. It was observed that, biogas consumption is higher in all the appliances under investigation as compared to natural gas and LPG. The study recommended public enlightenment on biogas technology and its associate benefits to rural areas. The government and NGOs should encourage the application of this technology through financing of pilot projects in community leaders' households which will extend to the populace. The technology should also be embraced because it is associated with environmental hygiene.

The study assessed the influence of electric power generator variables on the quality of air in i... more The study assessed the influence of electric power generator variables on the quality of air in indoor environment of buildings. A quantitative survey method was adopted for the study. Kaduna metropolis was the study area grouped into twelve (12) clusters; and six (6) households were purposively selected from each of the cluster for the survey. A total of 72 households that operate electric power generators for power supply in buildings participated in the study. IMR1400 combustible gas analyzer was used to measure 432 samples of air pollutants' concentration in the 72 households (6 per household). SPSS version 15 was used to correlate the generator variables with the air pollutants measured. The results showed that the characteristics of generator age (at 0.05 significance level) at all the clusters were similar unlike the generator capacities which were different in few clusters. It was also observed that all the generator distances away from the building indoor were the same ...

Built Environment Journal, 2020
The importance of energy to human development cannot be overemphasized as it is a key determinant... more The importance of energy to human development cannot be overemphasized as it is a key determinant of economic development of all nations. However, the supply of energy has hardly ever been sufficient to meet up with the ever increasing demands exerted by multiplying population and industrialization. Buildings are accountable for nearly 40% of the total global annual energy consumption most of which is used for lighting and air conditioning. With the building sector having a relatively high potential for energy efficiency improvements compared to other sectors, this research therefore assessed the energy efficiency of the customer care buildings of telecommunication companies in selected towns in north-west Nigeria. This was done by finding out where and how energy is being used in the buildings by estimating the energy consumption of the buildings through assessment of the energy bills and a preliminary energy audit and benchmarking with set standard. Descriptive statistical analyse...

Journal of Design and Built Environment, 2018
Some activities in all types of buildings contribute to greenhouse gas, GHG, emissions. This is e... more Some activities in all types of buildings contribute to greenhouse gas, GHG, emissions. This is especially so in case of residential buildings in cities as it has been observed that urban residents spend the greater part of their time indoors. During this time man is engaged in emission producing activities such as respiration, energy generation and consumption and waste generation. The behaviour of the users of buildings greatly influences the quantities of the GHGs resulting from their activities. There are certain ways of doing things especially in connection with energy use in buildings that have been identified to be more efficient and consequently less emission intensive than others. This study investigated the extent of observance of these energy efficient practices by the surveyed households and their willingness to adopt measures that will significantly reduce their carbon footprint. The findings show a generally low level of observance of the measures by the households but they also show a high level of readiness to adopt the suggested measures. The study concludes that emission of large quantities of carbon dioxide by the surveyed houses can be avoided and recommends a creation of awareness among households about these practices by the relevant stakeholders.
The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 2016
Papers by Andrew Mhya Stanley