The dissertation is accepted for the commencement o f the degree o f Doctor philosophiae in botan... more The dissertation is accepted for the commencement o f the degree o f Doctor philosophiae in botany and mycology at the University o f Tartu on December 3, 1997 by the Doctoral Committee o f the Faculty o f Biology and Geography of
The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed i... more The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed in 2021. For most of these species, it was the second Red List assessment using the IUCN system (the first such evaluation was performed in 2008). The main data sources for species occurrence were the records reported in 100 study sites located throughout the country during 2020, and the PlutoF biodiversity database. 125 species remained, according to the new assessment, in the category Least Concern (LC) and their populations are not under threat in Estonia at present. Two species were placed in the category Not Applicable (NA) because of systematic revisions while 33 species were assigned to the categories Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) or Near Threatened (NT); one further species received the status Data Deficient (DD). Thus, the threat status has changed for 22% of the studied species that had generally been considered common in Estonia. The reasons for this change are variable but ...
Un apercu global du genre Nephromopsis Mull. Arg. (fam. Parmeliaceae) est presente. La cle d'... more Un apercu global du genre Nephromopsis Mull. Arg. (fam. Parmeliaceae) est presente. La cle d'identification comprend les 11 especes acceptees dans ce genre (N. endocrocea, N isidioidea, N. komarovii, N. laii, N morrisonicola, N nephromoides, N ornata, N. pallescens, N rugosa, N stracheyi et N yunnanensis); une description detaillee et la distribution mondiale de chacun de ces taxons sont presentees pour la premiere fois. La combinaison nouvelle de Nephromopsis nephromoides (Ny1.) Ahti & Randlane est proposee.
The Estonian eFlora is an example of the new e-learning tools prepared by the KeyToNature consort... more The Estonian eFlora is an example of the new e-learning tools prepared by the KeyToNature consortium. It is an interactive digital identification key for more than 1000 plant species recorded from Estonia. The tool is freely available on the internet in Estonian and English and has two interfaces (dichotomous and multi-entry), which allow the identification of species using different approaches. Another tool developed by KeyToNature, the OpenKeyEditor, allows users not only to edit the text of the existing master key, but also to produce mini-keys restricted to smaller subsets of taxa (e.g. the plants of a park, or a scool garden), and to add user-generated content to them. The reaction to these tools from public media and educational circles has been very positive. Index Terms — education, Estonia, e-tools, identification, key, plants. —————————— u ——————————
The lichen genus Allocetraria (Parmeliaceae) includes eight species distinguished by a palisade p... more The lichen genus Allocetraria (Parmeliaceae) includes eight species distinguished by a palisade plectenchymatous cortex, asci with a very broad axial body, globose or subglobose ascospores, and filiform pycnoconidia. Two new species, A. flavonigrescens Thell et Randl. and A. sinensis Gao, are described, and the new combination A. denticulata (Hue) Thell & Randlane, A. globulans (Nyl.) Thell & Randl., and A. oakesiana (Tuck.) Randl. & Thell are proposed. A potaninii (Oxn.) Randl. & Saag is synonymized with A. stracheyi (Bab.) Kurok. & Lai. The anatomy of the genus is carefully described for the first time.
The formerly monotypic genus Ahtiana (type species: A. sphaerosporella (Mull. Arg.) Goward is sho... more The formerly monotypic genus Ahtiana (type species: A. sphaerosporella (Mull. Arg.) Goward is shown to include two additional species, A. aurescens (Tuck.) Thell & Randl. and A. pallidula (Riddle) Goward & Thell. All three species are endemic to North America, and are characterized by their greenish yellow upper surface, globose ascospores, and caperatic acid in the medulla. The habitat ecology of these lichens is very specialized. Ahtiana is presumably most closely related to Tuckneraria Randl. & Thell and other cetrarioid genera having globose ascospores.
A key for 32 Usnea species which have been reliably recorded in Europe is presented; short descri... more A key for 32 Usnea species which have been reliably recorded in Europe is presented; short descriptions, extrapolated distribution maps and photographs of diagnostic characters are provided for each species.
The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Ph... more The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Phylogenetic analysis, using program PAUP 3.1.1, was carried out on two different data sets – morphological (incl. anatomical and chemical) and molecular characters (ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 rDNA sequences) – to verify the correspondence of current taxonomy to the probable evolution of the taxa involved. The paraphyletic nature of the genus Allocetraria in regard to two species of Dactylina is assumed based on morphological characters. Still, the separation of these genera is strongly supported by the analysis of molecular data. The genus Tuckermannopsis (11 species) is paraphyletic in regard to Esslingeriana idahoensis and “Nephromopsis” weii. Monophyletic origin can be declared only for the Tuckermannopsis ciliaris group. The analysis based on molecular characters exhibits the monophyletic origin of the group including three Tuckneraria species. Monophyly of the genus Ahtiana was not support...
Des donnees morphologiques, anatomiques et chimiques nouvelles sont presentees, concernant les ge... more Des donnees morphologiques, anatomiques et chimiques nouvelles sont presentees, concernant les genres Cetrariopsis. Cetreliopsis et Nephromopsis (lichens). Deux nouvelles especes, Cetrariopsis laii Thell & Randl., Cetreliopsis papuae Randl. & Saag. et une nouvelle sous-espece Cetreliopsis rhytidocarpa subsp. langtangi Randl. & Thell sont decrites. Les combinaisons suivantes sont proposees: Cetrariopsis pallescens (Schaerer) Randl. & Thell, Cetrariopsis pallescens var. citrina (Taylor) Thell & Randl., Cetreliopsis asahinae (Sato) Randl. & Thell, Cetreliopsis endoxanthoides (Awasthi) Randl, & Saag et Cetreliopsis laetefava (Zahlbr.) Randl. & Saag. Cetrariopsis comprend maintenant deux especes, Cetreliopsis, cinq et Nephromopsis, neuf. Ces trois genres, distribues en Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est, sont tous caracterises par un thalle foliace a symetrie dorsiventrale, la presence de pseudocyphelles a la face inferieure, des asques clavules avec, dans le bouchon apical, un corps axial ...
The new lichen genus Tuclcneraria Randlane & Thell is described. The separation from Nephromopsis... more The new lichen genus Tuclcneraria Randlane & Thell is described. The separation from Nephromopsis is based mainly on anatomical characters in the reproductive structures, such as shape and size of ascospores and structures of exciple and ascus, but also on morphological characters thallus surface features and the presence of cilia. The genus Tuckneraria includes the three species T. laureri (Kremp.) Randlane & Thell, T. laxa (Zahlbr.) Randlane & TheU, f. pseudocomplicata (Asah.) Randlane & Saag and the newly described T. ahtii Randlane & Saag. Nephromopsis nipponensis (Asatrina) M.J.Lai is considered synonymous with Tuckneraria pseudocomplicata.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Ph... more The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Phylogenetic analysis, using program PAUP 3.1.1, was carried out on two different data sets – morphological (incl. anatomical and chemical) and molecular characters (ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 rDNA sequences) – to verify the correspondence of current taxonomy to the probable evolution of the taxa involved. The paraphyletic nature of the genus Allocetraria in regard to two species of Dactylina is assumed based on morphological characters. Still, the separation of these genera is strongly supported by the analysis of molecular data. The genus Tuckermannopsis (11 species) is paraphyletic in regard to Esslingeriana idahoensis and “Nephromopsis” weii. Monophyletic origin can be declared only for the Tuckermannopsis ciliaris group. The analysis based on molecular characters exhibits the monophyletic origin of the group including three Tuckneraria species. Monophyly of the genus Ahtiana was not supported by the analysis of morphological data. (Less)
Less intensive harvesting methods (e.g. selection cutting, shelterwood cuttings) are recommended ... more Less intensive harvesting methods (e.g. selection cutting, shelterwood cuttings) are recommended as alternatives to clearcutting for maintaining mature forest biodiversity in the process of forest regeneration. However, the long-term impact of low-intensity harvesting methods have rarely been studied. Our aim was to clarify the long-term effects of repeated selective cutting, thinning and shelterwood cutting on the richness, abundance and species composition of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in Scots pine forests. Data were collected from 25 mature stands located in dry Podzols in south-western Estonia with a known management history for the last 70 years. Altogether 35 vascular plant, 41 bryophyte and 78 lichen species were recorded, including five species with conservational value. Generally, the management history was not related to species richness, except a negative correlation with the species number of epiphytic lichens on conifer trees. In addition, the abundance of...
Understanding the distribution of genetic patterns and structure is an essential target in popula... more Understanding the distribution of genetic patterns and structure is an essential target in population genetics and, thereby, important for conservation genetics. The main aim of our study was to investigate the population genetics of Usnea subfloridana, a widespread lichenised fungus, focusing on a comparison of genetic variation of its populations amongst three geographically remote and disconnected regions, in order to determine relationships amongst environmental data, variation in lichen secondary chemistry and microsatellite data in genotyped populations. In all, 928 Usnea thalli from 17 populations were genotyped using seven specific fungal microsatellite markers. Different measures of genetic diversity (allelic richness, private allelic richness, Nei’s unbiased genetic diversity and clonal diversity) were calculated and compared between lichen populations. Our results revealed a low genetic differentiation of U. subfloridana populations amongst three distant areas in Estonia ...
The dissertation is accepted for the commencement o f the degree o f Doctor philosophiae in botan... more The dissertation is accepted for the commencement o f the degree o f Doctor philosophiae in botany and mycology at the University o f Tartu on December 3, 1997 by the Doctoral Committee o f the Faculty o f Biology and Geography of
The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed i... more The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed in 2021. For most of these species, it was the second Red List assessment using the IUCN system (the first such evaluation was performed in 2008). The main data sources for species occurrence were the records reported in 100 study sites located throughout the country during 2020, and the PlutoF biodiversity database. 125 species remained, according to the new assessment, in the category Least Concern (LC) and their populations are not under threat in Estonia at present. Two species were placed in the category Not Applicable (NA) because of systematic revisions while 33 species were assigned to the categories Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) or Near Threatened (NT); one further species received the status Data Deficient (DD). Thus, the threat status has changed for 22% of the studied species that had generally been considered common in Estonia. The reasons for this change are variable but ...
Un apercu global du genre Nephromopsis Mull. Arg. (fam. Parmeliaceae) est presente. La cle d'... more Un apercu global du genre Nephromopsis Mull. Arg. (fam. Parmeliaceae) est presente. La cle d'identification comprend les 11 especes acceptees dans ce genre (N. endocrocea, N isidioidea, N. komarovii, N. laii, N morrisonicola, N nephromoides, N ornata, N. pallescens, N rugosa, N stracheyi et N yunnanensis); une description detaillee et la distribution mondiale de chacun de ces taxons sont presentees pour la premiere fois. La combinaison nouvelle de Nephromopsis nephromoides (Ny1.) Ahti & Randlane est proposee.
The Estonian eFlora is an example of the new e-learning tools prepared by the KeyToNature consort... more The Estonian eFlora is an example of the new e-learning tools prepared by the KeyToNature consortium. It is an interactive digital identification key for more than 1000 plant species recorded from Estonia. The tool is freely available on the internet in Estonian and English and has two interfaces (dichotomous and multi-entry), which allow the identification of species using different approaches. Another tool developed by KeyToNature, the OpenKeyEditor, allows users not only to edit the text of the existing master key, but also to produce mini-keys restricted to smaller subsets of taxa (e.g. the plants of a park, or a scool garden), and to add user-generated content to them. The reaction to these tools from public media and educational circles has been very positive. Index Terms — education, Estonia, e-tools, identification, key, plants. —————————— u ——————————
The lichen genus Allocetraria (Parmeliaceae) includes eight species distinguished by a palisade p... more The lichen genus Allocetraria (Parmeliaceae) includes eight species distinguished by a palisade plectenchymatous cortex, asci with a very broad axial body, globose or subglobose ascospores, and filiform pycnoconidia. Two new species, A. flavonigrescens Thell et Randl. and A. sinensis Gao, are described, and the new combination A. denticulata (Hue) Thell & Randlane, A. globulans (Nyl.) Thell & Randl., and A. oakesiana (Tuck.) Randl. & Thell are proposed. A potaninii (Oxn.) Randl. & Saag is synonymized with A. stracheyi (Bab.) Kurok. & Lai. The anatomy of the genus is carefully described for the first time.
The formerly monotypic genus Ahtiana (type species: A. sphaerosporella (Mull. Arg.) Goward is sho... more The formerly monotypic genus Ahtiana (type species: A. sphaerosporella (Mull. Arg.) Goward is shown to include two additional species, A. aurescens (Tuck.) Thell & Randl. and A. pallidula (Riddle) Goward & Thell. All three species are endemic to North America, and are characterized by their greenish yellow upper surface, globose ascospores, and caperatic acid in the medulla. The habitat ecology of these lichens is very specialized. Ahtiana is presumably most closely related to Tuckneraria Randl. & Thell and other cetrarioid genera having globose ascospores.
A key for 32 Usnea species which have been reliably recorded in Europe is presented; short descri... more A key for 32 Usnea species which have been reliably recorded in Europe is presented; short descriptions, extrapolated distribution maps and photographs of diagnostic characters are provided for each species.
The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Ph... more The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Phylogenetic analysis, using program PAUP 3.1.1, was carried out on two different data sets – morphological (incl. anatomical and chemical) and molecular characters (ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 rDNA sequences) – to verify the correspondence of current taxonomy to the probable evolution of the taxa involved. The paraphyletic nature of the genus Allocetraria in regard to two species of Dactylina is assumed based on morphological characters. Still, the separation of these genera is strongly supported by the analysis of molecular data. The genus Tuckermannopsis (11 species) is paraphyletic in regard to Esslingeriana idahoensis and “Nephromopsis” weii. Monophyletic origin can be declared only for the Tuckermannopsis ciliaris group. The analysis based on molecular characters exhibits the monophyletic origin of the group including three Tuckneraria species. Monophyly of the genus Ahtiana was not support...
Des donnees morphologiques, anatomiques et chimiques nouvelles sont presentees, concernant les ge... more Des donnees morphologiques, anatomiques et chimiques nouvelles sont presentees, concernant les genres Cetrariopsis. Cetreliopsis et Nephromopsis (lichens). Deux nouvelles especes, Cetrariopsis laii Thell & Randl., Cetreliopsis papuae Randl. & Saag. et une nouvelle sous-espece Cetreliopsis rhytidocarpa subsp. langtangi Randl. & Thell sont decrites. Les combinaisons suivantes sont proposees: Cetrariopsis pallescens (Schaerer) Randl. & Thell, Cetrariopsis pallescens var. citrina (Taylor) Thell & Randl., Cetreliopsis asahinae (Sato) Randl. & Thell, Cetreliopsis endoxanthoides (Awasthi) Randl, & Saag et Cetreliopsis laetefava (Zahlbr.) Randl. & Saag. Cetrariopsis comprend maintenant deux especes, Cetreliopsis, cinq et Nephromopsis, neuf. Ces trois genres, distribues en Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est, sont tous caracterises par un thalle foliace a symetrie dorsiventrale, la presence de pseudocyphelles a la face inferieure, des asques clavules avec, dans le bouchon apical, un corps axial ...
The new lichen genus Tuclcneraria Randlane & Thell is described. The separation from Nephromopsis... more The new lichen genus Tuclcneraria Randlane & Thell is described. The separation from Nephromopsis is based mainly on anatomical characters in the reproductive structures, such as shape and size of ascospores and structures of exciple and ascus, but also on morphological characters thallus surface features and the presence of cilia. The genus Tuckneraria includes the three species T. laureri (Kremp.) Randlane & Thell, T. laxa (Zahlbr.) Randlane & TheU, f. pseudocomplicata (Asah.) Randlane & Saag and the newly described T. ahtii Randlane & Saag. Nephromopsis nipponensis (Asatrina) M.J.Lai is considered synonymous with Tuckneraria pseudocomplicata.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Ph... more The group of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores includes 37 species from eight genera. Phylogenetic analysis, using program PAUP 3.1.1, was carried out on two different data sets – morphological (incl. anatomical and chemical) and molecular characters (ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 rDNA sequences) – to verify the correspondence of current taxonomy to the probable evolution of the taxa involved. The paraphyletic nature of the genus Allocetraria in regard to two species of Dactylina is assumed based on morphological characters. Still, the separation of these genera is strongly supported by the analysis of molecular data. The genus Tuckermannopsis (11 species) is paraphyletic in regard to Esslingeriana idahoensis and “Nephromopsis” weii. Monophyletic origin can be declared only for the Tuckermannopsis ciliaris group. The analysis based on molecular characters exhibits the monophyletic origin of the group including three Tuckneraria species. Monophyly of the genus Ahtiana was not supported by the analysis of morphological data. (Less)
Less intensive harvesting methods (e.g. selection cutting, shelterwood cuttings) are recommended ... more Less intensive harvesting methods (e.g. selection cutting, shelterwood cuttings) are recommended as alternatives to clearcutting for maintaining mature forest biodiversity in the process of forest regeneration. However, the long-term impact of low-intensity harvesting methods have rarely been studied. Our aim was to clarify the long-term effects of repeated selective cutting, thinning and shelterwood cutting on the richness, abundance and species composition of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in Scots pine forests. Data were collected from 25 mature stands located in dry Podzols in south-western Estonia with a known management history for the last 70 years. Altogether 35 vascular plant, 41 bryophyte and 78 lichen species were recorded, including five species with conservational value. Generally, the management history was not related to species richness, except a negative correlation with the species number of epiphytic lichens on conifer trees. In addition, the abundance of...
Understanding the distribution of genetic patterns and structure is an essential target in popula... more Understanding the distribution of genetic patterns and structure is an essential target in population genetics and, thereby, important for conservation genetics. The main aim of our study was to investigate the population genetics of Usnea subfloridana, a widespread lichenised fungus, focusing on a comparison of genetic variation of its populations amongst three geographically remote and disconnected regions, in order to determine relationships amongst environmental data, variation in lichen secondary chemistry and microsatellite data in genotyped populations. In all, 928 Usnea thalli from 17 populations were genotyped using seven specific fungal microsatellite markers. Different measures of genetic diversity (allelic richness, private allelic richness, Nei’s unbiased genetic diversity and clonal diversity) were calculated and compared between lichen populations. Our results revealed a low genetic differentiation of U. subfloridana populations amongst three distant areas in Estonia ...
Papers by Andres Saag