Papers by Andres Parraguirre

En la actualidad, a pesar del avance científico-tecnológico, gran parte de la población mundia... more En la actualidad, a pesar del avance científico-tecnológico, gran parte de la población mundial se encuentra en situación de pobreza o de vulnerabilidad. Es por eso que los emprendedores han generado nuevas formas de organización, entre ellas, las empresas sociales. Una empresa social es una empresa cuya finalidad es resolver un problema social o ambiental, esta compañía no tiene pérdidas pero tampoco dividendos para los accionistas; modelo que se diferencia de las cooperativas, empresas socialmente responsables u otros modelos actuales. Estas empresas han sido un factor importante en el desarrollo algunas regiones, como por ejemplo se puede citar a la Unión Europea, Bangladesh, entre otros sitios. En México, el ecosistema de la empresa social podría decirse que todavía se encuentra inmaduro, sin embargo existen esfuerzos para potenciarlo. Se presenta una amplia lista de recursos para las personas interesadas en investigar o iniciar empresas sociales. El interés y el impacto del modelo seguirán creciendo en años venideros debido al impacto positivo que se ha generado.
Nowadays, despite the scientific and technologic progress, much part of the global population is on poverty or vulnerability. Because of that entrepreneurs have generated new ways of organisation, within these we have social business. A social business is a company which objetive is solving a social or environmental problem. It ́s a non-loss non-dividend company; this model differentiate from cooperatives, corporate social responsibility and other modern models. These companies have been a key development factor in some regiones, for example the European Union, Bangladesh, and many others. In Mexico, it could be said that the social business ecosystem is still immature, however many efforts exist to potentiate it. A wide list of resources is presented for the people that is interested on investigating o start a social business. Interest and impact in this model will keep growing in future years due to the positive impact it has generated.
Tesina realizada para conseguir el titulo de Lic. en Gestión y Dirección de Negocios en la Univer... more Tesina realizada para conseguir el titulo de Lic. en Gestión y Dirección de Negocios en la Universidad Veracruzana.
Papers by Andres Parraguirre
Nowadays, despite the scientific and technologic progress, much part of the global population is on poverty or vulnerability. Because of that entrepreneurs have generated new ways of organisation, within these we have social business. A social business is a company which objetive is solving a social or environmental problem. It ́s a non-loss non-dividend company; this model differentiate from cooperatives, corporate social responsibility and other modern models. These companies have been a key development factor in some regiones, for example the European Union, Bangladesh, and many others. In Mexico, it could be said that the social business ecosystem is still immature, however many efforts exist to potentiate it. A wide list of resources is presented for the people that is interested on investigating o start a social business. Interest and impact in this model will keep growing in future years due to the positive impact it has generated.
Nowadays, despite the scientific and technologic progress, much part of the global population is on poverty or vulnerability. Because of that entrepreneurs have generated new ways of organisation, within these we have social business. A social business is a company which objetive is solving a social or environmental problem. It ́s a non-loss non-dividend company; this model differentiate from cooperatives, corporate social responsibility and other modern models. These companies have been a key development factor in some regiones, for example the European Union, Bangladesh, and many others. In Mexico, it could be said that the social business ecosystem is still immature, however many efforts exist to potentiate it. A wide list of resources is presented for the people that is interested on investigating o start a social business. Interest and impact in this model will keep growing in future years due to the positive impact it has generated.