Papers by Andres A. Aristizabal
Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (Schloss Dagstuhl), Nov 1, 2016
We present sound and complete environmental bisimilarities for a variant of Dybvig et al.'s calcu... more We present sound and complete environmental bisimilarities for a variant of Dybvig et al.'s calculus of multi-prompted delimited-control operators with dynamic prompt generation. The reasoning principles that we obtain generalize and advance the existing techniques for establishing program equivalence in calculi with single-prompted delimited control. The basic theory that we develop is presented using Madiot et al.'s framework that allows for smooth integration and composition of up-to techniques facilitating bisimulation proofs. We also generalize the framework in order to express environmental bisimulations that support equivalence proofs of evaluation contexts representing continuations. This change leads to a novel and powerful up-to technique enhancing bisimulation proofs in the presence of control operators.

We present sound and complete environmental bisimilarities for a variant of Dybvig et al.'s c... more We present sound and complete environmental bisimilarities for a variant of Dybvig et al.'s calculus of multi-prompted delimited-control operators with dynamic prompt generation. The reasoning principles that we obtain generalize and advance the existing techniques for establishing program equivalence in calculi with single-prompted delimited control. The basic theory that we develop is presented using Madiot et al.'s framework that allows for smooth integration and composition of up-to techniques facilitating bisimulation proofs. We also generalize the framework in order to express environmental bisimulations that support equivalence proofs of evaluation contexts representing continuations. This change leads to a novel and powerful up-to technique enhancing bisimulation proofs in the presence of control operators. 1 Introduction Control operators for delimited continuations, introduced independently by Felleisen [12] and by Danvy and Filinski [9], allow the programmer to de...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
We present a theory of environmental bisimilarity for the delimited-control operators shift and r... more We present a theory of environmental bisimilarity for the delimited-control operators shift and reset. We consider two different notions of contextual equivalence: one that does not require the presence of a top-level control delimiter when executing tested terms, and another one, fully compatible with the original CPS semantics of shift and reset, that does. For each of them, we develop sound and complete environmental bisimilarities, and we discuss up-to techniques.
In this doctoral work we aim at developing a new approach to labelled semantics and equivalences ... more In this doctoral work we aim at developing a new approach to labelled semantics and equivalences for the Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP) which will enable a broader capture of processes behavioural equivalence. Moreover, we work towards exploiting the strong connection between first order logic and CCP. Something which will allow us to represent logical formulae in terms of CCP processes and verify its logical equivalence by means of our notion of bisimilarity. Finally, following the lines of the Concurrecy Workbench we plan to implement a CCP Workbench based on our theoretical structure.
2022 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC)

Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica, 2009
Algunas investigaciones demuestran el potencial genotóxico de ciertos plaguicidas sobre los seres... more Algunas investigaciones demuestran el potencial genotóxico de ciertos plaguicidas sobre los seres humanos, lo cual, hace necesario el desarrollo de metodologías que permitan evaluar el impacto de dichas sustancias, para alterar el ADN. El ensayo del cometa alcalino es un método económico, rápido y sensible que detecta, principalmente, rompimientos de cadena sencilla y sitios lábiles al-álcali en células individuales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el da?o en el ADN, en una población de floricultores y agricultores ocupacionalmente en contacto con plaguicidas y compararlo con un grupo control. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre periférica de 101 personas, entre trabajadores expuestos e individuos del grupo control. El ensayo del cometa, se realizó utilizando sangre total y linfocitos aislados, con muestras embebidas en agarosa y puestas sobre una lámina portaobjetos; luego expuestas a una solución de lisis con detergente y, posteriormente, sometidas a una corriente eléctr...

First of all I want to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors Frank D. Valencia and Catus... more First of all I want to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors Frank D. Valencia and Catuscia Palamidessi for their guidance, encouragement, dedication and faith in my work. I am really indebted with them for inspiring me and for enlightening my professional path through their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm for Computer Science. Right now, I can truly say that I have become a better researcher and most relevantly, a better person. Certainly, I have nourished myself from my two supervisors whom have always cared for me in any aspect of my life, always guiding me into the right direction and giving me one of the best environments any student could ever desire. I hope, one day, I can be just like them, professionally and personally. Special thanks to Camilo Rueda, the person that lighted in me the torch of research in theoretical computer science. The first one that believed in my abilities, giving me the opportunity to make my first steps in research, in our group, AVISPA. Also my thanks to the members of this group and specially to Carlos Olarte, for all the invaluable help he gave me during my studies. I also owe a lot to my mentor and friend Filippo Bonchi who believed in me more than myself, who placed me on the right track regarding my research work with his brilliant ideas, his excellent advices and his motivation. Although he only stayed for 6 months at LIX, he still worked with me during the remaining 2 years and a half of my PhD studies, teaching me a great variety of things and as I have already stated, providing me with the basics and guidances for this dissertation to be successfully concluded. My gratitude also goes to Luis Pino a colleague and great friend at LIX who worked side by side with me during most of my studies. Thanks to the DGA and the CNRS for funding my doctoral studies and to iii iv INRIA and the Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'École Polytechnique for allowing me to develop my PhD thesis there. Many thanks to Alejandro Arbeláez, Filippo Bonchi, Sophia Knight, Jorge A. Pérez and Luis Pino to proofread some of the chapters of this dissertation. I am also grateful to María Alpuente, Fabio Gadducci, François Fages, Filippo Bonchi, Carlos Agón and Eva Crück to be part of my jury. I also want to thank my colleagues and friends at LIX,
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, 2011
Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency. Bisimilarity... more Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency. Bisimilarity is one of the central reasoning techniques in concurrency. The standard definition of bisimilarity, however, is not completely satisfactory for ccp since it yields an equivalence that is too fine grained. By building upon recent foundational investigations, we introduce a labelled transition semantics and a novel notion of bisimilarity that is fully abstract w.r.t. the typical observational equivalence in ccp.

Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2012
Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles ... more Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles out the fundamental aspects of asynchronous systems whose agents (or processes) evolve by posting and querying (partial) information in a global medium. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioural equivalence in concurrency theory. However, only recently a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for ccp, and a ccp partition refinement algorithm for deciding the strong version of this equivalence have been proposed. Weak bisimiliarity is a central behavioural equivalence in process calculi and it is obtained from the strong case by taking into account only the actions that are observable in the system. Typically, the standard partition refinement can also be used for deciding weak bisimilarity simply by using Milner's reduction from weak to strong bisimilarity; a technique referred to as saturation. In this paper we demonstrate that, because of its involved labeled transitions, the above-mentioned saturation technique does not work for ccp. We give an alternative reduction from weak ccp bisimilarity to the strong one that allows us to use the ccp partition refinement algorithm for deciding this equivalence.

Science of Computer Programming, 2015
Concurrent constraint programming (CCP) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles ... more Concurrent constraint programming (CCP) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles out the fundamental aspects of asynchronous systems whose agents (or processes) evolve by posting and querying (partial) information in a global medium. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioral equivalence in concurrency theory. However, only recently a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for CCP, and a CCP partition refinement algorithm for deciding the strong version of this equivalence have been proposed. Weak bisimilarity is a central behavioral equivalence in process calculi and it is obtained from the strong case by taking into account only the actions that are observable in the system. Typically, the standard partition refinement can also be used for deciding weak bisimilarity simply by us-✩ This work has been partially supported by the projects ANR-09-BLAN-0345 CPP, ANR 12IS02001 PACE and ANR-09-BLAN-0169-01 PANDA; and by the French Defense procurement agency (DGA) with a PhD grant.
Page 1. Using a Declarative Process Language for P2P Protocols Andrés A. Aristizábal Universidad ... more Page 1. Using a Declarative Process Language for P2P Protocols Andrés A. Aristizábal Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia [email protected] Hugo A. López Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia [email protected] ...
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '12, 2012
Saraswat's concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a mature formalism for modeling processes (... more Saraswat's concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a mature formalism for modeling processes (or programs) that interact by telling and asking constraints in a global medium, called the store. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioural equivalence in concurrency theory, but a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for ccp has been proposed only recently. When the state space of a system is finite, the ordinary notion of bisimilarity can be computed via the well-known partition refinement algorithm, but unfortunately, this algorithm does not work for ccp bisimilarity. In this paper, we propose a variation of the partition refinement algorithm for verifying ccp bisimilarity. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work providing for the automatic verification of program equivalence for ccp.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems can be seen as highly dynamic distributed systems designed for very sp... more Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems can be seen as highly dynamic distributed systems designed for very specific purposes, such as resources sharing in collaborative settings. Because of their ubiquity, it is fundamental to provide techniques for formally proving properties of the communication protocols underlying those systems. In this paper we present a formal specification of MUTE, a protocol for P2P systems, modelled in the SPL process calculus. Furthermore, we use the SPL reasoning techniques to show how the protocol enjoys a secrecy property against outsider attacks. By formally modeling and analyzing a real-world, yet informally specified protocol, we bear witness to the applicability of SPL as a formalism to specify security protocols as well as the flexibility of its reasoning techniques. This paper represents our first approach towards the use of process calculi, in particular SPL, for the specification and reasoning of P2P protocols.
Papers by Andres A. Aristizabal