Papers by Andrej Kielbassa
Hände sind im zahnärztlichen Tätigkeitsbereich ein entscheidender Übertragungsfaktor. Die Verwend... more Hände sind im zahnärztlichen Tätigkeitsbereich ein entscheidender Übertragungsfaktor. Die Verwendung von medizinischen Schutzhandschuhen gehört deshalb zu den wichtigsten infektionsprophylaktischen Maßnahmen in der zahnärztlichen Praxis.

American journal of dentistry, 2008
To evaluate five different mouthrinses with respect to fluoride uptake by sound and demineralized... more To evaluate five different mouthrinses with respect to fluoride uptake by sound and demineralized dentin. The pharmacy-made mouthrinses contained either (1) 0.06% chlorhexidine, (2) 0.025% sodium fluoride, (3) 0.06% chlorhexidine and 0.025% fluoride (NaF) or (4) water (control). Additionally, the commercially available solution (5) Chlorhexamed Lösung 0.06% + F (GlaxoSmithKline) was used. 240 cylindrical dentin blocks were obtained from 120 bovine incisors. Half of the specimens were divided into five groups of 24 samples each and immersed in one of the mouthrinses (2.5 ml/specimen, 30 seconds). Accordingly, the remaining specimens were again divided into five groups of 24 specimens each; prior to treatment with one of the mouthrinses, these specimens were subjected to a demineralization procedure (lesion depth: 90-100 microm) using Buskes' solution for 6 days. All specimens were assessed for KOH-soluble fluoride and structurally bound fluoride immediately after treatment. Struc...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Mercury release from separated amalgam after the use of different disinfectants]](
Schweizer Monatsschrift Fur Zahnmedizin Revue Mensuelle Suisse D Odonto Stomatologie Rivista Mensile Svizzera Di Odontologia E Stomatologia Sso, Feb 1, 1995
Set amalgam, annealed for twelve days, was cut with water cooling and sucked into eight dental un... more Set amalgam, annealed for twelve days, was cut with water cooling and sucked into eight dental units (Systematica 1062 T), equipped with an amalgam separator (Multisystem Type 1). Disinfection of the suction devices was performed with seven commonly used disinfectants according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Rinsing with water served as a control in the last experimental series. The waste water was collected at the beginning of the experiments and after disinfection. Repeating the experiments for seven times resulted in 112 specimens that were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The use of Green & Clean M2 and S & M matic resulted in very low releases of mercury. Disinfection with Alprojet D and Alprojet DD M2 was comparable with the control group. The release of mercury was significantly increased, if compared to Green & Clean and S & M matic (p < or = 0.05). The use of Orotol Ultra, Aseptoclean 2, and Tiutol resulted in significantly higher releases of mercury, if compared to all other disinfectants (p < or = 0.05). Disinfectants containing oxidizing agents provoke an increasing release of mercury, thus accumulating the amounts of mercury in the general environment.
Als Diagnose wird in der Zahnmedizin das Erkennen von Krankheiten bezeichnet. Erst durch die Diag... more Als Diagnose wird in der Zahnmedizin das Erkennen von Krankheiten bezeichnet. Erst durch die Diagnose wird es möglich,ein geeignetes Behandlungskonzept zu erstellen.Die Diagnose basiert dabei auf Informationen, die durch Anamnese und verschiedene Befunde,wie die klinische Inspektion und zusätzliche Tests, gewonnen werden.

ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, 2004
ABSTRACT Bleaching-Verfahren unter Anwendung von Schienen stellten im letzten Jahrzehnt die am hä... more ABSTRACT Bleaching-Verfahren unter Anwendung von Schienen stellten im letzten Jahrzehnt die am häufigsten durchgeführte Form der Bleichtherapie dar, die sowohl zu Hause als auch in der Praxis angewendet wurde. In den letzten Jahren hat das schienenlose In-Office-Bleaching eine mehr und mehr zentrale Rolle im zahnärztlichen Behandlungsspektrum eingenommen. Als mögliche Ursachen für diese Verlagerung des Schwerpunktes hin zum In-Office-Bleaching kommt zum einen der Wunsch des Patienten nach einem unkomplizierten, wenig zeitintensivem, gleichzeitig aber effizienten Aufhellungssystem infrage, zum anderen aber auch das wesentlich größere Indikationsspektrum des In-Office-Bleachings. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Indikationen eingehalten werden und auf thermokatalytische Methoden verzichtet wird, bietet das schienenlose In-Office-Bleaching gegenüber dem Schienenbleichen bzw. gegenüber Verfahren mit niedrig konzentrierten OTCProdukten wesentliche Vorteile.
Journal of Dental Research, 2007
Komposite zeigen dank der schnellen und intensiven werkstoffkundlichen Verbesserungen vor allem i... more Komposite zeigen dank der schnellen und intensiven werkstoffkundlichen Verbesserungen vor allem in den letzten zehn Jahren inzwischen beinahe mit Amalgam vergleichbare gute klinische Ergebnisse. 1 Wie die momentan umfassendste verfügbare Literaturübersicht zum Thema klinische Langzeitergebnisse von zahnärztlichen Restaurationsmaterialien zeigt, liegen die Verlustraten von Amalgam-bzw. Kompositfüllungen mit 0-7 % bzw. 0-9 % in ver-gleichbar niedrigen Bereichen. Allerdings sollte der Zahnarzt bei der Indikationsstellung, der Auswahl des Materials bzw. der richtigen Materialgruppe und insbesondere bei der Verarbeitung keine Kompromisse eingehen. Voraussetzung dafür ist eine umfassende Kenntnis der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Kompositfüllungen; dies trifft für ästhetische und medizinische Gesichtspunkte gleichermaßen zu.
Abb. 2 Abb. 3 Abb. 4 Abb. 5 Abb. 2_ Röntgenologische Ausgangssituation bei einer Patientin mit lo... more Abb. 2 Abb. 3 Abb. 4 Abb. 5 Abb. 2_ Röntgenologische Ausgangssituation bei einer Patientin mit lokalisierter aggressiver Parodontitis. Distal von Zahn 36 imponiert ein vertikaler Defekt. Abb. 3_ Klinische Ausgangssituation Zahn 36: die abgeflachte Papille distal lässt den Defekt erahnen. Das insuffiziente Keramikinlay an Zahn 37 wird nach der parodontalen Therapie ausgetauscht. Abb. 4_ Mikrochirurgischer Zugang: eine papillenerhaltende Schnittführung wurde gewählt. Abb. 5_ Der massive knöcherne Defekt ist dargestellt.

Journal of dental education, 2015
The aims of this study were to develop an endodontic simulation model able to implement the elect... more The aims of this study were to develop an endodontic simulation model able to implement the electronic method of working length determination (electronic apex locators, EALs) in a dental school, to evaluate the practicality of this tool for dental students, and to compare the accuracy of working length measurements achieved by the EAL and the radiographic method. A new simulation model was constructed by embedding extracted human teeth in a self-cured resin, along with a conductive medium. After radiographic and electronic working length determinations, root canal instrumentation was performed by students at a dental school in Austria according to the working lengths obtained from the EAL. Subsequently, root apices (n=44) were longitudinally sectioned using a diamond coated bur. Measurements of the distance between the anatomical root apex (ARA) and the apical constriction (AC) as well as between ARA and the ascertained apical point of endodontic instrumentation were performed using...
Gef�sschirurgie, 2004
Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985), 2010

Operative Dentistry, 2006
This study evaluated the clinical efficacy and duration of effectiveness of a new bleaching lacqu... more This study evaluated the clinical efficacy and duration of effectiveness of a new bleaching lacquer for self-application without the use of mouth guards. It compared two different application times. Forty-six adult subjects who requested bleaching treatment were selected to participate in this randomized, single-blind (examiner-blinded), single center, two-group trial. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups (n=23 each), each being instructed to bleach (8% carbamide peroxide) their six maxillary anterior teeth for two weeks. Daily contact time in Group 1 was 20 minutes once a day and, in Group 2, the time was 20 minutes twice a day. Efficacy was measured subjectively using the Chromascop Complete shade scores obtained at baseline and after one, two and three weeks, as well as after one, three, six and nine months. After two weeks of treatment, the teeth in the Group 1 subjects exhibited a 2.4 +/- 0.2 mean shade scores improvement compared to baseline (p < 0.001; t-test for paired samples), and the subjects' teeth in Group 2 exhibited a 3.5 +/- 0.1 mean shade scores improvement (p < 0.001). However, the difference between both groups was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The observed effects were stable for six months. It can be concluded that the new bleaching lacquer is efficacious; however, a double application does not seem to be obligatory.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2009
Due to inter- and intraexaminer differences, subjective evaluation of tooth color is deemed probl... more Due to inter- and intraexaminer differences, subjective evaluation of tooth color is deemed problematic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of home bleaching products, and to compare visual and computer-aided tooth shade determinations when various agents were applied. Human incisors (n=288) were stained (red wine, black tea) and allocated to 8 groups (n=36). Paint-on varnish (VivaStyle Paint On; 6% carbamide peroxide, CP) was used either for 1 x 20 min/d (VSP1), 2 x 20 min/d (VSP2), or 2 x 5 min/d (VSP25). Paint-on lacquer (Colgate Simply White, CSW; 5.9% hydrogen peroxide, HP) was applied for 2 x 30 min/d. Moreover, bleaching was performed using trays (VivaStyle, VS; 10% CP; 1 x 60 min/d, and Odol-med3 Beauty Kur, OBK; sodium chlorite; 2 x 10 min/d) or whitening strips (blend-a-med Whitestrips, BWS; 5.9% HP; 2 x 30 min/d). Water was used as control (1 x 60 min/d). Tooth shades were determined blindly (Chromascop Complete) after staining and 24 hours after final bleaching (visual and computer-aided assessment). Change in shade was analyzed using nonparametric methods (Kruskal-Wallis) and post hoc tests (Tukey and Kramer) (alpha=.05). Color changed significantly to lighter shades for all active agents. Analysis revealed significant differences among the control and all other groups, and among CSW/BWS versus VSP25/OBK, and VS versus OBK, for both evaluation methods. Additionally, significant differences were spectrophotometrically observed for VSP1/VSP2 versus BWS, and VSP2 versus OBK, with comparable reliabilities (0.995 at baseline; 0.994 after bleaching). Increased bleaching efficacy was observed with high peroxide concentrations; application time did not alter efficacy. Spectrophotometry was reproducible and objective. The 2 assessment methods matched 45.8% of the time.

Journal of Dentistry, 2006
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cavitation rate of proximal caries using different magn... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the cavitation rate of proximal caries using different magnification aids in vitro. Radiographs of 285 extracted teeth were taken and the proximal surfaces were graded to the criteria R0 (no radiolucency), R1 (radiolucency confined to the outer half of enamel), R2 (inner half of enamel) and R3 (outer half of dentin). Subsequently, the proximal surfaces were checked for the presence of cavitations with the naked eye (NE), and by using 4.3 x magnification eyeglasses (ME), a stereo microscope (SM, 10x), or a scanning electron microscope (SEM, up to 2000 x magnification). In surfaces with R3 caries, cavitations were visible in 56 of 59 cases with the naked eye. When using SEM, all surfaces revealed cavitations (100%). Regarding the surfaces with R2 lesion, 36 of 46 cases showed cavitations (NE); the corresponding values were 39/46 (ME), 41/46 (SM), and 46/46 (SEM); in the latter, in most cases deep defects could be observed. With regard to R1 lesions, 36/60 (NE), 43/60 (ME), 45/60 (SM), and 58/60 (SEM) cases revealed cavitations. A breakdown of radiographically sound surfaces (R0) was present in some 10% of the examined surfaces (24/261, NE; 33/261, SEM). Cavitations (defined as breakdown of the surface) are present in significantly more cases than previously reported. This might be an explanation why even small radiolucencies tend to progress, albeit slowly. Thus, close follow-ups should strongly be recommended when considering a preventive treatment regimen with small radiolucencies.
Papers by Andrej Kielbassa