Papers by Andrei Lavruhin

In spite of the “Lukashenko ultimatum”1 given to Belarusian science at the en... more In spite of the “Lukashenko ultimatum”1 given to Belarusian science at the end of 2011, the status quo was still maintained and promised reforms were stalled. Attempts to initiate “internal competition” between academic and university science ran into obstacles due to the inertia of the former and inactivity of the latter. The announced transformation of the funding structure and the increased actual costs for financing scientific, technical, and innovation activity did not change the longstanding trend of science being chronically underfunded. The key problem of linking science with business and industry was still not resolved. Apart from some minor improvements to the situation regarding postgraduates in several disciplines, the general trend of downsizing and ageing of scientific staff continued. Positive results during the year included: improved research intensity figures (up from 0.7% in 2011 to 1% in 2012); Belarus’ rising international ratings (from 52nd to 45th place, according to the Knowledge Index; from 73rd to 59th place, according to the Knowledge Economic Index; and 6th place worldwide for the number of patent applications filed); and various successes in the information technology field.
In the twenty year history of higher education reforms in Belarus and Ukraine, it is possible to ... more In the twenty year history of higher education reforms in Belarus and Ukraine, it is possible to fix two stages: 1) forming the national systems of higher education by the sovereign states and, 2) including the national higher education systems in a process of rapprochement and harmonization with the countries of Europe (Bologna process). Despite identical starting conditions between Belarus and Ukraine there are essential distinctions in the maintenance, rates, results and depth of reforms. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain the presence of an institutional crisis of higher education having common features in both countries. This paper addresses questions about the contradictions and problems that took place in the course of higher education reforms (1991-2011) that have led to the current situation in Ukraine and Belarus.
2# ( # ! ! (! ! " # !! !! ! & # 8 & * . > 3 2# # & # & % % 2 %# " 0 2-) : 3 G $) # %... more 2# ( # ! ! (! ! " # !! !! ! & # 8 & * . > 3 2# # & # & % % 2 %# " 0 2-) : 3 G $) # %# & # ! ( & # % & % % !) : 3 (! !+ ) ' " ! $ ( ! 6! !( ! ) # % ( 6! ! +! (+ !# + %+ # !% 8 & % % ( ' # # !# % % ! ) + ( (% " # % & % % !6 ( " # ) !% % & 7!( $ $ ( # ' % %( ! % !93 ! # " # %# " " $ # !% & % % ( ) % (! # ! >;L & ! %# !) '# ' > 3;L & # % ! (! ( # ! % # T ' ' 3 # # # ) # # & ! 6! % ( % ( ! & +! # %( ( $ !( ! & # $ (! & $ ! & $ $ & !3 2# !% % &( " $ 8 (!6 ,* 0 3BL % ( ! ' # % % = # ! ! " ! 5 $ 0 3?5L-3 $ " ) # % ! 8 & % $ !! & !% % " ! ' + %+! ( 3 E ' $ ) # F( ! ! ! '# 1 # ! ! # & ( & !% ! !3 + ' ,

Ideology and Politics, 2019
С первых лет существования Беларуси в качестве независимого
государства в образовательной политик... more С первых лет существования Беларуси в качестве независимого
государства в образовательной политике был взят курс на сохранение и развитие «самого лучшего в мире» советского высшего образования. Между тем утверждение о мировом превосходстве советской высшей школы критически переосмыслено
современными исследователями и уже давно не является самоочевидным. На этом основании возникают два вопроса: что позволяет называть советскую систему высшего образования лучшей? правомерно ли и в каком отношении считать
белорусскую систему высшего образования наследницей лучших достижений советской высшей школы? Автор статьи отвечает на эти вопросы, опираясь на экспликацию генезиса и сравнительный анализ советской и беларуской систем высшего образования
по трём ключевым параметрам: управление, качество и социальное измерение. В работе обосновывается тезис, согласно которому беларуская система высшего образования близка советской высшей школе 1930–40-х годов по стилю управления, 1950-х годов по качеству образования, 1940–50-х гг. по социальному измерению и концу 1980-х гг. по характеру накопленных проблем.

In spite of the “Lukashenko ultimatum”1 given to Belarusian science at the end of 201... more In spite of the “Lukashenko ultimatum”1 given to Belarusian science at the end of 2011, the status quo was still maintained and promised reforms were stalled. Attempts to initiate “internal competition” between academic and university science ran into obstacles due to the inertia of the former and inactivity of the latter. The announced transformation of the funding structure and the increased actual costs for financing scientific, technical, and innovation activity did not change the longstanding trend of science being chronically underfunded. The key problem of linking science with business and industry was still not resolved. Apart from some minor improvements to the situation regarding postgraduates in several disciplines, the general trend of downsizing and ageing of scientific staff continued. Positive results during the year included: improved research intensity figures (up from 0.7% in 2011 to 1% in 2012); Belarus’ rising international ratings (from 52nd to 45th place, according to the Knowledge Index; from 73rd to 59th place, according to the Knowledge Economic Index; and 6th place worldwide for the number of patent applications filed); and various successes in the information technology field.

The 2011 financial crisis was accompanied by an unprecedented reduction in science budgets. The e... more The 2011 financial crisis was accompanied by an unprecedented reduction in science budgets. The era of primarily state#financed scientific research is now drawing to a close, thus putting the issue of finding mechanisms to commercialise science onto the agenda. This is in line with recently#emerging trends in science#funding policy, and corresponds to the strategic benchmarks of the State Innovation Development Program (SIDP) for 2011–2015, which was adopted in May 2011.The SIDP 2011–2015 sets practical goals for introducing innovationin legislative, institutional, financial, human resources, and infrastructural reform fields. The unrushed implementation of these reforms during the previous five#year period (SIDP 2007–2010) was replaced by convulsive and radical reform attitudes in late 2011 when, against the backdrop of the financial crisis, the critically low level of science funding began to become painfully obvious. The initial year of SIDP 2011–2015 was quite productive in terms of legislative improvements in the fields of science, technology and innovation. But the results from implementing innovation projects were less impressive, due to a number of major infrastructural, staffing, and financial challenges.
Ключевые слова: натуралистская и персоналистская установки, окружающий мир, жизненный мир, габиту... more Ключевые слова: натуралистская и персоналистская установки, окружающий мир, жизненный мир, габитус, кинестеза, идиопсихическая зависимость, габитуальное единство, полное и дорефлексивное знание, патентная и латентная жизнь.
Издание призвано способствовать формированию адекватного понимания целей, ценностей и основных на... more Издание призвано способствовать формированию адекватного понимания целей, ценностей и основных направлений Болонского процесса у студентов, родителей, работодателей и преподавателей, а также вовлечению белорусских стекхолдеров в процесс реформирования в качестве активных участников модернизации системы высшего образования Беларуси.
In the twenty year history of higher education reforms in Belarus and Ukraine, it is possible to ... more In the twenty year history of higher education reforms in Belarus and Ukraine, it is possible to fix two stages:
1) forming the national systems of higher education by the sovereign states and, 2) including the national higher education systems in a process of rapprochement and harmonization with the countries of Europe (Bologna
process). Despite identical starting conditions between Belarus and Ukraine there are essential distinctions in the maintenance, rates, results and depth of reforms. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain the presence of an institutional crisis of higher education having common features in both countries. This paper addresses questions about the contradictions and problems that took place in the course of higher education reforms (1991-2011) that have led to the current situation in Ukraine and Belarus.
В статье автор проанализировал про-
блему взаимосвязи языка, понимания
и бытия в герменевтике Г.-... more В статье автор проанализировал про-
блему взаимосвязи языка, понимания
и бытия в герменевтике Г.-Г. Гадамера.
В центре внимания — двусмысленный
и неоднозначный гадамеровский тезис:
«Бытие, которое может быть понято,
есть язык». Автор, критически пере-
осмысливая деонтологизирующую
интерпретацию этого тезиса извест-
ным исследователем Ж. Гронденом,
выявляет фундаментально-онтоло-
гические предпосылки герменевтиче-
ского анализа языка Г.-Г. Гадамера.
The article advocates philosophy facing the trial of time and
current state of affaires of its ri... more The article advocates philosophy facing the trial of time and
current state of affaires of its right to the further institutional
existence in Belarus and namely: philosophy as a resource of (1)
construction of national identity (through positioning of National
University in the field of social and humanitarian disciplines), (2)
construction of «a worthy citizen» (through positioning of a university
liberal model in liberal arts, and creation of philosopher’s
«loci communes» as a critically thinking intellectual in the public
space), (3) construction of a post-materialistically motivated creative
person necessary for successful realisation of an innovative
policy and construction of a post-industrial society. The place of
philosophy in the national and liberal university of Belarus, as
well as its role in transition from the society of violence to meritocracy
is considered in detail.

The Subject of this research is conceptual models, legislative
bases, practices of implementation... more The Subject of this research is conceptual models, legislative
bases, practices of implementation and effects of reforms of
the higher education in Belarus and Ukraine during the period
from 1991 to 2011. It is possible to fix two stages of reforming of
the higher school: 1) in connection with formation of independent
national policy in the field of the higher education by new
sovereign states and 2) in connection with inclusion of Ukraine
(2005) and Belarus (planned 2012) in process of rapprochement
and harmonization of the higher education of the countries of
Europe (Bologna Process). Despite identical starting conditions –
systems of the higher education of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
were samples of Soviet education – between Belarus and Ukraine
there are essential distinctions in the contents, rates, results and
depth of reforming. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain
existence of institutional crisis of the higher education having
common features in both countries and connected with change
of the nature of social institute of education and modification of
its functional filling in the conditions of commercialization and
massovization of higher education. It does necessary statement
of a question of those contradictions and problems which took
place in the course of transformation of the higher school in reforms
1991–2011 also caused emergence of a modern situation in
Ukraine and Belarus.
Books by Andrei Lavruhin
Кніга кандыдата філасофскіх навук Андрэя Лаўрухіна прысвечана гісторыі нямецкай філасофіі ад Высо... more Кніга кандыдата філасофскіх навук Андрэя Лаўрухіна прысвечана гісторыі нямецкай філасофіі ад Высокага Сярэднявечча да пачатку яе класічнага перыяду. Адрасуецца ўсім, хто цікавіцца гісторыяй сусветнай філасофскай думкі.
Papers by Andrei Lavruhin
государства в образовательной политике был взят курс на сохранение и развитие «самого лучшего в мире» советского высшего образования. Между тем утверждение о мировом превосходстве советской высшей школы критически переосмыслено
современными исследователями и уже давно не является самоочевидным. На этом основании возникают два вопроса: что позволяет называть советскую систему высшего образования лучшей? правомерно ли и в каком отношении считать
белорусскую систему высшего образования наследницей лучших достижений советской высшей школы? Автор статьи отвечает на эти вопросы, опираясь на экспликацию генезиса и сравнительный анализ советской и беларуской систем высшего образования
по трём ключевым параметрам: управление, качество и социальное измерение. В работе обосновывается тезис, согласно которому беларуская система высшего образования близка советской высшей школе 1930–40-х годов по стилю управления, 1950-х годов по качеству образования, 1940–50-х гг. по социальному измерению и концу 1980-х гг. по характеру накопленных проблем.
1) forming the national systems of higher education by the sovereign states and, 2) including the national higher education systems in a process of rapprochement and harmonization with the countries of Europe (Bologna
process). Despite identical starting conditions between Belarus and Ukraine there are essential distinctions in the maintenance, rates, results and depth of reforms. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain the presence of an institutional crisis of higher education having common features in both countries. This paper addresses questions about the contradictions and problems that took place in the course of higher education reforms (1991-2011) that have led to the current situation in Ukraine and Belarus.
блему взаимосвязи языка, понимания
и бытия в герменевтике Г.-Г. Гадамера.
В центре внимания — двусмысленный
и неоднозначный гадамеровский тезис:
«Бытие, которое может быть понято,
есть язык». Автор, критически пере-
осмысливая деонтологизирующую
интерпретацию этого тезиса извест-
ным исследователем Ж. Гронденом,
выявляет фундаментально-онтоло-
гические предпосылки герменевтиче-
ского анализа языка Г.-Г. Гадамера.
current state of affaires of its right to the further institutional
existence in Belarus and namely: philosophy as a resource of (1)
construction of national identity (through positioning of National
University in the field of social and humanitarian disciplines), (2)
construction of «a worthy citizen» (through positioning of a university
liberal model in liberal arts, and creation of philosopher’s
«loci communes» as a critically thinking intellectual in the public
space), (3) construction of a post-materialistically motivated creative
person necessary for successful realisation of an innovative
policy and construction of a post-industrial society. The place of
philosophy in the national and liberal university of Belarus, as
well as its role in transition from the society of violence to meritocracy
is considered in detail.
bases, practices of implementation and effects of reforms of
the higher education in Belarus and Ukraine during the period
from 1991 to 2011. It is possible to fix two stages of reforming of
the higher school: 1) in connection with formation of independent
national policy in the field of the higher education by new
sovereign states and 2) in connection with inclusion of Ukraine
(2005) and Belarus (planned 2012) in process of rapprochement
and harmonization of the higher education of the countries of
Europe (Bologna Process). Despite identical starting conditions –
systems of the higher education of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
were samples of Soviet education – between Belarus and Ukraine
there are essential distinctions in the contents, rates, results and
depth of reforming. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain
existence of institutional crisis of the higher education having
common features in both countries and connected with change
of the nature of social institute of education and modification of
its functional filling in the conditions of commercialization and
massovization of higher education. It does necessary statement
of a question of those contradictions and problems which took
place in the course of transformation of the higher school in reforms
1991–2011 also caused emergence of a modern situation in
Ukraine and Belarus.
Books by Andrei Lavruhin
государства в образовательной политике был взят курс на сохранение и развитие «самого лучшего в мире» советского высшего образования. Между тем утверждение о мировом превосходстве советской высшей школы критически переосмыслено
современными исследователями и уже давно не является самоочевидным. На этом основании возникают два вопроса: что позволяет называть советскую систему высшего образования лучшей? правомерно ли и в каком отношении считать
белорусскую систему высшего образования наследницей лучших достижений советской высшей школы? Автор статьи отвечает на эти вопросы, опираясь на экспликацию генезиса и сравнительный анализ советской и беларуской систем высшего образования
по трём ключевым параметрам: управление, качество и социальное измерение. В работе обосновывается тезис, согласно которому беларуская система высшего образования близка советской высшей школе 1930–40-х годов по стилю управления, 1950-х годов по качеству образования, 1940–50-х гг. по социальному измерению и концу 1980-х гг. по характеру накопленных проблем.
1) forming the national systems of higher education by the sovereign states and, 2) including the national higher education systems in a process of rapprochement and harmonization with the countries of Europe (Bologna
process). Despite identical starting conditions between Belarus and Ukraine there are essential distinctions in the maintenance, rates, results and depth of reforms. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain the presence of an institutional crisis of higher education having common features in both countries. This paper addresses questions about the contradictions and problems that took place in the course of higher education reforms (1991-2011) that have led to the current situation in Ukraine and Belarus.
блему взаимосвязи языка, понимания
и бытия в герменевтике Г.-Г. Гадамера.
В центре внимания — двусмысленный
и неоднозначный гадамеровский тезис:
«Бытие, которое может быть понято,
есть язык». Автор, критически пере-
осмысливая деонтологизирующую
интерпретацию этого тезиса извест-
ным исследователем Ж. Гронденом,
выявляет фундаментально-онтоло-
гические предпосылки герменевтиче-
ского анализа языка Г.-Г. Гадамера.
current state of affaires of its right to the further institutional
existence in Belarus and namely: philosophy as a resource of (1)
construction of national identity (through positioning of National
University in the field of social and humanitarian disciplines), (2)
construction of «a worthy citizen» (through positioning of a university
liberal model in liberal arts, and creation of philosopher’s
«loci communes» as a critically thinking intellectual in the public
space), (3) construction of a post-materialistically motivated creative
person necessary for successful realisation of an innovative
policy and construction of a post-industrial society. The place of
philosophy in the national and liberal university of Belarus, as
well as its role in transition from the society of violence to meritocracy
is considered in detail.
bases, practices of implementation and effects of reforms of
the higher education in Belarus and Ukraine during the period
from 1991 to 2011. It is possible to fix two stages of reforming of
the higher school: 1) in connection with formation of independent
national policy in the field of the higher education by new
sovereign states and 2) in connection with inclusion of Ukraine
(2005) and Belarus (planned 2012) in process of rapprochement
and harmonization of the higher education of the countries of
Europe (Bologna Process). Despite identical starting conditions –
systems of the higher education of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
were samples of Soviet education – between Belarus and Ukraine
there are essential distinctions in the contents, rates, results and
depth of reforming. At the same time, a number of experts ascertain
existence of institutional crisis of the higher education having
common features in both countries and connected with change
of the nature of social institute of education and modification of
its functional filling in the conditions of commercialization and
massovization of higher education. It does necessary statement
of a question of those contradictions and problems which took
place in the course of transformation of the higher school in reforms
1991–2011 also caused emergence of a modern situation in
Ukraine and Belarus.