Papers by Andrei Grinev or Grinёv

The 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
celebrated this year, forces us t... more The 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
celebrated this year, forces us to pay closer attention to its problems. One of them is the assessment of the real scientific achievements of full members of the RAS. To solve this problem, the scientometric approach was used, despite certain limitations and disadvantages inherent in it, as discussed in the article presented to the reader. The object of the study was the publication indicators of academicians, mainly members of the History Section of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (HS DHPS RAS). In turn, the source of digital information for scientometric analysis were bibliographic databases — the European BDB Scopus and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). In these databases, in addition to statistical data, those metrics were selected that make it possible to most objectively describe the results of the scientific activities of domestic academic representing, at least from a formal point of view, represent the best of the best of Russian historical science. However, as the study showed, there are some doubts about the validity of awarding high academic titles to a significant part of the representatives of the HS DHPS RAS, since their real scientific achievements do not provide any compelling grounds for this due to non-compliance with the requirements of the RAS Charter.

Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography (TIPG 2023), Springer Geography, 2024
The article examines the distortion of history and historical memory in the modern West under the... more The article examines the distortion of history and historical memory in the modern West under the influence of political correctness. The material for analysis was taken from the Russian Internet portal InoSMI, which has been publishing translations of articles from various foreign newspapers and magazines (mainly European and American) for many years. The portal’s attention to the problem of political correctness is not accidental, since having become a noticeable social phenomenon in the West for several decades, political correctness has begun to have an increasing impact on various spheres of society. Historical science, education and historical memory did not escape the attention and influence of political correctness. This was especially noticeable in the summer of 2020, when an acute socio-political crisis erupted in the United States after the death of an African American, George Floyd, who was detained by the police, which led to a mass movement for the demolition of historical monuments to European colonialists, Confederate Southerners and other “politically incorrect” historical characters. The InoSMI Internet portal has repeatedly introduced its readers to this and other topics related directly or indirectly to political correctness and the historical past.
Russian views of the unknown coast: Shvetsov's accounts of the Oregon and northern California coastline during the sea otter trade, 1808-09, 2024
Early-nineteenth century Russian accounts of the coastline between Alaska and Fort Ross are rare.... more Early-nineteenth century Russian accounts of the coastline between Alaska and Fort Ross are rare. This article helps fill this gap, providing diary accounts by Russian American Company employee, Afanasy Shvetsov, of two joint Russian-American sea otter hunting trips along the Oregon and northern California coasts in 1808-09. Recently recovered and translated, these accounts aptly describe landscapes and biota, as well as Russian, American, and conscripted Aleut and Kodiak Alutiiq hunters' interactions with Native American communities. Presented in their historical, geographical, and anthropological context, Shvetsov's accounts offer a rare, revealing glimpse of early European encounters with this contact-period coastline.

Problems of Scientometrics and its Suitability for Management Scientific Activity in Modern Russia (in Rus), 2024
АННОТАЦИЯ Целью исследования является критический анализ российской практики использования основн... more АННОТАЦИЯ Целью исследования является критический анализ российской практики использования основных показателей наукометрии в управленческой деятельности на различных уровнях. Для достижения этой цели потребовалось решить несколько задач, а именно: изучить основные наукометрические параметры; определить степень точности и надежности информации, индексируемой основными библиографическими базами данных; сформулировать ряд принципов управленческой практики, связанной с наукометрией; выявить и рассмотреть недостатки управленческих решений, зафиксированных в нормативных документах; разработать рекомендации, направленные на урегулирование ряда проблем, касающихся использования наукометрических индикаторов. В основе исследования-как общенаучные теоретические методы: индукция и дедукция, анализ и синтез, системный подход, социальное моделирование, сравнительно-типологический и сравнительно-аналитический метод, так и практические методы: работа с документами, анализ печатных и электронных источников информации, контент-анализ и библиографическое сочетание документов. В ходе работы было выявлено, что наукометрии в ее прикладном варианте пока явно не хватает достоверности как из-за несовершенств, связанных как с ее основными показателями во всех базах данных, так и с индексацией в них публикаций, а также в силу управленческих просчетов, отражающихся в нормативных актах. В частности, в свете текущих политических событий, вызванных СВО, и в связи с затрудненным доступом к западным базам библиографических данных, со всей очевидностью встает проблема кардинальной реорганизации Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ) и перехода на новую систему наукометрических показателей. Полученные в результате проведенного исследования данные и рекомендации помогут управленческим структурам избежать очевидных упущений и ошибок в планировании и контроле научной деятельности сотрудников вузов и академических НИИ, а также оптимизировать наукометрическую отчетность. Ключевые слова: наукометрия; наукометрические показатели; управленческие принципы; библиометрические базы данных; Scopus; Web of Science; РИНЦ Для цитирования: Гринёв А. В. Проблемы наукометрии и ее пригодность для управления научной деятельностью в современной России.

The Problem of Scientometric Assessment of Monographs in Modern Russia, 2024
The Problem of Scientometric Assessment of Monographs
in Modern Russia
The analysis of the proble... more The Problem of Scientometric Assessment of Monographs
in Modern Russia
The analysis of the problem of the scientometric rating of monographs in the modern Russian scientific and educational sphere, carried out in the article, indicates their obvious discrimination, and sometimes simply unacceptably low assessment by the majority of management structures, from the ministerial level to the administrations of domestic universities and academic institutions. This is clearly manifested in various kinds of regulations and figures of control indicators of the relevant standards. At the same time, the process of initially hidden discrimination against monographs was launched by the governing state bodies in 2006, and after 2012 it acquired legalized forms, accompanied by a fetishization of scientometrics and journal periodicals indexed by leading international
bibliographic databases. Therefore, at present, a radical revision of the assessment of monographs is urgently needed both in the domestic regulatory framework and in university or institute practice. For a more objective scientometric examination of monographs, the author proposed an original formula for their differentiated assessment with the introduction of a number of additional indicators with different weighting factors.

Loans and Debts in Russian America as a Socio-Economic Problem, 2023
The purpose of the article is to analyze such socio-economic phenomena
as loans and debts in the ... more The purpose of the article is to analyze such socio-economic phenomena
as loans and debts in the former Russian colonies in Alaska (the second half of the 18th–1867). This topic has not yet been the object of special study in domestic and foreign historiography. At the same time, natural and financial loans and debt obligations played an exceptionally important role in the activities of various merchant companies engaged in the commercial development of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska from the
middle of the 18th century. They acquired no less importance in the activities of the monopoly Russian-American Company (RAC), to which the tsarist government transferred control of its overseas possessions in 1799. Three forms of lending were practiced in Russian America: 1) in the form of commodity loans, 2) in the form of cash loans, 3) a mixed option. At the same time, the first form of lending was the only one in the relationship of Russians with the natives of Alaska. Without prior material subsidies and loans, the normal economic life of the Russian colonies would be completely paralyzed. However, loans and credits generated debts, and the debt problem for decades complicated the financial activities of the RAC and the socio-psychological atmosphere of colonial society, and attempts to resolve it were not successful. Moreover, one of the reasons for the difficult economic situation of the company in the 1860s was the exorbitant debt burden, which indirectly influenced the decision of the tsarist government to sell Russian America to the USA in 1867.

Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2023
The article critically examines the publications of modern Russian economists on the history of t... more The article critically examines the publications of modern Russian economists on the history of the former Russian colonies in the New World, sold in 1867 to the United States and subsequently forming the territory of the state of Alaska. Paradoxically, economists tend to mainly examine historical problems of Russian America, while some historians research economy, although everything should be just the opposite. The monitoring of scholarship conducted by the author reveals about a dozen works of professional economists-Candidates and Doctors of Sciences-who devoted their works (in whole or in part) to certain problems of Russian America: the earliest work is dated by 2011, and the most recent articles-by 2021. The depressingly low academic level of the vast majority of the analyzed works should be pointed out with regret. The fact is that Russian economists, for some unclear reason, almost completely ignore a wide range of published documentary sources, not to mention archival materials. The latter, if they are used, are not directly related to the history of Russian colonies in the New World. In the same way, national economists stubbornly avoid getting acquainted with the current Russian historiography about the past of Russian America and do not use more or less modern foreign scientific literature about it at all. Instead of academic works, economists often turn to non-scientific publications (including writings on alternative history) and Internet sites with highly questionable content. The natural result is a large number of errors, inaccuracies and incorrect conclusions, which are sometimes supplemented by negligently prepared bibliography and lack of elementary publication culture: almost all national economists economize on references/footnotes in their works: it is often completely impossible to understand where this or that information comes from. Thus, there is an imitation of scholarly activity and all sorts of dilettantism instead of real useful research on the history and economy of Russian America.
Russia's place on the tree of civilizations from an economic point of view, 2021

Some Issues in Contemporary Scientometrics, Scientific Policy and the Necessity for Establishing Scientometric Subdisciplines, 2023
The article justifies dividing scientometrics into two branches, one of which is associated with ... more The article justifies dividing scientometrics into two branches, one of which is associated with the human factor that leads to various statistical deviations, further exacerbated by the practice of accounting for scientific works in bibliometric databases. Methods. As the article focuses on analysing scientometrics as a scientific discipline with the identification of specific sub-disciplines, the main emphasis is placed on general scientific theoretical and practical methods, including the bibliographic combination of documents method. Furthermore, the self-ethnography method was partially applied. Results and Discussion. A brief critical overview of the primary scientometric indicators is provided, and their flaws, along with the deficiencies of indexing scientific works in foreign databases and the
Russian Science Citation Index, are examined. The discrediting of scientometrics is also significantly aided by predictive errors in the scientific policies of governmental and administrative bodies, as illustrated by specific examples in the article. Given this, the author suggests the introduction of a subdiscipline such as scientometric political science, alongside the institutionalisation of other similar subdisciplines (like scientometric sociology, economics, geography, etc.). Conclusion. The proposal is to offset the drawbacks of the three main scientometric indicators through their elaboration and extensive use of supplementary metrics, including new ones. The conclusion drawn is that addressing the issue of co-authorship is crucial as it frequently leads to various misuses and significantly skews scientometric data. Considering the current sanctions policy, a reorganisation of the Russian Science Citation Index is suggested. Moreover, it is advised to considerably broaden the scope of scientometrics by collaborating with other sciences
and introducing new interdisciplinary subdisciplines with relevant journal publications.

Article: The Problem of Scientometric Discrimination of Russian Humanities Scholars, 2023
В статье анализируется малоисследованная, но весьма актуальная проблема наукометрической дискрими... more В статье анализируется малоисследованная, но весьма актуальная проблема наукометрической дискриминации представителей гуманитарных дисциплин в России. Характеризуя недостатки основных наукометрических показателей, автор отмечает, что изначально скрытая дискриминация гуманитариев связана с использованием библиометрической базы данных Web of Science, в рамках которой не происходит вычисления импакт-фактора гуманитарных журналов и расчета их квартильной метрики. Исследуя далее наукометрическую дискриминацию гуманитариев на конкретном российском материале, автор указывает, что начало этому процессу было положено в 2006 г., когда вышел приказ Министерства высшего и среднего образования РФ, вводящий наукометрические показатели, которые явно ущемляли интересы представителей гуманитарных дисциплин. Затем эта традиция продолжилась и с 2013 г. произошел сознательный, прямой и узаконенный акт наукометрической дискриминации в отношении гуманитариев, когда правительство приняло постановление о новых публикационных требованиях, относящихся к защите диссертаций. Эту дискриминацию нередко усиливает администрация университетов, вводя различные наукометрические нормативы, в результате чего преподаватели-гуманитарии ставятся в неравное положение с представителями естественных и технических наук. В статье анализируется реакция гуманитарного сообщества на дискриминационные меры властей, а также личный опыт автора как преподавателя гуманитарных дисциплин в техническом вузе. Ключевые слова: наукометрия, наукометрические показатели, библиометрические базы данных, наукометрическая дискриминация.

Русская Америка и ее проблемы на страницах трудов современных отечественных экономистов, 2023
В статье критически рассматриваются публикации современных российских экономистов по истории бывш... more В статье критически рассматриваются публикации современных российских экономистов по истории бывших российских колоний в Новом Свете, проданных в 1867 г. США и составивших впоследствии территорию штата Аляска. Парадокс заключается в том, что представители экономической науки предпочитают заниматься преимущественно историческими проблемами Русской Америки, в то время как некоторые ученые историки — экономическими, хотя все должно быть наоборот. Проведенный автором мониторинг научной литературы выявил около десятка произведений профессиональных экономистов — кандидатов и докторов наук, — посвятивших свои труды (полностью или частично) тем или иным проблемам Русской Америки: наиболее ранняя
работа датирована 2011 г., а самые последние статьи — 2021 г. Приходится с сожалением констатировать удручающе низкий научный уровень подавляющей части анализируемых произведений. Дело в том, что российские экономисты по неясной причине почти полностью игнорируют обширный круг опубликованных документальных источников, не говоря уже об архивных материалах. Последние если и используются, то не связаны напрямую с историей российских колоний в Новом Свете. Равным образом отечественные экономисты упорно избегают знакомства с актуальной российской историографией о прошлом Русской Америки, а более или менее современную зарубежную научную литературу о ней не используют вовсе. Вместо академических трудов ученые-экономисты нередко используют ненаучные публикации (включая сочинения по альтернативной истории) и интернет-ресурсы весьма сомнительного содержания.
Закономерным результатом является большое количество ошибок, неточностей и некорректных выводов, которые порой дополняются небрежностью в оформлении библиографии и игнорированием элементарной публикационной культуры: почти всем работам отечественных экономистов присуща экономия на ссылках/сносках, а потому зачастую понять, откуда заимствована та или иная информация, совершенно невозможно. В результате происходит имитация научной деятельности и разного рода дилетантские потуги вместо реальных полезных исследований по истории и экономике
Русской Америки.

Country Index as a Synthesis of Scientometrics, Geography and International Reputation, 2022
Разработанный автором кантри-индекс в его различных вариантах способен стать еще одним полезным в... more Разработанный автором кантри-индекс в его различных вариантах способен стать еще одним полезным вспомогательным наукометрическим индикатором, демонстрирующим при условии полноценного исходного цифрового материала реальную степень международной популярности работ ученого и уровень его репутации. Конечно, как и иные наукометрические индикаторы, кантри-индекс не лишен определенных недостатков. Тем не менее, при его правильном применении и беспристрастном учете его показаний, он может превратиться в один из барьеров, препятствующих нарушению научной этики и социальной справедливости при решении кадровых вопросов, премирования, выделения грантов или присуждения почетных степеней и академических званий. Использование кантри-индексов в наукометрической практике может дать стимул для более широких статистических и теоретических исследований и обобщений, способных обогатить науку, а также при разработке различных рейтинговых систем. Данные кантри-индекса смогут заинтересовать не только профессионалов в области наукометрии, но и социологов, психологов, а возможно, и специалистов других научных направлений.
The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the works of legal specialists on various legal ... more The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the works of legal specialists on various legal documents and problems related to the history of the Russian colonies in America (XVIII — 1867). Until now, legal historiography has been largely ignored by Russian historians. For their part, legal scholars usually use (if at all use) a very limited range of scientific works and sources on the history of Russian America, which significantly impoverishes their writings and devalues the scientific significance of legal literature, often leading to various inaccuracies and errors. On the whole, the author of the article regretfully has to state the depressingly low scientific level of a significant part of the legal periodicals related to the historical past of Russian possessions in the New World.

Psychological Portrait of the Eskimos of Alaska Based on Russian Historical Sources (1763–1867) (in Russian), 2022
ABSTRACT. Historical psychology, that is, the fixation and analysis of the psychological characte... more ABSTRACT. Historical psychology, that is, the fixation and analysis of the psychological characteristics of various social and ethnic groups in the past, is of undoubted interest to science. The obtained comparative material makes it possible to trace the dynamics, trends and patterns of evolution of the psyche of human communities over a certain period of time. The study, based on the analysis of domestic historical sources of the period of Russian America, clearly demonstrates the fact that the Russian colonization of Alaska had a certain, albeit uneven, impact on the
psychology of the local Eskimos (with the exception of the northernmost groups). If among the southern Eskimos (Alutiiq / Sugpiaq and Chugach) changes in the group mentality were quite noticeable, then among the central and northern Eskimo groups (Yupik, Iñupiaq) such changes were much less pronounced. Such differentiation was a consequence of both the duration and intensity of contacts with the Russians, and the result of the economic and political dependence of the natives. If the southern Eskimos were subjugated by the Russians by force of arms already in the 1780s — 1790s and began to be actively involved in the hunting of sea otters, then the Eskimo groups living to the north only from the 1820s began to get involved in the fur trade without forceful subordination on the
part of the Russians, and therefore their psychology changed much less significantly. The activities of the Russian Orthodox missionaries also had a certain influence on the traditional psychology of the Eskimos, although this factor should not be exaggerated.

Women's labor in Russian America, 2022
The topic of the use of female labor in the Russian colonies in the New World has not yet been fu... more The topic of the use of female labor in the Russian colonies in the New World has not yet been fully studied, since researchers have usually been attracted only by the activities of women who came to Alaska from Russia and Europe. However, the bulk of the female population of Alaska at that time was not made up of them but rather of Unangan (Aleuts), and Alutiiq/Sugpiaq, and other Alaska Natives, and from the very beginning of Russian colonization Indigenous women were used in work by the newcomers, often in a forced way. The scale of the use of female labor increased sharply after the founding of permanent Russian settlements in America (from 1784). Only after naval officers came to power in the colonies (from 1818) did the labor of Indigenous women began to be regularly rewarded, albeit very insignificantly. The natives of the metropolis, of whom there were always very few in the colonies, mainly kept up the households and only occasionally worked as servants, livestock tenders, midwives, and caretakers of schools for girls. Their contribution to the general labor effort was not comparable to the scale of the work of Indigenous women.

Russian Politics
The branch of public knowledge that is designated as “historical science” has its own mythology. ... more The branch of public knowledge that is designated as “historical science” has its own mythology. It is based not only on one-sided historical facts, but also on various theoretical concepts. Some historical and theoretical myths are peculiar to individual countries, while others are more widespread, for example, the myth of democracy as the power of the people. Now in Russia there is final approval for the concept of the “Great Russian Revolution of 1917,” which is another pseudoscientific myth that quite happily coexists with the old myth of socialism in the USSR. The new myth enjoys full support from the authorities and is positively accepted by the vast majority of the Russian scholarly community, which is entirely dependent on the state and adapts to its policies quite consciously or by force of habit. This article attempts not only to critically analyze the concept of the “Great Russian Revolution” as another phenomenon of Russian historical mythology, but also to present a dif...
The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the works of legal specialists on various legal ... more The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the works of legal specialists on various legal documents and problems related to the history of the Russian colonies in America (XVIII — 1867). Until now, legal historiography has been largely ignored by Russian historians. For their part, legal scholars usually use (if at all use) a very limited range of scientific works and sources on the history of Russian America, which significantly impoverishes their writings and devalues the scientific significance of legal literature, often leading to various inaccuracies and errors. On the whole, the author of the article regretfully has to state the depressingly low scientific level of a significant part of the legal periodicals related to the historical past of Russian possessions in the New World

The Birth of a New Pseudo-Historical Myth in Modern Russia: How Two Revolutions Were Made into One, 2022
The branch of public knowledge that is designated as "historical science" has its own mythology. ... more The branch of public knowledge that is designated as "historical science" has its own mythology. It is based not only on one-sided historical facts, but also on various theoretical concepts. Some historical and theoretical myths are peculiar to individual countries, while others are more widespread, for example, the myth of democracy as the power of the people. Now in Russia there is final approval for the concept of the "Great Russian Revolution of 1917," which is another pseudoscientific myth that quite happily coexists with the old myth of socialism in the USSR. The new myth enjoys full support from the authorities and is positively accepted by the vast majority of the Russian scholarly community, which is entirely dependent on the state and adapts to its policies quite consciously or by force of habit. This article attempts not only to critically analyze the concept of the "Great Russian Revolution" as another phenomenon of Russian historical mythology, but also to present a different explanation for the events of 1917 in Russia.
The Scientometric Portrait of a Scientist (in Rus.), 2022
В статье критически анализируются существующие инструменты оценки научных достижений учёного, пре... more В статье критически анализируются существующие инструменты оценки научных достижений учёного, предлагается их кардинальный пересмотр с помощью стандартизированного набора наукометрических показателей, в том числе с использованием новых метрик-квартильного и кантри-индексов, разработанных автором. Это позволит не только нарисовать более объективный наукометрический портрет специалиста, но также поможет заложить основу для развития нового научного направления-наукометрической антропологии.
Papers by Andrei Grinev or Grinёv
celebrated this year, forces us to pay closer attention to its problems. One of them is the assessment of the real scientific achievements of full members of the RAS. To solve this problem, the scientometric approach was used, despite certain limitations and disadvantages inherent in it, as discussed in the article presented to the reader. The object of the study was the publication indicators of academicians, mainly members of the History Section of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (HS DHPS RAS). In turn, the source of digital information for scientometric analysis were bibliographic databases — the European BDB Scopus and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). In these databases, in addition to statistical data, those metrics were selected that make it possible to most objectively describe the results of the scientific activities of domestic academic representing, at least from a formal point of view, represent the best of the best of Russian historical science. However, as the study showed, there are some doubts about the validity of awarding high academic titles to a significant part of the representatives of the HS DHPS RAS, since their real scientific achievements do not provide any compelling grounds for this due to non-compliance with the requirements of the RAS Charter.
in Modern Russia
The analysis of the problem of the scientometric rating of monographs in the modern Russian scientific and educational sphere, carried out in the article, indicates their obvious discrimination, and sometimes simply unacceptably low assessment by the majority of management structures, from the ministerial level to the administrations of domestic universities and academic institutions. This is clearly manifested in various kinds of regulations and figures of control indicators of the relevant standards. At the same time, the process of initially hidden discrimination against monographs was launched by the governing state bodies in 2006, and after 2012 it acquired legalized forms, accompanied by a fetishization of scientometrics and journal periodicals indexed by leading international
bibliographic databases. Therefore, at present, a radical revision of the assessment of monographs is urgently needed both in the domestic regulatory framework and in university or institute practice. For a more objective scientometric examination of monographs, the author proposed an original formula for their differentiated assessment with the introduction of a number of additional indicators with different weighting factors.
as loans and debts in the former Russian colonies in Alaska (the second half of the 18th–1867). This topic has not yet been the object of special study in domestic and foreign historiography. At the same time, natural and financial loans and debt obligations played an exceptionally important role in the activities of various merchant companies engaged in the commercial development of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska from the
middle of the 18th century. They acquired no less importance in the activities of the monopoly Russian-American Company (RAC), to which the tsarist government transferred control of its overseas possessions in 1799. Three forms of lending were practiced in Russian America: 1) in the form of commodity loans, 2) in the form of cash loans, 3) a mixed option. At the same time, the first form of lending was the only one in the relationship of Russians with the natives of Alaska. Without prior material subsidies and loans, the normal economic life of the Russian colonies would be completely paralyzed. However, loans and credits generated debts, and the debt problem for decades complicated the financial activities of the RAC and the socio-psychological atmosphere of colonial society, and attempts to resolve it were not successful. Moreover, one of the reasons for the difficult economic situation of the company in the 1860s was the exorbitant debt burden, which indirectly influenced the decision of the tsarist government to sell Russian America to the USA in 1867.
Russian Science Citation Index, are examined. The discrediting of scientometrics is also significantly aided by predictive errors in the scientific policies of governmental and administrative bodies, as illustrated by specific examples in the article. Given this, the author suggests the introduction of a subdiscipline such as scientometric political science, alongside the institutionalisation of other similar subdisciplines (like scientometric sociology, economics, geography, etc.). Conclusion. The proposal is to offset the drawbacks of the three main scientometric indicators through their elaboration and extensive use of supplementary metrics, including new ones. The conclusion drawn is that addressing the issue of co-authorship is crucial as it frequently leads to various misuses and significantly skews scientometric data. Considering the current sanctions policy, a reorganisation of the Russian Science Citation Index is suggested. Moreover, it is advised to considerably broaden the scope of scientometrics by collaborating with other sciences
and introducing new interdisciplinary subdisciplines with relevant journal publications.
работа датирована 2011 г., а самые последние статьи — 2021 г. Приходится с сожалением констатировать удручающе низкий научный уровень подавляющей части анализируемых произведений. Дело в том, что российские экономисты по неясной причине почти полностью игнорируют обширный круг опубликованных документальных источников, не говоря уже об архивных материалах. Последние если и используются, то не связаны напрямую с историей российских колоний в Новом Свете. Равным образом отечественные экономисты упорно избегают знакомства с актуальной российской историографией о прошлом Русской Америки, а более или менее современную зарубежную научную литературу о ней не используют вовсе. Вместо академических трудов ученые-экономисты нередко используют ненаучные публикации (включая сочинения по альтернативной истории) и интернет-ресурсы весьма сомнительного содержания.
Закономерным результатом является большое количество ошибок, неточностей и некорректных выводов, которые порой дополняются небрежностью в оформлении библиографии и игнорированием элементарной публикационной культуры: почти всем работам отечественных экономистов присуща экономия на ссылках/сносках, а потому зачастую понять, откуда заимствована та или иная информация, совершенно невозможно. В результате происходит имитация научной деятельности и разного рода дилетантские потуги вместо реальных полезных исследований по истории и экономике
Русской Америки.
psychology of the local Eskimos (with the exception of the northernmost groups). If among the southern Eskimos (Alutiiq / Sugpiaq and Chugach) changes in the group mentality were quite noticeable, then among the central and northern Eskimo groups (Yupik, Iñupiaq) such changes were much less pronounced. Such differentiation was a consequence of both the duration and intensity of contacts with the Russians, and the result of the economic and political dependence of the natives. If the southern Eskimos were subjugated by the Russians by force of arms already in the 1780s — 1790s and began to be actively involved in the hunting of sea otters, then the Eskimo groups living to the north only from the 1820s began to get involved in the fur trade without forceful subordination on the
part of the Russians, and therefore their psychology changed much less significantly. The activities of the Russian Orthodox missionaries also had a certain influence on the traditional psychology of the Eskimos, although this factor should not be exaggerated.
celebrated this year, forces us to pay closer attention to its problems. One of them is the assessment of the real scientific achievements of full members of the RAS. To solve this problem, the scientometric approach was used, despite certain limitations and disadvantages inherent in it, as discussed in the article presented to the reader. The object of the study was the publication indicators of academicians, mainly members of the History Section of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (HS DHPS RAS). In turn, the source of digital information for scientometric analysis were bibliographic databases — the European BDB Scopus and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). In these databases, in addition to statistical data, those metrics were selected that make it possible to most objectively describe the results of the scientific activities of domestic academic representing, at least from a formal point of view, represent the best of the best of Russian historical science. However, as the study showed, there are some doubts about the validity of awarding high academic titles to a significant part of the representatives of the HS DHPS RAS, since their real scientific achievements do not provide any compelling grounds for this due to non-compliance with the requirements of the RAS Charter.
in Modern Russia
The analysis of the problem of the scientometric rating of monographs in the modern Russian scientific and educational sphere, carried out in the article, indicates their obvious discrimination, and sometimes simply unacceptably low assessment by the majority of management structures, from the ministerial level to the administrations of domestic universities and academic institutions. This is clearly manifested in various kinds of regulations and figures of control indicators of the relevant standards. At the same time, the process of initially hidden discrimination against monographs was launched by the governing state bodies in 2006, and after 2012 it acquired legalized forms, accompanied by a fetishization of scientometrics and journal periodicals indexed by leading international
bibliographic databases. Therefore, at present, a radical revision of the assessment of monographs is urgently needed both in the domestic regulatory framework and in university or institute practice. For a more objective scientometric examination of monographs, the author proposed an original formula for their differentiated assessment with the introduction of a number of additional indicators with different weighting factors.
as loans and debts in the former Russian colonies in Alaska (the second half of the 18th–1867). This topic has not yet been the object of special study in domestic and foreign historiography. At the same time, natural and financial loans and debt obligations played an exceptionally important role in the activities of various merchant companies engaged in the commercial development of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska from the
middle of the 18th century. They acquired no less importance in the activities of the monopoly Russian-American Company (RAC), to which the tsarist government transferred control of its overseas possessions in 1799. Three forms of lending were practiced in Russian America: 1) in the form of commodity loans, 2) in the form of cash loans, 3) a mixed option. At the same time, the first form of lending was the only one in the relationship of Russians with the natives of Alaska. Without prior material subsidies and loans, the normal economic life of the Russian colonies would be completely paralyzed. However, loans and credits generated debts, and the debt problem for decades complicated the financial activities of the RAC and the socio-psychological atmosphere of colonial society, and attempts to resolve it were not successful. Moreover, one of the reasons for the difficult economic situation of the company in the 1860s was the exorbitant debt burden, which indirectly influenced the decision of the tsarist government to sell Russian America to the USA in 1867.
Russian Science Citation Index, are examined. The discrediting of scientometrics is also significantly aided by predictive errors in the scientific policies of governmental and administrative bodies, as illustrated by specific examples in the article. Given this, the author suggests the introduction of a subdiscipline such as scientometric political science, alongside the institutionalisation of other similar subdisciplines (like scientometric sociology, economics, geography, etc.). Conclusion. The proposal is to offset the drawbacks of the three main scientometric indicators through their elaboration and extensive use of supplementary metrics, including new ones. The conclusion drawn is that addressing the issue of co-authorship is crucial as it frequently leads to various misuses and significantly skews scientometric data. Considering the current sanctions policy, a reorganisation of the Russian Science Citation Index is suggested. Moreover, it is advised to considerably broaden the scope of scientometrics by collaborating with other sciences
and introducing new interdisciplinary subdisciplines with relevant journal publications.
работа датирована 2011 г., а самые последние статьи — 2021 г. Приходится с сожалением констатировать удручающе низкий научный уровень подавляющей части анализируемых произведений. Дело в том, что российские экономисты по неясной причине почти полностью игнорируют обширный круг опубликованных документальных источников, не говоря уже об архивных материалах. Последние если и используются, то не связаны напрямую с историей российских колоний в Новом Свете. Равным образом отечественные экономисты упорно избегают знакомства с актуальной российской историографией о прошлом Русской Америки, а более или менее современную зарубежную научную литературу о ней не используют вовсе. Вместо академических трудов ученые-экономисты нередко используют ненаучные публикации (включая сочинения по альтернативной истории) и интернет-ресурсы весьма сомнительного содержания.
Закономерным результатом является большое количество ошибок, неточностей и некорректных выводов, которые порой дополняются небрежностью в оформлении библиографии и игнорированием элементарной публикационной культуры: почти всем работам отечественных экономистов присуща экономия на ссылках/сносках, а потому зачастую понять, откуда заимствована та или иная информация, совершенно невозможно. В результате происходит имитация научной деятельности и разного рода дилетантские потуги вместо реальных полезных исследований по истории и экономике
Русской Америки.
psychology of the local Eskimos (with the exception of the northernmost groups). If among the southern Eskimos (Alutiiq / Sugpiaq and Chugach) changes in the group mentality were quite noticeable, then among the central and northern Eskimo groups (Yupik, Iñupiaq) such changes were much less pronounced. Such differentiation was a consequence of both the duration and intensity of contacts with the Russians, and the result of the economic and political dependence of the natives. If the southern Eskimos were subjugated by the Russians by force of arms already in the 1780s — 1790s and began to be actively involved in the hunting of sea otters, then the Eskimo groups living to the north only from the 1820s began to get involved in the fur trade without forceful subordination on the
part of the Russians, and therefore their psychology changed much less significantly. The activities of the Russian Orthodox missionaries also had a certain influence on the traditional psychology of the Eskimos, although this factor should not be exaggerated.
A.Yu. Petrov, Natalia Shelikhova, Natalia Shelikhova and the origin of Russian America, Grigorii Shelikhov, Russian-American Company, Russian America, Alaska