Papers by Andrea Wolffram
Routledge eBooks, May 12, 2022
Algorithmen und Autonomie
Inequalities and the Paradigm of Excellence in Academia
Journal / Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 2021

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1, 2021
With human-centered design becoming more widely implemented within various industries, the user’s... more With human-centered design becoming more widely implemented within various industries, the user’s needs are being taken into account more than ever. The user of a product or service has been very well defined over the last decades. What is often overlooked is the user’s counterpart: the non-user. Integrating non-users into modern development projects provides great additional value, since addressing their needs can turn a previously inactive group into new users. First, current definitions of non-users need to be compiled in order to analyze and evaluate them within the context of product development. A contribution is to be made toward creating a comprehensive definition of the non-user that can be applied to product development. Current literature mixes definitions of non-use with reasons for non-use. An analytical differentiation between the two needs to be made in order to comprehensively define the non-user and reasons for non-use. On the basis of the “non-user map” (Augustin e...

The concept of research excellence, as defined and practised in the current research landscape, h... more The concept of research excellence, as defined and practised in the current research landscape, has been shown to be problematic for gender equality. This interview study examines how the concept of excellence is perceived among researchers in two national contexts, Sweden and Germany. The findings show that the perception of what excellence is, and how it can be achieved, differs between the two countries. In Germany, the concept was perceived as positive, while researchers in Sweden were more critical of it. In both countries, however, excellence in research was related to different constructions of masculinity. One of these, prioritising work above other life concerns, was also discussed differently in the two countries. Most German interviewees cherished an all hours' culture, while most Swedish interviewees advocated a more balanced life. In both countries, becoming 'excellent' was seen as requiring the practice of both traditional academic and a new kind of busines...

This paper focuses on the subjectivity of evaluations of excellence in promotion and hiring proce... more This paper focuses on the subjectivity of evaluations of excellence in promotion and hiring processes in academia and on the accompanying factors for successful careers in Science and Technology (S&T) disciplines. Against the background of the disproportionately low rate of appointments of female scientists to professorships in Germany, the article analyses how the demands of gender equality and the concept of excellence are negotiated at a German university that was successful in the German Excellence Initiative. The implementation of the excellence process was accompanied by a discourse of linking excellence with gender equality. This article draws on qualitative data from interviews with researchers at different levels of their scientific careers. It can be shown that researchers, regardless of their scientific experience, perceive equity measures in appointment procedures as undermining the meritocratic principle. Rather, most of them think that societal conditions outside the s...

Abstract—Previous research on gender and engineering education has often tended to work with limi... more Abstract—Previous research on gender and engineering education has often tended to work with limited understanding of technology and gender. For instance, the gender equality approach relies on liberal discourses and incorporates a deficit model of women. In the early nineties a paradigm shift took place and post-modern approaches received more attention. But empiricism has often become trapped in comparing women with men. As a result, most studies continue to be reductive and contribute to confirming gender stereotypes. Recently, there have been some attempts to find new ways to transgress such general and dichotomous characterizations of gender. This paper also concerns the methodology of feminist research on gender and technology. The empirical material is based on a data collection of 859 first-semester students studying engineering in higher education in Germany. In this paper their attitudes and interests concerning computers and technology will be analyzed. Technical attitude...

Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz wird im Zuge von Bewertungsprozessen von Wissenschaftler/-innen in Au... more Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz wird im Zuge von Bewertungsprozessen von Wissenschaftler/-innen in Auswahlverfahren und bei der Nachwuchsforderung konkretisiert. Aber wie konstruieren und reflektieren Wissenschaftler/-innen Exzellenz und wie werden diese Ideen von Exzellenz geschlechterdifferenzierend praktiziert? Um dies zu untersuchen, wurden Interviews mit Wissenschaftler/-innen einer deutschen Universitat in verschiedenen Phasen einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere durchgefuhrt. Die Erzahlungen zeigen verschiedene Aspekte, die den Exzellenzdiskurs entscheidend pragen und die Normen des „idealen Wissenschaftlers“ stabilisieren. Es wird gezeigt, wie Exzellenz mit ihrer engen Verbindung zum Konzept des „idealen Wissenschaftlers“ zur Chancenungleichheit in der Wissenschaft beitragt, indem Gender und Exzellenz als soziale Ko-Konstruktionen im Arbeitsalltag von Wissenschaftler/-innen und in Auswahlverfahren hergestellt werden.

International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology, 2018
This paper focuses on the subjectivity of evaluations of excellence in promotion and hiring proce... more This paper focuses on the subjectivity of evaluations of excellence in promotion and hiring processes in academia and on the accompanying factors for successful careers in Science and Technology (S&T) disciplines. Against the background of the disproportionately low rate of appointments of female scientists to professorships in Germany, the article analyses how the demands of gender equality and the concept of excellence are negotiated at a German university that was successful in the German Excellence Initiative. The implementation of the excellence process was accompanied by a discourse of linking excellence with gender equality. This article draws on qualitative data from interviews with researchers at different levels of their scientific careers. It can be shown that researchers, regardless of their scientific experience, perceive equity measures in appointment procedures as undermining the meritocratic principle. Rather, most of them think that societal conditions outside the s...

In den letzten Jahren ist Gender und Diversity Management zunehmend ein Thema an Hochschulen gewo... more In den letzten Jahren ist Gender und Diversity Management zunehmend ein Thema an Hochschulen geworden. Mit der Einrichtung der Stabsstelle „Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management“ Ende 2007 hat die RWTH Aachen bundesweit als erste technische Hochschule eine stark impulsgebende Struktur fur die Umsetzung eines Gender und Diversity Managements geschaffen. Das Konzept der Stabsstelle, die am Rektorat angesiedelt ist, umfasst vier miteinander verknupfte theoretische und praxisorientierte Konzepte, die sich aus den Gender Studies, den Diversity Studies, dem Gender Mainstreaming und dem Diversity Management ableiten. Dadurch gewinnt die Stabsstelle produktive Blickwechsel und Spannungsfelder zwischen Theorie und Praxis, auf deren Grundlage sie eine innovative Hochschulentwicklung in den Bereichen Organisationsentwicklung, Personalentwicklung, Work-Life-Balance, Forschung und Lehre an der Hochschule mit dem Ziel der Chancengleichheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Wettbew...
Hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen
Papers by Andrea Wolffram