Book Reviews by Andrea Casavecchia
A Review of the book: Introduzione alla sociologia dell’educazione, by K. Mannheim & W. A. Campbe... more A Review of the book: Introduzione alla sociologia dell’educazione, by K. Mannheim & W. A. Campbell Stewart, La Scuola, 2017
Papers by Andrea Casavecchia
Bulletin of the "Transilvania" University of Braşov. Series VII, Social Sciences and Law, Jul 2, 2024
The aim of this article is to present some results of a study conducted in Italy exploring interf... more The aim of this article is to present some results of a study conducted in Italy exploring interfaith dialogue during and after the 2020 lockdown. To continue ritual practices during the COVID-19 emergency, several religious communities rethought all their forms of communication. They have shifted their activities mainly to the internet. Often, these transformations changed the forms of religious practices, but did not alter pre-existing cosmologies and theologies. How has physical distance affected interfaith dialogue, and what role did women play? To answer these questions, the research used semi-structured interviews with key informants, including opinion leaders of religious communities and experts. The analysis of the interviews paid special attention to the active role played by women in building bridges between different religions.

La pandemia Covid-19 ha comportato conseguenze e trasformazioni prefigurando scenari inediti sul ... more La pandemia Covid-19 ha comportato conseguenze e trasformazioni prefigurando scenari inediti sul piano economico, sociale e personale, determinando anche nel campo della ricerca l'urgenza di esplorarne le ricadute. Il volume dà quindi conto delle indagini svolte e in corso, sin dai primi giorni del lockdown, dai docenti e dai collaboratori del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell'Università Roma Tre, toccando i temi più diversi: dalla didattica a distanza, all'università e nei diversi ordini di scuola, al futuro dei servizi di orientamento, dal lavoro socio-educativo nelle varie tipologie di servizi all'impatto della pandemia sulle comunità, dalle narrazioni ai linguaggi artistici a contrasto di quest'emergenza non solo sanitaria. Si sono così esplorate le diverse educazioni possibili, riassegnando centralità ai processi formativi e al benessere delle persone, provando a tratteggiare nuovi paradigmi e prospettive.
Il contributo è una proposta originale che parte da una riflessione sull'importanza del lavor... more Il contributo è una proposta originale che parte da una riflessione sull'importanza del lavoro sul campo, per poi esplorare il legame tra donne migranti e mar Mediterraneo. Utilizzando 'il gusto', come una pratica prodotta da un processo di socializzazione e come il risultato raggiunto da un adattamento pragmatico alla realtà (Bourdieu, 2001), si propone una riflessione sul grado d'integrazione delle donne e la percezione del mare.

En The essay contains a reflection on complex society and on the prospects for an education that ... more En The essay contains a reflection on complex society and on the prospects for an education that makes citizens critical and active. First of all, some of the characteristics of the complexities that leads to a social metamorphosis are underlined. Then, we face some risks and some challenges that arise from the absence of reference points to the growth of inequalities, from the impact of technologies on daily life to the increase in human mobility that has created increasingly plural societies. Finally, an educational perspective is proposed within an open democratic society. It Il saggio presenta una riflessione sulla societa complessa e sulle prospettive per un'educazione che renda i cittadini protagonisti e partecipi. Dopo aver evidenziato alcune caratteristiche delle complessita che porta a una metamorfosi del sociale, si affrontano alcuni rischi e alcune sfide che in esso risiedono dalla perdita di riferimento di senso alla crescita delle disuguaglianza, dall'incidenza ...
The article shows the development and diffusion of a “culture of welcome”, a secondary concept in... more The article shows the development and diffusion of a “culture of welcome”, a secondary concept in the health system, compared to care and research. After identifying some points of contact between the humanization process and the evidence-based medicine method, a case study is analysed through biographical interviews with key informants and secondary data, provided by the hospital. The main phases of a process of cultural change, which took place in the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, one of the Italian and international excellences, are shown. The culture of welcome, born from the humanization process, is transformed from an individual commitment to a shared goal. As long as the activities put in place lead to the conscious construction of a system that integrates and supports the health care system.

Italian Sociological Review, 2018
The de-institutionalization of couple’s models, the re-composition of gender relations and the ch... more The de-institutionalization of couple’s models, the re-composition of gender relations and the change in the balance of power between the partners require motivating the relationship constraint on emotional-affective dimensions (Di Nicola, 2008). The present study compares three theories to analyse the couple’s relationship: the pure relationship (Giddens, 2008), the double compromise model (De Singly, 2006), the relational theory (Donati, 2007), it highlights their difference in the description of the reflexivity dimension. By the results of a research conducted collecting interviews key informant, directed to young couples partners. It proves on the one hand as reflexivity is a feature common to respondents and individuals in ‘intimate space’ – a kind of place of internal conversation (Archer, 2003), in which it verifies-justifies designs living together, on the other hand it observes its realization in the modus vivendi of couples to place them inside one of the three theories.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2017
Italian Sociological Review, 2016
This essay pieces together some key theoretical issues from Karl Mannheim’s democratic model and ... more This essay pieces together some key theoretical issues from Karl Mannheim’s democratic model and draws the attention to how, according to the author, democratization requires a collective cultural dimension linked to an open Weltanschauung . Subsequently, it presents the need to enhance a personal dimension for a development of a democratic behavior and shows how this latter behavior is an attempt to cope with ambiguities and limits that lead to the degeneration of democracy, in historysharp turns . In conclusion, it will argue that the concept of democratic behavior can contribute to addressing other urgent needs of past and present society.

The de-institutionalization of couple’s models, the re-composition of gender relations and the ch... more The de-institutionalization of couple’s models, the re-composition of gender relations and the change in the balance of power between the partners require motivating the relationship constraint on emotional-affective dimensions (Di Nicola, 2008). The present study compares three theories to analyse the couple’s relationship: the pure relationship (Giddens, 2008), the double compromise model (De Singly, 2006), the relational theory (Donati, 2007), it highlights their difference in the description of the reflexivity dimension. By the results of a research conducted collecting interviews key informant, directed to young couples partners. It proves on the one hand as reflexivity is a feature common to respondents and individuals in ‘intimate space’ – a kind of place of internal conversation (Archer, 2003), in which it verifies-justifies designs living together, on the other hand it observes its realization in the modus vivendi of couples to place them inside one of the three theories.
Book Reviews by Andrea Casavecchia
Papers by Andrea Casavecchia