Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Κρήτης 3: Πρακτικά της 3ης Συνάντησης A2 (Ρέθυμνο, 5-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013), Ρέθυμνο 2015, pp. 483-494. , 2015
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Papers by Andrea Betto
Micromorphological analysis of soil thin sections focused on the pre-abandonment archaeological layers immediately below the alluvial deposits at the terramare of Fabbrica dei Soci and Fondo Paviani. At Fabbrica dei Soci, a phase of intra-site agricultural land use pertaining to the latest moments of dwelling (advanced Recent Bronze age) was revealed in thin section. Inside Fondo Paviani (abandoned at the end of the initial Final Bronze age) the residual occupation middens appear to be only slightly degraded by atmospheric agents but do not show any trace of soil formation suggesting a short time gap between abandonment and the alluviation (correlated to the "Ponte Moro" phase).
The pollen analysis of the peat sample collected under the SMA gave a spectrum typical of a wetland basin surrounded by patches of igrophilous forest with a background characterized by cultivated fields. This is the same basins that captures the Ponte Moro palaeo-channel. The pollen spectrum in extremely similar to the one of Canar, a wetland site dating to the late Ancient Bronze age, yelding precious information about residual wetland landscapes in the Valli Grandi Veronesi and Valli Alto Polesane between the Ancient-Medium and Medium-Recent Bronze age.
Later on, after the crisis of the end of the Bronze age, Perteghelle partecipates to a new settlement wave characterized by the re-occupation of some sites located at the margins of the large basin of the Valli Grandi Veronesi. The attention was thus focused on this site in order to find evidences of changes in the agricultural and settled landscape on which the subsidence of this kind of sites was based. The possible contemporary occurrence of local climatic variations was also taken into account. The analysis of the main natural and anthropogenic units having direct stratigraphic relationships with the infrastructures of the sites allowed us to compare the evolution of the settled paleoenvironment surrounding them both during the two above-mentioned occupation phases. In an advanced moment of the recent Bronze age, notwithstanding a slightly higher forestation rate than in the Iron age, we observe a higher grade of anthropization and a more humid environment. The two units of archaeo-biological materials sampled pertaining to the Iron age appeared strikingly similar to each other. They both show forestation rate and a moderate level of anthropization. They differ instead for the presence of species belonging to wet environments which are more abundant in the sample collected in Perteghelle B. Concerning the paleoenvironmental changes of the morphogenic setting surrounding the site a transition was observed, from a partially drained peat bog (middle/recent Bronze age) to a low-energy sedimentary environment characterized by the deposition of minerogenous clays. The latter undergo a phase of aerial exposure at the end of the Bronze age. This moment, in which the exposure and dessication of the local natural sequences takes place, seems to correspond to the beginning of the second wave of re-occupation that takes place in the first Iron age on the northern margin of the Valli Grandi Veronesi. Mapping the location of Perteghelle and of other contemporaneous sites we observed that those areas which were intesively settled and exploited during the recent Bronze age, located at the center of the "terramare" territory, are now excluded from the re-occupation and the associated agricultural exploitation. Concerning this aspect, a thick stratigraphic sequence made up of alluvial/colluvial silts pertaining to the s.c. "Paleoalveo di Corte Muri" was studied. These deposits derived from the re-deposition within the wetland paleo-valley of soil materials pertaining to agricultural surfaces and deriving from the reactivation of groundwater springs on the surfaces of the alluvial fan, which during the first Iron age were cleared fro intensive agriculture.
On the basis of data acquired in past studies, it was possible to follow the translocation of these soil materials containing abundant pedorelicts, first on the lateral surfaces pertaining to the alluvial fans that lock the paleo-river valley, then along the axis of the paleo-valley, and the on the lower surfaces of the VGVM basin. It cannot be excluded the these widespread processes of erosion and deposition of agricultural soil materials had been triggered by climatic variations linked probably to the climatic deterioration recorded in the Veneto area since the seventh century B.C. Most likely these climatic micro-variations are the same that trigger the first significative processes of destruction of the relict communication and agricultural infrastructures of the recent final Bronze age, processes that have been documented at Ponte Moro.
Micromorphological analysis of soil thin sections focused on the pre-abandonment archaeological layers immediately below the alluvial deposits at the terramare of Fabbrica dei Soci and Fondo Paviani. At Fabbrica dei Soci, a phase of intra-site agricultural land use pertaining to the latest moments of dwelling (advanced Recent Bronze age) was revealed in thin section. Inside Fondo Paviani (abandoned at the end of the initial Final Bronze age) the residual occupation middens appear to be only slightly degraded by atmospheric agents but do not show any trace of soil formation suggesting a short time gap between abandonment and the alluviation (correlated to the "Ponte Moro" phase).
The pollen analysis of the peat sample collected under the SMA gave a spectrum typical of a wetland basin surrounded by patches of igrophilous forest with a background characterized by cultivated fields. This is the same basins that captures the Ponte Moro palaeo-channel. The pollen spectrum in extremely similar to the one of Canar, a wetland site dating to the late Ancient Bronze age, yelding precious information about residual wetland landscapes in the Valli Grandi Veronesi and Valli Alto Polesane between the Ancient-Medium and Medium-Recent Bronze age.
Later on, after the crisis of the end of the Bronze age, Perteghelle partecipates to a new settlement wave characterized by the re-occupation of some sites located at the margins of the large basin of the Valli Grandi Veronesi. The attention was thus focused on this site in order to find evidences of changes in the agricultural and settled landscape on which the subsidence of this kind of sites was based. The possible contemporary occurrence of local climatic variations was also taken into account. The analysis of the main natural and anthropogenic units having direct stratigraphic relationships with the infrastructures of the sites allowed us to compare the evolution of the settled paleoenvironment surrounding them both during the two above-mentioned occupation phases. In an advanced moment of the recent Bronze age, notwithstanding a slightly higher forestation rate than in the Iron age, we observe a higher grade of anthropization and a more humid environment. The two units of archaeo-biological materials sampled pertaining to the Iron age appeared strikingly similar to each other. They both show forestation rate and a moderate level of anthropization. They differ instead for the presence of species belonging to wet environments which are more abundant in the sample collected in Perteghelle B. Concerning the paleoenvironmental changes of the morphogenic setting surrounding the site a transition was observed, from a partially drained peat bog (middle/recent Bronze age) to a low-energy sedimentary environment characterized by the deposition of minerogenous clays. The latter undergo a phase of aerial exposure at the end of the Bronze age. This moment, in which the exposure and dessication of the local natural sequences takes place, seems to correspond to the beginning of the second wave of re-occupation that takes place in the first Iron age on the northern margin of the Valli Grandi Veronesi. Mapping the location of Perteghelle and of other contemporaneous sites we observed that those areas which were intesively settled and exploited during the recent Bronze age, located at the center of the "terramare" territory, are now excluded from the re-occupation and the associated agricultural exploitation. Concerning this aspect, a thick stratigraphic sequence made up of alluvial/colluvial silts pertaining to the s.c. "Paleoalveo di Corte Muri" was studied. These deposits derived from the re-deposition within the wetland paleo-valley of soil materials pertaining to agricultural surfaces and deriving from the reactivation of groundwater springs on the surfaces of the alluvial fan, which during the first Iron age were cleared fro intensive agriculture.
On the basis of data acquired in past studies, it was possible to follow the translocation of these soil materials containing abundant pedorelicts, first on the lateral surfaces pertaining to the alluvial fans that lock the paleo-river valley, then along the axis of the paleo-valley, and the on the lower surfaces of the VGVM basin. It cannot be excluded the these widespread processes of erosion and deposition of agricultural soil materials had been triggered by climatic variations linked probably to the climatic deterioration recorded in the Veneto area since the seventh century B.C. Most likely these climatic micro-variations are the same that trigger the first significative processes of destruction of the relict communication and agricultural infrastructures of the recent final Bronze age, processes that have been documented at Ponte Moro.
In the summer of 2007, the Italian Archaeological School of Athens began an Italian-Greek synergasia for the systematic study of the urban territory of Phaistos (project “Ricognizioni archeologiche italo-greche nella città e nel territorio di Festòs”). The survey-based project is conducted by a team of the University of Salerno and by the Iraklion Ephoria, under the supervision of Fausto Longo and Maria Bredaki, and directed by the Director of the Italian Archaeological School of Athens, Emanuele Greco. In the framework of this extensive project, a new project, conducted by the Sapienza, University of Roma (A. Greco) and Padova (A. De Guio, A. Betto), has been carried out dealing with the highest acropolis of Phaistos: the Christos Effendi.
The primary objective of the “Christòs Effendi” project has been a systematic study of the hill, which overlooks the Ieropotamos river plain in the north, and the plateau where the Minoan town was settled, in the south, and to clarify the role of this strategic acropolis in the urban territory of Phaestos from the Minoan to Geometric and Hellenistic times.
Since 2011 Christos Effendi has been completely surveyed, with the support of photogrammetric images created with the support of a UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle), and topographic study on the ancient and modern roads has been conducted. The team has been able to study some exposed sections along the streets which cut the hill on its south-Eastern slope, and to open a trench on the top of the hill, where the uppermost part of the Hellenistic wall and of older structures (spanning from the Early Minoan I to the very Late Minoan I periods) were found during the old excavations done by the Italian archaeologist Minto, in 1909.
This Poster will expose the results of these years of work
Un frammento di storia che oggi rivive grazie all’impiego delle tecnologie
informatiche applicate all’archeologia (GIS e 3D), al restauro e allo studio dei materiali: sono questi gli strumenti multidisciplinari che hanno contribuito a riconoscere, attraverso lo scavo di dodici tombe ad incinerazione, alcuni individui appartenuti alla sfera militare, deceduti tra i decenni finali del I secolo d.C. e i primi del II secolo. Uomini d’arme, dunque, in servizio o più probabilmente veterani dell’esercito, tra cui si scorgono figure peculiari quali il sarto e il medico. Un contributo che restituisce dai segni della terra una testimonianza di vita passata, aggiungendo un nuovo tassello di conoscenza, non solo per il quadro evolutivo della pedemontana friulana.
In order to better organize the excavation on the hill, looking for the bibliography of Antonio Minto, Alexia Giglio discovered the forgotten original notebook of the archaeologist. The extraordinary detailed notebook allowed us to integrate the archaeological picture of the hill offered by the archaeologist in his official publications and allowed us to compare the original data with the new ones, stemming from our 2013 excavation. The result has been a completely new chronology and a detailed understanding of the buildings present over the hill. This poster will present this new knowledge achieved thank to the integration of the data stemming both from the notebook and the archaeological campaigns made by "Phaistos Project".