Papers by Andre Luiz Lopes Magela
UrdimentoRevista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, 2020
Written interview, produced in May 2020 with Andreas Schleicher, director of education at the OEC... more Written interview, produced in May 2020 with Andreas Schleicher, director of education at the OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, focusing on educational issues that directly or indirectly concern theatre education. Some of the questions were also addressed to Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin,
Normativity of cooperation in theater classes, 2020
This article proposes the distinction and pedagogical treatment of elements of normativity acting... more This article proposes the distinction and pedagogical treatment of elements of normativity acting in the practice of theatrical exercises and games in the planning and conduction of theater classes in schools, particularly in situations where joint attention and cooperation operate. The initial intentions of this approach are to increase the investigative quality of these classes, with the consequent improvement in the specification of the contents worked on, and the constitution of resistance actions and concrete answers to some argumentative elements present in politically reactionary proposals in Brazil, more active since the year of 2016 and consolidated in the 2018 elections.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, 2021
Refusal and Adhesion: resistance between studies of cognition and theater education-This article ... more Refusal and Adhesion: resistance between studies of cognition and theater education-This article presents reflections on certain public education policy guidelines, oriented to the labor market and exemplified by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommendations, concerning their influence on artistic education and, more precisely, theater education. It addresses existing problems in the field of education in Brazil and France, with emphasis on conceptual causes. In a possible contribution to debates on utilitarianism in theater education, the concept of resistance, present in Michel Foucault's works, is used as mediator in the utilization of cognition studies to analyze the planning, practice and evaluation of theater classes in primary schools.
This article aims to examine political consequences caused by theatre plays of Companhia Ueinzz d... more This article aims to examine political consequences caused by theatre plays of Companhia Ueinzz de teatro, based in São Paulo, which has in its acting crew some users of psychiatric services. It devotes special attention to the concept of unworking, obtained from texts written by Maurice Blanchot, and its unfolding into what we call indigence. The reflections developed here will try to show how proposals of theatre acting observed in Ueinzz question and destabilize asymmetric modes of exercise of power present in disciplinary society, control society and biopolitics, as investigated by Michel Foucault and his commentators.

Resumo Exposição reflexiva sobre exercícios e critérios de condução de processos teatrais pedagóg... more Resumo Exposição reflexiva sobre exercícios e critérios de condução de processos teatrais pedagógicos baseados em conceitos oriundos de obras de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. O texto expõe especificidades de perspectiva e de abordagens pedagógicas que tais conceitos conferem ao corpo, ao atuante e ao condutor dos processos, particularmente nas questões contemporâneas relativas a imbricamentos entre arte e vida-uma educação estética no que concerne ao âmbito teatral da vida. Palavras-chave: Gilles Deleuze. Félix Guattari. Afecções. Educação Teatral. Jerzy Grotowski. Resumen Exposición reflexiva sobre ejercicios y criterios de conducción de procesos teatrales pedagógicos basados en conceptos oriundos de obras de Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari. El texto expone especificidades de perspectiva y de enfoques pedagógicos que tales conceptos confieren al cuerpo, al actuante y al conductor de los procesos, particularmente en las cuestiones contemporáneas relativas a imbricamientos entre arte y vida-una educación estética en lo que concierne al ámbito teatral de la vida. Palabras clave: Gilles Deleuze. Félix Guattari. Afecciones. Educación Teatral. Jerzy Grotowski. Abstract Reflective exposition issuing exercises and guiding criteria of pedagogical theatrical processes based on concepts present in the works of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. The text exposes specificities of perspective and conceptual possibilities that such concepts offer to the body, actors and teacher, particularly in contemporary questions related to interweaved relations between art and life-an aesthetic education concerning a theatrical dimension of life.
This article proposes the distinction and pedagogical treatment, in the planning and conduction o... more This article proposes the distinction and pedagogical treatment, in the planning and conduction of theater classes in schools, of elements of normativity acting in the practice of theatrical exercises and games, particularly in situations where joint attention and cooperation operate. The initial intentions of this approach are to increase the investigative quality of these classes, with consequent improvement in the specification of the contents worked, and the constitution of resistance actions and concrete answers to some argumentative elements present in politically reactionary proposals in Brazil, more active since the year of 2016 and consolidated in the 2018 elections.

Resumo: O presente artigo analisa o direcionamento para a educação teatral que pode ser realizado... more Resumo: O presente artigo analisa o direcionamento para a educação teatral que pode ser realizado em alguns procedimentos pedagógicos específicos para a atu-ação. Estes procedimentos, reunidos sob o termo "abordagem somática", visariam, neste enfoque, a uma ampliação da percepção teatral na vida daqueles que os ex-perienciam. Amparado implicitamente em conceitos da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari e em obras de Jerzy Grotowski, o artigo também dialoga com escritos de Viola Spolin. Palavras-chave: Grotowski; Educação Teatral; Abordagem Somática. Abstract: This article analyzes some pedagogical procedures for theater acting, focu-sed here to theater education. These procedures, gathered under the term "somatic approach", intend, in such perspective, an increase in the theatrical perception in the lives of those who practice these classes. Supported implicitly by the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and works of Jerzy Grotowski, the article also sta-blish a dialogue with Viola Spolin precepts.

Theatrical Cognition and Education, 2018
RESUMO Proposta de identificação sistemática, na vida cotidiana, de um tipo de pensamento, aqui d... more RESUMO Proposta de identificação sistemática, na vida cotidiana, de um tipo de pensamento, aqui denominado "cognição teatral", concernente aos aspectos teatrais daquilo que vivemos. Com isto, sugerir critérios e modos de planejar e conduzir aulas de teatro nas escolas que, ao tocar esta cognição, podem fomentar relações mais potentes com esta dimensão teatral da vida, que diz respeito tanto a elementos mais sofisticados de cada cultura, quanto a questões de sobrevivência, contribuindo com a consolidação da educação teatral no ensino básico. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educação Teatral, Educação Básica, Filosofia da Diferença, Teatralidade, Performatividade RESUMEN Propuesta de identificación sistemática, en la vida cotidiana, de un tipo de pensamiento, aquí denominado "cognición teatral", concerniente a los aspectos teatrales de las situaciones que vivimos. Con esto, sugerir criterios y modos de concebir y conducir clases de teatro en las escuelas que, al tocar esta cognición, pueden fomentar relaciones más potentes con esta dimensión teatral de la vida, que se refiere tanto a valores más sofisticados de cada cultura, cuanto a cuestiones de supervivencia, contribuyendo con la educación teatral en la enseñanza básica. ABSTRACT Proposal for a systematic identification, in the everyday life, of a type of thought, here called "theatrical cognition", concerning the theatrical aspects of what we live. It aims to suggest criteria and manners of planning and conducting theater classes in schools that, by touching this cognition, can magnify more powerful relationships with this theatrical dimension of life, which concerns both the most sophisticated values of each culture as our survival issues, in a contribution to theatrical education in basic education.
Papers by Andre Luiz Lopes Magela