Papers by Andréane Sabourin Laflamme
Ce guide pratique vise à soutenir les comités d'éthique de la recherche (CER) dans l'évaluation é... more Ce guide pratique vise à soutenir les comités d'éthique de la recherche (CER) dans l'évaluation éthique de projets de recherche qui impliquent des systèmes d'intelligence artificielle et l'utilisation de données numériques personnelles.
candidate au doctorat en droit à l'Université d'Ottawa Andréane Sabourin Laflamme, M.A, professeu... more candidate au doctorat en droit à l'Université d'Ottawa Andréane Sabourin Laflamme, M.A, professeure de philosophie au Cégep André Laurendeau et candidate au doctorat en droit à l'
Presses de l'Université du Québec eBooks, Jan 24, 2024

Annexe 1.1-Qui se cache derrière ce fil d'actualité ? Fiche-réponse Annexe 1.2-Qui se cache derri... more Annexe 1.1-Qui se cache derrière ce fil d'actualité ? Fiche-réponse Annexe 1.2-Qui se cache derrière ce fil d'actualité ? Procédure pour l'enregistrement de l'activité du profil-mystère Profiler, pour vendre : les dessous de la publicité ciblée 14 Annexe 2.1-Profiler, pour vendre-Grille de réflexion Sécurité informatique 101 : comment déjouer les escrocs du cyberespace ? 20 Annexe 3.1-Plateformes en ligne permettant de tester la robustesse des mots de passe Études de cas en éthique de l'IA : quelles pistes d'action pour mitiger les risques ? Annexe 4.1-Vignette 1-L'IA générative en éducation 33 Annexe 4.2-Vignette 2-La reconnaissance faciale dans l'espace public Annexe 4.3-Liste de principes et de valeurs morales 35 Déclaration de Montréal pour un développement responsable de l'IA : évaluer un système d'IA en appliquant la grille de réflexivité de l'Obvia Annexes 5.1-Cartes-scénario 41 1 2 3 4 5 Algorithme de recrutement biaisé : quand l'IA fait de la discrimination Annexes 6.1-Candidatures et critères de sélection L'IA créatrice, vraiment ? 52 Annexe 7.1-Exemples de créations par l'IA L'IA, plus matérielle qu'on ne le pense et moins verte qu'on ne le dit Annexe 8.1-Cartes-ressources et cartes-parcours à imprimer et à découper Annexe 8.2-Réponses Chasse aux illusions : comment détecter les fausses nouvelles et les hypertrucages 68 Annexe 9.1-Guide de détection critique pour l'identification et l'analyse des fausses nouvelles et des hypertrucages Déconnexion créative : dessiner pour réfléchir aux automatismes numériques 76
In order to discuss the issues associated with artificial intelligence systems (AIS), publication... more In order to discuss the issues associated with artificial intelligence systems (AIS), publications in AI ethics have multiplied recently. While law and ethics work toward a common goal of fostering beneficial and responsible use of AI, these normative initiatives are distinct and must be appropriately situated in relation to each other. In this article, starting from a pragmatist perspective, we propose a reflection on the normative role of what Luciano Floridi calls “soft ethics” in relation to law. We will reflect on the characteristics it should have to play an effective normative role that is complementary to law, as well as on the internormative relations between ethics and law in the perspective of normative pluralism.
Ce projet de recherche a été financé par le Pôle montréalais d'enseignement supérieur en intellig... more Ce projet de recherche a été financé par le Pôle montréalais d'enseignement supérieur en intelligence artificielle (PIA).

AI & society, Sep 27, 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in current discussions on information and co... more Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in current discussions on information and communication technologies (ICT) and new modes of algorithmic governance. It is an unavoidable dimension of what social mediations and modes of reproduction of our information societies will be in the future. While several works in artificial intelligence ethics (AIE) address ethical issues specific to certain areas of expertise, these ethical reflections often remain confined to narrow areas of application, without considering the global ethical issues in which they are embedded. We, therefore, propose to clarify the main approaches to AIE, their philosophical assumptions and the specific characteristics of each one of them, to identify the most promising approach to develop an ethical reflection on the deployment of AI in our societies, which is the one based on information ethics as proposed by Luciano Floridi. We will identify the most important features of that approach to highlight areas that need further investigation.
Tic&société, May 20, 2021
Wageningen Academic Publishers eBooks, Apr 17, 2023
1.1 Introduction 1.2 The structure of this book 1.3 Building bridges and inclusive authorship Ref... more 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The structure of this book 1.3 Building bridges and inclusive authorship References 2. A legal approach to human rights Bernd van der Meulen Abstract Key concepts 2.1 Introduction 2.2 On the plural nature of human rights 2.3 Working with law 2.4 Rules and rights 2.5 Establishing the situation 2.6 Classification of facts 2.7 Establishing the law 2.8 Other issues 2.9 The structure of human rights 2.10 Get up, stand up References Legal documents
Wageningen Academic Publishers eBooks, Jan 20, 2022

Many critics have been addressed to Lévinas concerning the difficulty of combining the infinite e... more Many critics have been addressed to Lévinas concerning the difficulty of combining the infinite ethical responsibility, presented as the precondition of experience, and the limitation of the obligation towards the other that rise inevitably within the political. The distinction seems so stark between the transcendent ethical responsibility towards the other and the political logic, associated with the violent and immanent ontological order, that ethics can appear to be jeopardized as soon as it is expressed in a social context. This essay aims to overcome these difficulties by demonstrating that despite their fundamental opposition, the ethical order and the onto-political order are part of a unique structure. In the light of the presence of the third and of the necessity of justice that accompanies it, it is possible to prove the existence of a junction between these distinct but interdependent layers of signification. In fact, the concept of justice is an amphibological concept that at the same time is part of ethics and of politics. It shows that ethics is situated a priori in a social realm. This study will present critical reflection related to law and to human rights law that will demonstrate that Levinas' philosophy not only can, but has to open itself to a social expression.

Wageningen Academic Publishers eBooks, Apr 17, 2023
There are increasing numbers of products and services offered by the Digital Afterlife Industry t... more There are increasing numbers of products and services offered by the Digital Afterlife Industry that raise complicated questions about human dignity and the digital component of death. In most societies, we have refined moral and legal norms for how to treat someone's remains showing respect for the person to whom it belonged. However, such norms are mostly absent when the treatment concerns someone's digital remains. In particular, the approach to privacy issues has not been established. In this chapter, we explore how Information Ethics, as proposed by Luciano Floridi, can offer a meaningful framework to better understand the nature and importance of someone's 'informational body'. We will argue that Information Ethics as patient-oriented, ontocentric and environmental macro-ethics will lead to a radical rethinking of how to contribute to the realisation of human dignity in the digital afterlife. We briefly conclude with some thoughts on what this would mean for business ethics and law-making.
In order to discuss the issues associated with artificial intelligence systems (AIS), publication... more In order to discuss the issues associated with artificial intelligence systems (AIS), publications in AI ethics have multiplied recently. While law and ethics work toward a common goal of fostering beneficial and responsible use of AI, these normative initiatives are distinct and must be appropriately situated in relation to each other. In this article, starting from a pragmatist perspective, we propose a reflection on the normative role of what Luciano Floridi calls “soft ethics” in relation to law. We will reflect on the characteristics it should have to play an effective normative role that is complementary to law, as well as on the internormative relations between ethics and law in the perspective of normative pluralism.
Applied human rights
1.1 Introduction 1.2 The structure of this book 1.3 Building bridges and inclusive authorship Ref... more 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The structure of this book 1.3 Building bridges and inclusive authorship References 2. A legal approach to human rights Bernd van der Meulen Abstract Key concepts 2.1 Introduction 2.2 On the plural nature of human rights 2.3 Working with law 2.4 Rules and rights 2.5 Establishing the situation 2.6 Classification of facts 2.7 Establishing the law 2.8 Other issues 2.9 The structure of human rights 2.10 Get up, stand up References Legal documents
Communitas, 2022
Dans l'objectif de discuter des enjeux associés aux systèmes d'intelligence artificielle (SIA), l... more Dans l'objectif de discuter des enjeux associés aux systèmes d'intelligence artificielle (SIA), les publications en éthique de l'IA se sont multipliées récemment. Bien que le droit et l'éthique oeuvrent pour un but commun, soit celui de favoriser une utilisation de l'IA qui soit bénéfique et responsable, ces initiatives normatives sont distinctes et doivent être situées adéquatement l'une par rapport à l'autre. Dans le cadre de cet article, partant d'une perspective pragmatiste, nous proposons une réflexion sur le rôle normatif de ce que Luciano Floridi appelle la soft ethics par rapport au droit. Nous réfléchirons aux caractéristiques qu'elle devrait posséder pour jouer un rôle normatif effectif qui soit complémentaire au droit ainsi qu'aux relations internormatives entre éthique et droit dans la perspective du pluralisme normatif.
Moral design and technology, Jan 20, 2022

AI & SOCIETY, 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in current discussions on information and co... more Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in current discussions on information and communication technologies (ICT) and new modes of algorithmic governance. It is an unavoidable dimension of what social mediations and modes of reproduction of our information societies will be in the future. While several works in artificial intelligence ethics (AIE) address ethical issues specific to certain areas of expertise, these ethical reflections often remain confined to narrow areas of application, without considering the global ethical issues in which they are embedded. We, therefore, propose to clarify the main approaches to AIE, their philosophical assumptions and the specific characteristics of each one of them, to identify the most promising approach to develop an ethical reflection on the deployment of AI in our societies, which is the one based on information ethics as proposed by Luciano Floridi. We will identify the most important features of that approach to highlight areas that need further investigation.
Papers by Andréane Sabourin Laflamme