Papers by André Luiz Pizzolatti
This study compared GRF of in-place and forward water running at two levels of immersion. Twenty ... more This study compared GRF of in-place and forward water running at two levels of immersion. Twenty healthy subjects executed both exercises at a self selected speed at hip and chest immersion. Variables analyzed were: vertical peak (Fy), anterior peak (Fx anterior) and posterior peak (Fx posterior). Two-factor repeated measures ANOVA was used with p<0.05. Although in-place running presented lower values of Fx anterior (0.05 BW at chest and 0.08 BW at hip), both Fx posterior (-0.05 BW at chest and -0.07 BW at hip) and Fy (1.10 BW at chest and 1.29 BW at hip) were greater than forward running (Fx anterior = 0.26 BW and 0.31 BW; Fx posterior = -0.02 BW and -0.03 BW; Fy 0.79 BW and 0.96 BW at chest an hip level respectively). The effect of level of immersion was only significant for Fy and Fx anterior, being greater at hip level.

Acta Ortopédica Brasileira, 2011
OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados em artro RM de sujeitos com suspeita de lesão do labrum acetabular... more OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados em artro RM de sujeitos com suspeita de lesão do labrum acetabular. MÉTODO: Foram analisadas 108 artro RM de quadris em 2007/2008. Dois radiologistas independentemente analisaram as imagens e foi considerada a resposta comum entre eles. Com base em seus pareceres observou-se o local e estadiamento das lesões labrais e condrais, as alterações anatômicas, e a presença de tendinite e bursite trocantérica. RESULTADO: As lesões labrais grau I ocorreram em 41% dos casos, grau II em 31%, e grau III em 29%. O IFA tipo cam foi frequente em 36% dos casos, tipo pincer em 11%, e IFA misto em 13%, nestes casos 57% apresentaram lesão labral grau III, A lesão condral grau I foi observada em 51% acetábulos, as de grau II em 13%, e grau III em 18%. CONCLUSÃO: As alterações morfológicas que provocam IFA do tipo cam foram as mais prevalentes. Em relação ao grau de lesão labral e condral foram predominantes as lesões grau I independente da presença ou do tipo de IFA, exce...

SUMARY PURPOSE: The aim of this study is evaluate anterior cyclic loading applied to the knee o n... more SUMARY PURPOSE: The aim of this study is evaluate anterior cyclic loading applied to the knee o neuromuscular co-activation during jump landing. METHOD: Muscle electrical activity were recorded in s while performing five single leg jumps from 30 cm of height before and after anterior cyclic loading applied to the knee. The load applied passively pulls the tibia forward with the knee in a 30° flexion for 90 cycles at 0.1 Hz, with maximal loads of 40% of the body weight. The co-activa obtained by biceps femoris and vastus laterals (C semitendinosus and vastus medialis (CI ST). The co was analyzed in three jump phases: 100-0 ms pre 100 ms post-landing and 100-200 ms post vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) was also determined. RESULTS: The CI BF after cyclic loading was similar to that observed before loading in the three phases of jump. landing, the pre-loading co-activation represents post-loading. After landing, the co-activation 87.3% for 0-100 ms and 100-200 ms respectively. The...

Objective The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between femoral anteversi... more Objective The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between femoral anteversion and hip muscle strength in subjects with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. Method The femoral version angles described in the arthro-magnetic resonance images and isokinetic tests were retrospectively evaluated from July 2016 to December 2017. The inclusion criteria were: a) femoral version evaluated by the same radiologist; b) α angle ≥ 55°; and c) no limiting pain during the isokinetic test. Flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external rotation peak torques were evaluated at 30° per second in 5 repetitions. The correlation between femoral version and muscle strength was evaluated by simple linear regression at a 5% significance level. Results A total of 37 females filled the inclusion criteria, and 51 symptomatic hips were evaluated. There was no correlation of the femoral anteversion in the flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation and inte...

Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics
Purpose (1) To evaluate the biomechanical properties of a porcine flexor digitorum superficialis ... more Purpose (1) To evaluate the biomechanical properties of a porcine flexor digitorum superficialis tendon graft with preserved muscle fibers and (2) to compare these results with the biomechanical properties of a porcine tendon graft after removal of associated muscle. Methods Eighty-two porcine forelegs were dissected and the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle tendons were harvested. The study comprised of two groups: Group 1 (G1), harvested tendon with preserved muscle tissue; and Group 2 (G2), harvested contralateral tendon with removal of all muscle tissue. Tests in both groups were conducted using an electro-mechanical material testing machine (Instron, model 23-5S, Instron Corp., Canton, MA, USA) with a 500 N force transducer. Yield load, stiffness, and maximum load were evaluated and compared between groups. Results The behavior of the autografts during the tests followed the same stretching, deformation, and failure patterns as those observed in human autografts subjected t...

Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia
Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação da anteversão femoral e da força... more Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação da anteversão femoral e da força dos músculos do quadril em indivíduos com síndrome do impacto femoroacetabular. Método Os ângulos de versão femoral descritos nas imagens de ressonância magnética articular e os testes isocinéticos foram avaliados retrospectivamente entre julho de 2016 e dezembro de 2017. Os critérios de inclusão foram: a) versão femoral avaliada pelo mesmo radiologista; b) ângulo α ≥ 55°; e c) ausência de dor limitante durante o teste isocinético. Os picos de torque em flexão/extensão, abdução/adução e rotação interna/externa foram avaliados a 30°/s em 5 repetições. A correlação entre a versão femoral e a força muscular foi avaliada por meio de regressão linear simples, com nível de significância estatística de 5%. Resultados Um total de 37 mulheres atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Foram avaliados 51 quadris sintomáticos. Não houve correlação da anteversão femoral nos picos de torque em flexão, ext...
Papers by André Luiz Pizzolatti