Papers by Anders Rønningen

International Journal of Community Music, Mar 1, 2017
The Norwegian Municipal Music and Art Schools (MMAS) hold an important function in the Norwegian ... more The Norwegian Municipal Music and Art Schools (MMAS) hold an important function in the Norwegian society, providing education and cultural activities on a weekly basis for some 103,000 kids. This article discusses the MMAS in the light of Community Music values. Orienting the discussion around three focal themes – Access and participation, Social aspects and Frames and flexibility – the article identifies both resemblances and contrasts between community music and MMAS practice and philosophy. A recently published curriculum plan for the MMAS is addressed and discussed in the article, and it is claimed that this new curriculum plan pulls the field in a direction towards more community like practice. This may imply a new perspective on what should be the MMAS’ core activities, and from that also follows that there might be a need for new and more relevant competences among the teachers.

Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian co... more Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian comprehensive school. The article deals with representation of minority music and culture in Norwegian textbooks for comprehensive school. Using taxonomy from Schippers (2010) to identify different ways of understanding world music, both texts, pictures and audio materials are analyzed. Analyzes are in no way exhaustive, and the main goal is to pinpoint some processes that are ideologically loaded. Through several examples from texts, pictures and audio, it is shown that a psychological distance between majority and minority cultures is constructed. This is done through processes of exotification and othering of minority cultures on the one side, and normalizing and exnomination of majority culture on the other. The examples are analyzed with inspiration from critical discourse analyze and social semiotics. Showing that the textbooks representation of these musics and cultures are driven from premises of difference and otherness, a metaphor – Ethnia – as a place for projecting pure otherness and distance to majority culture, is suggested.

My background for this paper is that I am analyzing music textbooks from a "multicultural perspec... more My background for this paper is that I am analyzing music textbooks from a "multicultural perspective". Through this work, I have found that the teaching design that the books suggest, does not differ according to the kind of musics taught, but stay more or less the same through for example western classical music, pop and rock, music from Africa and Sámi music. At the same time the content of "foreign musics" as well as western music have been criticized thorougly from a multicultural perspective, the way this different content is taught, has passed by more silently. This amazed me, and it still does, and in this presentation I want to share some initial thoughts about where this has taken me philosophically. This paper mostly deals with theory and philosophy, and the practical implications are yet to be thought through. Nevertheless, I believe my points here can be relevant for a discussion about how we think about music and how we teach it, especially in our more and more culturally diverse societies, with growing efforts on doing justice to other cultures and musics in our classrooms.
Norges musikkhøgskole eBooks, 2015

Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian co... more Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian comprehensive school. The article deals with representation of minority music and culture in Norwegian textbooks for comprehensive school. Using taxonomy from Schippers (2010) to identify different ways of understanding world music, both texts, pictures and audio materials are analyzed. Analyzes are in no way exhaustive, and the main goal is to pinpoint some processes that are ideologically loaded. Through several examples from texts, pictures and audio, it is shown that a psychological distance between majority and minority cultures is constructed. This is done through processes of exotification and othering of minority cultures on the one side, and normalizing and exnomination of majority culture on the other. The examples are analyzed with inspiration from critical discourse analyze and social semiotics. Showing that the textbooks representation of these musics and cultures are driven from premises of difference and otherness, a metaphor – Ethnia – as a place for projecting pure otherness and distance to majority culture, is suggested.

In the Norwegian national strategy plan Equal Education in Practice it is stated that "To en... more In the Norwegian national strategy plan Equal Education in Practice it is stated that "To ensure proper subject and linguistic learning outcomes, it is also important that multicultural reality should be reflected in the teaching materials" (2007:16). This means that the multicultural society should also be reflected in textbooks for music. One might think this would be relatively easy, as the subject itself is "cultural". For other subjects such as mathematics, I suppose it could be claimed that they are socially and culturally neutral (although I also would argue against this view). But the very nature of music is culture; as a result the (multi)cultural perspective is not as subtle as it is in some other subjects. On the other hand, an analysis of this is not just a simple case of pinpointing the multicultural, such as counting the black people, or the use of artists and examples from different parts of the world. It must delve more deeply into the conception ...
International Journal of Community Music, 2017

My background for this paper is that I am analyzing music textbooks from a "multicultural perspec... more My background for this paper is that I am analyzing music textbooks from a "multicultural perspective". Through this work, I have found that the teaching design that the books suggest, does not differ according to the kind of musics taught, but stay more or less the same through for example western classical music, pop and rock, music from Africa and Sámi music. At the same time the content of "foreign musics" as well as western music have been criticized thorougly from a multicultural perspective, the way this different content is taught, has passed by more silently. This amazed me, and it still does, and in this presentation I want to share some initial thoughts about where this has taken me philosophically. This paper mostly deals with theory and philosophy, and the practical implications are yet to be thought through. Nevertheless, I believe my points here can be relevant for a discussion about how we think about music and how we teach it, especially in our more and more culturally diverse societies, with growing efforts on doing justice to other cultures and musics in our classrooms.
Bidragsyterne har copyright for sitt eget kapittel. Dette verket omfattes av bestemmelsene i Lov ... more Bidragsyterne har copyright for sitt eget kapittel. Dette verket omfattes av bestemmelsene i Lov om opphavsretten til åndsverk m.v. av 1961. Verket utgis Open Access under betingelsene i Creative Commons-lisensen CC-BY 4.0 ( by/4.0/). Denne tillater tredjepart å kopiere, distribuere og spre verket i hvilket som helst medium eller format, og å remixe, endre, og bygge videre på materialet til et hvilket som helst formål, inkludert kommersielle, under betingelse av at korrekt kreditering og en lenke til lisensen er oppgitt, og at man indikerer om endringer er blitt gjort. Tredjepart kan gjøre dette på enhver rimelig måte, men uten at det kan forstås slik at lisensgiver bifaller tredjepart eller tredjeparts bruk av verket.

Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian co... more Stories from Ethnia: Representation of cultural difference in textbooks for music in Norwegian comprehensive school. The article deals with representation of minority music and culture in Norwegian textbooks for comprehensive school. Using taxonomy from Schippers (2010) to identify different ways of understanding world music, both texts, pictures and audio materials are analyzed. Analyzes are in no way exhaustive, and the main goal is to pinpoint some processes that are ideologically loaded. Through several examples from texts, pictures and audio, it is shown that a psychological distance between majority and minority cultures is constructed. This is done through processes of exotification and othering of minority cultures on the one side, and normalizing and exnomination of majority culture on the other. The examples are analyzed with inspiration from critical discourse analyze and social semiotics. Showing that the textbooks representation of these musics and cultures are driven f...
Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
Community Arts / Arts Education er et temanummer om ulike tilnærminger til kunst og utdanning i e... more Community Arts / Arts Education er et temanummer om ulike tilnærminger til kunst og utdanning i et bredt og komplekst utdanningsfelt. Bidragene i temanummeret gir både sammen og hver for seg muligheter til å forstå hvordan kunstfaglig arbeid i forskjellige utdanningskontekster kan skje med svært ulike tilnærminger, og artikulerer hva som kan være verdien i disse.

Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
Selv om kulturskolepedagogene regnes for å ha høy kompetanse, er det ikke forsket så mye på hvorv... more Selv om kulturskolepedagogene regnes for å ha høy kompetanse, er det ikke forsket så mye på hvorvidt kompetansen er godt innrettet for å løse de oppgavene kulturskolen skal løse. Den nye rammeplan for kulturskolen (Norsk kulturskoleråd, 2016) styrker og justerer retningen for kulturskolenes samfunnsoppdrag, og gir dermed også føringer for hva som bør finnes både av formell og realkompetanse. Denne artikkelen undersøker hvordan kulturskolerektorer i Buskerud, Telemark og Vestfold (BTV) tolker kompetansesituasjonen i sine institusjoner i relasjon til rammeplanens krav og intensjoner. Forskningsprosjektet som ligger til grunn for denne artikkelen viser at rektorene erfarer et behov for justert og styrket kompetanse hos kulturskolepedagogene innenfor den delen av kulturskolens samfunnsoppdrag som er tettest på sosiale perspektiver, og at de formelle kompetansene som de ansatte har ikke nødvendigvis sikrer dette. I artikkelens siste og mer eksplorerende del, foreslås forklaringer på hvor...
Papers by Anders Rønningen