Papers by Anastasia Psalti
Μέλη E.Π. του Τμήματος Βρeφονηπιοκομίας συμμeτeίχαν σe διeθνές συνέδριο μe συμπόσιο, το οποίο φιλ... more Μέλη E.Π. του Τμήματος Βρeφονηπιοκομίας συμμeτeίχαν σe διeθνές συνέδριο μe συμπόσιο, το οποίο φιλοδοξούσe να eγeίρeι eρωτήματα και να προκαλέσeι συζήτηση σχeτικά μe τις ποικίλeς ανάγκeς των παιδαγωγών προσχολικής ηλικίας στην Eλλάδα. Μe αφορμή το συγκeκριμένοσυμπόσιο διατυπώνονται οι ακόλουθeς σκέψeις.
Early identification and intervention for children experiencing difficulties in learning provides... more Early identification and intervention for children experiencing difficulties in learning provides a foundation for later learning and could thereby foster later academic success experiences for children at risk. The purpose of this study is to present an instrument assessing pre-school teachers’ readiness to identify children at risk of developing Specific Learning Disabilities in the future. Two pilot studies were conducted in order to test the instrument. Fifty students and teachers and twenty-two students participated in those studies respectively. The results show that the research instrument is generally a reliable instrument. The difficulties in design and the positive and negative aspects of the instrument are thoroughly discussed.
Bullying and the Abuse of Power, 2010
Greek Students' Perception of School Bullying: The Profiles of Victims and Perpetrators Vass... more Greek Students' Perception of School Bullying: The Profiles of Victims and Perpetrators Vassiliki Kalati, Anastasia Psalti & Vassiliki Deliyianni-Kouimtzi Abstract This paper reports on a large-scale project that aimed to study school violence in Greek schools in relation to the ...
Creative Education, 2018
Τhe aim of the present study is to adapt the "Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS)" devel... more Τhe aim of the present study is to adapt the "Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS)" developed by Ponterotto, Baluch, Greig, & Rivera (1998), to Greek teachers. More specifically, it examines the reliability and validity of the "Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS)" as an appropriate instrument for the evaluation of Greek teachers' multicultural attitudes. The Greek version of the questionnaire was administered to 273 teachers from different regions of Greece and its validity and reliability were tested. The data analysis led to a three-factor structure. The results indicated that the Greek version of the "Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS)" is a reliable psychometric tool and can be used to evaluate Greek teachers' style toward multiculturalism.

Journal of School Violence, 2016
ABSTRACT Despite the plethora of studies regarding bullying worldwide, there are limited studies ... more ABSTRACT Despite the plethora of studies regarding bullying worldwide, there are limited studies at the early childhood level. This article presents the results of a pilot study aiming at exploring preservice and in-service early childhood teachers’ views on bullying in Greek early childhood settings. A total of 192 early childhood teachers completed a questionnaire containing six vignettes and questions regarding the seriousness of the incidents, feelings toward the students involved, and methods of intervention. Results indicated that early childhood teachers considered social bullying to be less serious than the other forms of bullying, displayed less sympathy for victims of social bullying, and were less likely to intervene in social bullying incidents; they varied their actions toward bullies and victims according to the type of bullying behavior.

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2016
Cyberbullying is one of the most common threats an adolescent might face online with serious nega... more Cyberbullying is one of the most common threats an adolescent might face online with serious negative consequences at the social, emotional and educational level. Despite the intense study of the phenomenon over the past decade, most researchers ask for new directions in research that will focus on risk and protective factors. This study attempted to investigate the predictive effect of internet use, parental mediation, school-bullying and victimisation, gender and empathy on cyberbullying and cybervictimisation in two measurements, 4 months apart. Data collection was conducted using a self-report questionnaire. Four hundred and forty secondary school students, aged 12-14, participated in the study. The students were randomly selected from six public schools located in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki in Greece. Results showed that involvement in traditional bullying as a victim or as a perpetrator is the factor with the highest predictability for cyberbullying and cybervictimisation, which also remains stable across time. This finding points to the urgent need for designing and implementing programmes against all forms of bullying both offline and on line.

School Psychology International, 2007
The recent dramatic changes in the makeup of the student population in Greek schools pointed to t... more The recent dramatic changes in the makeup of the student population in Greek schools pointed to the need for designing and implementing new educational and teacher training programmes that would incorporate the educational needs of newcomers. Such a teacher training programme aiming at developing Greek teachers' cultural awareness and empowerment was designed and implemented as part of a greater research project. The scope of this article is to present the specifics and some of the results from the evaluation of this teacher training programme. The programme consisted of three thematic units, which were based on experiential learning. Five groups of both primary- and secondary-school teachers from three cities of northern Greece participated in it. Teacher training modules were designed to meet the training needs of the programme as well as for future use in other teacher training programmes. Teacher evaluation of the training programme indicated that it was an interesting and p...
1. Theoretical background During the last decade there has been a growing interest in the social ... more 1. Theoretical background During the last decade there has been a growing interest in the social phenomenon of school bullying in Greece. Few years ago a large-scale research project, which was funded by the Greek Ministry of Education, was conducted in primary and secondary ...
Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 2012
Abstract: Students involved in bullying incidents at school adopt a specific status type (bully, ... more Abstract: Students involved in bullying incidents at school adopt a specific status type (bully, victim, bully-victim, not-involved). This paper attempts to present an analytic picture of these four status types using a large, representative sample of n= 3869 of the Greek student population from primary and secondary schools. Results indicate that almost half of the participating students at both school levels were classified as bullies, victims, or bully-victims. Significant differences were noted among the four status types and across school ...
International Journal of Sociology of the Family, Apr 1, 2002
The present study explores the acculturation process of Soviet parents who immigrated to Greece a... more The present study explores the acculturation process of Soviet parents who immigrated to Greece and Israel in the 1990s. We compare the parenting styles in coping with host school systems in their respective countries, Israel and Greece. The study combines two different theoretical models: Ogbu's minority groups typology and a model of immigrants' parenting styles. Two samples of parents of elementary schoolchildren were selected, more than 100from each country. The results point out differences and similarities between the ...
This paper describes the key findings of a two year project focused on children's experiences... more This paper describes the key findings of a two year project focused on children's experiences of domestic violence. It draws on 107 interviews with children in Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK. The paper explores children's capacity to articulate their experiences, and highlights that they are not 'witnesses' to intimate partner violence, but experience it directly and make meaning of it, as members of a family affected by violence. I argue that children need to be recognised as direct victims of domestic violence and of coercive control.

The main objective of the article is to present the implementation of a European project in Greec... more The main objective of the article is to present the implementation of a European project in Greece for the safe use of the internet. Specifically, the article reports on the results of the evaluation of a school-based intervention against cyberbullying. Three hundred and fourteen secondary school students (50.3% boys) participated in the study. The students completed a self-report online checklist, which aimed to assess internet use along with the risk level of cyberthreats received and performed by youngsters. Results showed that even though adolescent students in Greece report a number of risky online behaviors, exhibit lower rates of cyberbullying compared to students from other European countries. Additionally, students' estimate of their involvement in cyberbullying incidents in the future was significantly correlated with their risky and unsafe use of the internet. Results regarding the effect of the school-based intervention on students' online behavior are inconclusi...
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2016

Frontiers in Psychology, Nov 7, 2016
This study examined the relationship between flow experience and place identity, based on eudaimo... more This study examined the relationship between flow experience and place identity, based on eudaimonistic identity theory (EIT) which prioritizes self-defining activities as important for an individual's identification of his/her goals, values, beliefs, and interests corresponding to one's own identity development or enhancement. This study focuses on place identity, the identity's features relating to a person's relation with her/his place. The study is also based on flow theory, according to which some salient features of an activity experience are important for happiness and well-being. Questionnaire surveys on Italian and Greek residents focused on their perceived flow and place identity in relation to their own specific local place experiences. The overall findings revealed that flow experience occurring in one's own preferred place is widely reported as resulting from a range of self-defining activities, irrespective of gender or age, and it is positively and significantly associated with one's own place identity. Such findings provide the first quantitative evidence about the link between flow experienced during meaningfully located self-defining activities and identity experienced at the place level, similarly to the corresponding personal and social levels that had been previously already empirically tested. Results are also discussed in terms of their implications for EIT's understanding and enrichment, especially by its generalization from the traditional, personal identity level up to that of place identity. More generally, this study has implications for maintaining or enhancing one's own place identity, and therefore peopleplace relations, by means of facilitating a person's flow experience within psychologically meaningful places.
Papers by Anastasia Psalti