1.INTRODUCTIONThe investigation of generational differences among workforces is a critical issue ... more 1.INTRODUCTIONThe investigation of generational differences among workforces is a critical issue but not much importance is given to management research (Westerman & Yamamura, 2007). In this decade, the academicians and the practitioners show much focus on this pertinent issue. Much interest is shown by human resource specialists, managers and researchers in dealing with multigenerational workforce (Cennamo and Gardner, 2008).Research on generational differences are conducted in the US, the UK, Canada, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. They shared similar demographic patterns, critical social incidents and changes and hence they followed similar generation category. But, from the cultural context it could be slightly different in countries like India and China (e.g. Roongrengsuke, 2010). The generational cohorts appear to be differing in their birth year, experience, life stage and career stage, work values, goals, and expectations (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008). Mannheim (1953) stated...
International Journal of Business and Globalisation
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of Gen Y in India. A work values perspec... more The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of Gen Y in India. A work values perspective is employed to establish the difference in work values of Gen Y from India and Gen Y from other countries. Further, gender-based differences in work values of Gen Y and differences in work values of Gen Y working in public and private sectors in India are explored. The results of these investigations provide a comprehensive understanding of the Indian Gen Y. Findings indicate that Indian Gen Y hold relatively unique value preferences compared to Gen Y across the globe. Also, Gen Y employees in private sector have higher expectations of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards than Gen Y working in public sector. However, there are no significant differences in work values of male and female Gen Y. These are indicative of changing gender roles in Indian society.
The purpose of this research is to conduct a two-phase fluid analysis and simulation for examinin... more The purpose of this research is to conduct a two-phase fluid analysis and simulation for examining the influence of refrigerant (R134a/R1234yf) properties on cooling performance of an automobile HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) evaporator core and compare their performances. In this research, streamline deviation, static pressure, velocity magnitude, pressure co-efficiency, Reynolds number and turbulent kinetic energy play a key role in the comparison of the refrigerants R1234yf and R134a two-phase fluids. Subsequently, it was found that R134a properties were better towards the cooling performance of an automobile HVAC evaporator core.
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
This paper aims to investigate the direct effects of various components of job engagement with th... more This paper aims to investigate the direct effects of various components of job engagement with three dimensions of organisational commitment and indirect effects through the psychological well-being. This study empirically tested the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables of 431 IT employees working in India. Linear regression, multiple regression analysis and mediation analysis were employed to find out the strength of the relationship between the dimensions of engagement and commitment as well as to reveal to what extent psychological well-being influences to predict the commitment of employees. The results revealed that psychological well-being mediated the relationship between all the three dimensions of engagement and normative as well as continuance commitment. All the components of engagement have no indirect effect on affective commitment. The findings provide insights to implement the well-being programs in the organisation and vary the HR practices to obtain maximum effort from employees through engagement.
Abstract The Soret-effect or thermo-diffusion in liquids has been a subject of long-standing cons... more Abstract The Soret-effect or thermo-diffusion in liquids has been a subject of long-standing consideration for research. Numerical modelling of thermophoresis in water-alumina nanofluid subjected to sub-cooled pool boiling conditions is attempted in this paper. Pool boiling experiments are conducted using water-alumina nanofluid for different heater input conditions (50 °C–90 °C). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code ANSYS Fluent is used further to analyse thermophoresis in water-alumina nanofluid. 2-D steady pressure-based implicit solver with Gauss-Seidel iterative procedure is used to discretize and numerically solve the mathematical model. Pressure-correction in the numerical procedure is done using SIMPLE (Semi-implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equation) technique. Flow boiling models for micro-sized particles are revised to outfit pool boiling conditions of nanofluid. Results of temperature from the numerical model were found to have a worthy-match with measured temperature values of the experiments. Uncertainty analysis is carried out for the random variation of temperature measurements in experiments. Thermophoretic parameters, Peclet numbers (rotational/translational) and time-scale equations for diffusion are used to analyse minute particle motion due to advection/diffusion nano-scale heat transfer. Results of thermophoretic velocity reveal a diminishing effect of particle motion near heater surface with amplified heater inputs. Results of Peclet numbers (translational/rotational) reveal the significant role of very small nano particle motion on heat diffusion in nanofluids. Combined results of Peclet number and time-scale equations reveal the strengths of advection and diffusion mechanisms in the nano-scale heat transfer process.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into differences in work values and Pe... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into differences in work values and Person–Organisation (P–O) fit of Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y in India and to understand the relationship between (P–O) fit values and turnover intention of Generation Y employees. Design/methodology/approach The work values were measured using an adapted version of Lyons Work Values scale. The generational differences in work values and P–O fit were studied using multivariate analysis of variance and relationship between P–O fit values and turnover intention of Gen Y employees was studied using polynomial regression and response surface methodology. Findings Significant differences in work values were observed between Generation Y and older generations. Generation Y also reported significantly higher discrepancy in P–O fit values than Generation X and Baby Boomers. This had an effect on their turnover intention. Research limitations/implications A cross-sectional design was used to study...
Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to assay the resilience in Millennial leader’s... more Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to assay the resilience in Millennial leader’s personality by preparing a survey instrument which would be useful to organizations to measure the leadership skills, personality traits and their resilience (flexibility). The desideratum is to examine whether this variance poses as threat to today’s workforce. Methodology: The empirical results are presented and a new scale is developed to assay resilience in the personality of Millennial leaders, which includes different stages of descriptive research. Expert opinion was performed among 62 specialists, Exquisite surveys were conducted with 92 Gen Y leaders and final data assimilation was done from 525 Millennial leaders in the I.T industry using stratified proportionate random sampling. Findings: The final results of this study led to the development of a standardized 30-iteminstrument, augmented by construct validity and scale’s reliability. Thus, it can be avouched that it possible to quantify resilience of Millennial leaders; and the personality traits of Millennial leaders explain for a substantial amount of variance (18.1%) in their resilience behavior. Further, Extraverted Millennial leaders agreed that their tendency to be flexible/resilient depends on their personality traits; and they sought to take chances in variating personalities. This posed as a threat to their work profiles, where Gen Y leaders still preferred to pursue this variating resilience in their personality. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that the variation in the resilience of Millennial leader’s personality certainly poses as impendence to the organizations. Applications/Improvements: Even though there are several works published around the personalities of millennials, this paper builds upon the authors’ motive to explore about the flexibility in personality of Gen Y leaders in organizations.
In recent years, with the advent of globalization, the world is witnessing a steep rise in its en... more In recent years, with the advent of globalization, the world is witnessing a steep rise in its energy consumption. The world is transforming itself into an industrial and knowledge society from an agricultural one which in turn makes the growth, energy intensive resulting in emissions. Energy modeling and energy planning is vital for the future economic prosperity and environmental security. Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms are being adopted in energy modeling to precisely map the energy systems. In this paper, an attempt has been made to review the applications of fuzzy logic based models in renewable energy systems namely solar, wind, bio-energy, micro-grid and hybrid applications. It is found that fuzzy based models are extensively used in recent years for site assessment, for installing of photovoltaic/wind farms, power point tracking in solar photovoltaic/wind, optimization among conflicting criteria. The review indicates that fuzzy based models provide realistic estimates.
Uneven terrains in mountain regions, where wind mills are to be erected cause concerns on the mat... more Uneven terrains in mountain regions, where wind mills are to be erected cause concerns on the matrix of location, variation in wind direction, wake effects and due to location which may take a toll on efficiency, frequent changes in wind velocity, limitation of the hub height are a fear of the exogenous variables that influence the operation of wind farm. An attempt is made in this work to analyze the effect of those parameters on the efficiency of wind farm. Energy efficiency and exergy efficiency for a three column wind farm are determined and compared. The mathematical model developed considers wake deficit loss, transmission losses and resource losses the loss due to change in the wind direction, overall efficiency factor and locational specifications. A new objective function is derived for the wind farm with multidirectional wind flow and it is solved by Covariant Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy algorithm. This algorithm is used to maximize the wind farm exergetic effi...
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2007
The objective of this study is to develop an optimal renewable energy mathematical (OREM) model f... more The objective of this study is to develop an optimal renewable energy mathematical (OREM) model for the effective utilization of renewable energy sources in a developing country like India for the year 2020-2021. The model is developed with the objective of minimizing cost/efficiency ratio based on social acceptance, reliability, demand and potential constraints. The formulation of social acceptance and reliability constraints in the model is discussed. The model predicts that approximately 25% of the total energy consumed will be from renewable energy sources by the year 2020-2021. The present model will facilitate the policy makers in the formulation of renewable energy planning.
ABSTRACT There have been several proposals for solar thermal power plants using a Rankine cycle w... more ABSTRACT There have been several proposals for solar thermal power plants using a Rankine cycle with a low boiling point fluid as the working medium. Organic Rankine-cycle engines are particularly suited for a number of reasons such as, high thermal efficiency and reliability, relatively uncomplicated mechanical components and adaptability for use over a wide power range. In this study three working fluids: butane (C4H10), dichloro tetrafluoroethane (F114) and trichloro trifluoroethane (F113) are examined. These three fluids were chosen in view of their desirable properties such as high molecular weight, low boiling point and the slope of their vapour saturation curve.
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 2014
The success of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has substantial benefits to... more The success of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has substantial benefits to an organization due to its large scale tangible and intangible benefits. However, the failure of ERP system implementation is a considerable challenge since it poses significant intervention on internal stakeholders, internal organization, business processes and technology. Though literature recognizes that these interventions bring about technological change during ERP implementation, hardly any article has conceptualized these interventions in evaluating its performance. Drawing on the Process-Variance (PV) and Adapted Socio Technical (AST) system perspectives, the objective of this article is to conceptualize the interventions through socio-technical perspective and develop a comprehensive conceptual model to assess the success or failure of ERP system implementation. The conceptual model, Process-Variance and Adapted SocioTechnical (PVAST) proposed in this article will enable decisi...
The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in t... more The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in this paper. Key parameters which influence wake effects in a wind farm are wind velocity, tip speed ratio, number of blades, rotor speed, rotor diameter and hub height. Three different models namely power, wake and exergy model were used in estimating the exergy efficiency of the single array wind farm. Even though it is ideal for wind farms to fix the wind turbines in rows and columns the conditions of the site may not always be conducive for it. Hence analysis has been done keeping the wind turbines at random in a row and the effect of positioning on the performance is analyzed. Energy and exergy efficiency calculations were made for different cases by varying the positions of wind turbines in the single array wind farm. Standard relations were used in estimating the energy deficit in the wind farm due to wake effects. The wake effects were found to have an aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results from the changes in the key parameters mentioned above. Potential areas for reducing energy losses by proper location and selection of turbines based on rating are highlighted. The influence of individual parameters contributing to the wake effect were analyzed and discussed in detail.
The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in t... more The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in this paper. Key parameters which influence wake effects in a wind farm are wind velocity, tip speed ratio, number of blades, rotor speed, rotor diameter and hub height. Three different models namely power, wake and exergy model were used in estimating the exergy efficiency of the single array wind farm. Even though it is ideal for wind farms to fix the wind turbines in rows and columns the conditions of the site may not always be conducive for it. Hence analysis has been done keeping the wind turbines at random in a row and the effect of positioning on the performance is analyzed. Energy and exergy efficiency calculations were made for different cases by varying the positions of wind turbines in the single array wind farm. Standard relations were used in estimating the energy deficit in the wind farm due to wake effects. The wake effects were found to have an aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results from the changes in the key parameters mentioned above. Potential areas for reducing energy losses by proper location and selection of turbines based on rating are highlighted. The influence of individual parameters contributing to the wake effect were analyzed and discussed in detail.
... It had been found that skewness and rank correlation analysis would help to prioritise and in... more ... It had been found that skewness and rank correlation analysis would help to prioritise and integrate the factors and systems. 2. The process of Delphi. The Delphi study had been conducted to determine the social acceptance and the percentage use of renewable energy ...
Exergy or the available energy is based on the second law of thermodynamics and goes back to Maxw... more Exergy or the available energy is based on the second law of thermodynamics and goes back to Maxwell and Gibbs. It is the exergy content and not the energy content, that truly represents the potential of the substance to cause change. Exergy is the only rational basis for evaluating the system performance. The aim of this project is to study in detail the exergy variation in the solar assisted absorption system. The influence of the cycle parameters are analysed on the basis of first law and second law effectiveness and the results indicated various ways of improving system performance by better design. Also a better quality of the evaporator has more effect on the system performance than the better quality of other components. It was shown that second law analysis quantitatively visualizes losses within a system and gives clear trends for optimization.
1.INTRODUCTIONThe investigation of generational differences among workforces is a critical issue ... more 1.INTRODUCTIONThe investigation of generational differences among workforces is a critical issue but not much importance is given to management research (Westerman & Yamamura, 2007). In this decade, the academicians and the practitioners show much focus on this pertinent issue. Much interest is shown by human resource specialists, managers and researchers in dealing with multigenerational workforce (Cennamo and Gardner, 2008).Research on generational differences are conducted in the US, the UK, Canada, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. They shared similar demographic patterns, critical social incidents and changes and hence they followed similar generation category. But, from the cultural context it could be slightly different in countries like India and China (e.g. Roongrengsuke, 2010). The generational cohorts appear to be differing in their birth year, experience, life stage and career stage, work values, goals, and expectations (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008). Mannheim (1953) stated...
International Journal of Business and Globalisation
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of Gen Y in India. A work values perspec... more The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of Gen Y in India. A work values perspective is employed to establish the difference in work values of Gen Y from India and Gen Y from other countries. Further, gender-based differences in work values of Gen Y and differences in work values of Gen Y working in public and private sectors in India are explored. The results of these investigations provide a comprehensive understanding of the Indian Gen Y. Findings indicate that Indian Gen Y hold relatively unique value preferences compared to Gen Y across the globe. Also, Gen Y employees in private sector have higher expectations of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards than Gen Y working in public sector. However, there are no significant differences in work values of male and female Gen Y. These are indicative of changing gender roles in Indian society.
The purpose of this research is to conduct a two-phase fluid analysis and simulation for examinin... more The purpose of this research is to conduct a two-phase fluid analysis and simulation for examining the influence of refrigerant (R134a/R1234yf) properties on cooling performance of an automobile HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) evaporator core and compare their performances. In this research, streamline deviation, static pressure, velocity magnitude, pressure co-efficiency, Reynolds number and turbulent kinetic energy play a key role in the comparison of the refrigerants R1234yf and R134a two-phase fluids. Subsequently, it was found that R134a properties were better towards the cooling performance of an automobile HVAC evaporator core.
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
This paper aims to investigate the direct effects of various components of job engagement with th... more This paper aims to investigate the direct effects of various components of job engagement with three dimensions of organisational commitment and indirect effects through the psychological well-being. This study empirically tested the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables of 431 IT employees working in India. Linear regression, multiple regression analysis and mediation analysis were employed to find out the strength of the relationship between the dimensions of engagement and commitment as well as to reveal to what extent psychological well-being influences to predict the commitment of employees. The results revealed that psychological well-being mediated the relationship between all the three dimensions of engagement and normative as well as continuance commitment. All the components of engagement have no indirect effect on affective commitment. The findings provide insights to implement the well-being programs in the organisation and vary the HR practices to obtain maximum effort from employees through engagement.
Abstract The Soret-effect or thermo-diffusion in liquids has been a subject of long-standing cons... more Abstract The Soret-effect or thermo-diffusion in liquids has been a subject of long-standing consideration for research. Numerical modelling of thermophoresis in water-alumina nanofluid subjected to sub-cooled pool boiling conditions is attempted in this paper. Pool boiling experiments are conducted using water-alumina nanofluid for different heater input conditions (50 °C–90 °C). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code ANSYS Fluent is used further to analyse thermophoresis in water-alumina nanofluid. 2-D steady pressure-based implicit solver with Gauss-Seidel iterative procedure is used to discretize and numerically solve the mathematical model. Pressure-correction in the numerical procedure is done using SIMPLE (Semi-implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equation) technique. Flow boiling models for micro-sized particles are revised to outfit pool boiling conditions of nanofluid. Results of temperature from the numerical model were found to have a worthy-match with measured temperature values of the experiments. Uncertainty analysis is carried out for the random variation of temperature measurements in experiments. Thermophoretic parameters, Peclet numbers (rotational/translational) and time-scale equations for diffusion are used to analyse minute particle motion due to advection/diffusion nano-scale heat transfer. Results of thermophoretic velocity reveal a diminishing effect of particle motion near heater surface with amplified heater inputs. Results of Peclet numbers (translational/rotational) reveal the significant role of very small nano particle motion on heat diffusion in nanofluids. Combined results of Peclet number and time-scale equations reveal the strengths of advection and diffusion mechanisms in the nano-scale heat transfer process.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into differences in work values and Pe... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into differences in work values and Person–Organisation (P–O) fit of Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y in India and to understand the relationship between (P–O) fit values and turnover intention of Generation Y employees. Design/methodology/approach The work values were measured using an adapted version of Lyons Work Values scale. The generational differences in work values and P–O fit were studied using multivariate analysis of variance and relationship between P–O fit values and turnover intention of Gen Y employees was studied using polynomial regression and response surface methodology. Findings Significant differences in work values were observed between Generation Y and older generations. Generation Y also reported significantly higher discrepancy in P–O fit values than Generation X and Baby Boomers. This had an effect on their turnover intention. Research limitations/implications A cross-sectional design was used to study...
Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to assay the resilience in Millennial leader’s... more Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to assay the resilience in Millennial leader’s personality by preparing a survey instrument which would be useful to organizations to measure the leadership skills, personality traits and their resilience (flexibility). The desideratum is to examine whether this variance poses as threat to today’s workforce. Methodology: The empirical results are presented and a new scale is developed to assay resilience in the personality of Millennial leaders, which includes different stages of descriptive research. Expert opinion was performed among 62 specialists, Exquisite surveys were conducted with 92 Gen Y leaders and final data assimilation was done from 525 Millennial leaders in the I.T industry using stratified proportionate random sampling. Findings: The final results of this study led to the development of a standardized 30-iteminstrument, augmented by construct validity and scale’s reliability. Thus, it can be avouched that it possible to quantify resilience of Millennial leaders; and the personality traits of Millennial leaders explain for a substantial amount of variance (18.1%) in their resilience behavior. Further, Extraverted Millennial leaders agreed that their tendency to be flexible/resilient depends on their personality traits; and they sought to take chances in variating personalities. This posed as a threat to their work profiles, where Gen Y leaders still preferred to pursue this variating resilience in their personality. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that the variation in the resilience of Millennial leader’s personality certainly poses as impendence to the organizations. Applications/Improvements: Even though there are several works published around the personalities of millennials, this paper builds upon the authors’ motive to explore about the flexibility in personality of Gen Y leaders in organizations.
In recent years, with the advent of globalization, the world is witnessing a steep rise in its en... more In recent years, with the advent of globalization, the world is witnessing a steep rise in its energy consumption. The world is transforming itself into an industrial and knowledge society from an agricultural one which in turn makes the growth, energy intensive resulting in emissions. Energy modeling and energy planning is vital for the future economic prosperity and environmental security. Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms are being adopted in energy modeling to precisely map the energy systems. In this paper, an attempt has been made to review the applications of fuzzy logic based models in renewable energy systems namely solar, wind, bio-energy, micro-grid and hybrid applications. It is found that fuzzy based models are extensively used in recent years for site assessment, for installing of photovoltaic/wind farms, power point tracking in solar photovoltaic/wind, optimization among conflicting criteria. The review indicates that fuzzy based models provide realistic estimates.
Uneven terrains in mountain regions, where wind mills are to be erected cause concerns on the mat... more Uneven terrains in mountain regions, where wind mills are to be erected cause concerns on the matrix of location, variation in wind direction, wake effects and due to location which may take a toll on efficiency, frequent changes in wind velocity, limitation of the hub height are a fear of the exogenous variables that influence the operation of wind farm. An attempt is made in this work to analyze the effect of those parameters on the efficiency of wind farm. Energy efficiency and exergy efficiency for a three column wind farm are determined and compared. The mathematical model developed considers wake deficit loss, transmission losses and resource losses the loss due to change in the wind direction, overall efficiency factor and locational specifications. A new objective function is derived for the wind farm with multidirectional wind flow and it is solved by Covariant Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy algorithm. This algorithm is used to maximize the wind farm exergetic effi...
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2007
The objective of this study is to develop an optimal renewable energy mathematical (OREM) model f... more The objective of this study is to develop an optimal renewable energy mathematical (OREM) model for the effective utilization of renewable energy sources in a developing country like India for the year 2020-2021. The model is developed with the objective of minimizing cost/efficiency ratio based on social acceptance, reliability, demand and potential constraints. The formulation of social acceptance and reliability constraints in the model is discussed. The model predicts that approximately 25% of the total energy consumed will be from renewable energy sources by the year 2020-2021. The present model will facilitate the policy makers in the formulation of renewable energy planning.
ABSTRACT There have been several proposals for solar thermal power plants using a Rankine cycle w... more ABSTRACT There have been several proposals for solar thermal power plants using a Rankine cycle with a low boiling point fluid as the working medium. Organic Rankine-cycle engines are particularly suited for a number of reasons such as, high thermal efficiency and reliability, relatively uncomplicated mechanical components and adaptability for use over a wide power range. In this study three working fluids: butane (C4H10), dichloro tetrafluoroethane (F114) and trichloro trifluoroethane (F113) are examined. These three fluids were chosen in view of their desirable properties such as high molecular weight, low boiling point and the slope of their vapour saturation curve.
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 2014
The success of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has substantial benefits to... more The success of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has substantial benefits to an organization due to its large scale tangible and intangible benefits. However, the failure of ERP system implementation is a considerable challenge since it poses significant intervention on internal stakeholders, internal organization, business processes and technology. Though literature recognizes that these interventions bring about technological change during ERP implementation, hardly any article has conceptualized these interventions in evaluating its performance. Drawing on the Process-Variance (PV) and Adapted Socio Technical (AST) system perspectives, the objective of this article is to conceptualize the interventions through socio-technical perspective and develop a comprehensive conceptual model to assess the success or failure of ERP system implementation. The conceptual model, Process-Variance and Adapted SocioTechnical (PVAST) proposed in this article will enable decisi...
The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in t... more The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in this paper. Key parameters which influence wake effects in a wind farm are wind velocity, tip speed ratio, number of blades, rotor speed, rotor diameter and hub height. Three different models namely power, wake and exergy model were used in estimating the exergy efficiency of the single array wind farm. Even though it is ideal for wind farms to fix the wind turbines in rows and columns the conditions of the site may not always be conducive for it. Hence analysis has been done keeping the wind turbines at random in a row and the effect of positioning on the performance is analyzed. Energy and exergy efficiency calculations were made for different cases by varying the positions of wind turbines in the single array wind farm. Standard relations were used in estimating the energy deficit in the wind farm due to wake effects. The wake effects were found to have an aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results from the changes in the key parameters mentioned above. Potential areas for reducing energy losses by proper location and selection of turbines based on rating are highlighted. The influence of individual parameters contributing to the wake effect were analyzed and discussed in detail.
The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in t... more The influence of wake parameters on the exergy analysis of single array wind farm is studied in this paper. Key parameters which influence wake effects in a wind farm are wind velocity, tip speed ratio, number of blades, rotor speed, rotor diameter and hub height. Three different models namely power, wake and exergy model were used in estimating the exergy efficiency of the single array wind farm. Even though it is ideal for wind farms to fix the wind turbines in rows and columns the conditions of the site may not always be conducive for it. Hence analysis has been done keeping the wind turbines at random in a row and the effect of positioning on the performance is analyzed. Energy and exergy efficiency calculations were made for different cases by varying the positions of wind turbines in the single array wind farm. Standard relations were used in estimating the energy deficit in the wind farm due to wake effects. The wake effects were found to have an aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results from the changes in the key parameters mentioned above. Potential areas for reducing energy losses by proper location and selection of turbines based on rating are highlighted. The influence of individual parameters contributing to the wake effect were analyzed and discussed in detail.
... It had been found that skewness and rank correlation analysis would help to prioritise and in... more ... It had been found that skewness and rank correlation analysis would help to prioritise and integrate the factors and systems. 2. The process of Delphi. The Delphi study had been conducted to determine the social acceptance and the percentage use of renewable energy ...
Exergy or the available energy is based on the second law of thermodynamics and goes back to Maxw... more Exergy or the available energy is based on the second law of thermodynamics and goes back to Maxwell and Gibbs. It is the exergy content and not the energy content, that truly represents the potential of the substance to cause change. Exergy is the only rational basis for evaluating the system performance. The aim of this project is to study in detail the exergy variation in the solar assisted absorption system. The influence of the cycle parameters are analysed on the basis of first law and second law effectiveness and the results indicated various ways of improving system performance by better design. Also a better quality of the evaporator has more effect on the system performance than the better quality of other components. It was shown that second law analysis quantitatively visualizes losses within a system and gives clear trends for optimization.
Papers by Anand Samuel