Papers by Ana Sofia Machado

Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Medicina Legal), apresentado á Faculdade de Med... more Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Medicina Legal), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraNovas drogas psicoativas têm entrado no mercado internacional e, mais importante ainda, nacional, nos últimos anos. Apresentando-se inicialmente como substâncias legais, têm como objetivo substituir muitos dos efeitos adquiridos pelas drogas ilegais e, desta forma, contornar a lei. Os casos de emergência, internamento e mesmo morte têm aumentado assustadoramente. O primeiro fenómeno a que se assistiu no nosso país verificou-se na Ilha da Madeira, no ano de 2011, seguindo-se os casos de intoxicação que rapidamente se seguiram em todo o continente, levando a uma verdadeira epidemia. Esta situação séria e difícil de controlar em termos de Saúde Pública, levou à implementação de medidas legais para controlar estas substâncias. Este trabalho procura, assim, proceder a uma revisão da literatura relativamente às novas substâncias psicoativas, dando especial enfoq...

Canadian Journal of Addiction
The association between drugs of abuse and sexual function is thought to be prehistoric. In our e... more The association between drugs of abuse and sexual function is thought to be prehistoric. In our era, science has shed some light on the roles of different neurotransmitters on sexual function. Objective: This systematic review aims to summarize the role of drugs of abuse on human sexuality. Methods: A systematic review was undertaken, according to PRISMA guidelines, for PubMed indexed English articles between 2008 and 2020. Results: The use of addictive substances is associated with poorer relationship functioning. Additionally, they can be both a trigger and a maintaining factor for sexual dysfunction by affecting any or all phases of sexual response models. These substances include alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, and party drugs. Failure to address drug-induced sexual problems and dysfunctions or their treatment may induce relapses or represent the loss of a precious therapeutic opportunity. Conclusion: Health care providers should be aware of the relat...
Journal of Gambling Issues, 2021

Objetivos: El trastorno psicótico inducido por cannabis (CIP) es cada vez más frecuente sin embar... more Objetivos: El trastorno psicótico inducido por cannabis (CIP) es cada vez más frecuente sin embargo no tiene una intervención terapéutica dirigida ni específica. La CIP puede tener una evolución aguda benigna o evolucionar a un trastorno psicótico funcional crónico como la Esquizofrenia (SZE). A pesar de que los estudios en animales proporcionan evidencia de que el cannabis desencadena mecanismos epigenéticos que interfieren con el desarrollo de procesos neurológicos y el uso de cannabis se considera un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de SZE, la información sobre la epigenética de la psicosis inducida por cannabis es escasa. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la presencia de mecanismos epigenéticos en genes relacionados con la SZE en pacientes con un trastorno psicótico inducido por cannabis y determinar la estabilidad de los marcadores epigenéticos con el tratamiento habitual frente a la intervención con psicoterapia grupal. Material y métodos: Proponemos un ensayo de dis...

Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2020
A s of March 25, the COVID-19 pandemic had affected 460,000 people and caused more than 20,000 de... more A s of March 25, the COVID-19 pandemic had affected 460,000 people and caused more than 20,000 dead worldwide. In Portugal, the numbers indicated 2995 infected and 43 dead, in a phase of exponential growth. On the same date, The Regional Coordination Office in Mental Health of the North Region Health Administration outlined recommendations for the reorganization of activities in Mental Health Services to efficiently respond to the pandemic. These recommendations included the establishment of multidisciplinary teams to support health care workers (HCWs) on the first line of combat to COVID-19. The liaison psychiatry and the occupational health services of a tertiary center in the north of Portugal developed a threelevel mental health intervention to support its staff (see Fig. 1). A predetermined threemember liaison psychiatry team assisted at all levels. Levels two and three started operating on April 1. In level three, we provided psychiatric support through a direct telephone call to professionals on the front line of COVID-19 combat (physicians and nurses in Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, and COVID-19 Emergency) and workers in leadership positions. The telephone support was delivered by the liaison psychiatry team and operated every day (including weekends) from 9 am to 6 pm.
Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2019
Sintomas psicóticos podem constituir a forma de apresentação de alterações estruturais, metabólic... more Sintomas psicóticos podem constituir a forma de apresentação de alterações estruturais, metabólicas ou tóxicas. As perturbações delirantes orgânicas são caraterizadas pela presença de ideias delirantes com evidência de disfunção cerebral. A iatrogenia pode ser uma causa desta disfunção. Apresentamos um caso de sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, incluindo perturbação delirante, secundária ao uso de produtos de ervanária. A noção de inocuidade associada a estes produtos origina que o consumo dos mesmos não seja referido espontaneamente pelo doente na recolha da história clínica, pelo que a sua utilização deve ser ativamente questionada.
Faculty of medicine of Tunis, university Tunis Manar Razi mental health hospital Objectives To ex... more Faculty of medicine of Tunis, university Tunis Manar Razi mental health hospital Objectives To explore psychological factors having an impact on diabetes control in order to provide a better psychological management for patients with diabetes.
Old latent tension between the criminalization of ilness and psychiatrization of crime (8) Mental... more Old latent tension between the criminalization of ilness and psychiatrization of crime (8) Mental Health Services involved in Anti-terrorism Programssignaling and surveilance, no guidelines Divergent opinions in mental health professionals Marazzitti-psychiatry's interest in all manifestations of evil (9) Rahman T.-Terrorism motivated by extreme overvalued beliefs (10) Prats et al-Role in desradicalization (11) Royal College of Psychiatrists-no role in modifying extreme beliefs (12)
IS MANCHESTER TRIAGE ADEQUATE TO PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES? AN OBSERVATIONAL DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF A... more IS MANCHESTER TRIAGE ADEQUATE TO PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES? AN OBSERVATIONAL DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF A PORTUGUESE HOSPITAL BACKGROUND Triage in portuguese emergency departments is conducted using the MTS 1. Psychiatric assessments focus on assessing the level of danger presented to others or the level of severity of impairment to social functioning 1-3. Current medical triage scales focuses on medical and surgical presentations, such as the MTS, present insufficient data that proves its validity and reliability in psychiatric emergencies 2.4 .

European Psychiatry, 2017
IntroductionThe Residential Unit for the Elderly (RUE) was established in August 2015 and has cap... more IntroductionThe Residential Unit for the Elderly (RUE) was established in August 2015 and has capacity for 8 inpatients. It is intended to behavioral reorganization and caregiver rest of elderly patients with behavioral changes, particularly in cases of cognitive impairment.AimWe intend to describe the hospitalized population in the first 18 months and discuss the unit functioning and its impact on clinical stability of patients.MethodsSocio-demographic and clinical data were analyzed using the STATA v13.1 software, using multivariate regression model with a 0.05 significance level.ResultsWe present preliminary results from the first twelve months. Twenty-six patients admitted, 18 (69.2%) were female, with an average age of 76.7 years-old (IQR 71–86-years-old). The main reasons for referral were: caregiver rest (38.4%), psychopathological stabilization (30.7%) and autonomy training/cognitive stimulation (15.4%). Most patients had dementia (65.4%). Patients were hospitalized on avera...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 2020
Papers by Ana Sofia Machado