Papers by Ana Sofia Ferreira
Microbiology Resource Announcements
Leptospira kirschneri is an agent causing leptospirosis in animals and humans. We report the draf... more Leptospira kirschneri is an agent causing leptospirosis in animals and humans. We report the draft genome sequence of Leptospira kirschneri serovar Mozdok type 2 strain Horse 112, comprising 485 contigs and having a genome size of 4,301,784 bp. This genome will facilitate studying important mechanisms for clinical outcomes.
Resumo da comunicacao oral apresentada em XVIII Jornadas de Classificacao e Analise de Dados (JOC... more Resumo da comunicacao oral apresentada em XVIII Jornadas de Classificacao e Analise de Dados (JOCLAD2011), Vila Real, de 7 a 9 de Abril de 2011

The issue of the use of armed struggle to overthrow the dictatorship in Portugal generate discuss... more The issue of the use of armed struggle to overthrow the dictatorship in Portugal generate discussions, debates and ruptures within the Portuguese opposition long before the emerging of the first organizations that held armed actions. It was in the aftermath of the campaign for the presidential elections of 1958, with the popular support for the campaign of Humberto Delgado, the candidate from the opposition, and the realization of the large dimension of the electoral fraud, that the first discussions about the inevitability of resorting to armed violence to overthrow the dictatorship occurred. However, only in the 70s the political, economic and social circumstancies in the country favor the appearance of other armed organizations. The nearly ten years of colonial war had outworn the regime and the anti-war demonstrations were increasing, with an increasing number of deserters and refractory to growing from year to year. At the same time, the country was getting more industrialized ...

Ubiquitous polyamine spermidine is not required for normal planktonic growth of Bacillus subtilis... more Ubiquitous polyamine spermidine is not required for normal planktonic growth of Bacillus subtilis but is essential for robust biofilm formation. However, the structural features of spermidine required for B. subtilis biofilm formation are unknown and so are the molecular mechanisms of spermidine-stimulated biofilm development. We report here that in a spermidine-deficient B. subtilis mutant, the structural analogue norspermidine, but not homospermidine, restored biofilm formation. Intracellular biosynthesis of another spermidine analogue, aminopropylcadaverine, from exogenously supplied homoagmatine also restored biofilm formation. The differential ability of C-methylated spermidine analogues to functionally replace spermidine in biofilm formation indicated that the aminopropyl moiety of spermidine is more sensitive to C-methylation, which it is essential for biofilm formation, but that the length and symmetry of the molecule is not critical. Transcriptomic analysis of a spermidine-depleted B. subtilis speD mutant uncovered a nitrogen-, methionine-, and S-adenosylmethionine-sufficiency response, resulting in repression of gene expression related to purine catabolism, methionine and S-adenosylmethionine biosynthesis and methionine salvage, and signs of altered membrane status. Consistent with the spermidine requirement in biofilm formation, single-cell analysis of this mutant indicated reduced expression of the operons for production of the exopolysaccharide and TasA protein biofilm matrix components and SinR antagonist slrR. Deletion of sinR or ectopic expression of slrR in the spermidine-deficient ⌬speD background restored biofilm formation, indicating that spermidine is required for expression This work was supported by University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (to A. J. M), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Grant BB/1019464/1 (to N. R. S.-W.), a SULSA LEADERS award (to L. H.), and Grants RSF 14-14-01099 and RSF 14-50-00060 from the Russian Science Foundation (to M. K. and A. K.). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. Author's Choice-Final version free via Creative Commons CC-BY license. This article contains supplemental Tables S1 and S2 and Fig. S1. The GEO accession number for the microarray data is GSE96942.
Resumo de comunicacao em poster apresentada em 14th International Conference on Applied Stochasti... more Resumo de comunicacao em poster apresentada em 14th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2011), Rome, June 7-10 2011
Trabalho apresentado em SMTDA 2010: Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis Internationa... more Trabalho apresentado em SMTDA 2010: Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, 8-11 june 2010
Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2021
Leptospira kirschneri is an agent causing leptospirosis in animals and humans. We report the draf... more Leptospira kirschneri is an agent causing leptospirosis in animals and humans. We report the draft genome sequence of Leptospira kirschneri serovar Mozdok type 2 strain Horse 112, comprising 485 contigs and having a genome size of 4,301,784 bp. This genome will facilitate studying important mechanisms for clinical outcomes. ABSTRACT Leptospira kirschneri is an agent causing leptospirosis in animals and humans. We report the draft genome sequence of Leptospira kirschneri serovar Mozdok type 2 strain Horse 112, comprising 485 contigs and having a genome size of 4,301,784 bp. This genome will facilitate studying important mechanisms for clinical outcomes.

Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 2014
Enquadramento: A seguranca dos cuidados de saude prestados ao doente e fundamental para garantir ... more Enquadramento: A seguranca dos cuidados de saude prestados ao doente e fundamental para garantir a sua qualidade. Neste âmbito, estudou-se a seguranca do doente em fim de vida na perspetiva dos profissional de saude. Objetivo: Compreender as intervencoes dos profissionais de saude na detecao de erros e incidentes para a seguranca dos doentes. Metodos: Estudo transversal com enfoque descritivocorrelacional, recorrendo-se a um questionario de seguranca do doente, elaborado para o efeito, tendo por base a Classificacao Internacional sobre Seguranca do Doente da Direcao-Geral da Saude (2011). A amostra foi constituida por 146 profissionais de saude que trabalham em unidades de saude com doentes cronicos e paliativos. Resultados: Os profissionais na faixa etaria mais jovem (≤27anos), do genero feminino e com pos-graduacao/especializacao, sao os que observam com maior frequencia os incidentes/erros. Os profissionais que trabalham em unidades de saude sao os que mais incidentes/erros obser...

EnglishNotwithstanding the fact that it was a dictatorship, the Estado Novo ('New State')... more EnglishNotwithstanding the fact that it was a dictatorship, the Estado Novo ('New State') consecrated in the Constitution the realisation of presidential and legislative elections and also elections to the Juntas de Freguesia (Local Halls), given that only the popular vote could provide it with the internal and external legitimisation it needed. However, the electoral results were always controlled in order to guarantee the victory of Uniao Nacional's ('National Union') candidate or list and all the elections were fraudulent. The presidential elections of 1949 and 1958 were two of these important moments to Portugal, in which the people could have voted and decided the country's future, but instead oppression, censorship, violence and fraud marked the electoral campaign and determined the voting, guaranteeing the victory of the Situation candidates and the defeat of the Opposition ones, despite the fact that the latter had, unequivocally, the support of the m...
Resumo da comunicacao oral apresentada em XVII Jornadas de Classificacao e Analise de Dados (JOCL... more Resumo da comunicacao oral apresentada em XVII Jornadas de Classificacao e Analise de Dados (JOCLAD2010), Lisboa, de 25 a 27 de Marco de 2010

(18/11/2019) Phytoplankton bloom and subpolar gyre induced dynamics in the North Atlantic Several... more (18/11/2019) Phytoplankton bloom and subpolar gyre induced dynamics in the North Atlantic Several hypotheses have been promoted for phytoplankton bloom onset in the North Atlantic. First we show that the bloom dynamics in the northeastern corner stand out from the rest of the subpolar Atlantic, and thus warrants focused attention. We hypothesized that, for this region, late and weak blooms are expected in years of a strong subpolar gyre, i.e. strong atmospheric forcing, and cold and low saline conditions. We apply novel phenology algorithms to satellite ocean colour data, and analyse the outcome together with the subpolar gyre index. We find that the relationship between the bloom dynamics and the subpolar gyre is complex, showing no clear spatial pattern. Our hypothesis is therefore partly refuted, probably due to the disparity in the temporal and spatial resolutions of the subpolar gyre index, compared to indices describing spring bloom dynamics. The annually averaged gyre index represents the integrated oceanic dynamics over the Northern North Atlantic, while the timing of the spring bloom is more governed by direct atmospheric forcing during the pre-bloom weeks. We, therefore, further investigate which published theories (Sverdrup [1953], Siegel et al [2002], Huisman et al [2002], Townsend et al [1994], and Taylor and Ferrari [2011]) for bloom onset are suited for this region. We construct indicator fields and time series which in various combinations provide models consistent with the principle dynamics proposed in these theories. Using a multi-model inference approach, we investigate the spatially dependent ranking of these models. It appears that that different theories apply at different regions within the North-East Atlantic, depending on the local physical dynamics
Papers by Ana Sofia Ferreira