Publications by Ana García Juanatey
CIDOB Monographs, 2024
This paper examines the current backlash against the EU's environmental policies and anticipates ... more This paper examines the current backlash against the EU's environmental policies and anticipates a bleak outlook, particularly in light of the projected outcomes of the June 2024 European elections.

This chapter aims to explore the role that the right to a decent standard of living may play to s... more This chapter aims to explore the role that the right to a decent standard of living may play to satisfy basic human needs in a context of environmental overshoot and fossil fuel depletion. At present, everything indicates that the rise in global temperature will most likely be more than 1,5 degrees in the next decades, which will trigger devastating environmental and economic impacts, especially in the Global South. Moreover, the progressive depletion of cheap and easily accessible fossil fuels such as crude oil and natural gas will have an enormous impact on human economic and social rights, since welfare systems have been built on fossil fuel-dependent infrastructures. Therefore, the primary purpose of this chapter is to examine the role of the right to an adequate standard of living in guaranteeing basic needs depending on energy in the current context. Thus, our premise is that the absolute standards implied in this right could help to navigate these challenges in the next few years, giving priority to the satisfaction of basic needs, such as access to water, food, and shelter. In addition, this work also discusses the current limitations of the human rights framework to integrate the needs of future generations as well as the concept of planetary boundaries.
The Age of Human Rights Journal, 2024
This paper aims to explore the role that human rights can play not only as legal instruments to a... more This paper aims to explore the role that human rights can play not only as legal instruments to achieve climate justice, but also as practical tools to improve communication of the climate emergency. We do this by explaining how different narratives, values and emotions affect the public's perception of this vital issue. Finally, we propose effective strategies to improve climate communication according to human rights principles and values.
Basic goods and rights in times of crisis: An urban perspective, 2023
This chapter analyses the deterioration of the global food security situation in recent years and... more This chapter analyses the deterioration of the global food security situation in recent years and its specific impact on cities. It highlights the need to implement urgent measures to ensure access to food for vulnerable people in urban areas. In a context characterised by climate and geopolitical instability, there is a need to reflect on the increasing risks to urban food systems.

Este trabajo explora la aportación de las narrativas basadas en los derechos humanos a una comuni... more Este trabajo explora la aportación de las narrativas basadas en los derechos humanos a una comunicación más efectiva sobre la emergencia climática, adoptando el formato de una propuesta en formato divulgativo dirigida a activistas y personas interesadas. Esta propuesta surge de la constatación de que, a pesar de la evidencia de que la acción climática debe ser prioritaria en la agenda de los Estados y demás organizaciones políticas, hasta el momento ha resultado difícil convencer a la población general para que se una a la lucha por una acción climática urgente. Por lo tanto, es necesario construir este consenso social, movilizando todo el conocimiento relevante sobre cómo debemos comunicar la emergencia climática y sobre cómo construir los tipos de narrativas más efectivos para ampliar esa base social. Para contribuir a este objetivo, esta guía pretende, por un lado, presentar de manera clara y divulgativa un análisis de la literatura más relevante y reciente en el ámbito de la psicología social y ambiental, en concreto en relación al uso de las emociones y los valores en la comunicación climática, que ayudan a explicar las resistencias que impiden que las personas modifiquen sus hábitos de vida y se impliquen en la acción climática; por otro, esta guía pretende también, a partir de esa literatura, examinar el potencial de narrativas derivadas de los movimientos a favor de los derechos humanos, basados en valores como la igualdad, la justicia y la protección de grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad, para superar esas resistencias. La propuesta defendida en esta guía es que estas narrativas pueden contribuir a traducir el miedo justificado a un futuro sombrío en acciones significativas y esperanzadoras, ayudando a poner el tema de la justicia en el centro del debate y, contribuyendo, al mismo tiempo, a conectar las agendas de los movimientos ambientales y las de otros movimientos sociales.

Editorial Reus, 2022
In this work, the author assesses the contribution of the right to food as a mean to fight agains... more In this work, the author assesses the contribution of the right to food as a mean to fight against hunger and discusses the prospects of realizing this fundamental right in the next decade, in a global context marked by increasing inequality and a multidimensional environmental crisis that threatens food systems. As a response to this crisis, this study places the rights of future generations and the biophysical limits of our planet at the center of the debate on food policies. Likewise, this work addresses the concerns related with the human rights impacts of policy measures aimed at pursuing an ecological and energy transition, focusing particularly on the human right to food.
Against this backdrop, this book examines the role that current international law may have in facing these challenges, through an integrated approach that combines the right to food and a set of legal principles that have obtained different degrees of international recognition, such as the principle of integration, of sustainable use of natural resources and of intergenerational equity. This integrated approach is useful for drafting food policies based on a sustainable right to food, which strike a fair balance between present and future food needs. With a policy oriented approach, this work may be of interest to both jurists and people interested in the fight against hunger, in human rights and in how to face the challenges that food systems currently face.

En la última década, el extremismo de derecha ha aumentado en Europa y España. Por un lado, el au... more En la última década, el extremismo de derecha ha aumentado en Europa y España. Por un lado, el auge de los movimientos y partidos antiinmigrantes de extrema derecha en otros países europeos ha proporcionado aliados internacionales y recursos de información que ayudan a expandirse a los movimientos de extrema derecha de base nacional. Por otro lado, el entorno general de desinformación en las redes sociales y en los medios tradicionales está ayudando a estos movimientos a transmitir su mensaje, contribuyendo a la difusión de noticias falsas y discursos de odio basados en el odio.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cómo el contexto cambiante actual está afectando las actitudes y el discurso de las personas jóvenes en España, y en qué medida encuentran atractivos los discursos y las ideas de extrema derecha, como el discurso del odio. En particular, intenta examinar si las personas jóvenes están bien equipadas para resistir la radicalización en un contexto caracterizado por la desinformación. Finalmente, propone algunas recomendaciones dirigidas a las administraciones públicas y a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para prevenir la radicalización de derecha entre las personas jóvenes.

In the last decade, right-wing extremism has increased in Europe and in Spain. On the one hand, t... more In the last decade, right-wing extremism has increased in Europe and in Spain. On the one hand, the rise of far-right anti-immigration movements and parties in other European countries has provided international allies and information resources that help nation-based far-right movements to expand. On the other, the general disinformation environment in traditional and social media is helping these movements to convey their message, contributing to the dissemination of hate-based fake news and hate speech.
This research study aims to analyse how the current changing context is affecting Spanish youngsters’ attitudes and speech, and to what extent they find extreme right-wing ideas and discourses – such as hate speech – attractive. In particular, it attempts to examine whether youngsters are well equipped to resist radicalization in a context characterized by disinformation. Finally, it proposes some recommendations aimed at public authorities and civil society organisations in order to prevent right-wing radicalization among youngsters.

This paper concentrates on studying the subject of hate-based conspiracy theories. The authors ex... more This paper concentrates on studying the subject of hate-based conspiracy theories. The authors examine the link between hate speech
and conspiracy theories, exploring its consequences and relation to extremism and violence, the actors that promote and support
them, as well as different ways to tackle hate-based conspiracy
theories in the age of the Internet. More concretely, the paper describes the phenomenon of conspiracy theories that are based on prejudice directed against certain groups that have suffered discrimination historically, on the grounds of characteristics such as their religion, race or ethnicity. It is the case, for example, of antisemitic conspiracy theories or the Great Replacement theory. The consequences of such hate-based
conspiracy theories are multiple. Not only do these contribute to
undermining democracy and building social distrust, but they
also have a massive impact on the groups they point at, fuelling
prejudice and discrimination against them. In times, this type of
conspiracy theories has been linked to perpetrators of hate crime
and terrorist attacks.
The paper is part of a book edited by Milosz Hodun
US / THEM: Hate speech at the service of politics , 2020
Paper about the case of Spain in a book about hate speech in political discourse in Europe, edite... more Paper about the case of Spain in a book about hate speech in political discourse in Europe, edited by Miłosz Hodun
La comunicació com a eina per a la cohesió social contra el racisme i la intolerància, 2020
Artículo que explica la experiencia del Observatorio Proxi, una iniciativa contra el discurso de ... more Artículo que explica la experiencia del Observatorio Proxi, una iniciativa contra el discurso de odio en Internet, lanzada en 2014 por el Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya y United Explanations en España., 2018
Dr. Ana G. Juanatey and Dr. Bettina Steible are the authors of the Report about the Xenophobia an... more Dr. Ana G. Juanatey and Dr. Bettina Steible are the authors of the Report about the Xenophobia and Radicalism in Spain (2017). In their Article their highlighted that during the last decades, Spain has developed a legal and policy framework regarding minority rights and protection generally consistent with international norms. Moreover, there have been relevant recent legal and policy efforts revolving around the fight against hate crime...

Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 2018
This article examines the utility of the human rights-based approach (HRBA) in tackling environme... more This article examines the utility of the human rights-based approach (HRBA) in tackling environmental challenges that face achievement of the right to food in coming decades. So far, such approach has been quite useful in the consideration of equity, discrimination and accountability issues. Nevertheless, the HRBA's utility to tackle the effects of environmental degradation, natural resources depletion and climate change on food security is not that clear, as human rights law and practice has evolved in parallel with environmental concerns until recently. Therefore, this article poses the following question: is the human rights-based approach to food security sufficient to address the environmental problems and constraints that infringe directly on the right to food implementation? And, how can we integrate the needs of future generations in current human rights-based policies and deal with the trade-offs between present and future needs? This article examines how last years' international legal literature has portrayed the linkages between the environment and human rights, principally in relation to the right to food. Moreover, it also intends to explore possible avenues of convergence, pinpointing opportunities to connect the right to food and sustainable development in the context of the 2030 Agenda. In more concrete terms, it suggests that a greater integration between the right to food and a set of
Esta guía se ha elaborado en el marco del proyecto
CIBERESPECT, realizado conjuntamente por Ecos ... more Esta guía se ha elaborado en el marco del proyecto
CIBERESPECT, realizado conjuntamente por Ecos do Sur
y el Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya. CIBERESPECT
propone como respuesta al fenómeno emergente del ciberodio
el trabajo colaborativo entre la comunidad asociativa
y la comunidad internauta en la identificación, el desarrollo
y el estímulo de estrategias efectivas de contradiscurso.
Favorece el conocimiento compartido y el desarrollo
de herramientas para favorecer el pensamiento crítico
de manera proactiva y reactiva, en un modelo fácilmente
replicable, adaptable y ampliable. Para esto, cristaliza y
proyecta la acción local y las relaciones de cercanía hacia el
entorno global digital, inspirando, motivando, capacitando y
acompañando el nacimiento de un nuevo agente social: el
ciberactivista llamado a liderar la lucha contra el discurso
del odio en internet.
Este manual ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto Això és
odi, realizado conjuntamente por S... more Este manual ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto Això és
odi, realizado conjuntamente por SOS Racisme Catalunya y el
Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, con la financiación del
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. El proyecto ha tenido como objetivos
incrementar el conocimiento de la sociedad civil sobre los
delitos y discursos de odio, impulsar el activismo contra el odio
y la discriminación (especialmente en línea) y favorecer el intercambio
de ideas, experiencias y buenas prácticas enfocadas a
la construcción de narrativas alternativas.
This article discusses how the extension of network governance influences the de facto independen... more This article discusses how the extension of network governance influences the de facto independence of regulatory agencies. Assuming that agencies gain de facto independence vis-à-vis the government when they experience a substantive increase in their reputation, we argue that agency participation in international governance networks contributes to strengthen agency domestic positions due to organizational learning and the expansion of expert knowledge involved in such interactions. Based on a case study of the Spanish nuclear regulatory agency (Nuclear Safety Council [CSN]), the article highlights how its involvement in international governance networks promoted the agency’s de facto independence during the 2000s.
Publications by Ana García Juanatey
Against this backdrop, this book examines the role that current international law may have in facing these challenges, through an integrated approach that combines the right to food and a set of legal principles that have obtained different degrees of international recognition, such as the principle of integration, of sustainable use of natural resources and of intergenerational equity. This integrated approach is useful for drafting food policies based on a sustainable right to food, which strike a fair balance between present and future food needs. With a policy oriented approach, this work may be of interest to both jurists and people interested in the fight against hunger, in human rights and in how to face the challenges that food systems currently face.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cómo el contexto cambiante actual está afectando las actitudes y el discurso de las personas jóvenes en España, y en qué medida encuentran atractivos los discursos y las ideas de extrema derecha, como el discurso del odio. En particular, intenta examinar si las personas jóvenes están bien equipadas para resistir la radicalización en un contexto caracterizado por la desinformación. Finalmente, propone algunas recomendaciones dirigidas a las administraciones públicas y a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para prevenir la radicalización de derecha entre las personas jóvenes.
This research study aims to analyse how the current changing context is affecting Spanish youngsters’ attitudes and speech, and to what extent they find extreme right-wing ideas and discourses – such as hate speech – attractive. In particular, it attempts to examine whether youngsters are well equipped to resist radicalization in a context characterized by disinformation. Finally, it proposes some recommendations aimed at public authorities and civil society organisations in order to prevent right-wing radicalization among youngsters.
and conspiracy theories, exploring its consequences and relation to extremism and violence, the actors that promote and support
them, as well as different ways to tackle hate-based conspiracy
theories in the age of the Internet. More concretely, the paper describes the phenomenon of conspiracy theories that are based on prejudice directed against certain groups that have suffered discrimination historically, on the grounds of characteristics such as their religion, race or ethnicity. It is the case, for example, of antisemitic conspiracy theories or the Great Replacement theory. The consequences of such hate-based
conspiracy theories are multiple. Not only do these contribute to
undermining democracy and building social distrust, but they
also have a massive impact on the groups they point at, fuelling
prejudice and discrimination against them. In times, this type of
conspiracy theories has been linked to perpetrators of hate crime
and terrorist attacks.
The paper is part of a book edited by Milosz Hodun
CIBERESPECT, realizado conjuntamente por Ecos do Sur
y el Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya. CIBERESPECT
propone como respuesta al fenómeno emergente del ciberodio
el trabajo colaborativo entre la comunidad asociativa
y la comunidad internauta en la identificación, el desarrollo
y el estímulo de estrategias efectivas de contradiscurso.
Favorece el conocimiento compartido y el desarrollo
de herramientas para favorecer el pensamiento crítico
de manera proactiva y reactiva, en un modelo fácilmente
replicable, adaptable y ampliable. Para esto, cristaliza y
proyecta la acción local y las relaciones de cercanía hacia el
entorno global digital, inspirando, motivando, capacitando y
acompañando el nacimiento de un nuevo agente social: el
ciberactivista llamado a liderar la lucha contra el discurso
del odio en internet.
odi, realizado conjuntamente por SOS Racisme Catalunya y el
Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, con la financiación del
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. El proyecto ha tenido como objetivos
incrementar el conocimiento de la sociedad civil sobre los
delitos y discursos de odio, impulsar el activismo contra el odio
y la discriminación (especialmente en línea) y favorecer el intercambio
de ideas, experiencias y buenas prácticas enfocadas a
la construcción de narrativas alternativas.
Against this backdrop, this book examines the role that current international law may have in facing these challenges, through an integrated approach that combines the right to food and a set of legal principles that have obtained different degrees of international recognition, such as the principle of integration, of sustainable use of natural resources and of intergenerational equity. This integrated approach is useful for drafting food policies based on a sustainable right to food, which strike a fair balance between present and future food needs. With a policy oriented approach, this work may be of interest to both jurists and people interested in the fight against hunger, in human rights and in how to face the challenges that food systems currently face.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cómo el contexto cambiante actual está afectando las actitudes y el discurso de las personas jóvenes en España, y en qué medida encuentran atractivos los discursos y las ideas de extrema derecha, como el discurso del odio. En particular, intenta examinar si las personas jóvenes están bien equipadas para resistir la radicalización en un contexto caracterizado por la desinformación. Finalmente, propone algunas recomendaciones dirigidas a las administraciones públicas y a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para prevenir la radicalización de derecha entre las personas jóvenes.
This research study aims to analyse how the current changing context is affecting Spanish youngsters’ attitudes and speech, and to what extent they find extreme right-wing ideas and discourses – such as hate speech – attractive. In particular, it attempts to examine whether youngsters are well equipped to resist radicalization in a context characterized by disinformation. Finally, it proposes some recommendations aimed at public authorities and civil society organisations in order to prevent right-wing radicalization among youngsters.
and conspiracy theories, exploring its consequences and relation to extremism and violence, the actors that promote and support
them, as well as different ways to tackle hate-based conspiracy
theories in the age of the Internet. More concretely, the paper describes the phenomenon of conspiracy theories that are based on prejudice directed against certain groups that have suffered discrimination historically, on the grounds of characteristics such as their religion, race or ethnicity. It is the case, for example, of antisemitic conspiracy theories or the Great Replacement theory. The consequences of such hate-based
conspiracy theories are multiple. Not only do these contribute to
undermining democracy and building social distrust, but they
also have a massive impact on the groups they point at, fuelling
prejudice and discrimination against them. In times, this type of
conspiracy theories has been linked to perpetrators of hate crime
and terrorist attacks.
The paper is part of a book edited by Milosz Hodun
CIBERESPECT, realizado conjuntamente por Ecos do Sur
y el Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya. CIBERESPECT
propone como respuesta al fenómeno emergente del ciberodio
el trabajo colaborativo entre la comunidad asociativa
y la comunidad internauta en la identificación, el desarrollo
y el estímulo de estrategias efectivas de contradiscurso.
Favorece el conocimiento compartido y el desarrollo
de herramientas para favorecer el pensamiento crítico
de manera proactiva y reactiva, en un modelo fácilmente
replicable, adaptable y ampliable. Para esto, cristaliza y
proyecta la acción local y las relaciones de cercanía hacia el
entorno global digital, inspirando, motivando, capacitando y
acompañando el nacimiento de un nuevo agente social: el
ciberactivista llamado a liderar la lucha contra el discurso
del odio en internet.
odi, realizado conjuntamente por SOS Racisme Catalunya y el
Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, con la financiación del
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. El proyecto ha tenido como objetivos
incrementar el conocimiento de la sociedad civil sobre los
delitos y discursos de odio, impulsar el activismo contra el odio
y la discriminación (especialmente en línea) y favorecer el intercambio
de ideas, experiencias y buenas prácticas enfocadas a
la construcción de narrativas alternativas.