Papers by Amyra Ali Azamar Jácome
Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Oct 30, 2014
Financial support: This study was funded in part by Astra Zeneca. Conflicts of interest: José Mar... more Financial support: This study was funded in part by Astra Zeneca. Conflicts of interest: José María Remes-Troche has served as a speaker, a consultant and an advisory board member for Astra Zeneca, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Asofarma, Almirall, Alfa-Wasserman and BMS. Also, José María Remes-Troche has received research funding from Astra Zeneca and Asofarma. Arturo Meixueiro-Daza has served as a speaker for Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Asofarma. Antonio Ramos de la Medina has served as a speaker, a consultant and an advisory board member for Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Miguel Angel Zavala-Gonzáles, Amyra Ali Azamar-Jacome, Job Reyes-Huerta, and Federico Roesch-Dietlen do not have any potential conflicts (financial, professional or personal) that are relevant to this manuscript.
Medicina interna de México, Jun 15, 2016
Allergy, May 7, 2018
DLL: case report and review of cases in literature. Writing of manuscript SSS: suggestions on lit... more DLL: case report and review of cases in literature. Writing of manuscript SSS: suggestions on literature search, personal discussion of the issues explained in text, several times corrections of manuscript. AAAJ: online repository with details of cases, search and description of cases, completion table, corrections manuscript MM: suggestions on literature search, co-writing of discussion, several times corrections of manuscript.

Medicina interna de México, 2010
S e estima que 40% de los adultos tienen pirosis y/o regurgitación al menos una vez al mes, 20% a... more S e estima que 40% de los adultos tienen pirosis y/o regurgitación al menos una vez al mes, 20% al menos una vez a la semana y 7% diariamente. 1,2,3 La enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico representa una de reSUMen La enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico es un trastorno gastrointestinal frecuente que representa una de las causas de consulta más comunes en medicina general y gastroenterología. Está descrito que la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico puede asociarse a manifestaciones otorrinolaringológicas como laringitis, tos crónica, odinofagia, escurrimiento nasal posterior y asma. En su fisiopatología se involucran mecanismos directos e indirectos, considerándose al ácido como el agente más nocivo, aunque otras sustancias pueden lesionar las estructuras laríngeas como pepsina, moco y contenidos duodenales. El diagnóstico de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico laríngeo se basa en las respuestas a cuestionarios específicos, laringoscopia y la pHmetría ambulatoria de 2 canales. Independientemente del método diagnóstico empleado, cuando se asume que la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico es causa de síntomas laríngeos, en la actualidad el uso de medicamentos que suprimen el acido (especialmente IBPs) constituye la piedra angular del tratamiento, aunque los resultados clínicos sobre su efectividad son muy controversiales. En la presente revisión se analizan los aspectos más controversiales respecto a la fisiopatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las manifestaciones laríngeas de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico.
Alergia e inmunología pedíatrica, 2022
Rodríguez-González M y cols. Capítulo 4. Alergia alimentaria Alergia Asma Inmunol Pediatr. 2022; ... more Rodríguez-González M y cols. Capítulo 4. Alergia alimentaria Alergia Asma Inmunol Pediatr. 2022; 31 (s1): s91-s137 s92 Toma nota Tabla 1: Descripción de alergenos derivados de las proteínas de lecha de vaca. Componente molecular (abreviatura) Género-especie (nombre común) Familia proteínas Función biológica Utilidad clínica Disponible en (lab) r: recombinante n: natural UniProt Bos d 4 Bos domesticus (leche de vaca) Alfa-lactoalbúmina Alergia Asma Inmunol Pediatr. 2022; 31 (s1): s91-s137 s94 Rodríguez-González M y cols. Capítulo 4. Alergia alimentaria
Alergia, Asma e Inmunología Pediátricas
Este capítulo detalla la relevancia clínica de los diferentes alergenos en escenarios clínicos de... more Este capítulo detalla la relevancia clínica de los diferentes alergenos en escenarios clínicos de alergia respiratoria, siendo los diagnósticos de rinitis alérgica, rinoconjuntivitis alérgica y asma alérgica donde en mayor medida se ha establecido cuáles son los perfiles de sensibilización molecular pudiendo endo y fenotipificar a los pacientes con alergia respiratoria, así como establecer patrones moleculares con impacto diagnóstico, pronóstico y terapéutico.

Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 2016
The cost-effectiveness for screening for celiac disease (CD) in patients with irritable bowel syn... more The cost-effectiveness for screening for celiac disease (CD) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), specifically in the diarrhea (IBS-D) subtype, is beneficial if the prevalence is >1%. However, recent studies have shown controversial results. In this large case-control study, our aim was to determine the prevalence of CD and a panel of related antibodies in patients diagnosed with IBS. Four hundred IBS patients (Rome III) and 400 asymptomatic healthy controls were prospectively evaluated using antihuman tissue transglutaminase (h-tTG IgA) and deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies (DGP II IgA and DGP II IgG). Duodenal biopsy was performed on the patients that were positive for the h-tTG IgA and/or DGP II IgG antibodies. The mean age of the population was 44.47 ± 18.01 years and 335 (82%) of the subjects were women. Twenty-one patients and six controls had at least one positive test for CD (5.25% VS 1.5%, p = 0.003, OR 3.63 [95% CI 1.4-9.11]). Eighteen patients were positive for h-tTG and/or DGP-II IgG. Histologic confirmation of CD was 2.5% in the IBS patients vs 0.5% in the controls (p = 0.04, OR 5.21). The IBS-D subtype had the highest prevalence for serological positivity (12.7%). Up to 5.2% of the patients with IBS according to the Rome III criteria were positive for at least one of the CD-related antibodies and 2.5% had biopsy-confirmed CD. Therefore, in our population, screening for CD in subjects with IBS appears to be a reasonable strategy, especially in the IBS-D subgroup.

Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, Jan 30, 2014
Different non-invasive diagnostics strategies have been used to assess patients with gastroesopha... more Different non-invasive diagnostics strategies have been used to assess patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) questionnaire (GerdQ) is a 6-item, easy to use questionnaire that was developed primarily as a diagnostic tool for GERD in primary care. Our aim was to validate and assess diagnostic utility of GerdQ questionnaire in Mexican patients in the primary care setting. The study was performed in 3 phases: (1) a questionnaire translation and comprehension study (n = 20), (2) are a reproduci-bility and validation study (50 patients and 50 controls) and (3) a study to assess the clinical utility in 252 subjects with GERD symptoms. Diagnostic accuracy was calculated using endoscopy and/or pH-metry as the gold standard. Internal consistency measured by the Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.81 for patients and 0.90 for healthy controls, with a mixed coefficient of 0.93. Reproducibility for GerdQ was very good and its discriminating validity was 88%...

Medicina Interna De Mexico, 2010
S e estima que 40% de los adultos tienen pirosis y/o regurgitación al menos una vez al mes, 20% a... more S e estima que 40% de los adultos tienen pirosis y/o regurgitación al menos una vez al mes, 20% al menos una vez a la semana y 7% diariamente. 1,2,3 La enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico representa una de reSUMen La enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico es un trastorno gastrointestinal frecuente que representa una de las causas de consulta más comunes en medicina general y gastroenterología. Está descrito que la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico puede asociarse a manifestaciones otorrinolaringológicas como laringitis, tos crónica, odinofagia, escurrimiento nasal posterior y asma. En su fisiopatología se involucran mecanismos directos e indirectos, considerándose al ácido como el agente más nocivo, aunque otras sustancias pueden lesionar las estructuras laríngeas como pepsina, moco y contenidos duodenales. El diagnóstico de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico laríngeo se basa en las respuestas a cuestionarios específicos, laringoscopia y la pHmetría ambulatoria de 2 canales. Independientemente del método diagnóstico empleado, cuando se asume que la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico es causa de síntomas laríngeos, en la actualidad el uso de medicamentos que suprimen el acido (especialmente IBPs) constituye la piedra angular del tratamiento, aunque los resultados clínicos sobre su efectividad son muy controversiales. En la presente revisión se analizan los aspectos más controversiales respecto a la fisiopatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las manifestaciones laríngeas de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico.
World Allergy Organization Journal

Revista Alergia México
Antecedentes: En México, la inmunoterapia con alérgenos (ITA) y con veneno de himenópteros (VIT) ... more Antecedentes: En México, la inmunoterapia con alérgenos (ITA) y con veneno de himenópteros (VIT) se practica tradicionalmente combinando criterios de las escuelas europea y estadounidense; los dos tipos de extractos están comercialmente disponibles en México. Para una ITA adecuada es crucial un diagnóstico oportuno.Objetivo: Presentar GUIMIT 2019, Guía Mexicana de Inmunoterapia 2019, de base amplia, actualizada, que abarca temas de diagnóstico, indicaciones, dosificación, mecanismos, efectos adversos de la ITA y expectativas con esta modalidad de tratamiento.Método: Con la participación de múltiples grupos mexicanos de alergólogos, que incluían los centros formadores universitarios en alergia e inmunología, se desarrolló el documento de la guía según la metodología ADAPTE. Las guías de inmunoterapia de la European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology y del American C...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Clinical-epidemiological profile of oral allergy syndrome in the population aged 6 to 18 years]](
Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico : 1993)
Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) or pollen-fruit syndrome is a type of food allergy. Its characteristi... more Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) or pollen-fruit syndrome is a type of food allergy. Its characteristics and associated allergens vary according to the studied population. There are few studies in Mexico about this topic, none in children. To describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics of OAS among children in Mexico. A descriptive, observational, transversal and prospective study was conducted. We included every patient from 6 to 18 years old with diagnostic suspicion of OAS, in which complete clinical history, skin test to food and pollens, and oral food challenge were performed. We found a prevalence of 5.3% (29 patients): 55% were males. Average age was 10 ± 3 years, and average number of food implicated were 6.8 ± 4.1. Apple, peach and banana, were the most frequent food associated, and sensitization to oak and European privet, the more prevalent pollens found in OAS. OAS is a common type of food allergy, transient and mild in nature. In more than 90% of the cases is assoc...

Clinical and Translational Allergy
Introduction: Incidence of anaphylaxis is increasing. Data regarding anaphylaxis mortality are li... more Introduction: Incidence of anaphylaxis is increasing. Data regarding anaphylaxis mortality are limited, but conflicting. Our objective was to document anaphylaxis mortality rate (deaths per million population), time trends and specificities according to triggers (iatrogenic, venom, food, unknown), age groups, sex and geographical regions (North and South) in France, between 1979 and 2011. Methods: Data were obtained (1) from database of the National Mortality Center (CEPIDC) to collect cases in which anaphylaxis was included as a cause of death, sex, age, and geographic region of death, (2) from the database of the National Institute for Economical and Statistical studies (INSEE) to define the referent populations. We used a multivariable log-linear Poisson regression model to assess the impact of time period, age, sex and geographic region on anaphylaxis deaths. Results: During the period study, 1603 deaths were collected: 1564 in adults and 39 in children (age <18 year). The overall prevalence of anaphylaxis fatalities was 0.84 per million population (95% IC 0.80-0.88), ranging from 0.08 per million (95% IC 0.05-0.10) in pediatric population to 1.12 per million (95% CI 1.06 to 1.17) in adult population. Annual percentage change for case fatality rate was -2.0% (95% CI -2.5 to -1.5; p < 10 -4 ) indicating a decrease in case fatality rate during the study period. Anaphylaxis fatality rate was higher in men (1.08 per million [95% IC 1.00 1.16] than women (0.86 per million [95% IC 0.80-0.92]) (p < 10 -4 ). Triggers of anaphylaxis fatalities were iatrogenic (63%), mostly drugs, venom (14%) and food (0.6%). Unspecified anaphylaxis was frequent (23%). The highest rate was in persons aged >70 years (3.50 per million population per year [95% IC 3.25-3.76]) and the lowest in the pediatric population (p < 10 -4 ). Only venom-induced mortality rate was higher in South of France (0.16 per million [95% IC 0.13-0.19]) compared with the North (0.11 per million [95% IC 0.09-0.13]) (p = 0.004). Only 8 food-induced fatalities were recorded (age <35 years in 7 cases). Overall anaphylaxis mortality rate is decreasing over the three last decades in France. We confirm that iatrogenic causes are the most frequent causes. Older age and male sex are risk factors of fatal anaphylaxis of any cause except for food-induced anaphylaxis.
Gastroenterology, 2010
two groups. Among children, subanalysis by age 5-11 years and 12-17 years and gender were conduct... more two groups. Among children, subanalysis by age 5-11 years and 12-17 years and gender were conducted. Results: A total of 15.6M patients with AP were identified (10.1% children, 89.9% adults) with 516.6M total consultations (12.4% children, 87.6% adults). Children demonstrated a non-linear trend in APCs (R2 = 0.030) and a quadratic trend was found to be the best fit (polynomial; R2 = 1.000; Figure 1). This indicates a seasonal pattern in APC among children but not adults (linear; R2 = 0.621). The trend in seasonal variation of APCs among children stratified by age and gender was consistent with the overall child population. Conclusions: Abdominal pain consultations in children are less common during summer months while APC among adults do not vary during the year. Factors involved in the pathogenesis of AP in adults and children may differ.
Papers by Amyra Ali Azamar Jácome