Papers by Amos Sam-Abbenyi

Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Santé, Dec 1, 1991
La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusie... more La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique dont le Cameroun. Le foyer de Fontem est le second en importance des six foyers majeurs de ce pays. Traditionnellement, la THA y a ete controlee par l’intermediaire d’un programme vertical constitue par une equipe mobile qui soumet la population a un depistage de masse annuel. Ce programme s’applique toujours dans les parties centrale et nord du foyer. Dans la partie sud de ce foyer, une approche differente, de type horizontal, a ete adoptee. Les activites de depistage de la THA ont ete integrees a un programme de soins de sante primaires qui beneficie d’un bon support communautaire. L’objectif de cette etude est de comparer l’efficacite de ces deux approches. Entre 1983 et 1988, 800 cas de THA ont ete declares dans le foyer de Fontem, 732 d’entre eux etaient originaires de cette zone, 333 residant la ou s’applique le programme vertical et 399 la ou s’applique le programme horizontal. L’efficacite d’un programme est definie comme etant sa capacite a depister activement les cas qui proviennent de la zone geographique ou il s’applique. L’efficacite du programme horizontal (85 %) est nettement superieure a celle du programme vertical (64 %) qui par ailleurs s’avere inconstant dans le temps (30 % en 1985) et peu apte a depister les adultes jeunes (49 % pour les 15-29 ans). L’efficacite du programme vertical decroit au fur et a mesure que l’on s’eloigne de la ville de Fontem ou l’equipe mobile est basee. Les cas diagnostiques par le programme horizontal le sont a un stade beaucoup plus precoce ce qui fait que leur evolution est plus favorable. Le programme horizontal offre a sa population de reference une excellente protection vis-a-vis de la THA. Durant la periode etudiee, aucun deces ou encephalopathie par THA n’ont ete declares dans la partie sud du foyer de Fontem. En revanche, dans la zone ou s’applique le programme vertical on denombrait 12 deces et 6 encephalopathies. La strategie d’intervention de type horizontal parait donner des resultats superieurs a l’approche classique de type controle des grandes endemies. Neanmoins le programme horizontal utilisait des methodes diagnostiques plus sensibles et plus specifiques, ce qui contribue egalement a sa superiorite sur le programme vertical. L’integration de moyens diagnostiques performants a un programme de soins de sante primaires qui rejoint une fraction importante de la population, semble une demarche toute indiquee dans le cas du depistage de la THA.
PubMed, 1993
Dracunculiasis is endemic in the Mayo-Sava region, Province of Extreme North, Cameroon. Its incid... more Dracunculiasis is endemic in the Mayo-Sava region, Province of Extreme North, Cameroon. Its incidence has been reduced by half (from 778 cases in 1990 to 394 cases in 1991) thanks to the national eradication program (wells, distribution of filters, use of temephos to treat water collections, sanitary education, cases containment).
PubMed, 1985
During a survey on pulmonary paragonimiasis in three villages of Lower Mundani (Cameroon), 35 pat... more During a survey on pulmonary paragonimiasis in three villages of Lower Mundani (Cameroon), 35 patients excreting Paragonimus eggs were detected. They were treated with 75 mg/kg per day of praziquantel, administrated in three doses, at 4 to 6 hours intervals, for three days. A three months follow-up, 97.1% of the patients were cured.

PubMed, 1996
The present paper describes a rapid assessment that was carried out in Cameroon from March to Nov... more The present paper describes a rapid assessment that was carried out in Cameroon from March to November 1994 and presents a summary of the findings and recommendations. It was the first rapid assessment study conducted by Cameroon in collaboration with the Economic Community of Central African States, with technical assistance from the World Health Organization and the support of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme. It was hoped that the study would help to fill gaps in the information available on drug abuser profiles, the types of drugs abused and the response of the community to drug abuse in Cameroon. In focus group discussions, key informant interviews and interviews with drug abusers, it was revealed that Cameroon was not only used by drug traffickers as a transit country, but was also a drug-consuming country. The drug consumers were both males and females from all age groups. The drugs consumed ranged from traditional drugs to imported cocaine and heroin. Cannabis was the most frequently consumed drug, followed by amphetamine-type tablets and a broad range of pharmaceuticals. Solvents were mainly consumed by street children in northern Cameroon. Local beer and gin also held a special place in society. In order to tackle the existing problems, programmes offering preventive education and alternative forms of recreation for youth were necessary, and national policies on demand and supply reduction should be harmonized.
AIDS, Nov 1, 1994
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maint... more Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > ...

Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Santé, Dec 1, 1991
La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusie... more La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique dont le Cameroun. Le foyer de Fontem est le second en importance des six foyers majeurs de ce pays. Traditionnellement, la THA y a ete controlee par l’intermediaire d’un programme vertical constitue par une equipe mobile qui soumet la population a un depistage de masse annuel. Ce programme s’applique toujours dans les parties centrale et nord du foyer. Dans la partie sud de ce foyer, une approche differente, de type horizontal, a ete adoptee. Les activites de depistage de la THA ont ete integrees a un programme de soins de sante primaires qui beneficie d’un bon support communautaire. L’objectif de cette etude est de comparer l’efficacite de ces deux approches. Entre 1983 et 1988, 800 cas de THA ont ete declares dans le foyer de Fontem, 732 d’entre eux etaient originaires de cette zone, 333 residant la ou s’applique le programme vertical et 399 la ou s’applique le programme horizontal. L’efficacite d’un programme est definie comme etant sa capacite a depister activement les cas qui proviennent de la zone geographique ou il s’applique. L’efficacite du programme horizontal (85 %) est nettement superieure a celle du programme vertical (64 %) qui par ailleurs s’avere inconstant dans le temps (30 % en 1985) et peu apte a depister les adultes jeunes (49 % pour les 15-29 ans). L’efficacite du programme vertical decroit au fur et a mesure que l’on s’eloigne de la ville de Fontem ou l’equipe mobile est basee. Les cas diagnostiques par le programme horizontal le sont a un stade beaucoup plus precoce ce qui fait que leur evolution est plus favorable. Le programme horizontal offre a sa population de reference une excellente protection vis-a-vis de la THA. Durant la periode etudiee, aucun deces ou encephalopathie par THA n’ont ete declares dans la partie sud du foyer de Fontem. En revanche, dans la zone ou s’applique le programme vertical on denombrait 12 deces et 6 encephalopathies. La strategie d’intervention de type horizontal parait donner des resultats superieurs a l’approche classique de type controle des grandes endemies. Neanmoins le programme horizontal utilisait des methodes diagnostiques plus sensibles et plus specifiques, ce qui contribue egalement a sa superiorite sur le programme vertical. L’integration de moyens diagnostiques performants a un programme de soins de sante primaires qui rejoint une fraction importante de la population, semble une demarche toute indiquee dans le cas du depistage de la THA.

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Apr 1, 1994
The Cameroon Guinea worm eradication program initiated case containment activities in 1991 in the... more The Cameroon Guinea worm eradication program initiated case containment activities in 1991 in the Mayo-Sava Division, the only endemic region in the country. These activities differed from the Pakistan program, the only other operational model for dracunculiasis case containment, in two important ways. In Cameroon, next-level supervisors received reports of new cases from village health workers during routine weekly visits to endemic villages. The Pakistan program established a faster case reporting scheme that allowed higher level personnel (sector supervisors and regional managers) to confirm cases within one week of worm emergence. Second, in Cameroon case containment activities were extended only to villages reporting five or more cases the previous transmission season and villages with recent confirmed cases. In Pakistan, all villages reporting cases during the previous year were included in the program. A village-by-village case search one year after initiation of case containment in the Mayo-Sava indicated decreases of 60% in the number of cases and 51% in the number of villages reporting cases. Based on the apparent success of the efforts in Cameroon, we propose a two-stage scheme for implementation of case containment. Both stages are based on rapid detection and containment of cases, within 24 hr of worm emergence, by village-based health workers. In stage 1, cases are reported and confirmed during routine weekly visits to the endemic villages by next-level supervisors. Weekly reporting should be extended to all villages with recent confirmed cases and to as many villages reporting cases during the previous transmission season as logistically possible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

International Journal of Epidemiology, Feb 1, 1999
Dracunculiasis was first documented in Cameroon during the German colonial period in 1898 1 and l... more Dracunculiasis was first documented in Cameroon during the German colonial period in 1898 1 and later during the First World War in 1914-1916. 2 In the post colonial era, in 1974, an endemic focus of the disease was described in the Mandara Mountains of Mayo Sava Division by Issoufa et al. 3 This administrative division covers a territory of 2800 km 2 with a population of 280 000 inhabitants (Figure 1). Mayo Sava Division is found in one of the most arid zones of Cameroon. In 1987, 17.3% of the population of Mayo Sava had access to potable water while the national average was 31%. 4 The transmission of dracunculiasis occurs during the 5 months of the rainy season with a peak in July-August. In 1988, B Kollo conducted a nationwide questionnaire survey to determine the distribution of the disease in Cameroon. Sporadic cases were reported in Manyu (South West Province), Mayo Rey (North Province) while 746 cases were diagnosed in 12 highly endemic villages in Mayo Sava. In June 1990, the Minister of Public Health approved a national action plan for the elimination of dracunculiasis. This plan adopted strategies proposed by Hopkins and Ruiz-Tiben. 5 The objective of this paper is to determine the impact of simultaneous implementation of a combination of interventions by the national Guinea Worm Elimination Programme (GWEP) of Cameroon from 1990 to 1995 aimed at eliminating the disease from Cameroon by December 1995; the target for elimination set by the World Health Organization (WHO), and adopted by other agencies and national governments including Cameroon. Methods The following strategies were applied in the Mayo Sava focus: Active surveillance Two methods of active surveillance were applied: active case detection including case containment during the rainy season 6

Bulletin on narcotics, 1996
The present paper describes a rapid assessment that was carried out in Cameroon from March to Nov... more The present paper describes a rapid assessment that was carried out in Cameroon from March to November 1994 and presents a summary of the findings and recommendations. It was the first rapid assessment study conducted by Cameroon in collaboration with the Economic Community of Central African States, with technical assistance from the World Health Organization and the support of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme. It was hoped that the study would help to fill gaps in the information available on drug abuser profiles, the types of drugs abused and the response of the community to drug abuse in Cameroon. In focus group discussions, key informant interviews and interviews with drug abusers, it was revealed that Cameroon was not only used by drug traffickers as a transit country, but was also a drug-consuming country. The drug consumers were both males and females from all age groups. The drugs consumed ranged from traditional drugs to imported cocaine and heroin. ...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial
Dracunculiasis is endemic in the Mayo-Sava region, Province of Extreme North, Cameroon. Its incid... more Dracunculiasis is endemic in the Mayo-Sava region, Province of Extreme North, Cameroon. Its incidence has been reduced by half (from 778 cases in 1990 to 394 cases in 1991) thanks to the national eradication program (wells, distribution of filters, use of temephos to treat water collections, sanitary education, cases containment).
AIDS, 1994
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maint... more Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > ...

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1994
The Cameroon Guinea worm eradication program initiated case containment activities in 1991 in the... more The Cameroon Guinea worm eradication program initiated case containment activities in 1991 in the Mayo-Sava Division, the only endemic region in the country. These activities differed from the Pakistan program, the only other operational model for dracunculiasis case containment, in two important ways. In Cameroon, next-level supervisors received reports of new cases from village health workers during routine weekly visits to endemic villages. The Pakistan program established a faster case reporting scheme that allowed higher level personnel (sector supervisors and regional managers) to confirm cases within one week of worm emergence. Second, in Cameroon case containment activities were extended only to villages reporting five or more cases the previous transmission season and villages with recent confirmed cases. In Pakistan, all villages reporting cases during the previous year were included in the program. A village-by-village case search one year after initiation of case containment in the Mayo-Sava indicated decreases of 60% in the number of cases and 51% in the number of villages reporting cases. Based on the apparent success of the efforts in Cameroon, we propose a two-stage scheme for implementation of case containment. Both stages are based on rapid detection and containment of cases, within 24 hr of worm emergence, by village-based health workers. In stage 1, cases are reported and confirmed during routine weekly visits to the endemic villages by next-level supervisors. Weekly reporting should be extended to all villages with recent confirmed cases and to as many villages reporting cases during the previous transmission season as logistically possible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
ThesisAbstract in FrenchThesis (M.Sc.), Université de Montréal, 198

International Journal of Epidemiology, 1999
Dracunculiasis was first documented in Cameroon during the German colonial period in 1898 1 and l... more Dracunculiasis was first documented in Cameroon during the German colonial period in 1898 1 and later during the First World War in 1914-1916. 2 In the post colonial era, in 1974, an endemic focus of the disease was described in the Mandara Mountains of Mayo Sava Division by Issoufa et al. 3 This administrative division covers a territory of 2800 km 2 with a population of 280 000 inhabitants (Figure 1). Mayo Sava Division is found in one of the most arid zones of Cameroon. In 1987, 17.3% of the population of Mayo Sava had access to potable water while the national average was 31%. 4 The transmission of dracunculiasis occurs during the 5 months of the rainy season with a peak in July-August. In 1988, B Kollo conducted a nationwide questionnaire survey to determine the distribution of the disease in Cameroon. Sporadic cases were reported in Manyu (South West Province), Mayo Rey (North Province) while 746 cases were diagnosed in 12 highly endemic villages in Mayo Sava. In June 1990, the Minister of Public Health approved a national action plan for the elimination of dracunculiasis. This plan adopted strategies proposed by Hopkins and Ruiz-Tiben. 5 The objective of this paper is to determine the impact of simultaneous implementation of a combination of interventions by the national Guinea Worm Elimination Programme (GWEP) of Cameroon from 1990 to 1995 aimed at eliminating the disease from Cameroon by December 1995; the target for elimination set by the World Health Organization (WHO), and adopted by other agencies and national governments including Cameroon. Methods The following strategies were applied in the Mayo Sava focus: Active surveillance Two methods of active surveillance were applied: active case detection including case containment during the rainy season 6

This report presents the findings of a four-week assessment of the readiness and capacity of Zimb... more This report presents the findings of a four-week assessment of the readiness and capacity of Zimbabwe's health sector to deliver the range of services and manage the health commodities required for effective antiretroviral (ART) treatment. HIV/AIDS prevention, diagnostic and treatment programs cannot succeed without a reliable and consistent supply of condoms, high-quality drugs, HIV test kits, laboratory reagents, and the consumable laboratory and medical supplies. The country's public and private sector health providers have a great depth of experience and the team identified the service delivery and logistics experience, as well as lessons learned from the few providers already using ARV treatment, that will serve as a sound foundation for initiating and expanding ART. The report also specifies the critical logistics management and clinical issues that the government must address to ensure the safe and effective implementation of a national ART program.
and Synaxis, Inc.), DELIVER strengthens the supply chains of health and family planning programs ... more and Synaxis, Inc.), DELIVER strengthens the supply chains of health and family planning programs in developing countries to ensure the availability of critical health products for customers. DELIVER also provides technical support to USAID’s central contraceptive procurement and management and analysis of USAID’s central commodity management information system (NEWVERN). This document does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of USAID. It may be reproduced if credit is given to DELIVER/John Snow, Inc.

La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusie... more La trypanosomiase humaine africaine (THA) est un probleme de sante publique important dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique dont le Cameroun. Le foyer de Fontem est le second en importance des six foyers majeurs de ce pays. Traditionnellement, la THA y a ete controlee par l’intermediaire d’un programme vertical constitue par une equipe mobile qui soumet la population a un depistage de masse annuel. Ce programme s’applique toujours dans les parties centrale et nord du foyer. Dans la partie sud de ce foyer, une approche differente, de type horizontal, a ete adoptee. Les activites de depistage de la THA ont ete integrees a un programme de soins de sante primaires qui beneficie d’un bon support communautaire. L’objectif de cette etude est de comparer l’efficacite de ces deux approches. Entre 1983 et 1988, 800 cas de THA ont ete declares dans le foyer de Fontem, 732 d’entre eux etaient originaires de cette zone, 333 residant la ou s’applique le programme vertical et 399 la ou s’applique le progr...
Papers by Amos Sam-Abbenyi