Simian virus 40 promoter-enhancer-based mammalian expression plasmids using dihydrofolate reducta... more Simian virus 40 promoter-enhancer-based mammalian expression plasmids using dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)-encoding cDNA sequences originally isolated from two methotrexate (MTX)-resistant, DHFR-overproducing Chinese hamster lung cell lines were constructed. ...
FOREWORD This report is one of eight volumes under the umbrella title "Salinity Management A... more FOREWORD This report is one of eight volumes under the umbrella title "Salinity Management Alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan." The funding for this effort has been provided by the Government of The Netherlands through the Royal Netherlands Embassy in ...
In arid areas of central Pakistan application of 2800 and 2200 mm irrigation water in 28 and 22 i... more In arid areas of central Pakistan application of 2800 and 2200 mm irrigation water in 28 and 22 irrigations on sandy loam and silty soils, respectively to autumn sugarcane through flooding is a common practice. Whether this irrigation depth and frequency is sufficient to fulfill the requirements of autumn sugarcane is not established. This study was conducted to evaluate the optimum water requirements by applying direct method of soil water measurement through gravimetric procedure. A three years field study was conducted on autumn sugarcane cv. HSF 240 at research area of MLL (Main Line Lower) Land Reclamation Research Station Chak No. 37 TDA (Thal Development Authority) Bhakkar, Pakistan on sandy loam and Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan on silty clay soil from 2003-04 to 2005-06. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement in four replications and net plot size was 24 m 2. The four available soil moisture depletion levels under study were ASMDL 1 (20%), ASMDL 2 (40%), ASMDL 3 (60%) and ASMDL 4 (80%) and four planting patterns G 1 (60 cm), G 2 (75 cm) spaced single row planting patterns, G 3 (30/90 cm) and G 4 (30/120 cm) spaced paired row strip planting patterns were tested. The analysis of three years pooled data showed that maximum shoot dry weight, sugar yield, water use efficiency and benefit cost ratio were recorded in the treatment interaction of ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 3 (30/90 cm) followed by ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 2 (75 cm), ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 1 (60 cm), respectively, whereas minimum in the interaction of ASMDL 4 (80%) × G 4 (30/120 cm) at both soils. Maximum sugar recovery percentage (10.87 and 10.78%) was recorded in ASMDL 4 (80%) × G 4 (30/120 cm) planting pattern and minimum values of 8.44 and 7.28% on sandy loam and silty clay soils, respectively was recorded in ASMDL 1 (20%) × G 1 (60 cm) planting pattern. It was concluded that irrigation application on the basis of direct method of soil water measurement through gravimetric procedure saved 15.56 and 10.29% irrigation water by applying 38 and 23 irrigations keeping the depth of each irrigation 54 and 74 mm on sandy loam and silty clay soils, respectively as compared with traditional method of irrigating autumn sugar cane crop through flooding under arid conditions. Therefore maximum bio economic benefits could be obtained from autumn sugarcane crop by irrigating it at 40% ASMDL and sowing in 30/90 cm spaced paired row strips in arid conditions on sandy loam and silty clay soils.
Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around ... more Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around the globe. Consanguineous parents have a higher risk of having offspring with congenital disorders. It is difficult to model large scale consanguineous parental populations because of disparate cultural issues unique to regions and cultures across the globe. Although consanguinity has previously been studied as a social problem, it has not been modeled from a biological perspective. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a powerful modeling formalism for the study of intricate details of real-world complex systems. In this paper, we have developed a DEVS model to get an insight into the role of consanguineous marriages in the evolution of congenital disorders in a population. As proof-of-concept, we further developed a consanguinity simulation model in Simio simulation software. Simulation results validated using population growth data show the effectiveness of this approach in the modeling of consanguinity in populations.
Agent-Based Computing is a diverse research domain concerned with the building of intelligent sof... more Agent-Based Computing is a diverse research domain concerned with the building of intelligent software based on the concept of "agents". In this paper, we use Scientometric analysis to analyze all sub-domains of agent-based computing. Our data consists of 1,064 journal articles indexed in the ISI web of knowledge published during a twenty year period: 1990-2010. These were retrieved using a topic search with various keywords commonly used in sub-domains of agent-based computing. In our proposed approach, we have employed a combination of two applications for analysis, namely Network Workbench and CiteSpace-wherein Network Workbench allowed for the analysis of complex network aspects of the domain, detailed visualization-based analysis of the bibliographic data was performed using CiteSpace. Our results include the identification of the largest cluster based on keywords, the timeline of publication of index terms, the core journals and key subject categories. We also identify the core authors, top countries of origin of the manuscripts along with core research institutes. Finally, our results have interestingly revealed the strong presence of agent-based computing in a number of non-computing related scientific domains including Life Sciences, Ecological Sciences and Social Sciences.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nonlinear Sp... more This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2009, held in Vic (Barcelona), Spain during June 25-27, 2009. The volume deals with new ideas, techniques and results related to alternative approaches in speech processing.
An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, in which grains of wheat (Triticum aesti... more An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, in which grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Raj-3077) were soaked in 0, 1, 3 and 5 ~M aqueous solutions of 28homobrassinolide (HBR) for 4, 8 and 12 hours. The seedlings raised from the grains pre-treated with HBR possessed significantly higher leaf number, fresh and dry weight.plantt nitrate reductase (NR,E.C. and carbonic anhydrase (CA, E.C. activities on 25 and 35 days, after sowing. The soaking of the grains in 3 ~tM concentration for 8 or 12 hours produced the most vigorous seedlings. cesses the work with the mutants ofArabidopsis (Li and Chory 1999) is expected to give a lead. However, their exploitation in enhancing the plant productivity is not up to expectations. Sasse (1997) proposed an easy and cheap pre-sowing seed treatment technique as a viable method for studying the role of BRs in plant growth and development. The following study was, therefore, undertaken to study the impact of 28-homobrassinolide on the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase in young seedlings because of their involvement in nitrogen metabolism and photosynthesis, respectively.
Hrtilrh, U n i v c r s i l~~ of Burzcw, Nor\t'uj9 Hussain A, Kvdle G. Serum vitamin A in relation... more Hrtilrh, U n i v c r s i l~~ of Burzcw, Nor\t'uj9 Hussain A, Kvdle G. Serum vitamin A in relation to socioeconomic. demographic and dietary characteristics in Bangladeshi children. Acta Pzediatr 1996;85:971-6. Stockholm. ISSN 0803 5253 The purpose of this study was to examine socioeconomic conditions, demographic factors. use of vitamin A capsules and dietary practices in relation to the risk of low serum vitamin A. One hundred and twenty four night blind cases were identified by parents in a cross-sectional survey in Bangludesh in 1992. Age-, sex-and ncighbourhood-matched controls were selected. Venous blood was collected from 87 cases and 97 controls for the determination of serum vitamin A. Information about socioeconomic conditions, demographic factors, use of vitamin A capsules and dietary practices was obtained by interview. The level of serum vitamin A was strongly related to age and consumption ofp-carotene rich foods. The preschool years (2-6 years) are important risk periods for vitamin A deficiency among children. We conclude that long-term prevention of vitamin A deficiency should rely on efrorts to improve local diet. 0 Diutarj. practice, serum vitamin A , viirrnzin A c q s i r l c~s
Results The homozygosity mapping approach resulted in linkage of the retinal phenotypes to known ... more Results The homozygosity mapping approach resulted in linkage of the retinal phenotypes to known retinal disease genes in 11 families and in identification of the genetic defect in 9 of these families. The length of the homozygous regions ranged from 3.29 to 34.2 megabases (Table). Most of the mutations identified in Pakistani patients were found to affect components of the phototransduction cascade. Four novel mutations were identified in this study: 1 missense mutation (c. 3296C> A, p. T1099K) in CRB1, 1 missense mutation ( ...
Methods Two families (RP26 and RP44) were originally diagnosed with retinal dystrophy based upon ... more Methods Two families (RP26 and RP44) were originally diagnosed with retinal dystrophy based upon their medical history. To localize the causative genes in these families, homozygosity mapping was performed using Affymetrix 10K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. Sequence analysis was used to find the mutations in candidate genes cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha-3 (CNGA3; family RP26) and cyclic nucleotide-gated channel beta-3 (CNGB3; family RP44). Control individuals were analyzed by allele- ...
ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the prevalence of surgical complications in patients undergoing trab... more ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the prevalence of surgical complications in patients undergoing trabeculectomy with mitomycin C (trab + MMC).Methods A Review of an open consecutive prospective interventional case series performed by a single surgical team was undertaken. The case mix was a supra-regional complex mixture of primary, secondary and paediatric glaucoma. Complete and qualified success rates, and the prevalence of complications were calculated.Results 382 eyes of 298 patients were included in the study. Mean follow up was 3.08 years. Mean age was 57.4 years (range: 6-87). At latest follow up qualified success (IOP ≤ 21mmhg with ≥1 ocular hypotensive agent) was 95.7% (360 eyes) and complete success (IOP ≤ 21mmhg without an ocular hypotensive agent) was 84.8% (319 eyes). Early postoperative complications ≤1 month of surgery were reported in 21 (5.5%) eyes. 7 (1.8%) eyes developed late surgery related complications >1 month of surgery. Clinically significant early hypotony (IOP 2 lines Snellen.
This paper presents first steps towards the development of a formal model of the research process... more This paper presents first steps towards the development of a formal model of the research process. We evaluate the use of simulation as a tool for the evaluation of research strategies in nascent research organizations faced with the absence of significant data. We start by modeling the research process by using the Publish or Perish paradigm, a well-known criteria of evaluation of research. We demonstrate the use of this model for researchers to evaluate the effects of selection of a particular publishing venue over time. We then perform various experiments using this basic idea. By means of various visualization techniques, we see how researchers with similar publishing policies might self-organize in the form of groups. We also evaluate the effects of giving higher weights to articles in journals and see where the effects of publishing in these venues breaks even for both top as well as average acceptance rates.
INTRODUCTION: We describe a rare case of small bowel infarction due to fibro muscular dysplasia i... more INTRODUCTION: We describe a rare case of small bowel infarction due to fibro muscular dysplasia in superior mesenteric artery in a young patient. CASE PRESENTATION: A 28 year old Asian female presented with acute onset left sided abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. She had a laparotomy due to further deterioration. It showed infracted small intestine, gall bladder and parts of
In this paper, we present the verification and validation of an agent-based model of forest fires... more In this paper, we present the verification and validation of an agent-based model of forest fires. We use a combination of a Virtual Overlay Multi-Agent System (VOMAS) validation scheme with Fire Weather Index (FWI) to validate the forest fire Simulation. FWI is based on decades of real forest fire data and is now regarded as a standard index for fire probability with wide usage across Canada, New Zealand and Australia. VOMAS approach allows for flexible validation of agent-based simulation models. In the current work, it is used in the form of a simulation of a randomly deployed Wireless Sensor Network for forest monitoring. Here, each virtual "sensor" agent uses FWI to calculate fire probability and compares it with the simulation model. VOMAS verification and validation methodology for agent-based models allows for interactive design of Agent-Based Models involving both the Simulation Specialists as well as the Subject Matter Experts. The presented simulation model also uses weather parameters such as wind speed, rain, snow to calculate Indices such as Fire Weather Index (FWI), Build Up Index (BUI) and Initial Spread Index (ISI) in real time. We also study the effects of fires on the life of simulated VOMAS sensors. Using extensive simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness and ease of use of VOMAS based Validation.
Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (June 24-27, 2008; S��o Lu��s, Brazil) brought together lea... more Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (June 24-27, 2008; S��o Lu��s, Brazil) brought together leading scientists and engineers who use analytic, syntactic and computational methods both to understand the prodigious processing properties of biological systems and, specifically, of the brain, and to exploit such knowledge to advance computational methods towards ever higher levels of cognitive competence. This book includes the papers presented at four major symposia: Part I-Cognitive Neuroscience Part II-Biologically ...
Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is ... more Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification procedure that addresses several open issues of the original algorithm, and that uses several novel optimisations in order to achieve superior performance. We also consider the classification of (object and data) properties. We show that algorithms commonly used to implement that task are incomplete ...
Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues, 2009
Abstract. Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars an... more Abstract. Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls one or several avatars and usually receives feedback from the virtual world on an audio-visual display. Ideally, all senses should be used to feel fully embedded in a virtual world. Sound, vision and sometimes touch are the available modalities. This paper reviews the technological developments which enable audio-visual ...
Simian virus 40 promoter-enhancer-based mammalian expression plasmids using dihydrofolate reducta... more Simian virus 40 promoter-enhancer-based mammalian expression plasmids using dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)-encoding cDNA sequences originally isolated from two methotrexate (MTX)-resistant, DHFR-overproducing Chinese hamster lung cell lines were constructed. ...
FOREWORD This report is one of eight volumes under the umbrella title "Salinity Management A... more FOREWORD This report is one of eight volumes under the umbrella title "Salinity Management Alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan." The funding for this effort has been provided by the Government of The Netherlands through the Royal Netherlands Embassy in ...
In arid areas of central Pakistan application of 2800 and 2200 mm irrigation water in 28 and 22 i... more In arid areas of central Pakistan application of 2800 and 2200 mm irrigation water in 28 and 22 irrigations on sandy loam and silty soils, respectively to autumn sugarcane through flooding is a common practice. Whether this irrigation depth and frequency is sufficient to fulfill the requirements of autumn sugarcane is not established. This study was conducted to evaluate the optimum water requirements by applying direct method of soil water measurement through gravimetric procedure. A three years field study was conducted on autumn sugarcane cv. HSF 240 at research area of MLL (Main Line Lower) Land Reclamation Research Station Chak No. 37 TDA (Thal Development Authority) Bhakkar, Pakistan on sandy loam and Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan on silty clay soil from 2003-04 to 2005-06. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement in four replications and net plot size was 24 m 2. The four available soil moisture depletion levels under study were ASMDL 1 (20%), ASMDL 2 (40%), ASMDL 3 (60%) and ASMDL 4 (80%) and four planting patterns G 1 (60 cm), G 2 (75 cm) spaced single row planting patterns, G 3 (30/90 cm) and G 4 (30/120 cm) spaced paired row strip planting patterns were tested. The analysis of three years pooled data showed that maximum shoot dry weight, sugar yield, water use efficiency and benefit cost ratio were recorded in the treatment interaction of ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 3 (30/90 cm) followed by ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 2 (75 cm), ASMDL 2 (40%) × G 1 (60 cm), respectively, whereas minimum in the interaction of ASMDL 4 (80%) × G 4 (30/120 cm) at both soils. Maximum sugar recovery percentage (10.87 and 10.78%) was recorded in ASMDL 4 (80%) × G 4 (30/120 cm) planting pattern and minimum values of 8.44 and 7.28% on sandy loam and silty clay soils, respectively was recorded in ASMDL 1 (20%) × G 1 (60 cm) planting pattern. It was concluded that irrigation application on the basis of direct method of soil water measurement through gravimetric procedure saved 15.56 and 10.29% irrigation water by applying 38 and 23 irrigations keeping the depth of each irrigation 54 and 74 mm on sandy loam and silty clay soils, respectively as compared with traditional method of irrigating autumn sugar cane crop through flooding under arid conditions. Therefore maximum bio economic benefits could be obtained from autumn sugarcane crop by irrigating it at 40% ASMDL and sowing in 30/90 cm spaced paired row strips in arid conditions on sandy loam and silty clay soils.
Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around ... more Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around the globe. Consanguineous parents have a higher risk of having offspring with congenital disorders. It is difficult to model large scale consanguineous parental populations because of disparate cultural issues unique to regions and cultures across the globe. Although consanguinity has previously been studied as a social problem, it has not been modeled from a biological perspective. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a powerful modeling formalism for the study of intricate details of real-world complex systems. In this paper, we have developed a DEVS model to get an insight into the role of consanguineous marriages in the evolution of congenital disorders in a population. As proof-of-concept, we further developed a consanguinity simulation model in Simio simulation software. Simulation results validated using population growth data show the effectiveness of this approach in the modeling of consanguinity in populations.
Agent-Based Computing is a diverse research domain concerned with the building of intelligent sof... more Agent-Based Computing is a diverse research domain concerned with the building of intelligent software based on the concept of "agents". In this paper, we use Scientometric analysis to analyze all sub-domains of agent-based computing. Our data consists of 1,064 journal articles indexed in the ISI web of knowledge published during a twenty year period: 1990-2010. These were retrieved using a topic search with various keywords commonly used in sub-domains of agent-based computing. In our proposed approach, we have employed a combination of two applications for analysis, namely Network Workbench and CiteSpace-wherein Network Workbench allowed for the analysis of complex network aspects of the domain, detailed visualization-based analysis of the bibliographic data was performed using CiteSpace. Our results include the identification of the largest cluster based on keywords, the timeline of publication of index terms, the core journals and key subject categories. We also identify the core authors, top countries of origin of the manuscripts along with core research institutes. Finally, our results have interestingly revealed the strong presence of agent-based computing in a number of non-computing related scientific domains including Life Sciences, Ecological Sciences and Social Sciences.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nonlinear Sp... more This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2009, held in Vic (Barcelona), Spain during June 25-27, 2009. The volume deals with new ideas, techniques and results related to alternative approaches in speech processing.
An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, in which grains of wheat (Triticum aesti... more An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, in which grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Raj-3077) were soaked in 0, 1, 3 and 5 ~M aqueous solutions of 28homobrassinolide (HBR) for 4, 8 and 12 hours. The seedlings raised from the grains pre-treated with HBR possessed significantly higher leaf number, fresh and dry weight.plantt nitrate reductase (NR,E.C. and carbonic anhydrase (CA, E.C. activities on 25 and 35 days, after sowing. The soaking of the grains in 3 ~tM concentration for 8 or 12 hours produced the most vigorous seedlings. cesses the work with the mutants ofArabidopsis (Li and Chory 1999) is expected to give a lead. However, their exploitation in enhancing the plant productivity is not up to expectations. Sasse (1997) proposed an easy and cheap pre-sowing seed treatment technique as a viable method for studying the role of BRs in plant growth and development. The following study was, therefore, undertaken to study the impact of 28-homobrassinolide on the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase in young seedlings because of their involvement in nitrogen metabolism and photosynthesis, respectively.
Hrtilrh, U n i v c r s i l~~ of Burzcw, Nor\t'uj9 Hussain A, Kvdle G. Serum vitamin A in relation... more Hrtilrh, U n i v c r s i l~~ of Burzcw, Nor\t'uj9 Hussain A, Kvdle G. Serum vitamin A in relation to socioeconomic. demographic and dietary characteristics in Bangladeshi children. Acta Pzediatr 1996;85:971-6. Stockholm. ISSN 0803 5253 The purpose of this study was to examine socioeconomic conditions, demographic factors. use of vitamin A capsules and dietary practices in relation to the risk of low serum vitamin A. One hundred and twenty four night blind cases were identified by parents in a cross-sectional survey in Bangludesh in 1992. Age-, sex-and ncighbourhood-matched controls were selected. Venous blood was collected from 87 cases and 97 controls for the determination of serum vitamin A. Information about socioeconomic conditions, demographic factors, use of vitamin A capsules and dietary practices was obtained by interview. The level of serum vitamin A was strongly related to age and consumption ofp-carotene rich foods. The preschool years (2-6 years) are important risk periods for vitamin A deficiency among children. We conclude that long-term prevention of vitamin A deficiency should rely on efrorts to improve local diet. 0 Diutarj. practice, serum vitamin A , viirrnzin A c q s i r l c~s
Results The homozygosity mapping approach resulted in linkage of the retinal phenotypes to known ... more Results The homozygosity mapping approach resulted in linkage of the retinal phenotypes to known retinal disease genes in 11 families and in identification of the genetic defect in 9 of these families. The length of the homozygous regions ranged from 3.29 to 34.2 megabases (Table). Most of the mutations identified in Pakistani patients were found to affect components of the phototransduction cascade. Four novel mutations were identified in this study: 1 missense mutation (c. 3296C> A, p. T1099K) in CRB1, 1 missense mutation ( ...
Methods Two families (RP26 and RP44) were originally diagnosed with retinal dystrophy based upon ... more Methods Two families (RP26 and RP44) were originally diagnosed with retinal dystrophy based upon their medical history. To localize the causative genes in these families, homozygosity mapping was performed using Affymetrix 10K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. Sequence analysis was used to find the mutations in candidate genes cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha-3 (CNGA3; family RP26) and cyclic nucleotide-gated channel beta-3 (CNGB3; family RP44). Control individuals were analyzed by allele- ...
ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the prevalence of surgical complications in patients undergoing trab... more ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the prevalence of surgical complications in patients undergoing trabeculectomy with mitomycin C (trab + MMC).Methods A Review of an open consecutive prospective interventional case series performed by a single surgical team was undertaken. The case mix was a supra-regional complex mixture of primary, secondary and paediatric glaucoma. Complete and qualified success rates, and the prevalence of complications were calculated.Results 382 eyes of 298 patients were included in the study. Mean follow up was 3.08 years. Mean age was 57.4 years (range: 6-87). At latest follow up qualified success (IOP ≤ 21mmhg with ≥1 ocular hypotensive agent) was 95.7% (360 eyes) and complete success (IOP ≤ 21mmhg without an ocular hypotensive agent) was 84.8% (319 eyes). Early postoperative complications ≤1 month of surgery were reported in 21 (5.5%) eyes. 7 (1.8%) eyes developed late surgery related complications >1 month of surgery. Clinically significant early hypotony (IOP 2 lines Snellen.
This paper presents first steps towards the development of a formal model of the research process... more This paper presents first steps towards the development of a formal model of the research process. We evaluate the use of simulation as a tool for the evaluation of research strategies in nascent research organizations faced with the absence of significant data. We start by modeling the research process by using the Publish or Perish paradigm, a well-known criteria of evaluation of research. We demonstrate the use of this model for researchers to evaluate the effects of selection of a particular publishing venue over time. We then perform various experiments using this basic idea. By means of various visualization techniques, we see how researchers with similar publishing policies might self-organize in the form of groups. We also evaluate the effects of giving higher weights to articles in journals and see where the effects of publishing in these venues breaks even for both top as well as average acceptance rates.
INTRODUCTION: We describe a rare case of small bowel infarction due to fibro muscular dysplasia i... more INTRODUCTION: We describe a rare case of small bowel infarction due to fibro muscular dysplasia in superior mesenteric artery in a young patient. CASE PRESENTATION: A 28 year old Asian female presented with acute onset left sided abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. She had a laparotomy due to further deterioration. It showed infracted small intestine, gall bladder and parts of
In this paper, we present the verification and validation of an agent-based model of forest fires... more In this paper, we present the verification and validation of an agent-based model of forest fires. We use a combination of a Virtual Overlay Multi-Agent System (VOMAS) validation scheme with Fire Weather Index (FWI) to validate the forest fire Simulation. FWI is based on decades of real forest fire data and is now regarded as a standard index for fire probability with wide usage across Canada, New Zealand and Australia. VOMAS approach allows for flexible validation of agent-based simulation models. In the current work, it is used in the form of a simulation of a randomly deployed Wireless Sensor Network for forest monitoring. Here, each virtual "sensor" agent uses FWI to calculate fire probability and compares it with the simulation model. VOMAS verification and validation methodology for agent-based models allows for interactive design of Agent-Based Models involving both the Simulation Specialists as well as the Subject Matter Experts. The presented simulation model also uses weather parameters such as wind speed, rain, snow to calculate Indices such as Fire Weather Index (FWI), Build Up Index (BUI) and Initial Spread Index (ISI) in real time. We also study the effects of fires on the life of simulated VOMAS sensors. Using extensive simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness and ease of use of VOMAS based Validation.
Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (June 24-27, 2008; S��o Lu��s, Brazil) brought together lea... more Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (June 24-27, 2008; S��o Lu��s, Brazil) brought together leading scientists and engineers who use analytic, syntactic and computational methods both to understand the prodigious processing properties of biological systems and, specifically, of the brain, and to exploit such knowledge to advance computational methods towards ever higher levels of cognitive competence. This book includes the papers presented at four major symposia: Part I-Cognitive Neuroscience Part II-Biologically ...
Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is ... more Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification procedure that addresses several open issues of the original algorithm, and that uses several novel optimisations in order to achieve superior performance. We also consider the classification of (object and data) properties. We show that algorithms commonly used to implement that task are incomplete ...
Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues, 2009
Abstract. Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars an... more Abstract. Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls one or several avatars and usually receives feedback from the virtual world on an audio-visual display. Ideally, all senses should be used to feel fully embedded in a virtual world. Sound, vision and sometimes touch are the available modalities. This paper reviews the technological developments which enable audio-visual ...
Papers by Amir Hussain