Papers by Ameur Boujenoui
Cet ouvrage présente douze cas de réussites entrepreneuriales. Ces cas illustrent divers types de... more Cet ouvrage présente douze cas de réussites entrepreneuriales. Ces cas illustrent divers types de pratiques en entrepreneuriat : propriétaires-dirigeants de PME, travailleurs autonomes, créateurs de grande entreprise et essaimages. Écrits dans une langue claire et vivante, ces cas présentent des témoignages éloquents qui constituent une source d'inspiration et de réflexion pour quiconque s'intéresse à l'entrepreneuriat ! Qu'il soit utilisé dans le cadre de cours ou de lecture personnelle, l'ouvrage est d'autant plus intéressant qu'il établit pour chaque cas des objectifs d'apprentissage et suggère des questions qui ouvrent à de nombreuses pistes de réflexion. L'ouvrage est complété par une bibliographie qui propose une liste impressionnante de biographies d'entrepreneurs
Le résumé n'est pas disponible. // The abstract is not available.
This study investigates the determinants of the transparency of corporate-governance-related info... more This study investigates the determinants of the transparency of corporate-governance-related information disclosed by Toronto Stock Exchange listed firms. Our results show a negative association between inside ownership and the transparency of corporate governance disclosure. Consistent with voluntary disclosure literature, we also document a positive association between firm size, growth opportunities, listing on the New York Stock Exchange, and the quality of disclosures about corporate governance practices.
Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit, 2008
Distribution électronique pour Association Francophone de Comptabilité. © Association ... more Distribution électronique pour Association Francophone de Comptabilité. © Association Francophone de Comptabilité. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Workshops in Computing, 1994
In addition to being a technique for classifying objects and defining concepts from data, the con... more In addition to being a technique for classifying objects and defining concepts from data, the concept lattice may be exploited to discover functional dependencies as well as exact and approximate (probabilistic) implication rules between properties (descriptors). This paper presents algorithms for rule generation and shows that the lattice is an interesting framework for that purpose.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 2011
We examined CEO attributes, board composition, and ownership structure for their relationship to ... more We examined CEO attributes, board composition, and ownership structure for their relationship to the share performance of the acquiring company around the acquisition announcement. Based on 273 acquisitions by Canadian firms from 1998 through 2002, we have shown that the levels of CEO and director ownership as well as the level of board independence were positively associated with the short-term financial performance of the acquirer. Board size was negatively related to value creation. Finally, cash-based deals and cross-border transactions were also positively related to increases in shareholder wealth for the acquirer. Copyright

On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques commonly used in data warehouses allow the explor... more On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques commonly used in data warehouses allow the exploration of data cubes according to different analysis axes (dimensions) and under different abstraction levels in a dimension hierarchy. However, such techniques are not aimed at mining multidimensional data. Since data cubes are nothing but multi-way tables, we propose to analyze the potential of two probabilistic modeling techniques, namely non-negative multi-way array factorization and log-linear modeling, with the ultimate objective of compressing and mining aggregate and multidimensional values. With the first technique, we compute the set of components that best fit the initial data set and whose superposition coincides with the original data; with the second technique we identify a parsimonious model (i.e., one with a reduced set of parameters), highlight strong associations among dimensions and discover possible outliers in data cells. A real life example will be used to (i) discuss the potential benefits of the modeling output on cube exploration and mining, (ii) show how OLAP queries can be answered in an approximate way, and (iii) illustrate the strengths and limitations of these modeling approaches.

Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 2009
ABSTRACT RésuméLe conseil d'administration est considéré comme une des composantes import... more ABSTRACT RésuméLe conseil d'administration est considéré comme une des composantes importantes des mécanismes internes de gouvernance d'entreprise. Les recherches dans ce domaine ont porté, entre autres, sur la structure du conseil, sa composition ainsi que sur lesfacteurs qui déterminent celles-ci et plusieurs auteurs font référence à la structure de l'actionnariat. Menée sur un échantillon de 214 entreprises canadiennes cotées en bourse, cette étude explore l'effet de la structure du contrôle des droits de vote sur la qualité des mécanismes internes de gouvernance. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que la concentration du contrôle, l'actionnariat interne et celui des détenteurs de blocs sont reliés négativement à la qualité de ces mécanismes, alors que l'actionnariat des investisseurs institutionnels a un effet positif.AbstractThe board of directors is among the most important internal mechanisms of corporate governance. Most studies on board of directors have focused mainly on its structure, composition and factors influencing its composition as well as on the shareholding structure. This paper attempts to supplement past studies on board of directors by reviewing 214 publicly traded Canadian companies and exploring the impact of the structure of voting rights on the quality of internal control mechanisms of governance. Our findings indicate that the concentration of control, the internal and blockholder ownership are negatively related to the quality of those mechanisms, while institutional investors have a positive impact.
INTRODUCTION ET RÉSUMÉ Robert Denis était assis bien confortablement dans une carrière de conseil... more INTRODUCTION ET RÉSUMÉ Robert Denis était assis bien confortablement dans une carrière de conseiller en gestion chez Touche Ross. Détenteur d’une M.Sc. des HEC, il a développé une expertise en qualité de vie au travail. Mais le voilà piqué par le « bug » entrepreneurial. Il décide d’acquérir une entreprise. Lui et sa conjointe, Carole Beaudoin, considèrent plusieurs secteurs avant de choisir celui que Robert connaît le mieux puisqu’il y a grandi : l’alimentation. Il achète un Provigo à Laval...
Australian Journal of Public Administration, 2004
The present research deals with the issue of governance in the public sector and more specificall... more The present research deals with the issue of governance in the public sector and more specifically in state-owned enterprises (SOEs). We investigate the effect of the reform of Canadian SOEs on the characteristics of boards and board committees. Our results seem to confirm the presence of significant adjustments in board characteristics following two major events in the reform: commercialisation and privatisation. In both cases, boards have on average evolved towards a set of structures and mechanisms that have the potential to improve independence and governance. This study sheds new lights on the process of adjusting corporate governance mechanisms to new strategies and to new environments.

Journal of Management and Strategy, 2014
In a context of high competition and economic turmoil, companies are faced with a whole array of ... more In a context of high competition and economic turmoil, companies are faced with a whole array of financial, strategic and operational risks. To better understand and face repercussions on their activities, companies increasingly adopt integrated risk management systems. The objective of this study is to examine the link between the firm's corporate strategic choices and its risk management approach. Specifically, this paper investigates whether the firm's corporate strategy affects its level of risk exposure, the perception of risk consequences as well as its risk management strategy. Based on a sample of 110 non financial firms listed on the Toronto Stock exchange, we find that risk exposure level, perception of risk consequences and risk management strategy vary according to the firm's business sector. Our results show also that a firm's corporate strategy is a key determinant of its risk management approach.
This study investigates the determinants of corporate governance (CG) disclosure quality for a la... more This study investigates the determinants of corporate governance (CG) disclosure quality for a large sample of Canadian listed firms. Our results show a negative relationship between inside ownership, CEO duality and the quality of information about corporate governance practices. We document also a positive relationship between board independence and CG disclosure quality. Consistent with voluntary disclosure literature, we find a positive association between firm size, US cross-listing and disclosure quality.
Une bonne gouvernance d'entreprise s'articule autour des principes de transparence, d'imputabilit... more Une bonne gouvernance d'entreprise s'articule autour des principes de transparence, d'imputabilité, d'équité et de croissance saine de l'entreprise. Cette étude examine l'évolution des caractéristiques du conseil d'administration des sociétés d'État canadiennes de 1976 à 2000 et fait une comparaison avec le secteur privé. Il ressort que les conseils d'administration des sociétés d'État se sont progressivement libérés des sphères politique et des dirigeants, se sont ouverts aux femmes et ont connu une réduction de leur taille. Par ailleurs, la privatisation s'est traduite par des modifications dans les mécanismes de gouvernance.

Journal of Management and Strategy, 2014
In a context of high competition and economic turmoil, companies are faced with a whole array of ... more In a context of high competition and economic turmoil, companies are faced with a whole array of financial, strategic and operational risks. To better understand and face repercussions on their activities, companies increasingly adopt integrated risk management systems. The objective of this study is to examine the link between the firm's corporate strategic choices and its risk management approach. Specifically, this paper investigates whether the firm's corporate strategy affects its level of risk exposure, the perception of risk consequences as well as its risk management strategy. Based on a sample of 110 non financial firms listed on the Toronto Stock exchange, we find that risk exposure level, perception of risk consequences and risk management strategy vary according to the firm's business sector. Our results show also that a firm's corporate strategy is a key determinant of its risk management approach.
Concepts, Architectures and Solutions, 2007
Toward Integrating Data Warehousing with Data Mining Techniques 2 Chapter. XI Toward. Integrating... more Toward Integrating Data Warehousing with Data Mining Techniques 2 Chapter. XI Toward. Integrating. Data. Warehousing. with. Data. Mining. Techniques Rokia Missaoui Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada Ganaël Jatteau Université du Québec en Outaouais, ...
Papers by Ameur Boujenoui