Papers by Amaury Figueroa Pérez
En el cuento La muerte y la brújula, Jorge Luis Borges nos relata la historia detectivesca donde ... more En el cuento La muerte y la brújula, Jorge Luis Borges nos relata la historia detectivesca donde surgen varios crímenes en los cuales el artífice de los mismos entrampa a Erik Lonnrot. Borges utiliza elementos similares a los que tiende a utilizar en otros de sus cuantos en los que expresa historias llenas de hermetismo y misterio.
El laberinto es uno de los símbolos utilizado constantemente en los relatos de Borges. Son tanta ... more El laberinto es uno de los símbolos utilizado constantemente en los relatos de Borges. Son tanta las ocasiones que hace referencia a ellos que es inevitable preguntarse: ¿Cuál es el significado real de los laberintos en la literatura de Borges y que relación si alguna tienen estos con la vida del autor? Para contestar esta tesis utilizaremos varias entrevistas realizadas al autor, ensayos escritos por estudiosos de la literatura borgeana y colaboradores del gran escritor argentino.
En este ensayo se hace un breve estudio sobre la importancia de la identidad en la obra de Borges... more En este ensayo se hace un breve estudio sobre la importancia de la identidad en la obra de Borges. A pesar de lo fugaz del estudio se puede apreciar parte de la conducta del afamado escritor argentino. Este ensayo puede ser la catapulta para un estudio más profundo.

When Aristotle introduced the political philosophy known as polity, he never imagined that two th... more When Aristotle introduced the political philosophy known as polity, he never imagined that two thousand years after his presentation, humanity will still consider his ideas. He dedicated his work to define the philosophy of human affairs. During his attempt, he designed the concepts that today's society frames all political aspects. Plato was another philosopher that introduced concepts that define the order of power, the place for each member of a body politic and the role of each of them. This concept is what we known as a constitution. In this article, I will address the assassinations of three political figures that were popular among several groups of the society. Even when they were not from the same period of time, their accounts are excellent examples of the constitutional transition, the different forms of governments adopted by modern societies, and how people reacted to those changes. In the book The Politics written by Aristotle, he expresses his view on politics, government and ethics among others. His work contains a basic definition of the type of constitutions known by the citizens. He states the names for the constitutions as follows: (1) One man rule aiming at the common good-Kingship. (2) Rule of more than one man but only few-Aristocracy. (3)Rule exercised by the bulk of the citizens for the good of the whole community -Polity (Aristotle 116).
Why assassination? What is to be gained by those who plan it and conduct it? How assassinations c... more Why assassination? What is to be gained by those who plan it and conduct it? How assassinations change history? There are important accounts that we could discuss like the assassination of leaders like Julius Caesar, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. It seems like every time we assess a new account there is the need to add new elements to the definition of political murder. These new elements influence the ability to justify the action of killing a person.
Las ideas que Jorge Luis Borges expuso a través de su carrera literaria lo han ubicado en un alto... more Las ideas que Jorge Luis Borges expuso a través de su carrera literaria lo han ubicado en un alto lugar en el estandarte de la literatura hispanoamericana y mundial.

The occult is considered "supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena: a ... more The occult is considered "supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena: a secret society to study alchemy and the occult. Also is beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience; mysterious: a weird occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before." 1 The occult originated in the late 15 th century when rituals and practices were conducted by men and women. The Catholic Church did not accept the practices and punished those who engaged in the rituals. The Church legislated to criminalize the use and training in the esoteric knowledge of the occult. The Church used all its power and mandated the Inquisition. This movement helped the Church to assume a vast control of the discussion, publication, and performance of the arts of occultus, but people began to seek their rights and religious freedom. People also demanded the Church to stop every oppression movement and requested more access to control their spirituality. For the first time not everything was related to religion and God, people began to think about other things and created new philosophies. These new perspectives caused people to abandon the Catholic Church and originated movements like the Reformation. The Reformation was the catalyst for the new religious behaviors in Europe and in the new world. In this paper I am going to examine and considering that ? These are two of the questions that I will address while explaining the evolution of the religion. The Reformation is one of the greatest of all revolutions and it began in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg. Luther is excommunicated four years after he published his theses and he began to apply his evangelical theology. Throughout the 16 th century, many Christians of Western Europe joined Luther and expressed against the postulates of the Catholic Church. This movement was a turning point in 1 According to the Oxford Dictionary Online, <
Book Reviews by Amaury Figueroa Pérez
Al estudiar la literatura medieval es preciso notar que son muchos los autores que han plasmado e... more Al estudiar la literatura medieval es preciso notar que son muchos los autores que han plasmado en sus escritos los aspectos culturales, religiosos y sociales de civilizaciones antiguas.
La Vorágine: Análisis de la dicotomía entre la civilización y la barbarie El autor Colombiano Jos... more La Vorágine: Análisis de la dicotomía entre la civilización y la barbarie El autor Colombiano José Eustasio Rivera narra en su obra La Vorágine (1924) la realidad de la región selvática. En esta novela regionalista, Rivera logra exponer las costumbres
Books by Amaury Figueroa Pérez
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Papers by Amaury Figueroa Pérez
Book Reviews by Amaury Figueroa Pérez
Books by Amaury Figueroa Pérez