Papers by Amarildo Pasini
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2014
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2014

Caribbean Journal of Science, 2006
Little information is available on earthworm distribution and diversity in the State of Paraná, s... more Little information is available on earthworm distribution and diversity in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Earthworm abundance and species diversity was evaluated in four land use systems near Jaguapitã, (Paraná); where pastures are being converted to soybean and sugarcane. Samples were taken during the rainy and dry seasons of 2004 and 2005 in eight sites: two old degraded pastures, an old pasture being converted to row cropping, two grain crop fields, two sugarcane fields and a native forest fragment. Twentyfive 25 × 25 cm soil blocks were taken at each site, 20 of them to 10 cm and five to 30 cm depth. Earthworms were manually sorted from the soil and preserved in formaldehyde. Earthworm species found were: the exotics Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae), Dichogaster affinis, D. bolaui and D. saliens (Acanthodrilidae), Eukerria saltensis, E. eiseniana and Ocnerodrilus occidentalis (Ocnerodrilidae), and Amynthas sp. (Megascolecidae); the native species Glossoscolex n. sp. and Fimoscolex n. sp. (Glossoscolecidae), Belladrilus n. sp.1 and an unidentifiable Ocnerodrilidae n. sp.1 (probably Belladrilus); and two unidentified Eukerria spp. (of unknown origin) (Ocnerodrilidae)
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
![Research paper thumbnail of [Influence of mulberry cultivars Morus spp. on the production and quality of silkworm Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) cocoons]](
Neotropical entomology
The success of sericiculture greatly depends on the availability of mulberry cultivars with agron... more The success of sericiculture greatly depends on the availability of mulberry cultivars with agronomic characteristics that maximize the production and quality of silkworm, Bombyx mori L., cocoons. The effect of the cultivars Miura (standard) and Korin, and the hybrids SM 14, SM 63, SK 1, SK 4 and FM 86 was evaluated on silkworm development, and on cocoon production and quality, at the Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, IAPAR, in Londrina, PR, Brazil (23 +/- 3 degrees C; 61 +/- 8% RH). The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replicates. Larvae feeding either on 'SK 4' or on 'Korin' showed a higher weight compared to that of larvae feeding on 'Miura'. Cocoon weight (both sexes) and pupae weight (male) obtained with larvae fed on SK 4 were higher compared with that of insects that fed on Miura; there was no difference among the remaining treatments. Silk net weight was independent of the cultivar used. Cocoon shell weight was similar amon...
Ciência Rural, 2007
página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Texto completo SciELO Brasil (... more página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Texto completo SciELO Brasil (texto : PT). experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 450221, LILACS-Express. Autor: Nonino,Mariana Campana; Pasini, Amarildo; Ventura, Maurício Ursi. ...
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2008

Terrestrial ecotoxicological tests are powerful tools for assessing the ecological risks that pes... more Terrestrial ecotoxicological tests are powerful tools for assessing the ecological risks that pesticides pose to soil invertebrates, but they are rarely used to evaluate seed dressing pesticides. This study investigated the effects of seed dressing pesticides on survival and reproduction of Folsomia candida (Collembola), using standardized ecotoxicological tests (after ISO guidelines with few adaptations for tropical conditions). Commercial formulations of five seed dressing pesticides were tested individually in Tropical Artificial Soil (TAS): the insecticides imidacloprid, fipronil, thiametoxam, and the fungicides captan and carboxin+thiram. Thiametoxam, captan, and carboxin+thiram were only lethal to F. candida at the highest concentration tested (1000mg of active ingredient kg(-1) of dry soil). Imidacloprid and fipronil were lethal at lower concentrations (100 and 10mg a.i. kg(-1) soil d.w, respectively), however, these concentrations were much higher than those predicted (PEC) for soil. Imidacloprid and fipronil were the most toxic pesticides in both tests, reducing significantly collembolan reproduction (EC20=0.02 and soil d.w, respectively). Further studies under more realistic conditions are needed, since imidacloprid and fipronil reduced collembolan reproduction at concentrations below or close to their respective PECs.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2002
Page 1. Abundância estacional do percevejo-castanho-das-raizes Atarsocoris sp. (Hemiptera: cydnid... more Page 1. Abundância estacional do percevejo-castanho-das-raizes Atarsocoris sp. (Hemiptera: cydnidae)
203 Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 23, n. 2, p. 203-210, jul./dez. 2002 Abundância Estacional do percevejo-castanho-das-raizes Atarsocoris sp. ...

Ciência Rural, 2010
Doru lineare Eschs. e Doru luteipes Scudder em laboratório Thermal requirements of Doru lineare E... more Doru lineare Eschs. e Doru luteipes Scudder em laboratório Thermal requirements of Doru lineare Eschs. and Doru luteipes Scudder in the laboratory RESUMO Algumas espécies de tesourinhas (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) são importantes predadoras da lagarta-docartucho do milho Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de temperaturas constantes no desenvolvimento de Doru luteipes (Scudder) e Doru lineare (Eschs.). D. luteipes não completou seu desenvolvimento nas temperaturas de 30 e 32ºC, enquanto D. lineare não completou apenas na temperatura de 32ºC. O período de incubação variou de 8,0 (25ºC) a 17,2 dias (18ºC) e de 4,6 (30ºC) a 14,5 dias (18ºC), para D. luteipes e D. lineare, respectivamente. A duração do período ninfal variou de 30,4 dias (25ºC) a 63,6 dias (18ºC), para D. luteipes, e de 20,4 dias (30ºC) a 60,5 dias (18ºC), para D. lineare. A duração do ciclo biológico (ovo-adulto) variou de 38,4 (25ºC) a 80,8 dias (18ºC), para D. luteipes, e de 25 (30ºC) a 75 dias (18ºC), para D. lineare. Portanto, as temperaturas elevadas foram desfavoráveis para ambas as espécies, observando-se que D. luteipes é mais susceptível à elevação térmica. ABSTRACT Some Earwigs species (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) are important predators of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The effects of constant temperatures on the development of Doru luteipes (Scudder) and Doru lineare (Eschs.) were evaluated. The development of D. luteipes was not completed at 30 and 32ºC, whereas D. lineare did not complete only at 32ºC. The incubation period ranged from 8.0 (25 o C) to 17.2 days (18 o C) for D. luteipes and D. lineare, respectively. The duration of the nymphal stage ranged from 30.4 (25ºC) to 63.6 days (18ºC) for D. luteipes and, from 20.4 (30 o C) to 60.5 days (18ºC) for D. lineare. The duration of the biological cycle (egg-adult) varied from 38.4 (25 o C) to 80.8 days (18 o C) for D. luteipes and from 25 (30 o C) to 75 days (18 o C) for D. lineare. Therefore, high temperatures were unfavorable for both species, but D. luteipes is more susceptible to higher temperatures. 1567 Exigências térmicas de Doru lineare Eschs. e Doru luteipes Scudder em laboratório. Ciência Rural, v.40, n.7, jul, 2010. AGRADECIMENTOS À Dra. Marinéia de Lara Haddad, pelo auxílio na determinação das exigências térmicas.

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2009
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of organic and conventional coffee crops on... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of organic and conventional coffee crops on biomass, population density and diversity of earthworms, in Lerroville, district of Londrina County, Paraná state, Brazil. Earthworm communities were sampled in three areas with organic coffee cultivation (CO1, CO2 and CO3), two with conventional coffee (CC1 and CC2), and a native forest fragment (MT). The soil of the areas CO1, CC1, and MT was classifi ed as Nitossolo Vermelho (Rhodic Kandiudox), while CO2, CO3, and CC2 were on Latossolo Vermelho (Rhodic Hapludox). Eight samples were taken in each area on two occasions, winter and summer, using the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) method in the 0-20 cm soil layer. The earthworms were handsorted and preserved in 4% formaldehyde, and were later weighed, counted and identifi ed. The highest earthworm biomass, both in winter and summer, occurred in the CO3 area. For population density, the higher numbers of individuals were found in CO1 and CO3. The highest number of species was identifi ed in the organic cultivation. The adoption of organic practices in coffee cultivation favored the diversity, density and biomass of earthworm communities.

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2009
The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in ar... more The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in areas under human influence, in a region of Cerrado-Pantanal-Amazon rainforest transition, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The earthworms were collected in the municipalities of Barra do Bugres and Arenápolis, and were studied together with species previously identified from other municipalities. Seventeen municipalities, at 29 sampling points of Mato Grosso State, have been sampled. Seven species of earthworms were collected and identified in Barra do Bugres: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. and a species of the Criodrilidae family. Four species of earthworms were identified in Arenápolis: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis and Dichogaster sp. In total, 32 earthworm species/subspecies are known from Mato Grosso, 22 native and 10 exotic.

Pedobiologia, 2003
No-tillage (NT) agroecosystems now occupy >18 million ha in Brazil, of which 5 million are in the... more No-tillage (NT) agroecosystems now occupy >18 million ha in Brazil, of which 5 million are in the state of Paraná, where NT began in the early 1970's. The first NT farmers created an association to promote their practices, the 'Clube da Minhoca' (Earthworm Club), thus named because of the observed increase in earthworm numbers in their fields after adopting NT. However, little data were available on the topic until 1996, when more intensive studies began near Londrina, in N Paraná. Earthworms were sampled by hand-sorting soil monoliths (25 × 25 cm square, 30-40 cm depth) at 8 sites, comprising various natural and agricultural land-use and management systems. Data from the literature were collected from a further 6 sites for comparative purposes. The results for N Paraná confirm the presence of higher earthworm populations under NT (46-116 indiv., 0.49-1.06 g f.wt. m -2 ; mean values in dry-wet seasons, respectively), minimum tillage (42-179 indiv., 0.68-1.05 g f.wt. m -2 ), pastures (48-182 indiv. m -2 ) and native forests (16-42 indiv., 1.56-0.83 g f.wt. m -2 ) than under conventional tillage (13-22 indiv. and 0.13-0.02 g f.wt. m -2 ). Soil disturbance thus had a negative impact on earthworm populations, and significant positive relationships were observed between earthworm abundance and age of NT systems, as well as with soil % C. In the Londrina area, some species present in the primary forests were absent in NT, where most earthworms were small-sized endogeic or epi-endogeic species. These results contrasted greatly with those from the cooler region in E Paraná, where the exotic epi-endogeic Amynthas spp. dominated, reaching high densities (up to >100 indiv. m -2 ) and biomass (up to >30 g f.wt. m -2 ), especially under NT. Given the high abundance of worms under NT, further work should focus on estimating their potential contributions to soil processes, fertility and plant production in these systems.
Neotropical Entomology, 2003
ABSTRACT This research aimed to study the biology of the sunflower caterpillar, Chlosyne lacinia ... more ABSTRACT This research aimed to study the biology of the sunflower caterpillar, Chlosyne lacinia saundersii (Doubleday), on Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) and to evaluate the preference between sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and the weed plant. The eggs were collected on plants of P. hysterophorus. Rearing procedures, from egg hatching to aduld emergence, were carried out under controlled enviromental conditions: 25 ± 2ºC, 70 ± 10% UR and 12:12h of photoperiod. The egg stage lasted seven days; the larval development took 18.9 days, with 75% survivorship; the pupal stage lasted 6.1 days, with 65% of survivorship. C. lacinia saundersii prefered to feed on sunflower comparatively to P. hysterophorus. The weed plant, P. hysterophorus, can be considered a host-plant for the sunflower caterpillar.
Neotropical Entomology, 2007
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 468098 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 468098 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Texto completo SciELO Brasil (texto : PT). ...
Neotropical Entomology, 2007
... Foram testados os seguintes tratamentos: ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith); ovos de Di... more ... Foram testados os seguintes tratamentos: ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith); ovos de Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae); ovos de Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae); farinha de pupa de insetos (FPI); pόlen comercial de abelhas ...

Neotropical Entomology, 2010
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to assess, through consumption and utilization of natural... more ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to assess, through consumption and utilization of natural food measurements, whether mulberry cultivars, Morus spp., could be recommended to rear the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., in a commercial scale. The mulberry cultivars Miura (standard), Korin and Tailandesa and the hybrids FM 3/3, FM 86, SK 1 and SK 4 were tested. Seventy five fifth-instar commercial hybrid larvae were individualized in gerbox® unities and maintained in a rearing room (25 ± 3ºC and 80 ± 10% RH).The mulberry leaves of each of the five cultivars used to feed the silkworm larvae were submitted to bromatological analysis. The dry weight of larvae at the beginning and at the end of the fifth instar, the food consumed and the feces eliminated were recorded to determine the following indexes: relative consumption rate (RCR), relative metabolic rate (RMR), relative growth rate (RGR), approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD), metabolic cost (MC). The bromatological composition analysis of mulberry leaf cultivars revealed that the hybrid SK 4 presented superior nutritional quality compared to the standard cultivar Miura, due to its higher content in crude protein and ethereal extract, and lower detergent fiber content. The hybrid SK 4 was the most adequate food to the silkworm larvae because it was ingested in small amounts, thus providing good digestibility to the larvae, low metabolic cost, good growth rate and one of the highest efficiencies in the conversion of the ingested food and ingested and digested in biomass.
Neotropical Entomology, 2003
... Associação do percevejo Atarsocoris sp. (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) com a planta invasora maria-mol... more ... Associação do percevejo Atarsocoris sp. (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) com a planta invasora maria-mole (Senecio brasiliensis Less). Émerson DM de Oliveira; Amarildo Pasini; Inês CB Fonseca. Depto. ... These results, however, must be confirmed by further studies. Acknowledgments. ...
Neotropical Entomology, 2003
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 513675 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 513675 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Texto completo SciELO Brasil (texto : PT). ...
Papers by Amarildo Pasini