Papers by José Augusto Amaral

Com a institucionalizacao do direito a saude a todos os cidadaos, advindo da promulgacao da Const... more Com a institucionalizacao do direito a saude a todos os cidadaos, advindo da promulgacao da Constituicao Federal em 1988, que estabelece os principios constitucionais norteadores do Sistema Unico de Saude, prevendo em suas acoes: universalidade, integralidade, equidade, descentralizacao e participacao social, que pode ser traduzido em termos constitucionais, como um compromisso assumido pelo estado com o cidadao, fora necessario com o intuito de cumprir com esse desafio, diversas acoes, estrategias e programas, traduzidos em politicas publicas, que vem sendo implementados no sentido de operacionalizar, garantir e qualificar o acesso ao sistema de saude, na busca de consolidar um sistema publico universal, equânime e sobretudo, que atenda as necessidades e expectativas da populacao. O reconhecimento da Atencao Primaria a Saude como primeiro contato com o sistema e porta de entrada aos cuidados em saude, coordenando e direcionando a atencao a saude, bem como o crescente avanco na impl...

INTRODUCTION First-degree relatives of bipolar disorder (BD) patients have increased risk of de... more INTRODUCTION First-degree relatives of bipolar disorder (BD) patients have increased risk of developing BD. 1 Structural neuroimaging studies in BD suggest the presence of regional gray matter (GM) abnormalities in regions of the anteriorlimbic circuitry. 1,2 Previous studies suggest that abnormal regional GM volumes in the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex and in the left insula of unaffected relatives of BD patients may be structural endophenotypes for BD. 3,4,5 Our goal was to investigate genetic liability for BD by comparing regional GM volumes in BD patients and their unaffected first-degree relatives by means of voxel-based morphometry (VBM). MATERIAL AND METHODS Subjects 14 DSM-IV euthymic BD type I patients (mean age±S.D.:34.1±7.5 years, males:42.9%), 14 unaffected first-degree relatives (mean age±S.D.:33.0±6.6 years, males:42.9%), and 18 healthy controls (HC) (mean age±S.D.:31.7±11.2 years, males:33.3%) were studied. BD patients should be in remission from their illness for > 2 months, and have HAMD and YMRS scores < 8. All patients were medicated. Subjects were recruited among outpatients attending the Bipolar Disorder Research Program (PROMAN), from the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School and from the community. Brain imaging data acquisition 3 Tesla scanner with 8-channel head coil (Philips, Best, The Netherlands). Standardized acquisition protocol: a 3D T1-FFE (T1-weighted, fast field echo), threedimensional gradient echo with a Spoiled Gradient Recalled Acquisition (SPGR) sequence of 180 slices with TR/TE of 7.2/3.3 msec, a flip angle of 8 degrees, 240 mm field of view (FOV), 1.0 mm slice thickness, 120 slices, and a 240x240 matrix. Image processing SPM5 package (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, United Kingdom), executed in Matlab (Mathworks, Sherborn, Massachusetts), using the default parameters implemented in the VBM5 Toolbox ( Unified segmentation approach, which integrates the processes of tissue classification, MRI inhomogeneity bias correction, and spatial normalization to the standard SPM T1-MRI template, using linear (12-parameter affine) and non-linear transformations. Final tissue maps of GM, white matter and brain-spinal fluid were derived from the spatial normalization to the MNI standard space. Voxel sizes of segmented and spatially normalized images equaled 1x1x1 mm. Images from 48 BD patients, BD first-degree relatives and healthy controls were smoothed using a 12 mm Gaussian kernel. Statistical analysis Voxelwise between-group statistical comparisons of mean GM volumes were performed with the general linear model. Only voxels with values above an absolute GM threshold of p=0.05 entered the analyses. Resulting statistics at each voxel were transformed to Z scores and displayed as SPMs into standard space, at a Z>3.09 threshold. Each SPM was inspected for the presence of clusters of significant differences in regions where volumetric abnormalities had been predicted a priori (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, hippocampus) using the small volume correction (SVC) method Each region was circumscribed using the spatially normalized region-of-interest (ROI) masks that are available within the Anatomical Automatic Labeling (AAL) SPM toolbox. Findings of these hypothesis-driven, SVC-based analyses were reported as significant if surviving family-wise error (FWE) correction for multiple comparisons (p<0.05) over the respective ROI. In all analyses, we converted MNI coordinates of voxels of maximal statistical significance to the Talairach and Tournoux system.

Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), Jan 5, 2016
Unaffected relatives of bipolar disorder (BD) patients have been investigated for the identificat... more Unaffected relatives of bipolar disorder (BD) patients have been investigated for the identification of endophenotypes in an attempt to further elucidate the pathophysiology of the disease. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is considered to be implicated in the pathophysiology of BD, but its role as an endophenotype has been poorly studied. We investigated abnormal serum BDNF levels in BD patients, in their unaffected relatives, and in healthy controls. BDNF levels were obtained from 25 DSM-IV bipolar I disorder patients, 23 unaffected relatives, and 27 healthy controls. All BD patients were in remission. The unaffected subjects were first-degree relatives of the proband who had no lifetime DSM-IV diagnosis of axis I disorder. BDNF serum levels were determined by sandwich ELISA using monoclonal BDNF-specific antibodies. There were no statistical differences in BDNF levels among BD patients, relatives, and healthy controls. Serum BDNF levels may not indicate high genetic risk ...

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of introducing an oxygen prebleaching stage... more The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of introducing an oxygen prebleaching stage and of extending the cooking process on the surface and papermaking properties of elemental chlorine-free bleached kraft pulps produced with Portuguese Eucalyptus globulus. Inverse gas chromatography was used to evaluate the suiface energy as well as the Lewis acid/base character of the pulps, taking as reference one pulp cooked and bleached under standard conditions. The dispersive component of the surface tension, y~, was found to be highest for the pulp prepared under standard conditions, lowest for the pulp prepared by extended cooking and intermediate for the oxygen-prebleached pulp. Although all pulps exhibited a dominant acidic character (K)Kb > 1), the oxygen stage was found to enhance this character due to the higher surface concentration of oxygen-containing functional groups. Furthermore, oxygen prebleaching led to the formation of bulkier handsheets and it increased the beating energy. The opposite behaviour was found for the pulp produced by increasing the Hjactor to extend the cooking. Dons le prisent travail, flOUS avions a analyser /'influence de /'introduction d'une itape de pre blanchiment a l'oxygime et du prolongement de la cuisson sur les proprietes de sU/face et de fabrication des pG.tes kraft blanchies sans chlore elemelllaire produites il partir d'Eucalyptus globulus portugais. Nous avons utilise la chromatographie inversee en phase gazeuse pour evaluer la tension super:ficielle ainsi que les caractdristiques acidebase de Lewis des pdtes, en prenant corn me rejdrence une pdte cuite et b!anchie dans des conditions standard. Nous a vans trouve que la composante dispersive de la tension super:ficiel/e, y~, etait la plus ilevee pour la pfite pdparee dans des conditions standard, la plusfaible pour la pG.te prepanfe par une cuissonprolongee, et intermediaire pour la pG.te preblanchie a l'oxygime. Bien que toutes les pdtes aient presente un caracti!re acide dominant (Kjl<b> 1), now; avons trouve que l'etape de l'oxygi!ne accroissait cette caracteristique en raison de la plus grande concentration a la surface des groupes fonctionnels contenant de l'oxygene. De plus, le prr! blanchiment ii l'oxygene a produit des formettes plus bouffantes et exigi davantage d'energie de raffinage en pile. Now; avons aussi obtenu un comportement oppose de la pG.te produite en accroissant le facteur H pour prolonger la cuisson.
HOLOS, 2011
The ongoing work is to present and analyze the cognitive development of students in thirdyear of ... more The ongoing work is to present and analyze the cognitive development of students in thirdyear of electrical engineering technician on the integrated nature of science, its ethical and

Revista Ceres, 2010
Considerando a baixa produtividade das plantas em solos de menor fertilidade natural e o alto cus... more Considerando a baixa produtividade das plantas em solos de menor fertilidade natural e o alto custo dos insumos agrícolas, torna-se necessária a seleção de cultivares mais eficientes na absorção e utilização dos nutrientes minerais. Foram avaliados quatro cultivares de cafeeiro arábica (Acaiá IAC 474 19, Icatu Amarelo IAC 3282, Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99) quanto à eficiência na produção de frutos e alocação relativa de nutrientes. O experimento foi conduzido em Viçosa MG, em condições de campo, no delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, envolvendo quatro cultivares, quatro repetições e três níveis de adubação (baixo, normal e alto). As parcelas úteis constituíram-se de nove plantas espaçadas de 2 x 1 m. O cultivar Icatu Amarelo IAC 3282 foi o mais produtivo no ambiente com restrição de nutrientes, enquanto Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 mostraram-se mais produtivos em ambientes com alto suprimento de nutrientes. A eficiência de produção de café em coco por un...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
We present an automatic approach for prefetching data for linked list data structures. The main i... more We present an automatic approach for prefetching data for linked list data structures. The main idea is based on the observation that linked list elements are frequently allocated at constant distance from one another in the heap. When linked lists are traversed, a regular pattern of memory accesses with constant stride emerges. This regularity in the memory footprint of linked lists enables the development of a prefetching framework where the address of the element accessed in one of the future iterations of the loop is dynamically predicted based on its previous regular behavior. We automatically identify pointer-chasing recurrences in loops that access linked lists. This identification uses a surprisingly simple method that looks for induction pointers-pointers that are updated in each loop iteration by a load with a constant offset. We integrate induction pointer prefetching with loop scheduling. A key intuition incorporated in our framework is to insert prefetches only if there are processor resources and memory bandwidth available. In order to estimate available memory bandwidth we calculate the number of potential cache misses in one loop iteration. Our estimation algorithm is based on an application of graph coloring on a memory access interference graph derived from the control flow graph. We implemented the prefetching framework in an industry-strength production compiler, and performed experiments on ten benchmark programs with linked lists. We observed performance improvements between 15% and 35% in three of them.

in situ. We are investigating the ensemble behavior of iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) a... more in situ. We are investigating the ensemble behavior of iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) when dispersed in an electro-optically active liquid crystalline (LC) matrix. The directed assembly of NPs in the matrix is driven by the temperature-induced transition of the LC from the isotropic to the nematic phase as the NPs are mostly expelled into the isotropic regions, finally ending up clustered around LC defect points when the transition is complete. Our results show a twofold intensity increase of QD photoluminescence intensity with low magnetic fields (less than 100 mT). We speculate this increase is due to MNP rearrangement which produces a compaction of the clusters, resulting in the detection of increased QD emission. The individual components work together to act as a magnetic field detector and since they are direct assembled in a LC medium, they could potentially be used in a wide range of fluid-based applications. This work was funded by NSF grants DMR-1056860 and ECC-1227034.
Soft Matter, 2015
Magnetic and semiconducting nanoparticles are co-assembled in a liquid crystalline matrix to form... more Magnetic and semiconducting nanoparticles are co-assembled in a liquid crystalline matrix to form composite aggregates that display continuous brightening with the application of small external magnetic fields at room temperature.
Ciencia Rural, 2011
Eficiência de utilização de nutrientes por cultivares de cafeeiro.
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 2007
Cartas aos editores 87 Dear Editor, We appreciate the thoughtful letter from Drs. Kauer-Sant´Anna... more Cartas aos editores 87 Dear Editor, We appreciate the thoughtful letter from Drs. Kauer-Sant´Anna and Yatham who made a very careful analysis of our article entitled "Antidepressant treatment-emergent affective switch in bipolar disorder: a prospective case-control study of outcome". 1 Resposta à carta dos Drs. Kauer-Sant'Anna e Yatham "Comentário sobre 'Ciclagem afetiva associada a tratamento com antidepressivo no transtorno bipolar: estudo caso-controle prospectivo'" Reply to Dr. Kauer-Sant'Anna and Dr. Yatham's letter "Comment on 'Antidepressant treatment-emergent affective switch in bipolar disorder: a prospective case-control study of outcome'"

Materials, 2010
A new approach for the chemical modification of the surface of paper based on the application of ... more A new approach for the chemical modification of the surface of paper based on the application of colloidal mixtures containing cationic starch and polyoxometalates on uncoated base paper is presented. Polyoxometalates with the Keggin-type structure and physical properties similar to those presented by coating pigments, namely H 3 PW 12 O 40 •23H 2 O, H 4 SiW 12 O 40 •24H 2 O, and K 7 PW 11 O 39 •9H 2 O, have been used in order to improve the quality of inkjet printing. The analysis of the different samples by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy showed the presence of the polyoxometalates (and the cationic starch) on the top surface of the paper. In addition, the determination of surface energy parameters, namely the polar component (σ s p) and the dispersive component (σ s d) of the surface energy, by contact angle measurements revealed that, for the new samples, the polar component level was much higher than that of the uncoated base paper. The quality of inkjet printing, evaluated by parameters such as the gamut area and the optical density, was considerably improved by these surface treatments.

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1996
This paper presents a new production system architecture that takes advantage of modern associati... more This paper presents a new production system architecture that takes advantage of modern associative memory devices to allow parallel production firing, concurrent matching, and overlap among matching, selection, and firing of productions. We prove that the results produced by the architecture are correct according to the serializability Criterion. A comprehensive event driven simulator is used to evaluate the scaling properties of the new architecture and to compare it with a parallel architecture that does global synchronization before every production firing. We also present measures for the improvement in speed due to the use of associative memories and an estimate for the amount of associative memory needed. Architectural evaluation IS facilitated by a new benchmark program that allows for changes in the number of productions, the size of the database, the variance between the sizes of local data clusters, and the ratio between local and global data. Our results indicate that substantial improvements in speed can be achieved with a very modest increase in hardware cost.

RESUMO: A otimização da eficiência nutricional é de grande importância para ampliar a produtivida... more RESUMO: A otimização da eficiência nutricional é de grande importância para ampliar a produtividade, reduzir o custo de produção e aumentar a renda do produtor. Foram avaliadas quatro cultivares de café arábica (Coffea arabica L.) (Acaiá IAC 474-19, Icatu Precoce IAC 3282, Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99) quanto à produtividade, à eficiência agronômica e à eficiência de absorção de nutrientes. Foi conduzido um experimento em condições de campo, cujos tratamentos foram distribuídos em arranjo fatorial (4 x 3) x 4, constituído de quatro cultivares, três níveis de adubação (baixo, normal e alto) e quatro repetições, em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. As plantas que constituíram o nível normal receberam adubação baseada na marcha de acúmulo de nutrientes em café arábica. No período estudado (primeira colheita), a variedade Icatu Precoce IAC 3282 foi a mais produtiva no ambiente com restrição de nutrientes, enquanto as variedades Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 mostraram-se mais produtivas em ambientes com alto suprimento de nutrientes. Observou-se que a eficiência agronômica acompanhou a produtividade, ou seja, as cultivares mais produtivas, foram também as que produziram mais frutos por unidade de nutriente na biomassa. Com baixas doses de fertilizantes e corretivos (nível baixo), a cultivar Icatu Precoce IAC 3282 inclinou-se a apresentar a melhor eficiência agronômica quanto a todos os nutrientes estudados, e a Acaiá IAC 474-19 inclinou-se a apresentar as piores.
A cafeicultura e uma atividade agricola de extrema importância no cenario economico brasileiro es... more A cafeicultura e uma atividade agricola de extrema importância no cenario economico brasileiro estando presente de maneira significativa dentro do agronegocio do pais. Sintomas de deficiencia nutricionais sao importantes de serem descritas de modo a proporcionar uma tomada de decisao rapida quando esta encontra-se presente. Portanto o objetivo do determinado trabalho foi observar os sintomas de deficiencia nutricionais em cafeeiro Conilon, por meio de solucao nutritiva, onde, foi possivel observar como a falta de um dos elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento vegetal, proporcionou anomalias e deficiencias severas nas plantas.
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Dec 20, 2018
Aos amigos Katiuss Ferreira Borges e Rodrigo Monte Lorenzoni, pelos dias e noites em claro me ens... more Aos amigos Katiuss Ferreira Borges e Rodrigo Monte Lorenzoni, pelos dias e noites em claro me ensinando e auxiliando nas análises de marcadores moleculares no laboratório de Genética e Melhoramento; Aos pesquisadores Omar Schmildt e Humberto Celanti, pela efetiva participação no desenvolvimento desse projeto;

Coffee Science, May 13, 2014
RESUMO: A mensuração da área foliar é requerida em vários estudos agronômicos por ser um dos prin... more RESUMO: A mensuração da área foliar é requerida em vários estudos agronômicos por ser um dos principais parâmetros para avaliar o crescimento das plantas. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, selecionar as equações que melhor se ajustem à determinação da área foliar dos cultivares de cafeeiro Catuaí Vermelho e Catucaí, a partir das dimensões lineares (comprimento, largura máxima e comprimento x largura máxima) do limbo foliar, utilizando-se as equações obtidas neste trabalho e as citados na literatura. Neste trabalho foram testados os modelos linear, circunscrito, potência e exponencial que são mais citados na literatura para estimativa de área foliar. Os resultados alcançados neste estudo permitem concluir que as equações obtidas pelo modelo de regressão linear simples e o potência são as que melhor expressam a estimativa da área foliar de cafeeiros 'Catuaí Vermelho' e 'Catucaí', nas condições experimentais testadas.
RESUMO - Este trabalho foi conduzido no Campus do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Fed... more RESUMO - Este trabalho foi conduzido no Campus do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, localizado no município de Alegre-ES, Brasil. Teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento das mudas micropropagadas do abacaxizeiro [Ananas comosus ...

Agricultural Sciences, 2019
The reduction of foliar area can cause yield reduction in common bean crops. The objective of thi... more The reduction of foliar area can cause yield reduction in common bean crops. The objective of this work was to verify which is the effect of different defoliation levels realized in several development stages of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Goytacazes) over yield, weight of 100 seeds and number of pods per plant. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a split-plot arrangement with five replications. The plot corresponded to the five defoliation epochs (first trifoliate leaf, flowering, pods formation, pods filling, and dry pods). In each plot, the split plot was represented by the four defoliation levels (0%, 33%, 67% and 100%). It was observed a decrease of yield for all levels defoliation considering all development stages, except for dried pods. The highest decrease was detected for flowering and pods formation. Through the regression analysis got a greater reduction in yield with 100% defoliation made at 42 days after emergence. The evaluation parameter that showed better relation with yield was a number of pods per plant.

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2018
Due to the close genetic base in the papaya crop, the breeding programs seek new alternatives wit... more Due to the close genetic base in the papaya crop, the breeding programs seek new alternatives with agronomic characteristics desirable to the producer and fruit that meets the consumer desire. The objective of this work was to evaluate the behavior of new Hybrids in germplasm database maintenance units of the company Caliman Agrícola SA. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with 10 new elements (CP3 × SSAM; CP3 × UENF/Caliman 01; CP3 × JS 12; CP2 × SS32; JS 12 × SSAM) and one control, UENF/Caliman 01, four replicates and ten plants per plot. Tem hermaphrodite plants per plot were evaluated at eight and 12 months after planting, 16 characteristics focused on plant morphologies and biometry of fruits harvested at the maturation stage II (fruits with up to 25% of the yellow surface). The productivity of one year of harvest was also evaluated. Among the new hybrids evaluated, it is possible to detect the presence of productive characteristics and fruit quality tha...
Papers by José Augusto Amaral