La Mauritanie, comme tout le Sahel, a été soumise ces dernières décennies à une sécheresse sévère... more La Mauritanie, comme tout le Sahel, a été soumise ces dernières décennies à une sécheresse sévère qui a eu de graves conséquences environnementales et socio-économiques avec le développement de processus de dégradation des milieux et de profondes mutations des modes de mise en valeur agricoles de ces zones. Face à ces conséquences, les trois pays riverains du fleuve Sénégal ont mis en place des aménagements lourds dans la vallée avec les barrages de Manantali en amont et de Diama dans le bas delta pour permettre, entre autre, le développement de l'agriculture irriguée, dans l'objectif louable de répondre aux besoins alimentaires de la population. Les cultures sous pluies de la périphérie des lacs d'Aleg et de Mâl ont été remplacées par une agriculture de décrue dans les lacs ou sur les affluents en arrière de petits barrages qui se sont ainsi multipliés. Les pratiques d'élevage ont en outre été profondément transformées avec la sédentarisation massive des anciens nomades et le cantonnement des troupeaux autour des lacs, zones humides remarquables situées aux confins du Sahara et du Sahel, et qui sont ainsi fragilisées. Ces mutations ont donc accentué et pérennisé les processus de dégradation générés initialement par la sécheresse et l'on est en droit de se demander aujourd'hui si la péjoration climatique ne joue pas un rôle, plutôt indirect, en favorisant les pressions anthropiques.
BackgroundCOVID-19 is a global public health crisis that affects all sectors; studying the impact... more BackgroundCOVID-19 is a global public health crisis that affects all sectors; studying the impact of this pandemic on the delivery of cardiology services in Africa is crucial as COVID-19-related cardiovascular complications may worsen the CVD burden in this already highly affected and resource-limited continentMethodsThis was a cross-sectional e-survey study conducted amongst cardiologists in African countries. The primary outcome was the change in service delivery in African cardiology units during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary outcomes were the satisfaction of cardiologists with regards to the workload and factors associated with this satisfaction.ResultsThere was a significant reduction in working time and the number of patients consulted by week during this pandemic (p<0.001). In general, there was a decrease in the overall activities in cardiovascular care delivery. The majority of cardiology services (76.5%) and consulting programs (85%) were adjusted to the...
In this paper we provide the asymptotic theory of the general of φ-divergences measures, which in... more In this paper we provide the asymptotic theory of the general of φ-divergences measures, which include the most common divergence measures : R´enyi and Tsallis families and the Kullback-Leibler measure. We are interested in divergence measures in the discrete case. One sided and two-sided statistical tests are derived as well as symmetrized estimators. Almost sure rates of convergence and asymptotic normality theorem are obtained in the general case, and next particularized for the R´enyi and Tsallis families and for the Kullback-Leibler measure as well. Our theoretical results are validated by simulations.
To evaluate the 12-month total direct costs (medical and nonmedical) of delivering subcutaneous d... more To evaluate the 12-month total direct costs (medical and nonmedical) of delivering subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC) under three strategies - facility-based administration, community-based administration and self-injection - compared to the costs of delivering intramuscular DMPA (DMPA-IM) via facility- and community-based administration. We conducted four cross-sectional microcosting studies in three countries from December 2015 to January 2017. We estimated direct medical costs (i.e., costs to health systems) using primary data collected from 95 health facilities on the resources used for injectable contraceptive service delivery. For self-injection, we included both costs of the actual research intervention and adjusted programmatic costs reflecting a lower-cost training aid. Direct nonmedical costs (i.e., client travel and time costs) came from client interviews conducted during injectable continuation studies. All costs were estimated for one couple year o...
The aim of this study was to survey the abundance and genetic diversity of legume-nodulating rhiz... more The aim of this study was to survey the abundance and genetic diversity of legume-nodulating rhizobia (LNR) in the rhizosphere of a salt-tolerant grass, Sporobolus robustus Kunth, in the dry and rainy seasons along a salinity gradient, and to test their effectiveness on Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC and Vachellia seyal (Del.) P.J.H. Hurter seedlings. The results showed a significant decrease in LNR population density and diversity in response to salinity, particularly during the dry season. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA ITS region clustered the 232 rhizobium isolates into three genera and 12 distinct representative genotypes: Mesorhizobium (8 genotypes), Ensifer (2 genotypes) and Rhizobium (2 genotypes). Of these genotypes, 2 were only found in the dry season, 4 exclusively in the rainy season and 6 were found in both seasons. Isolates of the Mesorhizobium and Ensifer genera were more abundant than those of Rhizobium, with 55%, 44% and 1% of the total strains, respective...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a major role as biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a major role as biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture. Nevertheless, it is still poorly documented whether inoculated AMF can successfully establish in field soils as exotic AMF and improve plant growth and productivity. Further, the fate of an exogenous inoculum is still poorly understood. Here, we pre-inoculated two cultivars (Tasset and Gola) of the fruit tree Ziziphus mauritiana (jujube) with the exotic AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis isolate IR27 before transplantation in the field. In two experiments, tracking and quantification of R. irregularis IR27 were assessed in a 13-month-old jujube and an 18-month-old jujube in two fields located in Senegal. Our results showed that the inoculant R. irregularis IR27 was quantitatively traced and discriminated from native R. irregularis isolates in roots by using a qPCR assay targeting a fragment of the RNA polymerase II gene (RPB1), and that the inoculum represented only fractions ranging from 11 to 15% of the Rhizophagus genus in the two plantations 13 and 18 months after transplantation, respectively. This study validates the use of the RPB1 gene as marker for a relative quantification of a mycorrhizal inoculant fungus isolate in the field.
Global trade increases plant introductions, but joint introduction of associated microbes is over... more Global trade increases plant introductions, but joint introduction of associated microbes is overlooked. We analyzed the ectomycorrhizal fungi of a Caribbean beach tree, seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera, Polygonacaeae), introduced pantropically to stabilize coastal soils and produce edible fruits. Seagrape displays a limited symbiont diversity in the Caribbean. In five regions of introduction (Brazil, Japan, Malaysia, Réunion and Senegal), molecular barcoding showed that seagrape mostly or exclusively associates with Scleroderma species (Basidiomycota) that were hitherto only known from Caribbean seagrape stands. An unknown Scleroderma species dominates in Brazil, Japan and Malaysia, while Scleroderma bermudense exclusively occurs in Réunion and Senegal. Population genetics analysis of S. bermudense did not detect any demographic bottleneck associated with a possible founder effect, but fungal populations from regions where seagrape is introduced are little differentiated from the Caribb...
Pterocarpus officinalis (Jacq.) is a leguminous forestry tree species endemic to Caribbean swamp ... more Pterocarpus officinalis (Jacq.) is a leguminous forestry tree species endemic to Caribbean swamp forests. In Guadeloupe, smallholder farmers traditionally cultivate flooded taro (Colocasia esculenta) cultures under the canopy of P. officinalis stands. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the sustainability of this traditional agroforestry system has been suggested but the composition and distribution of AM fungi colonizing the leguminous tree and/or taro are poorly characterized. An in-depth characterization of root-associated AM fungal communities from P. officinalis adult trees and seedlings and taro cultures, sampled in two localities of Guadeloupe, was performed by pyrosequencing (GS FLX+) of partial 18S rRNA gene. The AM fungal community was composed of 215 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), belonging to eight fungal families dominated by Glomeraceae, Acaulosporaceae, and Gigasporaceae. Results revealed a low AM fungal community membership between P. officinalis and C. esculenta. However, certain AM fungal community taxa (10% of total community) overlapped between P. officinalis and C. esculenta, notably predominant Funneliformis OTUs. These findings provide new perspectives in deciphering the significance of Funneliformis in nutrient exchange between P. officinalis and C. esculenta by forming a potential mycorrhizal network.
Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l’Ouest
Livre: Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest BA DUPON... more Livre: Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest BA DUPONNOIS.
Modern buildings are data-rich environments that can contain thousands of IoT devices. However, m... more Modern buildings are data-rich environments that can contain thousands of IoT devices. However, most of this data is not analyzed in order to reduce energy consumption and improve occupants' comforts. This is often due to the required large manual effort for integrating the data into analytic systems. Semantic models allow to model the required meta-data and to arrive at an automated integration process. This is demonstrated for the new Brick ontology, that comprehensively models meta-data in buildings. It is extended by model concepts enabling to address challenges pertaining to physics and thermal comfort. Moreover, this Brick ontology is further extended by reasoning approaches in order to better exploit knowledge. As an example, the proposed approach is used to compute and diagnose virtual sensors so as to assess thermal comfort in a real building.
Nous avons étudié une collection de 76 nouveaux isolats bactériens de nodules obtenus par piégeag... more Nous avons étudié une collection de 76 nouveaux isolats bactériens de nodules obtenus par piégeage sur plantes d'Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana in vitro, inoculées avec des suspensions de sols prélevés dans divers sites au nord (Tunisie) et au sud (Sénégal. Mauritanie) du Sahara, en comparaison avec 54 souches de références. L'analyse des nouveaux isolats par RAPD et SDS-PAGE a montré une grande diversité taxonomique parmi les isolats d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana. En effet, bien que toutes les souches puissent être qualifiées de « rhizobium à croissance rapide n, elles se répartissent en au moins 9 groupes différents, dont plusieurs ne correspondent à aucun des groupes de rhizobia déjà décrits. Aucune relation entre la position taxonomique des souches, leur origine géographique, les conditions édaphiques ou la profondeur d'isolement n'a pu être établie. La caractérisation symbiotique des souches d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana a, au contraire, montré une grande homogénéité des caractéristiques symbiotiques majeures. Toutes les souches nodulent également A. senegal, Prosopis juliflora et Leucaena leucocephala, qui constituent avec A. tortilis subsp. raddiana un groupe d'inoculation. L'analyse des profils chromatographiques des facteurs Nod (FN) d'une quinzaine de souches réparties dans les différents groupes taxonomiques montre qu'ils sont très similaires. L'homogénéité structurale des FN des souches d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana a été confirmée par la détermination de la structure des FN de quelques souches représentatives. Cette étroite relation entre FN et plante d'isolement/spectre d'hôte indépendamment de la taxonomie des souches suggère l'existence d'une Un arbre au désert, Acacia raddiana forte pression de sélection de la part de la plante hôte et confirme nos observations précédentes, à savoir que les facteurs Nod sont de bons indicateurs du potentiel de nodulation d'un rhizobium donné.
La grande distribution fait l’objet d’innovations technologiques fortes. Le développement des cai... more La grande distribution fait l’objet d’innovations technologiques fortes. Le développement des caisses libre-service (CLS) vise à réduire les dépenses de personnel et faciliter la gestion des effectifs en caisse, tout en répondant aux attentes de nombreux consommateurs autonomes et pressés. Nous analysons les réactions des clients et des salariés à l’automatisation des caisses dans un hypermarché à l’aide du modèle « Défection, Prise de parole, Loyauté, Négligence » connu sous l’acronyme anglo-saxon EVLN (Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect) initié par les travaux fondateurs de Hirschmann, en utilisant également le modèle d’acceptation de la technologie développé par Venkatesh et Davis. Nous nous appuyons sur une étude de cas unique portant sur l’un des hypermarchés français les plus avancés en matière d’automatisation des caisses. La méthodologie qualitative repose sur une observation participante d’une durée de trois ans, sur 29 entretiens semi-directifs avec les salariés et sur une anal...
Page 1. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2003, N° 275 (1) 51 CHAMPIGNONS ECTOMYCORHIZIENS / LE POINT... more Page 1. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2003, N° 275 (1) 51 CHAMPIGNONS ECTOMYCORHIZIENS / LE POINT SUR… Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des forêts naturelles et des plantations d'Afrique de l'Ouest : une source de champignons comestibles ...
La Mauritanie, comme tout le Sahel, a été soumise ces dernières décennies à une sécheresse sévère... more La Mauritanie, comme tout le Sahel, a été soumise ces dernières décennies à une sécheresse sévère qui a eu de graves conséquences environnementales et socio-économiques avec le développement de processus de dégradation des milieux et de profondes mutations des modes de mise en valeur agricoles de ces zones. Face à ces conséquences, les trois pays riverains du fleuve Sénégal ont mis en place des aménagements lourds dans la vallée avec les barrages de Manantali en amont et de Diama dans le bas delta pour permettre, entre autre, le développement de l'agriculture irriguée, dans l'objectif louable de répondre aux besoins alimentaires de la population. Les cultures sous pluies de la périphérie des lacs d'Aleg et de Mâl ont été remplacées par une agriculture de décrue dans les lacs ou sur les affluents en arrière de petits barrages qui se sont ainsi multipliés. Les pratiques d'élevage ont en outre été profondément transformées avec la sédentarisation massive des anciens nomades et le cantonnement des troupeaux autour des lacs, zones humides remarquables situées aux confins du Sahara et du Sahel, et qui sont ainsi fragilisées. Ces mutations ont donc accentué et pérennisé les processus de dégradation générés initialement par la sécheresse et l'on est en droit de se demander aujourd'hui si la péjoration climatique ne joue pas un rôle, plutôt indirect, en favorisant les pressions anthropiques.
BackgroundCOVID-19 is a global public health crisis that affects all sectors; studying the impact... more BackgroundCOVID-19 is a global public health crisis that affects all sectors; studying the impact of this pandemic on the delivery of cardiology services in Africa is crucial as COVID-19-related cardiovascular complications may worsen the CVD burden in this already highly affected and resource-limited continentMethodsThis was a cross-sectional e-survey study conducted amongst cardiologists in African countries. The primary outcome was the change in service delivery in African cardiology units during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary outcomes were the satisfaction of cardiologists with regards to the workload and factors associated with this satisfaction.ResultsThere was a significant reduction in working time and the number of patients consulted by week during this pandemic (p<0.001). In general, there was a decrease in the overall activities in cardiovascular care delivery. The majority of cardiology services (76.5%) and consulting programs (85%) were adjusted to the...
In this paper we provide the asymptotic theory of the general of φ-divergences measures, which in... more In this paper we provide the asymptotic theory of the general of φ-divergences measures, which include the most common divergence measures : R´enyi and Tsallis families and the Kullback-Leibler measure. We are interested in divergence measures in the discrete case. One sided and two-sided statistical tests are derived as well as symmetrized estimators. Almost sure rates of convergence and asymptotic normality theorem are obtained in the general case, and next particularized for the R´enyi and Tsallis families and for the Kullback-Leibler measure as well. Our theoretical results are validated by simulations.
To evaluate the 12-month total direct costs (medical and nonmedical) of delivering subcutaneous d... more To evaluate the 12-month total direct costs (medical and nonmedical) of delivering subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC) under three strategies - facility-based administration, community-based administration and self-injection - compared to the costs of delivering intramuscular DMPA (DMPA-IM) via facility- and community-based administration. We conducted four cross-sectional microcosting studies in three countries from December 2015 to January 2017. We estimated direct medical costs (i.e., costs to health systems) using primary data collected from 95 health facilities on the resources used for injectable contraceptive service delivery. For self-injection, we included both costs of the actual research intervention and adjusted programmatic costs reflecting a lower-cost training aid. Direct nonmedical costs (i.e., client travel and time costs) came from client interviews conducted during injectable continuation studies. All costs were estimated for one couple year o...
The aim of this study was to survey the abundance and genetic diversity of legume-nodulating rhiz... more The aim of this study was to survey the abundance and genetic diversity of legume-nodulating rhizobia (LNR) in the rhizosphere of a salt-tolerant grass, Sporobolus robustus Kunth, in the dry and rainy seasons along a salinity gradient, and to test their effectiveness on Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC and Vachellia seyal (Del.) P.J.H. Hurter seedlings. The results showed a significant decrease in LNR population density and diversity in response to salinity, particularly during the dry season. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA ITS region clustered the 232 rhizobium isolates into three genera and 12 distinct representative genotypes: Mesorhizobium (8 genotypes), Ensifer (2 genotypes) and Rhizobium (2 genotypes). Of these genotypes, 2 were only found in the dry season, 4 exclusively in the rainy season and 6 were found in both seasons. Isolates of the Mesorhizobium and Ensifer genera were more abundant than those of Rhizobium, with 55%, 44% and 1% of the total strains, respective...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a major role as biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a major role as biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture. Nevertheless, it is still poorly documented whether inoculated AMF can successfully establish in field soils as exotic AMF and improve plant growth and productivity. Further, the fate of an exogenous inoculum is still poorly understood. Here, we pre-inoculated two cultivars (Tasset and Gola) of the fruit tree Ziziphus mauritiana (jujube) with the exotic AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis isolate IR27 before transplantation in the field. In two experiments, tracking and quantification of R. irregularis IR27 were assessed in a 13-month-old jujube and an 18-month-old jujube in two fields located in Senegal. Our results showed that the inoculant R. irregularis IR27 was quantitatively traced and discriminated from native R. irregularis isolates in roots by using a qPCR assay targeting a fragment of the RNA polymerase II gene (RPB1), and that the inoculum represented only fractions ranging from 11 to 15% of the Rhizophagus genus in the two plantations 13 and 18 months after transplantation, respectively. This study validates the use of the RPB1 gene as marker for a relative quantification of a mycorrhizal inoculant fungus isolate in the field.
Global trade increases plant introductions, but joint introduction of associated microbes is over... more Global trade increases plant introductions, but joint introduction of associated microbes is overlooked. We analyzed the ectomycorrhizal fungi of a Caribbean beach tree, seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera, Polygonacaeae), introduced pantropically to stabilize coastal soils and produce edible fruits. Seagrape displays a limited symbiont diversity in the Caribbean. In five regions of introduction (Brazil, Japan, Malaysia, Réunion and Senegal), molecular barcoding showed that seagrape mostly or exclusively associates with Scleroderma species (Basidiomycota) that were hitherto only known from Caribbean seagrape stands. An unknown Scleroderma species dominates in Brazil, Japan and Malaysia, while Scleroderma bermudense exclusively occurs in Réunion and Senegal. Population genetics analysis of S. bermudense did not detect any demographic bottleneck associated with a possible founder effect, but fungal populations from regions where seagrape is introduced are little differentiated from the Caribb...
Pterocarpus officinalis (Jacq.) is a leguminous forestry tree species endemic to Caribbean swamp ... more Pterocarpus officinalis (Jacq.) is a leguminous forestry tree species endemic to Caribbean swamp forests. In Guadeloupe, smallholder farmers traditionally cultivate flooded taro (Colocasia esculenta) cultures under the canopy of P. officinalis stands. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the sustainability of this traditional agroforestry system has been suggested but the composition and distribution of AM fungi colonizing the leguminous tree and/or taro are poorly characterized. An in-depth characterization of root-associated AM fungal communities from P. officinalis adult trees and seedlings and taro cultures, sampled in two localities of Guadeloupe, was performed by pyrosequencing (GS FLX+) of partial 18S rRNA gene. The AM fungal community was composed of 215 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), belonging to eight fungal families dominated by Glomeraceae, Acaulosporaceae, and Gigasporaceae. Results revealed a low AM fungal community membership between P. officinalis and C. esculenta. However, certain AM fungal community taxa (10% of total community) overlapped between P. officinalis and C. esculenta, notably predominant Funneliformis OTUs. These findings provide new perspectives in deciphering the significance of Funneliformis in nutrient exchange between P. officinalis and C. esculenta by forming a potential mycorrhizal network.
Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l’Ouest
Livre: Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest BA DUPON... more Livre: Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest BA DUPONNOIS.
Modern buildings are data-rich environments that can contain thousands of IoT devices. However, m... more Modern buildings are data-rich environments that can contain thousands of IoT devices. However, most of this data is not analyzed in order to reduce energy consumption and improve occupants' comforts. This is often due to the required large manual effort for integrating the data into analytic systems. Semantic models allow to model the required meta-data and to arrive at an automated integration process. This is demonstrated for the new Brick ontology, that comprehensively models meta-data in buildings. It is extended by model concepts enabling to address challenges pertaining to physics and thermal comfort. Moreover, this Brick ontology is further extended by reasoning approaches in order to better exploit knowledge. As an example, the proposed approach is used to compute and diagnose virtual sensors so as to assess thermal comfort in a real building.
Nous avons étudié une collection de 76 nouveaux isolats bactériens de nodules obtenus par piégeag... more Nous avons étudié une collection de 76 nouveaux isolats bactériens de nodules obtenus par piégeage sur plantes d'Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana in vitro, inoculées avec des suspensions de sols prélevés dans divers sites au nord (Tunisie) et au sud (Sénégal. Mauritanie) du Sahara, en comparaison avec 54 souches de références. L'analyse des nouveaux isolats par RAPD et SDS-PAGE a montré une grande diversité taxonomique parmi les isolats d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana. En effet, bien que toutes les souches puissent être qualifiées de « rhizobium à croissance rapide n, elles se répartissent en au moins 9 groupes différents, dont plusieurs ne correspondent à aucun des groupes de rhizobia déjà décrits. Aucune relation entre la position taxonomique des souches, leur origine géographique, les conditions édaphiques ou la profondeur d'isolement n'a pu être établie. La caractérisation symbiotique des souches d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana a, au contraire, montré une grande homogénéité des caractéristiques symbiotiques majeures. Toutes les souches nodulent également A. senegal, Prosopis juliflora et Leucaena leucocephala, qui constituent avec A. tortilis subsp. raddiana un groupe d'inoculation. L'analyse des profils chromatographiques des facteurs Nod (FN) d'une quinzaine de souches réparties dans les différents groupes taxonomiques montre qu'ils sont très similaires. L'homogénéité structurale des FN des souches d'A. tortilis subsp. raddiana a été confirmée par la détermination de la structure des FN de quelques souches représentatives. Cette étroite relation entre FN et plante d'isolement/spectre d'hôte indépendamment de la taxonomie des souches suggère l'existence d'une Un arbre au désert, Acacia raddiana forte pression de sélection de la part de la plante hôte et confirme nos observations précédentes, à savoir que les facteurs Nod sont de bons indicateurs du potentiel de nodulation d'un rhizobium donné.
La grande distribution fait l’objet d’innovations technologiques fortes. Le développement des cai... more La grande distribution fait l’objet d’innovations technologiques fortes. Le développement des caisses libre-service (CLS) vise à réduire les dépenses de personnel et faciliter la gestion des effectifs en caisse, tout en répondant aux attentes de nombreux consommateurs autonomes et pressés. Nous analysons les réactions des clients et des salariés à l’automatisation des caisses dans un hypermarché à l’aide du modèle « Défection, Prise de parole, Loyauté, Négligence » connu sous l’acronyme anglo-saxon EVLN (Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect) initié par les travaux fondateurs de Hirschmann, en utilisant également le modèle d’acceptation de la technologie développé par Venkatesh et Davis. Nous nous appuyons sur une étude de cas unique portant sur l’un des hypermarchés français les plus avancés en matière d’automatisation des caisses. La méthodologie qualitative repose sur une observation participante d’une durée de trois ans, sur 29 entretiens semi-directifs avec les salariés et sur une anal...
Page 1. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2003, N° 275 (1) 51 CHAMPIGNONS ECTOMYCORHIZIENS / LE POINT... more Page 1. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2003, N° 275 (1) 51 CHAMPIGNONS ECTOMYCORHIZIENS / LE POINT SUR… Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des forêts naturelles et des plantations d'Afrique de l'Ouest : une source de champignons comestibles ...
Papers by Amadou Ba