Az alábbi feltételek érvényesek minden, a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (a továbbiakban: KSH) Sta... more Az alábbi feltételek érvényesek minden, a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (a továbbiakban: KSH) Statisztikai Szemle c. folyóiratában (a továbbiakban: Folyóirat) megjelenő tanulmányra. Felhasználó a tanulmány vagy annak részei felhasználásával egyidejűleg tudomásul veszi a jelen dokumentumban foglalt felhasználási feltételeket, és azokat magára nézve kötelezőnek fogadja el. Tudomásul veszi, hogy a jelen feltételek megszegéséből eredő valamennyi kárért felelősséggel tartozik. 1. A jogszabályi tartalom kivételével a tanulmányok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény (Szjt.) szerint szerzői műnek minősülnek. A szerzői jog jogosultja a KSH. 2. A KSH földrajzi és időbeli korlátozás nélküli, nem kizárólagos, nem átadható, térítésmentes felhasználási jogot biztosít a Felhasználó részére a tanulmány vonatkozásában. 3. A felhasználási jog keretében a Felhasználó jogosult a tanulmány: a) oktatási és kutatási célú felhasználására (nyilvánosságra hozatalára és továbbítására a 4. pontban foglalt kivétellel) a Folyóirat és a szerző(k) feltüntetésével; b) tartalmáról összefoglaló készítésére az írott és az elektronikus médiában a Folyóirat és a szerző(k) feltüntetésével; c) részletének idézéséreaz átvevő mű jellege és célja által indokolt terjedelemben és az eredetihez híven-a forrás, valamint az ott megjelölt szerző(k) megnevezésével. 4. A Felhasználó nem jogosult a tanulmány továbbértékesítésére, haszonszerzési célú felhasználására. Ez a korlátozás nem érinti a tanulmány felhasználásával előállított, de az Szjt. szerint önálló szerzői műnek minősülő mű ilyen célú felhasználását. 5. A tanulmány átdolgozása, újra publikálása tilos. 6. A 3. a)-c.) pontban foglaltak alapján a Folyóiratot és a szerző(ke)t az alábbiak szerint kell feltüntetni: "Forrás: Statisztikai Szemle c. folyóirat 99. évfolyam 11. számában megjelent, Agárdi Irma, Alt Mónika Anetta által írt, 'A mobiltárca elfogadásának generációs különbségei: az X és Z generáció összehasonlítása' című tanulmány (link csatolása)" 7. A Folyóiratban megjelenő tanulmányok kutatói véleményeket tükröznek, amelyek nem esnek szükségképpen egybe a KSH vagy a szerzők által képviselt intézmények hivatalos álláspontjával.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Jan 5, 2021
PurposeDigital technology is revolutionizing insurance distribution allowing the insurer companie... more PurposeDigital technology is revolutionizing insurance distribution allowing the insurer companies to reach customers via multichannel. The aim of this study is to segment potential customers of life insurance based on their information search, purchasing channels and personal characteristics in the digital environment.Design/methodology/approachThe study uses cross-sectional research survey. In total, 422 questionnaires were collected through a convenience sample of the Romanian population. The data was segmented based on consumer information touchpoints (online vs offline), purchase channel preference (offline by a professional vs online by a standardized platform) and personal characteristics (age, marital status and children).FindingsThe channel segmentation analysis revealed that information channel preferences are the most important clustering variables, followed by purchase channel preferences, marital status, having children and age. Four distinct segments were identified: young fully offliners (23.7%), mature fully offliners (31.5%), committed online searchers (23.2%) and cross-channel onliners (21.6%).Practical implicationsInsurance companies should adapt their communication and distribution strategy based on multichannel segmentation and should focus on digital touchpoints with costumers.Originality/valueFirstly, the paper reveals multichannel and hybrid segmentation for life insurance. Secondly, it extends the already studied retail channels with search engines and companies' websites. Thirdly, it extends the behavioural variables for channel segmentation with technology acceptance behaviour, attitude towards life insurance, knowledge about life insurance, attitude towards personal selling and quality appraisal of online information sources.
The present questionnaire-based study combines and expands technology acceptance and behavioural ... more The present questionnaire-based study combines and expands technology acceptance and behavioural (risk and loss aversion) variables in explaining the demand for life insurance products. Loss aversion is inversely related to the proxy for life insurance demand and two technology acceptance related factors (usefulness of online technology and acceptance of smart devices) have a significant positive influence.
Jelen cikk celja, hogy feltarja az ertekesitesi tevekenyseg ismert folyamatanak atalakulasat a ku... more Jelen cikk celja, hogy feltarja az ertekesitesi tevekenyseg ismert folyamatanak atalakulasat a kulonfele, ertekesitesi celu digitalis es kozossegimedia-eszkozok hatasainak elemzesen keresztul. Az ertekesitesi folyamat alapvető fazisainak ismertetese utan a kutatas kiter a digitalizacio altal lehetőve tett kulonfele megoldasok elmeleti megnyilvanulasaira es hatasaira. Az adatelemzes alapjat ertekesitői mintan keszitett, kerdőives felmeressel kombinalt melyinterjuk kepeztek. Az interjuk adatainak kvalitativ elemzese alapjan az lathato, hogy az ertekesites kulonboző fazisaiban mas-mas jelentőseggel bir, hogy az ertekesitői szakma milyen eszkozokkel el, valamint, hogy milyen modon hasznalja fel az adott eszkozoket ertekesitői munkajahoz. A hatterkutatas es lead generalas, a kapcsolatfelvetel, az előkeszites es edukacio, de maga a targyalas es arubemutato prezentacio, vagy a rendeles, valamint a tenyleges uzletkotest kovető kapcsolatmenedzsment fazisaiban mas-mas jelentőseggel birnak a k...
PurposeRecently, a growing need for harmony has been observed worldwide. Harmony is a universal v... more PurposeRecently, a growing need for harmony has been observed worldwide. Harmony is a universal value in both Western and Asian countries. This paper aims to study how the concept of harmony is reflected in the innovation of European multinational grocery retailers and how harmony-related innovations affect the financial performance of the retailers.Design/methodology/approachThe research is based on a multisource database including innovation outcomes and financial performance indicators of 17 European multinational grocery retailers in the period of 2011–2018. In sum, 1,399 innovations were identified by content analysis. The relationship between innovation outcomes and financial performance was measured by panel regression analysis.FindingsResults indicate that retailers differ in launching harmony-oriented innovations. Moreover, 40% more innovations are related to harmony with people as those related to harmony with nature. Finally, harmony-with-people innovations have a signifi...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to create a managerial framework for selecting the most effe... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to create a managerial framework for selecting the most effective bank advertisement appeal for different financial services. Financial services were classified based on the FCB grid: high/low involvement and think/feel decision. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected from 62 banks with content analysis based on 1,514 unique print advertisements, published between 2006 and 2014 in national newspapers in Romania and Hungary. The ads were coded, based on Pollay’s appeals, and then a cluster analysis was performed to identify appeal and financial service clusters. Findings The results revealed ten bank-specific appeals which can be used for advertising four different banking services categories. All type of savings and loans for B2B are advertised with quality appeals (safety, productivity); current account and card, personal/home loans are advertised with financial value appeals (convenient, cheap); corporate branding with emotional ap...
Consumers use increasingly Near Field Communication mobile payment to buy products and services. ... more Consumers use increasingly Near Field Communication mobile payment to buy products and services. However, the adoption of NFC mobile payment varies by individual attributes of consumers. This paper aims to study the generational differences in mobile payment acceptance based on the theory of generational cohorts and technology acceptance. Therefore, a research concept and hypotheses were developed. The research methodology included an online survey among Generation Z (digital natives) and X (digital immigrants). A sample of 580 respondents had been analyzed with multi-group Structural Equation Modeling. The comparative analysis revealed that digital immigrants were more influenced by the perceived ease of use, subjective norms, and financial risk of NFC mobile payment. In turn, digital natives intended to use NFC mobile payment to a greater extent if they perceived mobile payment as compatible with their lifestyle. Our research contributes to the understanding of generational patter...
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
PurposeThe diffusion of near-field communication (NFC) m-payment depends largely on retailers who... more PurposeThe diffusion of near-field communication (NFC) m-payment depends largely on retailers who are more motivated to provide NFC m-payment for the retailers' customers if NFC m-payment increases loyalty. Therefore, this paper investigates the relationship between customer acceptance of NFC m-payment and loyalty towards the retailer amongst Generation Z.Design/methodology/approachThe NFC m-payment technology acceptance model was extended with loyalty intention towards the retailer. Therefore, an online survey was conducted amongst Generation Z that resulted in a sample of 310 respondents. The collected data were analysed by structural equation modelling (SEM).FindingsResults proved that the customers' intention to use NFC m-payment contributes to a large extent to loyalty intention toward the retailer. Besides, usefulness, enjoyment, social influence and compatibility with lifestyle played a significant role in customer acceptance of NFC m-payment.Research limitations/impl...
Each of the classical marketing mix policies get specific meanings and characteristics in retail.... more Each of the classical marketing mix policies get specific meanings and characteristics in retail. Some of the authors suggest their accurate transposition in retail, meanwhile others highlight those elements derivate from the service marketing mix. There is also the tendency of outlining the in-store-management, the location or the customer “binding” policy as independent marketing mix policies in retail.
Both on their home markets, as well as on the emerging ones – the case of Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ... more Both on their home markets, as well as on the emerging ones – the case of Cluj-Napoca, Romania – European retailers face a new situation, by excellence a challenging one. On the one side, the competitive market has been in a continuous and constant expansion for several years and on the other side consumers become more and more sophisticated and choosy. Based on the accumulated experience they not only change their demands towards retailers, but also their perception of them. The present paper pursues a clear delineation through an empirical research of the elements or the facets of the marketing mix in a retail context. As it is already known, retailers use a specific mix in order to better position themselves on the market. As we shall prove, consumers are also able to ultimately perceive the factors by means of which retailers try to influence them, respectively to act over them.
There is a clear tendency for the Romanian retailing to adapt to the requirements of the internat... more There is a clear tendency for the Romanian retailing to adapt to the requirements of the international market. If in the years following Romania’s adherence to capitalism the indigenous retailing was marked by a strong segmentation in small retail units with low turnover, retail chains were considerably developed. The domestic market began to be penetrated by the first European retail chains in the mid-nineties of the last century. That was the spark of the change, to which many of the players in the retail sector were not able to adapt. During this period one can notice, on the one hand, a decrease in the majority shareholding of state-owned capital in favor of private capital and, on the other hand, a decrease in the value of the public sector and an increase in the value of the private sector. Romania’s accession to the European Union and the removal of customs barriers to the merchandise brought from other member states represented for retailers the long-expected signal of progr...
Az alábbi feltételek érvényesek minden, a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (a továbbiakban: KSH) Sta... more Az alábbi feltételek érvényesek minden, a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (a továbbiakban: KSH) Statisztikai Szemle c. folyóiratában (a továbbiakban: Folyóirat) megjelenő tanulmányra. Felhasználó a tanulmány vagy annak részei felhasználásával egyidejűleg tudomásul veszi a jelen dokumentumban foglalt felhasználási feltételeket, és azokat magára nézve kötelezőnek fogadja el. Tudomásul veszi, hogy a jelen feltételek megszegéséből eredő valamennyi kárért felelősséggel tartozik. 1. A jogszabályi tartalom kivételével a tanulmányok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény (Szjt.) szerint szerzői műnek minősülnek. A szerzői jog jogosultja a KSH. 2. A KSH földrajzi és időbeli korlátozás nélküli, nem kizárólagos, nem átadható, térítésmentes felhasználási jogot biztosít a Felhasználó részére a tanulmány vonatkozásában. 3. A felhasználási jog keretében a Felhasználó jogosult a tanulmány: a) oktatási és kutatási célú felhasználására (nyilvánosságra hozatalára és továbbítására a 4. pontban foglalt kivétellel) a Folyóirat és a szerző(k) feltüntetésével; b) tartalmáról összefoglaló készítésére az írott és az elektronikus médiában a Folyóirat és a szerző(k) feltüntetésével; c) részletének idézéséreaz átvevő mű jellege és célja által indokolt terjedelemben és az eredetihez híven-a forrás, valamint az ott megjelölt szerző(k) megnevezésével. 4. A Felhasználó nem jogosult a tanulmány továbbértékesítésére, haszonszerzési célú felhasználására. Ez a korlátozás nem érinti a tanulmány felhasználásával előállított, de az Szjt. szerint önálló szerzői műnek minősülő mű ilyen célú felhasználását. 5. A tanulmány átdolgozása, újra publikálása tilos. 6. A 3. a)-c.) pontban foglaltak alapján a Folyóiratot és a szerző(ke)t az alábbiak szerint kell feltüntetni: "Forrás: Statisztikai Szemle c. folyóirat 99. évfolyam 11. számában megjelent, Agárdi Irma, Alt Mónika Anetta által írt, 'A mobiltárca elfogadásának generációs különbségei: az X és Z generáció összehasonlítása' című tanulmány (link csatolása)" 7. A Folyóiratban megjelenő tanulmányok kutatói véleményeket tükröznek, amelyek nem esnek szükségképpen egybe a KSH vagy a szerzők által képviselt intézmények hivatalos álláspontjával.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Jan 5, 2021
PurposeDigital technology is revolutionizing insurance distribution allowing the insurer companie... more PurposeDigital technology is revolutionizing insurance distribution allowing the insurer companies to reach customers via multichannel. The aim of this study is to segment potential customers of life insurance based on their information search, purchasing channels and personal characteristics in the digital environment.Design/methodology/approachThe study uses cross-sectional research survey. In total, 422 questionnaires were collected through a convenience sample of the Romanian population. The data was segmented based on consumer information touchpoints (online vs offline), purchase channel preference (offline by a professional vs online by a standardized platform) and personal characteristics (age, marital status and children).FindingsThe channel segmentation analysis revealed that information channel preferences are the most important clustering variables, followed by purchase channel preferences, marital status, having children and age. Four distinct segments were identified: young fully offliners (23.7%), mature fully offliners (31.5%), committed online searchers (23.2%) and cross-channel onliners (21.6%).Practical implicationsInsurance companies should adapt their communication and distribution strategy based on multichannel segmentation and should focus on digital touchpoints with costumers.Originality/valueFirstly, the paper reveals multichannel and hybrid segmentation for life insurance. Secondly, it extends the already studied retail channels with search engines and companies' websites. Thirdly, it extends the behavioural variables for channel segmentation with technology acceptance behaviour, attitude towards life insurance, knowledge about life insurance, attitude towards personal selling and quality appraisal of online information sources.
The present questionnaire-based study combines and expands technology acceptance and behavioural ... more The present questionnaire-based study combines and expands technology acceptance and behavioural (risk and loss aversion) variables in explaining the demand for life insurance products. Loss aversion is inversely related to the proxy for life insurance demand and two technology acceptance related factors (usefulness of online technology and acceptance of smart devices) have a significant positive influence.
Jelen cikk celja, hogy feltarja az ertekesitesi tevekenyseg ismert folyamatanak atalakulasat a ku... more Jelen cikk celja, hogy feltarja az ertekesitesi tevekenyseg ismert folyamatanak atalakulasat a kulonfele, ertekesitesi celu digitalis es kozossegimedia-eszkozok hatasainak elemzesen keresztul. Az ertekesitesi folyamat alapvető fazisainak ismertetese utan a kutatas kiter a digitalizacio altal lehetőve tett kulonfele megoldasok elmeleti megnyilvanulasaira es hatasaira. Az adatelemzes alapjat ertekesitői mintan keszitett, kerdőives felmeressel kombinalt melyinterjuk kepeztek. Az interjuk adatainak kvalitativ elemzese alapjan az lathato, hogy az ertekesites kulonboző fazisaiban mas-mas jelentőseggel bir, hogy az ertekesitői szakma milyen eszkozokkel el, valamint, hogy milyen modon hasznalja fel az adott eszkozoket ertekesitői munkajahoz. A hatterkutatas es lead generalas, a kapcsolatfelvetel, az előkeszites es edukacio, de maga a targyalas es arubemutato prezentacio, vagy a rendeles, valamint a tenyleges uzletkotest kovető kapcsolatmenedzsment fazisaiban mas-mas jelentőseggel birnak a k...
PurposeRecently, a growing need for harmony has been observed worldwide. Harmony is a universal v... more PurposeRecently, a growing need for harmony has been observed worldwide. Harmony is a universal value in both Western and Asian countries. This paper aims to study how the concept of harmony is reflected in the innovation of European multinational grocery retailers and how harmony-related innovations affect the financial performance of the retailers.Design/methodology/approachThe research is based on a multisource database including innovation outcomes and financial performance indicators of 17 European multinational grocery retailers in the period of 2011–2018. In sum, 1,399 innovations were identified by content analysis. The relationship between innovation outcomes and financial performance was measured by panel regression analysis.FindingsResults indicate that retailers differ in launching harmony-oriented innovations. Moreover, 40% more innovations are related to harmony with people as those related to harmony with nature. Finally, harmony-with-people innovations have a signifi...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to create a managerial framework for selecting the most effe... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to create a managerial framework for selecting the most effective bank advertisement appeal for different financial services. Financial services were classified based on the FCB grid: high/low involvement and think/feel decision. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected from 62 banks with content analysis based on 1,514 unique print advertisements, published between 2006 and 2014 in national newspapers in Romania and Hungary. The ads were coded, based on Pollay’s appeals, and then a cluster analysis was performed to identify appeal and financial service clusters. Findings The results revealed ten bank-specific appeals which can be used for advertising four different banking services categories. All type of savings and loans for B2B are advertised with quality appeals (safety, productivity); current account and card, personal/home loans are advertised with financial value appeals (convenient, cheap); corporate branding with emotional ap...
Consumers use increasingly Near Field Communication mobile payment to buy products and services. ... more Consumers use increasingly Near Field Communication mobile payment to buy products and services. However, the adoption of NFC mobile payment varies by individual attributes of consumers. This paper aims to study the generational differences in mobile payment acceptance based on the theory of generational cohorts and technology acceptance. Therefore, a research concept and hypotheses were developed. The research methodology included an online survey among Generation Z (digital natives) and X (digital immigrants). A sample of 580 respondents had been analyzed with multi-group Structural Equation Modeling. The comparative analysis revealed that digital immigrants were more influenced by the perceived ease of use, subjective norms, and financial risk of NFC mobile payment. In turn, digital natives intended to use NFC mobile payment to a greater extent if they perceived mobile payment as compatible with their lifestyle. Our research contributes to the understanding of generational patter...
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
PurposeThe diffusion of near-field communication (NFC) m-payment depends largely on retailers who... more PurposeThe diffusion of near-field communication (NFC) m-payment depends largely on retailers who are more motivated to provide NFC m-payment for the retailers' customers if NFC m-payment increases loyalty. Therefore, this paper investigates the relationship between customer acceptance of NFC m-payment and loyalty towards the retailer amongst Generation Z.Design/methodology/approachThe NFC m-payment technology acceptance model was extended with loyalty intention towards the retailer. Therefore, an online survey was conducted amongst Generation Z that resulted in a sample of 310 respondents. The collected data were analysed by structural equation modelling (SEM).FindingsResults proved that the customers' intention to use NFC m-payment contributes to a large extent to loyalty intention toward the retailer. Besides, usefulness, enjoyment, social influence and compatibility with lifestyle played a significant role in customer acceptance of NFC m-payment.Research limitations/impl...
Each of the classical marketing mix policies get specific meanings and characteristics in retail.... more Each of the classical marketing mix policies get specific meanings and characteristics in retail. Some of the authors suggest their accurate transposition in retail, meanwhile others highlight those elements derivate from the service marketing mix. There is also the tendency of outlining the in-store-management, the location or the customer “binding” policy as independent marketing mix policies in retail.
Both on their home markets, as well as on the emerging ones – the case of Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ... more Both on their home markets, as well as on the emerging ones – the case of Cluj-Napoca, Romania – European retailers face a new situation, by excellence a challenging one. On the one side, the competitive market has been in a continuous and constant expansion for several years and on the other side consumers become more and more sophisticated and choosy. Based on the accumulated experience they not only change their demands towards retailers, but also their perception of them. The present paper pursues a clear delineation through an empirical research of the elements or the facets of the marketing mix in a retail context. As it is already known, retailers use a specific mix in order to better position themselves on the market. As we shall prove, consumers are also able to ultimately perceive the factors by means of which retailers try to influence them, respectively to act over them.
There is a clear tendency for the Romanian retailing to adapt to the requirements of the internat... more There is a clear tendency for the Romanian retailing to adapt to the requirements of the international market. If in the years following Romania’s adherence to capitalism the indigenous retailing was marked by a strong segmentation in small retail units with low turnover, retail chains were considerably developed. The domestic market began to be penetrated by the first European retail chains in the mid-nineties of the last century. That was the spark of the change, to which many of the players in the retail sector were not able to adapt. During this period one can notice, on the one hand, a decrease in the majority shareholding of state-owned capital in favor of private capital and, on the other hand, a decrease in the value of the public sector and an increase in the value of the private sector. Romania’s accession to the European Union and the removal of customs barriers to the merchandise brought from other member states represented for retailers the long-expected signal of progr...
Papers by Monika Alt