Alperen Budak
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Papers by Alperen Budak
as well and brought some important improvements in their life. Musavat Party one of the political bodies,
founded by Turks who gained a restricted independent environment thanks to Russian Revolution,
became the most important and the most effective body in Azerbaijan political enviranment. Musavat Part
carried out its activities secretly because it was exposed to severe pressure and even its leader Mehmet Emin
Resulzade had to manage the party s activities out of Azerbaijan due to these pressures. However, he went
on his duties and he became the most effective person in declaring Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918. Musavat
Party which was founded officially in 1911 lost its power with Soviet invasion in 1920 and in 1922 it became
uneffective complately.
as well and brought some important improvements in their life. Musavat Party one of the political bodies,
founded by Turks who gained a restricted independent environment thanks to Russian Revolution,
became the most important and the most effective body in Azerbaijan political enviranment. Musavat Part
carried out its activities secretly because it was exposed to severe pressure and even its leader Mehmet Emin
Resulzade had to manage the party s activities out of Azerbaijan due to these pressures. However, he went
on his duties and he became the most effective person in declaring Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918. Musavat
Party which was founded officially in 1911 lost its power with Soviet invasion in 1920 and in 1922 it became
uneffective complately.