Papers by Alisson da Silva

No posicionamento sobre os modelos de treinamento de força para adultos saudáveis de 2002 e 2009,... more No posicionamento sobre os modelos de treinamento de força para adultos saudáveis de 2002 e 2009, o Colégio Americano de Medicina do Esporte (ACSM, do inglês, American College of Sports Medicine) apresenta os principais avanços no conhecimento sobre o treinamento de força com pesos (ou treinamento resistido) realizado por adultos saudáveis, bem como indica modelos para estruturação de programas de treinamento resistido progressivo. O objetivo desta tradução fundamenta-se na necessidade de fazer com que essas informações alcancem aqueles profissionais do treinamento físico e esportivo. As diretrizes, tais como bases científicas, propõem modelos para manipular os elementos constituintes do processo de treinamento, formas de progressão, especificidade, variação, e periodização da carga. O documento traz informações necessárias para planejar a progressão dos componentes e das variáveis estruturais da carga de treinamento (frequência, nº. de repetições, seleção de exercícios, velocidade ...

International journal of exercise science, 2018
In order to analyze the Global Active Stretching (SGA®) practice on the physical performance enha... more In order to analyze the Global Active Stretching (SGA®) practice on the physical performance enhancement in judo-practitioner competitors, 12 male athletes from Judo Federation of Sergipe (Federação Sergipana de Judô), were divided into two groups: Experimental Group (EG) and Control Group (CG). For 10 weeks, the EG practiced SGA® self-postures and the CG practiced assorted calisthenic exercises. All of them were submitted to a variety of tests (before and after): handgrip strength, flexibility, upper limbs' muscle power, isometric pull-up force, lower limbs' muscle power (squat-jump - SJ and countermovement jump - CMJ) and test. Due to the small number of people in the sample, the data were considered non-parametric and then we applied the Wilcoxon test using the software R version 3.3.2 (R Development Core Team, Austria). The effect size was calculated and considered statistically significant the values p ≤ 0.05. Concerning the results, the EG statistical differences were ...

Agradeço a Deus, por todas as bençãos alcançadas e por sempre ter iluminado o meu caminho. Aos me... more Agradeço a Deus, por todas as bençãos alcançadas e por sempre ter iluminado o meu caminho. Aos meus pais, Ana e Dercy, por todo o amor, carinho e incentivo. À minha esposa, Fernanda, pelo apoio, compreensão, companheirismo e por me fazer melhorar a cada dia como pessoa. Ao Brigadeiro Bellintani, ex-comandante da Escola Preparatória de Cadetes do Ar (EPCAR), por ter autorizado o meu afastamento para cursar o doutorado e o uso das instalações da EPCAR para a coleta de dados da pesquisa. Ao professor Alexandre, Cel. Carvalho e demais membros da Comissão Pedagógica de Pessoal Docente da EPCAR, pelo efetivo empenho em viabilizar o meu afastamento para o doutorado. Ao Cel. Gleysson, Cel. Moura e aos Majores Olímpio, Hespanhol, Petersen e Joubert, que me apoiaram totalmente no Corpo de Alunos da EPCAR e não mediram esforços para viabilizar a coleta de dados na EPCAR. Aos amigos do corpo docente da seção de educação física da EPCAR, por apoiarem meu afastamento para o doutorado e pelo auxílio na coleta de dados. À Fabrícia e ao Carlos, pela parceria, sugestões e incentivo. À Universidade Federal de Viçosa, pela oportunidade de realizar o doutorado. Aos professores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física da UFV/UFJF, pelos ensinamentos, e aos colegas de curso pelos momentos compartilhados. Ao Hamilton, pelo suporte integral na coleta de dados e pela parceria ao longo do curso, a qual, certamente, se manterá para projetos futuros. Ao professor Ciro José Brito, pelos ensinamentos e pela dedicação na coorientação da tese, e aos membros da banca, pelos ensinamentos, críticas e sugestões, que contribuíram sobremaneira para a minha formação. Aos meus queridos alunos das turmas Pastor, Phoenix e Sabre, que gentilmente aceitaram participar da pesquisa. À Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), pela concessão de financiamento para o estudo. À Empresa Radsquare Tecnologia, por disponibilizar acesso ao software Kelvin+® para as avaliações termográficas.

Educación Física y Ciencia, 2020
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at differe... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at different intensities on range of motion (ROM), horizontal shoulder flexion and extension (HSF and HSE) and lumber spine flexion (LSF) in military personnel. The sample consisted of 90 students (17.02 ± 1.24 years) randomly allocated into three groups of 30 participants each: stretching (SG) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNFG) and control (CG). Joint range was measured by goniometry using the LABIFIE protocol and the Lafayette Goniometer Set (360o)– USA as measuring instrument. The scale of perceived exertion in flexibility – PERFLEX (0 – 110) was applied to control intensity in the SG (31- 60) for 5 seconds and the PNFG (61 and 80) for 8 seconds for each phase. Three series, five seconds apart, were conducted. Comparative analysis of joint range levels determined by analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test revealed differences only in PNFG: HSF (∆%=4.6; p=0.0...
Journal of Thermal Biology, 2023
Pan American Journal of Medical Thermology, Jun 30, 2014

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a technology easy to use for clinical purposes as a pre-diagnostic... more Infrared thermography (IRT) is a technology easy to use for clinical purposes as a pre-diagnostic tool for many health conditions. However, the analysis process of a thermographic image needs to be meticulous to make an appropriate decision. The adipose tissue is considered a potential influence factor in the skin temperature (Tsk) values obtained by IRT. This study aimed to verify the influence of body fat percentage (%BF) on Tsk measured by IRT in male adolescents. A total of 100 adolescents (16.79 ± 0.97 years old and body mass index of 18.41 ± 2.32 kg/m²) was divided into two groups through the results of a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis: obese (n = 50, %BF 30.21 ± 3.79) and non-obese (n = 50, %BF 11.33 ± 3.08). Thermograms were obtained by a FLIR T420 infrared camera and analyzed by ThermoHuman® software version 2.12, subdividing the body into seven regions of interest (ROI). The results showed that obese adolescents presented lower mean Tsk values than the non-obese...

Archivos de medicina del deporte, Sep 29, 2022
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of creatine on the body composition and performance of c... more This study aimed to evaluate the effects of creatine on the body composition and performance of college soccer players. Materials and method: Sixteen amateur soccer players were supplemented with creatine (n=8) or maltodextrin (placebo, n=8) for four weeks, using a loading protocol (20g/day in the first week, followed by 5g/day for the rest of the study period). Anthropometric measurements and three physical tests were performed before and after the intervention. Results: After the protocol, the Cr group showed increased body mass (pre 65.1 ± 8.2; post 66.4 ± 8.4; p=0.002), arm (pre 27.7 ± 4.3; post 28.3 ± 4.3; p=0.01), thigh (pre 49.9 ± 4.3; post 51.3 ± 4.6; p=0.012), and leg (pre 34.6 ± 2.3; post 34.8 ± 2.4; p=0.029) circumferences. For bangsbo repeat vertical jump test (BRVJ), there was an increase in maximum power (pre 2965.4 ± 691.8; post 3102.1 ± 818; p=0.034), maximum relative power (pre 44.5 ± 6.5; post 47.1 ± 6.5; p=0.045) and average power (pre 2757.6 ± 653.2; post 2937.7 ± 739.9; p=0.05) only in the Cr group. For running anaerobic sprint test (RAST), there was a significant improvement in average sprint and total times, and in the average power for both groups; however, only the Cr group showed significant improvement in maximum power (pre 517.93 ± 118.82; post 580.15 ± 119.06; p=0.01) and maximum relative power (pre 7.9 ± 1.2; post 8.5 ± 1.3; p<0.001). For wingate test (WIN), improvements were observed in maximum power (pre 456.4 ± 91.0; post 508 ± 79.7; p=0.003), maximum relative power (pre 7.0 ± 0.9; post 7.6 ± 0.6; p=0.012), average power (pre 354.8 ± 69.5; post 410 ± 71.5; p<0.001) and relative average power (pre 5.4 ± 0.6; post 6.1 ± 0.4; p=0.012) only in the Cr group. Conclusions: This study findings demonstrated that Cr supplementation during four weeks promotes positive anthropometric and anaerobic performance changes in college soccer players, especially in lower limbs, but also in upper limbs. However, a possible body mass gain with its use should be considered, so the viability should be individually analysed.

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano
Infrared thermography (IRT) has been used to assess skin temperature (Tsk), especially during the... more Infrared thermography (IRT) has been used to assess skin temperature (Tsk), especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as an important tool in medical screening not only of the general population, but also of young athletes. However, the subcutaneous adipose tissue can act as an insulator when the Tsk is assessed by IRT, modifying the normal Tsk data and leading to their misinterpretation. Considering that the body mass index (BMI) is an important predictor of obesity, the objective of this study was to verify if the Tsk measured by IRT is affected by the BMI in adolescents. A preliminary study was carried out being four participants intentionally selected, all 16 years old, each one classified in a different BMI range according to the criteria of the World Health Organization for the adolescent population: underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obesity. Four thermograms of each participant were recorded and the ThermoHuman® software was used to evaluate 82 regions of interest (R...

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2022
Purpose: Despite the growing works analyzing exercise-induced thermoregulatory adjustments throug... more Purpose: Despite the growing works analyzing exercise-induced thermoregulatory adjustments through thermography, the skin temperature (Tsk) response of the same muscle groups underwent to different exercise demands has not been investigated. This study analyzed the behavior of Tsk of the same muscle groups when exercised with different demands in rowing. Methods: Eighteen men underwent three performance tests on a rowing ergometer: whole-body 2,000 m test (RTWB), upper-body (RTUB), and lower-body (RTLB) tests. In each condition, thermograms were recorded before (pre), immediately after test (post), and at 10 (REC10), 20 (REC20), and 30 (REC30) minutes post-exercise recovery. Tsk was measured at the pectoral (control body region), upper back, quadriceps, brachial biceps, and forearm. Results: Pectoral-Tsk reduced comparably in response to all testing conditions (p < .05). Upper back-Tsk decreased post (p < .001) and returned to baseline in the RTUB (REC10, p = 1.0) and RTWB (REC30, p = .128), while remained reduced in the RTLB (p < .001). Quadriceps-Tsk reduced post (p < .05) and returned to baseline in the RTWB and RTLB at REC10 (p = 1.0), remaining reduced in the RTUB during recovery (p < .05). Regarding the upper limbs, Tsk increased more markedly in the RTUB versus RTWB during the recovery period (p < .05); in the RTLB, biceps-Tsk remained below baseline over time (p < .05), whereas the forearm-Tsk was restored at REC10 (p = 1.0). Conclusion: Manipulating the muscle groups involved in rowing alters the Tsk response within equal ROI. Exercise-induced Tsk changes can reflect local hemodynamic and thermoregulatory adjustments.

Apunts Sports Medicine, 2020
Introduction: Exercise induces modifications in thermal homeostasis. The type of exercise may hav... more Introduction: Exercise induces modifications in thermal homeostasis. The type of exercise may have a specific impact on skin temperature (Tsk). Objective: To analyze and compare the behavior of Tsk in a resistance training between men and women and monitor the thermal recovery response. Material and Methods: Sixteen male and female adults (24.56 ± 3.22 years old) underwent a resistance circuit training session. They performed 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 70-80% 1 RM for lat pulldown, leg press, and biceps arm curl exercises. Thermograms were taken in anterior and posterior body view at rest, 20 min, and 24 h after training. Tsk was measured in the body regions of interest corresponding to the brachial biceps, quadriceps, and upper back. ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test was used to analyze Tsk changes among moments, and independent samples t-test was used to compare Tsk between males and females. Results: At rest, women showed Tsk significantly lower than men. There was no significant Tsk change 20 min after exercise. However, Tsk increased 24 h after exercise in the upper back for men compared with baseline and in quadriceps for women compared with baseline and 20 min after exercise (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The Tsk of women at rest is lower than that of men. A resistance circuit training session does not significantly change Tsk 20 min after exercise, but it increases Tsk 24 h after training in the upper back for men and quadriceps for women.

Journal of physical education and sport, 2018
The aim of this study was to evaluate the skin temperature (Tsk) response to progressive exercise... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the skin temperature (Tsk) response to progressive exercise of upper limbs. Sixteen young active men (22.5±2.1 yrs.) performed a progressive test up to 85% of HRmax. Thermograms of the trunk, Upper Limbs (UL) and Lower Limbs (LL) were recorded at rest (REP), immediately after exercise (PEX) and every 15 minutes during 60 minutes of recovery (R15 to R60). Ten regions of interest (ROIs) were manually selected from each thermogram. A repeated measures ANOVA was applied to assess thermal variations over time. There was a significant decrease in temperature in Chest, Abdomen, Superior Back, Lumbar, Anterior and Posterior Thigh, Anterior and Posterior Leg PEX (∆≤-1.5oC vs REP; p<0.001 for all comparison); however, the Tsk increased after 15 minutes of recovery in these same ROI (∆≤0.7oC vs REP; p<0.05 for all comparisons, except Anterior Thigh; p=0.167). All Arm ROIs showed the opposite behavior, where there was a progressive increase in Tsk up to 15 min post-exercise (∆≤1.0oC vs REP; p<0.01 for all comparison), followed by a progressive decrease. The progressive submaximal upper limbs exercise increased the Tsk in active areas (arms) and induced a significant decrease of Tsk in others.

Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, 2021
Objective: To analyze the body heat dissipation by thermography during indoor running treadmill w... more Objective: To analyze the body heat dissipation by thermography during indoor running treadmill with different airflow conditions. Materials and method: Nine male participants (23.0±2.5 years old) underwent three 45-minute moderate-intensity running sessions (60-70% reserve heart rate) on a treadmill. At each session, a different experimental condition was applied in a crossover design: without airflow (NF), and with low (LF) and high airflow (HF) generated by a fun. Thermograms were obtained with a thermal camera before exercise, during (every 10 minutes), and after exercise. Skin temperature (Tsk) was measured on regions of interest of the upper body: pectoral, brachial biceps, and upper back. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare Tsk over time and between conditions, considering p<0.05 as statistically significant. Results: In pectoral and brachial biceps, LF and HF conditions provided greater reductions in Tsk at all moments when compared to the NF (p<0.05). There ...
Revista da Sociedade de Cardiologia do Estado de São Paulo, 2017

Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 2017
Resposta térmica da pele ao exercício em remoergômetro de alta versus moderada intensidade em hom... more Resposta térmica da pele ao exercício em remoergômetro de alta versus moderada intensidade em homens fisicamente ativos PALAVRAS CHAVE: Termografia. Temperatura cutânea. Regulação da temperatura corporal. RESUMO Comparou-se a resposta da temperatura da pele (T P) entre o exercício intenso de curta duração e moderado prolongado. Dezoito homens realizaram o teste de 2000 m (T 2000m) e um protocolo de exercício moderado (45 minutos) em remoergômetro. Termogramas foram obtidos antes e após os protocolos, e com 10, 20 e 30 minutos de recuperação. Utilizou-se ANOVA Two-Way com post hoc de Tukey para comparar a T P. No peitoral a T P reduziu após o T 2000m (p < .001) e exercício moderado (p = .003) e retornou ao baseline apenas no moderado (p = .489). Na região dorsal superior (DS) a T P reduziu após os exercícios (p < .001) e retornou ao baseline 30 minutos após o T 2000m (p = .56) e 10 minutos após o exercício moderado (p = .95). No quadríceps a T P reduziu após os exercícios (p = .03) e retornou ao baseline com 10 minutos de recuperação (p = .974). No biceps braquial (BB) a T P aumentou em relação ao baseline durante a recuperação (p < .001). O exercício intenso de curta duração e moderado prolongado em remoergômetro proporcionam respostas térmicas diferenciadas no peitoral e DS. No BB e quadríceps as respostas térmicas são equivalentes entre estes exercícios.

Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 2017
Resposta térmica da pele ao exercício em remoergômetro de alta versus moderada intensidade em hom... more Resposta térmica da pele ao exercício em remoergômetro de alta versus moderada intensidade em homens fisicamente ativos PALAVRAS CHAVE: Termografia. Temperatura cutânea. Regulação da temperatura corporal. RESUMO Comparou-se a resposta da temperatura da pele (T P) entre o exercício intenso de curta duração e moderado prolongado. Dezoito homens realizaram o teste de 2000 m (T 2000m) e um protocolo de exercício moderado (45 minutos) em remoergômetro. Termogramas foram obtidos antes e após os protocolos, e com 10, 20 e 30 minutos de recuperação. Utilizou-se ANOVA Two-Way com post hoc de Tukey para comparar a T P. No peitoral a T P reduziu após o T 2000m (p < .001) e exercício moderado (p = .003) e retornou ao baseline apenas no moderado (p = .489). Na região dorsal superior (DS) a T P reduziu após os exercícios (p < .001) e retornou ao baseline 30 minutos após o T 2000m (p = .56) e 10 minutos após o exercício moderado (p = .95). No quadríceps a T P reduziu após os exercícios (p = .03) e retornou ao baseline com 10 minutos de recuperação (p = .974). No biceps braquial (BB) a T P aumentou em relação ao baseline durante a recuperação (p < .001). O exercício intenso de curta duração e moderado prolongado em remoergômetro proporcionam respostas térmicas diferenciadas no peitoral e DS. No BB e quadríceps as respostas térmicas são equivalentes entre estes exercícios.
Papers by Alisson da Silva