Papers by Aline Neutzling

Revista Enfermagem UERJ, 2021
Objetivo: comparar a estrutura e o conteúdo da representação social de mulheres e homens sobre a ... more Objetivo: comparar a estrutura e o conteúdo da representação social de mulheres e homens sobre a violência. Método: estudo qualitativo fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Participaram 150 usuários das Estratégias de Saúde da Família da cidade de Rio Grande/RS em 2019. Utilizou-se a técnica de evocações livres e entrevistas gravadas, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética. Realizou-se análise prototípica pelo software EVOC e de similitude pelo IRAMUTEQ. Resultados: na centralidade da representação de mulheres e homens o elemento em comum foi violência. A representação das mulheres foi permeada pela violência física e verbal no ambiente doméstico. A dos homens foi destacada pela violência urbana em espaços públicos. Considerações finais: a representação social de mulheres e homens acerca da violência tem, em sua estrutura e conteúdo, como elemento em comum a violência, porém há nuances quanto ao local de ocorrência e os tipos de violência que cada sexo está sujeito.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar a satisfação de familiares de usuários de CAPS sobre informações ofe... more RESUMO Objetivo: identificar a satisfação de familiares de usuários de CAPS sobre informações ofertadas pelos profissionais quanto ao transtorno e o tratamento dos usuários. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado com 1242 familiares em 40 CAPS de 39 municípios. Foram selecionadas variáveis específicas a partir da avaliação do familiar em relação às informações prestadas pelo CAPS acerca da doença e tratamento do usuário. Foi utilizado teste de Chi quadrado. Resultados: a maior parte dos indivíduos estudados mostrou-se muito satisfeita com as informações a respeito do tratamento obtido pelos usuários no CAPS e sobre o transtorno do indivíduo. Contudo, não receber informações quanto ao tratamento foi maior preditor de insatisfação do que não receber informações quanto ao transtorno. Conclusões: os resultados deste estudo tencionam à necessidade de qualificar o diálogo entre a equipe dos serviços e os familiares dos usuários, em especial, acerca do tratamento fornecido para o usuário. A...

Objetivo: descrever e analisar as percepcoes de profissionais que atuam em um Centro de Atencao P... more Objetivo: descrever e analisar as percepcoes de profissionais que atuam em um Centro de Atencao Psicossocial infanto-juvenil (CAPSi) acerca da violencia infantil e sua interface com o trabalho em saude mental. Metodologia: estudo transversal de abordagem mista (quali-qualitativo), realizado em um CAPSi no Rio Grande do Sul, entre outubro e novembro de 2016. Nesse artigo foram utilizados os dados da etapa qualitativa, produzidos mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais do CAPSi. A analise ocorreu a partir da perspectiva proposta por Minayo, dividida em tres momentos distintos: organizacao dos dados, classificacao dos dados e analise final. Resultados: os profissionais percebem que as violencias fisica e sexual impactam mais suas praticas no servico; reconhecem a interface entre violencia infantil e saude mental, sendo necessario considerar os contextos de vida das criancas e adolescentes. Identificam a construcao de vinculo e a escuta como importantes instrumentos de t...

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2017
800x600 ABSTRACT Objective: to know the prevalence of hospitalizations and the correlation with i... more 800x600 ABSTRACT Objective: to know the prevalence of hospitalizations and the correlation with infant mortality due to renal failure. Method: ecological, descriptive study, based on information from the DATASUS database, referring to hospital admissions and mortality rate due to renal failure, using the following variables: sex, age, hospitalization and death by renal failure, in the five regions of Brazil, from 2008 to 2014. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used for intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Results: 11,802 hospitalizations for renal failure were recorded in Brazil, with an average of 8.4 to 13.8 days. The male gender and the age range of five to nine years were predominant. The Northeastern region had a higher number of hospitalizations and mortality and North, to lower. Conclusion: the disparity in information may be related to the socioeconomic and health care characteristics of each region. Descriptors : Child; Renal insufficiency; Prevalence; Mortality;...

Journal of Nursing and Health, 2016
Aline NEUTZLING Sobre caminhos, trajetos, movimentos, andanças Sobre tudo o que se crê Sobre a ce... more Aline NEUTZLING Sobre caminhos, trajetos, movimentos, andanças Sobre tudo o que se crê Sobre a certeza, a ideia, o desafio e Sobretudo, há esperança Sobre essa força que transforma o ideal em fato Sobre hoje à história que se conta hoje em meio ao sorriso um autorretrato Sobre tentar, persistir, não se entregar, continuar, não se esquivar Sobretudo o que se pode, lutar Sobre acordar, retomar, voltar, refazer, permanecer e crescer Sobre a decisão que se toma e o preço que se paga Sobretudo que há, entregar Sobre o frio, o cinza, o escuro e o tremor Sobre a negação, a fragilidade, a fuga e a vontade de estar Sobre a impossibilidade, desafios, intransponibilidade, obstáculos e penar Sobre dentes que batem, mãos que tremem Sobre o medo de falhar Porém (...) O sobre seria lírico e o real não se faria em ato Se a história que aqui lhes conto não fosse traçada Com as letras da coragem Determinação, criação, razão A força que nasce no ventre e impõe ao corpo o que é desmedido Ao feito que a...

Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2017
ABSTRACT: Objective: This study aims to assess the satisfaction of family members of patients of ... more ABSTRACT: Objective: This study aims to assess the satisfaction of family members of patients of mental health community services through a tested, validated and previously applied scale in order to allow comparison of results. Methods: The results were obtained by applying the scale SATIS-BR to 1242 relatives of patients of 40 mental health community services in Brazil. The average scores of the three subscales of the SATIS-BR scale were compared using the Wilcoxon test. To measure statistical significance for each item of the scale, the Friedman test was applied, considering significant p-value < 0.05. Results: The average overall satisfaction score was 4.35 with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.44, with a range varying from 1 to 5. The subscale with the highest score refers to the “Results of Treatment”, what presents scores of 4.54 with SD of 0.66. As for the other subscales, which refer to “Reception and Staff Competence” and “Service Privacy and Confidentiality” had scores of...

Agricultural Systems, 2012
Pastoral goat husbandry supplies meat and income to farm households in villages of Al Jabal al Ak... more Pastoral goat husbandry supplies meat and income to farm households in villages of Al Jabal al Akhdar, Oman. However, the nutritive value of the pasture vegetation is low and farmers offer only little supplement feeds at the homestead. Hence, the objectives were to determine growth and reproductive rates of the animals, to estimate farmers' revenues from goat husbandry, and to evaluate to which extent they can be increased by an improved feeding at the homestead or the conversion to zero-grazing systems. During November 2006-October 2007, daily weight gain of goats of two different types of livestock farms was measured on six farms each. Progeny history interviews were conducted on does (n = 114) of these and three additional households to determine age at first parturition (AFP, months), kidding interval (KI, months), and prolificacy (PR, n of kids parturition À1 ). Annual revenues (€ head À1 ) from traditionally managed goat herds were estimated using the herd model PRY. They were also simulated for a semi-intensive system (i.e. increased homestead feeding of grazing goats) and a zero-grazing management assuming higher growth and reproductive rates. Irrespective of farm type, post-weaning weight gains of traditionally managed bucks (73 g d À1 , SD 34.6) and does (48 g d À1 , SD 25.7) were lower than growth rates observed in goats of the same breed under feedlot conditions. In particular young does were not able to compensate for growth retardation with advancing maturity. Together with late AFP (22, SD 9.7), prolonged KI (12, SD 4.3), and small PR (1.1, SD 0.20), the slow growth resulted in low annual revenues of 38 € head À1 . Simulated annual revenues were 51 € head À1 for the semi-intensive and 66 € head À1 for the zero-grazing system. Nevertheless, revenues per dry matter (DM) of feed offered at the homestead (i.e. feed use efficiency) were similar or higher for the two traditional farm types (0.20 and 0.27 € kg À1 DM) and the semi-intensive system (0.33 € kg À1 DM) compared to zero-grazing management (0.22 € kg À1 DM). Improved homestead feeding of grazing goats, in particular of young does, according to their specific requirements can increase their growth and reproductive performance and thus overall herd productivity without reducing use efficiency of feeds offered at the homestead. It might therefore be a valuable alternative to the introduction of zero-grazing systems. However, further research on expenses and labor input into goat husbandry are needed to allow for a final evaluation of its contribution to total household income.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Development of a georeferenced system for the management, mobility and monitoring of primary care in community health]](
Salud colectiva
Community health agents carry out significant actions on the ground to provide prevention and car... more Community health agents carry out significant actions on the ground to provide prevention and care and bring health services to families. These practices in the field constitute a constant collective mapping process using the knowledge of the territory that the agents possess. Based on intensive fieldwork starting in 2012 in conjunction with local social organizations and health institutions in Brazil and Argentina, the binational project App+Health (App+Salud in Spanish and App+Saúde in Portugués) was initiated. The project's objective was to develop a monitoring and georeferencing system for community health management in the form of an application for cell phones or tablets with internet access, which would take into account the basic conditions of the environment and movement history of users and connect map updating methodologies using social cartography with free collaborative mapping platforms. As a result, the beta version of App+Health was developed, through a heightene...

Revista salud colectiva, 2018
Los agentes de salud comunitaria en terreno practican acciones de fuerte impronta territorial, ta... more Los agentes de salud comunitaria en terreno practican acciones de fuerte impronta territorial, tanto en relación con prevención y asistencia, como a partir de un acercamiento de los servicios de salud a las familias. Estas prácticas en terreno, construyen un permanente mapeo colectivo basado en el conocimiento que los agentes poseen del territorio de actuación. A partir de un intenso trabajo de campo iniciado en el año 2012, en conjunto con organizaciones sociales locales e instituciones de salud de Brasil y Argentina, se inició el proyecto binacional App+Salud, que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de monitoreo y georreferencia para la gestión de la salud comunitaria, en formato de aplicación, para celular o tablet y acceso web, que considere la condiciones básicas, de ambiente y movilidad histórica de los usuarios, y que vincule metodologías de actualización cartográfica a partir de cartografía social con plataformas de mapeos colaborativos libres. Como resultado, se ha obtenido el desarrollo del sistema App+Salud, en nivel beta, para lo cual se profundizó en un trabajo de intercambio de saberes interdisciplinares
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva, 2016

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2016
This is a cross-sectional study that aims to identify the prevalence of lower independent living ... more This is a cross-sectional study that aims to identify the prevalence of lower independent living skills and their associations in 390 users of psychiatric community-based services in the state Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For tracing the outcome it was used the &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;scale Independent Living Skills Survey&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;, adopting a cut-off value lower than 2. The crude and adjusted analyses were conducted on binary logistic regressions and they considered a hierarchical model developed through a systematic literature review. In adjusted analysis the level of the same variables were adjusted to each other and to previous levels. The statistical significance remained as a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05 p-value. The prevalence of smaller independent living skills was 33% and their associations were: younger age; no partner; lower education; resident at SRT; diagnosis of schizophrenia and younger diagnosis.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2016
The objective of this cross-sectional study is to analyze the relationship between minor psychiat... more The objective of this cross-sectional study is to analyze the relationship between minor psychiatric disorders, burden and other associated factors among family caregivers of people with mental disorders. The study was conducted with 1164 relatives of users of the Centers for Psychosocial Care in southern Brazil, and for screening of minor psychiatric disorders, the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ20) scale was used, based on its Brazilian validation with an adopted cutoff point of 6/8. Even though previous studies have appointed the burden arising from care as protagonist in the presentation of minor psychiatric disorders, a clustering based on log-likelihood by Bayesian Information Criterion conducted in this study found that burden is not the only possible predictor for emotional/mental illness, suggesting that other factors permeate this relationship. Thus, bivariate analyzes were conducted, in which the influence of variables such as health problems, work issues, among others, can be observed in different groups arranged by the cluster.
â–º Homestead feeding of grazing Jabal Akhdar goats does not meet their requirements. â–º Annual ... more â–º Homestead feeding of grazing Jabal Akhdar goats does not meet their requirements. â–º Annual output will largely increase, if farmers adopt a zero-grazing management. â–º Grazing the vegetation on mountain pastures allows for a high feed use efficiency. â–º Improved feeding of does increases their fertility and thus herd productivity. â–º Individual feeding would only slightly increase the purchase
Papers by Aline Neutzling