Papers by Aliem Sudjatmiko

Abstrak Paper ini melaporkan hasil rekayasa alat pembuatan benda uji bahan perkerasan di Laborato... more Abstrak Paper ini melaporkan hasil rekayasa alat pembuatan benda uji bahan perkerasan di Laboratorium Jalan Raya Universitas Muhammadiyah Su rakarta. Langkah-langkah pembuatan benda uji dimulai dari penyiapan bahan, ppencampuran, proses pemadatan, dan proses perawatan. Paper ini membahas hasil reka yasa alat pencampur dan alat pemadat. Metode rekayasa dipisahkan dalam tiga tahap. Tahap pertama, kajian literatur terhadap pengembangan alat terkait. Tahap kedua, penyusunan desain dan gambar kerja. Tahap ketiga, proses manufaktur dan penyusunan manual penggunaan alat. Alhamdulillah telah dihasilkan dua rekayasa alat, yaitu alat mixer campuran berasp al (AMCA) dan alat pemadat roller slab (APRS). Rekayasa AMCA masih dalam tahap desain, sed angkan APRS sudah dimanufaktur. Desain AMCA menggunakan bahan drum, dan agitator ba ja, sehingga dapat mengaduk sekitar maksimal 50 kg campuran aspal. Bahan campur an dimasukkan melalui inlet di bagian samping, dan dituangkan melalui outlet di bagian ba wah drum. AMCA didesain dengan dilengkapi alat thermometer. APRS didesain dengan m enggunakan beban penggilas roller baja, dan dapat memadatkan bahan campuran sekitar 4kg. Cetakan benda uji berukuran lebar 30cm panjang 100cm dan tinggi 7cm. APRS sudah dilengkapi alat ekstruder untuk mengeluarkan sampel dari cetakan. Benda uji didapat kan dengan cara melakukan core drill pada sampel yang telah dipadatkan. Kata kunci : alat laboratorium, bahan perkerasan, mixer, alat pemadat, campuran beraspal.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water. Sometimes wear mater... more Concrete is a mixture of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water. Sometimes wear materials that vary greatly, ranging from chemicals plus materials, fiber to non-chemical building materials at a certain percentage. In this research to know strength of compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete use of local aggregate that is sand and gravel of Trengguli from Jenawi Karanganyar. This study also finds out the strength difference with aggregate as it is in the field and aggregate after washing. The number of specimens for each aggregate variation is, after washing and for normal concrete with a fase of 0.4 and 0.5 of 3 pieces, so that the total number of specimens is 36. The test specimens used are cylindrical in diameter 15 cm and 30 cm high. On the test results of compressive strength and maximum tensile strength obtained on aggregate variation after washing with fas 0,4. Aggregate as it is, yields a compressive strength of 19.81 MPa at 0.4 and 2.00 MPa fas on 0....

The use of paving blocks is one type of pavement that is commonly used. One of the advantages of ... more The use of paving blocks is one type of pavement that is commonly used. One of the advantages of using paving blocks as pavement is that it is good at helping groundwater conservation. In this study, the composition of the mixture used was 1: 5 for the weight of cement and sand. The mixed material used was red brick with a mixture percentage of 0% and 5% by weight of cement. Making paving blocks using moment pressure tools with the addition of impact loads. The variations in load and collisions used are 500 kg and 5 times collisions, 500 kg and 10 times collisions, 600 kg and 5 times collisions, 600 kg and 10 times collisions. From this research, the highest average compressive strength value in unmixed paving blocks is 10.069 MPa and on paving blocks with a mixture of 9.861 at the same load variation, namely 600 kg and 10 times collisions. Meanwhile, the lowest water absorption value in paving blocks without a mixture is 11.059% at a load variation of 500 kg and 5 times a collision...

Concrete is a popular building material consisting of a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggrega... more Concrete is a popular building material consisting of a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water and Portland cement concrete manufacturing as the main ingredient. The days now in the field of reinforced concrete construction with precast system becomes very attractive because keungulannya economical. With the increasing development in the infrastructure also increases the production of cement as a binding agent in the manufacture of concrete where the production process generates a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2). Experts concrete technology began to research other materials as a cement replacement materials. Geopolymer concrete is concrete with fly ash mixed-use material (fly ash), which contains silica and alumina to substitute for portland cement as a binding agent that reacts with the addition of alkaline activator liquid to produce a binding agent (binder). Alkaline activator used in this study of Na2SiO3 (sodium silicate) and NaOH (sodium hydroxide) concentration of 10M...

In this era, a building that has already been built is often found, then a change in the building... more In this era, a building that has already been built is often found, then a change in the building or function of the finished building occurs. The problem that arises is that the existing structure is not able to withstand greater loads. Therefore it is necessary to add material to increase the strength of the structure, in this case emphasized the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. In this study, bamboo was chosen for the addition of reinforced concrete. Bamboo is a material that has easy-to-obtain properties, is cheaper and has a longer size with strength that can guarantee the durability of the buffer. Therefore, the more material variations in reinforced concrete beams are developed, the addition of flexural reinforced concrete beams with the addition of bamboo is placed on reinforced concrete beam reinforcement. This study aims to find out how big the addition of flexural reinforcement of bamboo reinforced concrete beams. Tests carried out include: bending test of...

Sukoharjo regency is part of Solo Raya region that has a lot of potential to improve the welfare ... more Sukoharjo regency is part of Solo Raya region that has a lot of potential to improve the welfare of people in agriculture, tourism, and industry. Construction of office buildings into one option to support the activities of the industry and provide comfort for occupants by utilizing the available land. Therefore, it will be planned 4 floors with Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame (IMRF). Planning a office building refers to the regulations (SNI) has published the latest government, namely SNI 1726 ā 2012 (the rules of building structure earthquake for building structure and non structure). Planning a office building includes roof slabs, slabs, columns, beams, foundations and sloof. The location building in Sukoharjo (latitude -7,602 longitude 110,810) and soil site clasification is SD (intermediate soil), earthquake resistant building with the response modification factor (R) amounted to 5, the primary factor building Ie with a value of 1,0. Concrete quality used fāc = 25 MPa, stee...

This research is often found in a building that has been completed and then a change in function ... more This research is often found in a building that has been completed and then a change in function or function of the finished building has occurred. The problem that arises is that the existing structure is unable to withstand greater loads. Therefore, it is necessary to add material to increase the strengthening of the structure, in this case emphasized on the addition of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures. In this study selected mild steel used for reinforcing reinforced concrete. Light steel is high quality steel that has light and thin properties, but has a function equivalent to conventional steel. The more variety of material developed in reinforced concrete beams, then the research of the addition of reinforced beam reinforcement with the addition of mild steel is installed on the underside of reinforced concrete beams. This study aims to find out how much the addition of flexural reinforcement of reinforced concrete beams coated with mild steel with reinforcement...

Geopolymer is an environmentally friendly material that is commonly developed as an alternative t... more Geopolymer is an environmentally friendly material that is commonly developed as an alternative to cement concrete in the future. Because the material is composed of natural materials synthesis non organic through polymerization. The main ingredients of geopolymer concrete production, is a material that contains silicon and aluminum. These elements, of which there are many in the industry byproduct waste material, such as fly ash ( fly ash ) coal combustion. To dissolve the elements silicon and aluminum, as well as enabling the occurrence of chemical reactions, use a solution of alkali. At the same time the need to use the main reinforced concrete reinforcing steel also increased. Increased need for steel reinforcement will lead to price rises so that it becomes expensive and scarce. As for alternatives that can be used as a substitute for concrete reinforcing one of them is bamboo. specific advantages in bamboo that bamboo fiber has a high tensile strength. Alkaline activator used ...

Concrete in infrastructure development in various regions in Indonesia is currently growing rapid... more Concrete in infrastructure development in various regions in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly and is almost the best infrastructure development in the history of development in Indonesia. However, this growth has not been matched by the quality of the construction, especially in concrete work which is sometimes still wrong in its construction. In the implementation of the project, everything must be in accordance with the specified specifications. Like the mud content that is not considered in the implementation of the project. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the sludge levels will have on the project implementation if it is given a burden that will have a significant impact or not. This test uses cylindrical concrete samples measuring 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm high with K125 concrete quality (low quality) with varying sludge content, namely 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% . Concrete testing conducted in this study is the compressive strength and te...

Brick making is a printed concrete which is a lightweight concrete category with an aggregate in ... more Brick making is a printed concrete which is a lightweight concrete category with an aggregate in the form of fine aggregate of sand, cement, water with a composition of a certain mixture ratio. The concrete block itself is often used in the construction of walls, because the concrete block itself is more practical and more time-efficient in its installation. The bricks made in this study were developed by the addition of an aggregate mixture using pieces of ori dry bamboo skin as added material. The purpose of adding this piece of bamboo peel is to determine the effect of this added piece of dried ori bamboo peel in testing the strength of urge, flexural strength and tensile strength of pure concrete brick. This study uses a 10 x 10 x 10 cm cube block specimen, a 40 x 20 x 10 cm block, and an I shaped specimen with a length of 35, width 20, height of 10 cm. In this study made test specimens with a total of 45 test specimens and for the fine aggregate volume of sand and cement using ...

Concrete is a building material that is composed of the main composition of coarse aggregate, fin... more Concrete is a building material that is composed of the main composition of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and Portland Cement. Concrete lately more often gets criticism, because of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide) generated in the cement production process. With these considerations, the development of new concrete binder called geopolymer concrete. One of the materials used in the manufacture of geopolymer concrete is coal fly ash (fly ash). By making use of fly ash as a substitute ingredient of cement is considered to safeguard the environment and reduce the cost of construction. In this study, the test object used is cylindrical, with a diameter of 15 cm and 30 cm high. Tests carried out at the time of compressive strength of concrete was only 28 days. Variations in concrete testing include: (1) Test the strength of concrete on the variability of the material making up 20%: 80% and the variety of mixing time of 5 s / d 15 minutes (2) Test the strength of concr...

Concrete is a construction material that is now commonly used and is a building material that has... more Concrete is a construction material that is now commonly used and is a building material that has been chosen by experts of the structure. The amount of concrete due to the use of concrete made from materials that are easy to obtain, processed, treated, formed, the price is relatively cheap and has a high compressive strength. Reinforced concrete is a construction that is not foreign in the field of civil engineering. reinforced concrete structure is designed to be able to receive the internal forces, which form the normal force, bending moments, torsion moments, and styles latitude / shear. With the internal forces, will provide resistance of structural elements in the form of normal stress, bending stress, stress torsion and shear stress. Shear strength is also influenced by the shear reinforcement that is attached, in the form of shear reinforcement stirrups or slant / oblique. Reinforcement of meranti wood frame models in this study were selected because of the type of reinforce...

Concrete brick or more familiar we called as paving block, is one of the top road finishing layer... more Concrete brick or more familiar we called as paving block, is one of the top road finishing layer as asphalt/ flexible pavement and rigid pavement alternative. Paving block is very interesting because it is an environmentally-friendly pavement construction which is helping infiltration (percolation). Paving block has a mixed composition of portland cement, water and aggregate with or without other additives. One of the main ingredients that has the influence as a binder with other materials on the paving block is portland cement. Then another alternative binder that is limestone. Both materials have almost the same chemical element as a binder. The similarity of chemical elements is that there is a chemical element Calcium Oxide (CaO) which has a function as a hydraulic binder. Paving block in this research was used as a test specimen made using a hydraulic press machine with a variation of 1: 4, 1: 6, 1: 8 ratio with 10% lime addition on each test specimen and then spay with water ...
Warta LPM, 2017
These community service activities program is a complete infrastructure of teaching and learning ... more These community service activities program is a complete infrastructure of teaching and learning activities like computer device, gives additional knowledge and skills for teachers and students in computer field and use of simple application programs so they can complete task or job use computer facilities and be motivated to always follow the developments and advances in information technology, and encourage other parties to participate to provide assistance for other physical facilities.

Besarnya nilai properties kepadatan sampel sangat dipengaruhi oleh alat pemadat serta proses pema... more Besarnya nilai properties kepadatan sampel sangat dipengaruhi oleh alat pemadat serta proses pemadatannya. Proses pemadatan Asphalt Concrete di lapangan menggunakan alat tandem roller dan pneumatic roller yang prinsip kerjanya secara dinamis, yaitu dengan digilas. Di laboratorium dengan marshall hammer yang prinsip kerjanya secara statis, yaitu ditumbuk secara vertikal. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan prosedur yang mendekati pemadatan di lapangan, dengan Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS) yang dirancang di Laboratorium UMS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, karena penelitian terhadap prosedur penggunaan alat ini belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Dalam pengujian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa variasi jumlah agregat, dan beban yang dipakai serta jumlah lintasan untuk memadatkan benda uji atau sampel. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar mendapatkan komposisi prosedur yang terbaik dalam penggunaan Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS).Dari percobaan prosedur pemadatan pertama Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS) dengan penggunaan beban dan lintasan yang tidak diperhitungkan serta menggunakan jumlah agregat 40 kg, didadapat kesimpulan bahwa gearr penggerak APRS belum bekerja secara maksimal, dan terjadi lendutan yang besar pada sampel. Dari percobaan prosedur pemadatan kedua Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS) dengan penggunaan beban 130kg dan 25 lintasan serta menggunakan agregat 45 kg, didapat kesimpulan void atau rongga udara sampel lebih besar daripada sampel pengujian percobaan prosedur pemadatan pertama, Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS). Sehingga pada percobaan prosedur pemadatan ketiga Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS) digunakan beban yang lebih kecil dan jumlah agregat yang lebih sedikit. Dari hasil percobaan tersebut didapat hasil pengujian void atau rongga udara yang sudah memenuhi target. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari pengujian beberapa prosedur pemadatan sampel menggunakan Alat Pemadat Roller Slab (APRS), dapat disimpulkan bahwa prosedur pemadatan ketiga adalah prosedur yang terbaik.

Hollow concrete or lightweight concrete is concrete whose aggregate is replaced by lightweight ag... more Hollow concrete or lightweight concrete is concrete whose aggregate is replaced by lightweight aggregate such as fine aggregate, cement, water with a certain ratio. Hollow brick is one of the lightweight concrete molds that is often used in making walls, because concrete brick is more practical and more time efficient. Batako in this research was developed with the addition of a mixture, among others, by adding tile fragments. The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the roof tile additives have in making concrete blocks by testing the compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength. This research uses specimen in the form of brick with a size of 30 x 15 x 10 cm for the flexural strength test of the brick, beam size of 10 x 10 cm for the brick compressive strength test. I later brick mold with a middle size of mold 10 x 10 cm. The number of specimens made in this study were 45 specimens and for the comparison of the volume of fine aggregate and cemen...

Warta LPM, 2017
Technological Pump the Hidram technology pump to use the basework style of grafitasi earth and de... more Technological Pump the Hidram technology pump to use the basework style of grafitasi earth and designed in such a way till work the pumpwork automatically without there external energi for example energi oil.Constraint which often bother the [job/activity] pump the hidramĀ is notoptimal is component function pump the effect stuffing up of dirt andcomponent damage pump. The pump Hidram equiped some kinds ofspillway, for example functioning water spillway to arrange awaking ofcurrent and awaking of pressure irrigate the , air-trap to arrange awakingof air composition in water. Especial benefit air good for condition of[isnature of water from nature of water which incompresible become semiincompresible so that punching influence irrigate the/hummer water notdestroy the material pump specially save the tekan.Tabung depress tofunction to catch and maintain the yielded water pressure. Component pumpthe hidram consisted of the Reservoir concentration, fast pipe, spillway oflimbah,balance w...
Papers by Aliem Sudjatmiko