Conference Presentations by Aliakbar Haghdoost
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Papers by Aliakbar Haghdoost

ABSTRACT Background & Objective: Evaluation of academic progress is done by c... more ABSTRACT Background & Objective: Evaluation of academic progress is done by comparing the results of measuring the performance of learners with educational goals and learning objectives. The aim of this study was to survey the predictions of academic achievement evaluation of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, based on the students' course experience. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in 2012-2013. Medicine, dentistry, nursing and paramedical students were selected based on their filed of study and gender by stratified random sampling from the Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (n = 370). Data gathering tool was a Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). The questionnaire fields included good teaching, clear and standards goals, appropriate assessment, workload, and general skills; one question about satisfaction of course was used to measure their course experience. Students’ grade point average (GPA) in previous semesters was used as an index for academic achievement. Results: 31.8% of participants were boys and the rest (68.2%) were girls. Statically significant difference existed between GPA of boys and girls (P = 0.001). Nursing-midwifery students had the highest score (15.23 ± 3.30) in five course experience variables and medical students the lowest (14.06 ± 4.35) (P = 0.001). CEQ and GPA had significant and positive correlation (P = 0.004, r = 0.164). Predictor factors of GPA were clear and standard goals and appropriate assessment. Conclusion: This study represents the importance of appropriate assessment ( particular emphasis on understanding until know something from memory) and of clear and standards goals at the beginning of the semester by teachers to promote academic achievement and performance of students. Thus, teachers should can promote and provide student's progress with teaching appropriate intervention. Keywords: Evaluation, Academic achievement, Course experience, Predictor, Students,
زمينه و هدف: گزارش نويسي يکي از مهم ترين عملکردهاي پرستار است که در حدود 28-13 درصد وقت آنان را ب... more زمينه و هدف: گزارش نويسي يکي از مهم ترين عملکردهاي پرستار است که در حدود 28-13 درصد وقت آنان را به خود اختصاص مي دهد. هيچ چيز به اندازه يک ثبت کامل و استاندارد نمي تواند بيانگر تمام مراقبت هاي داده شده به بيماران باشد. هدف از اين پژوهش تعيين دانش و عملکرد پرستاران شاغل در بيمارستان هاي دانشگاهي شهر کرمان در مورد اصول گزارش نويسي پرستاري بود. روش بررسي: مطالعه توصيفي و تحليلي بوده و 226 پرستار شاغل در اين مطالعه شرکت نمودند. روش نمونه گيري به صورت سرشماري و ابزار گردآوري داده ها پرسشنامه بود که شامل سه بخش مشخصات فردي، ...

ABSTRACT Background & Objective: Quantifying real costs in total and per stud... more ABSTRACT Background & Objective: Quantifying real costs in total and per student is one of the key objectives of budgeting in long-term plans for higher education sector; without any doubt, this will improve the performance of universities. However, the evidences and experiences in this regard are very limited within Iran. The purpose of this study was to estimate and analyze all costs of a school (as a model) compatible with activity-based costing in the logics of operating budgeting. Methods: Having reviewed all available relevant documents of School of Public Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences in one academic year (2010-11), real costs were extracted and categorized. In the same time, all available facilities (classes, laboratories, library, computer rooms, and common rooms), human resources, students, and infrastructures of the school were surveyed. The cost data were grouped into five sections: training costs, research costs, administrative costs, current supportive costs, and maintenance/development costs. Results: The total cost of School of Public Health was 24,726 million Iranian Rial (IRR) consisted of 18,850 IRR for teaching costs, 1,894 IRR for research costs, 2,519 IRR for administrative costs and 1,463 IRR for maintenance and current costs. The total per student cost was 31.11 IRR. The total per postgraduate student cost was 2.5 times more than of undergraduate students. Conclusion: A main part of the costs, particularly salaries, is out of hand of direct managers of the school. These costs are usually hidden, and are not presented in costs at the school level. It seems that fixed salary of academic staff inflated human costs, while it is suggested that with a better educational management, the system could increase their responsibilities, and improve their productivities. Our computation, as a model, may help medical universities around the country to create a clear picture of their costs in line with the rules of operating budgeting. Keywords: Cost per student, educational costs, operating budget, economics of education, educational planning,

PLoS Currents, 2015
After a devastating earthquake, the site selection for the sheltering of earthquake victims is an... more After a devastating earthquake, the site selection for the sheltering of earthquake victims is an important task. In order to generate a list of appropriate criteria for deciding on temporary sheltering site selection, we systematically combined the experience of experts and the findings of published documents in this study. Having explored published papers, we generated a list of criteria for the selection of the best location for temporary sheltering. In the next step, all criteria were presented to a group of experts in Iran and after a scientific discussion, the list was updated. In the last step, the final list of criteria was developed using the Delphi method in three rounds. Based on our previous systematic review, 27 criteria were presented for sheltering site selection. Expert interviews added 12 more items to them. The Delphi process approved 21 criteria of all proposed ones. These items then grouped into four categories: land suitability, socio-cultural considerations, service availability and disaster risk reduction. After an earthquake, our list of criteria may help the disaster team to select the best locations for temporary sheltering with minimum confusion. The consent of the earthquake victims and cost reduction of the operation would be the minimum benefits of using the appropriate criteria. These criteria also could be used by researchers to make objective and reproducible assessments of temporary sheltering site selection. Criteria, Earthquake, Model, Site selection, Temporary shelter.

Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2016
Introduction Pediatric anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the middl... more Introduction Pediatric anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the middle-childhood age group. The purpose of this study is to assess anxiety disorder symptoms, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), in a large community sample of low socioeconomic level rural children and to investigate some of the psychometric properties (internal consistency, construct and convergent validity and items rated as often or always experienced) of the Malay version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Child version (SCAS-C). Method Six hundred children aged 9-11 and 424 of their parents completely answered the child or parent versions of the SCAS. Results Results indicated that the internal reliability of subscales were moderate to adequate. Significant correlations between child and parent reports supported the measure's concurrent validity. Additionally, anxiety levels in this Malaysian sample were lower than among South-African children and higher than among their Western peers. There were both similarities and differences between symptom items reported as often or always experienced by Malaysian students and by children from other cultures. Confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence of the existence of five inter-correlated factors for anxiety disorders based on SCAS-C. Conclusion Although some of the instrument's psychometric properties deviated from those observed in some other countries, it nevertheless appears to be useful for assessing childhood anxiety symptoms in this country.

Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, Sep 1, 2012
CONTEXT: The ability to think critically is an essential element in nursing education and more sp... more CONTEXT: The ability to think critically is an essential element in nursing education and more specifically in nurses' clinical decision making (CDM).AIMS: Critical thinking (CT) and CDM ability as well as their relationship were examined among nursing students of Kerman University.SETTINGS AND DESIGN: STUDY WAS DESIGNED IN FOUR TOWNS: Kerman, Bam, Jiroft, and Zarand, settled in Kerman province.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research was a cross-sectional descriptive correlation study. 300 nursing students with different level of education were asked to fill two questionnaires including: (1) California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) and (2) Lauri and Salantera (2002) CDM instrument.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Data were analyzed with SPSS12 and descriptive and inferential statistics.RESULTS: Nursing students yielded a low score (mean = 5/40 from 20) of CT and a mild score (mean = 12.8 from 20) of CDM. We found positively correlation between male and CT and CDM score with mean score of the nursing student. Also CDM score in male was more than female but not significant, and Jirofts CDM nursing student was significantly better than other city.CONCLUSIONS: Although students that answers evaluation question in CCTST better can gave better CDM score but there isn't relationship between CT and CDM of nursing student. The finding showed that mean score of nursing student CT was low. Reason can be either due to the defects of nursing education program, teaching, and learning strategies.

International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2015
Background: Understanding the prevalence of symptoms associated with sexually transmitted infecti... more Background: Understanding the prevalence of symptoms associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how care is sought for those symptoms are important components of STIs control and prevention. People's preference between public and private service providers is another important part of developing a well-functioning STIs surveillance system. Methods: This cross-sectional survey was carried out in spring 2011, using a nonrandom quota sample of 1190 participants (52% female) in 4 densely-populated cities of Tehran, Kerman, Shiraz, and Babol. Two predictive logistic regression models were constructed to assess the association between the socio-demographic determinants (independent variables) and the dependent variables of history of STIs-associated symptom and seeking care. Results: Around 57% (677 out of 1190; men: 29.70% and women: 81.80%) had experienced at least one STIsassociated symptom during the previous year. History of experiencing STIs-associated symptoms among men, was negatively significantly associated with older age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.34, CI 95%: 0.17-0.67). Women who were married, in older ages, and had higher educations were more likely to report a recent (past year) STIs symptom, however all were statistically insignificant in both bivariate and multivariable models. Among those who have had STIs-associated symptoms in the last year, 31.15% did nothing to improve their symptoms, 8.03% attempted self-treatment by over-the-counter (OTC) medications or traditional remedies, and 60.93% sought care in health facilities. In both bivariate and multivariable analyses, care seeking among men was insignificantly associated with any of the collected demographic variables. Care seeking among women was positively significantly associated with being married (AOR = 2.48, 95% CI: 1.60-3.84). Conclusion: The reported prevalence of STIs-associated symptoms among our participants is concerning. A considerable number of participants had delayed seeking care and treatment or self-medicated. People should be informed about their sexual health and the consequences of delaying or avoiding seeking care for STIs. Participants preferred seeking care at private sectors which calls for engaging both public and private health sectors for reporting and following up STIs cases. Citation: Nasirian M, Karamouzian M, Kamali K, et al. Care seeking patterns of STIs-associated symptoms in Iran: findings of a population-based survey. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2015;4(x):x-x.
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2012
International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2015
Background & Objective: Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals... more Background & Objective: Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services required for making appropriate health decisions. The aim of this study was to estimate the level of health literacy and to determine the factors influencing it using valid instrument. Methods: In a Population-based household survey in 5 cities and 5 villages of Boushehr, Mazandaran, Kermanshah, Ghazvin and Tehran provinces, 1086 adults aged 18 and ...
Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research
We determined, in Iranian patients with diabetes mellitus, the prevalence of inadequate glycemic ... more We determined, in Iranian patients with diabetes mellitus, the prevalence of inadequate glycemic control and its predictors.
Sexually Transmitted Infections

PLOS ONE, 2015
The aim of this study was to estimate the economic burden of diabetes mellitus (DM) in Iran from ... more The aim of this study was to estimate the economic burden of diabetes mellitus (DM) in Iran from 2009 to 2030. A Markov micro-simulation (MM) model was developed to predict the DM population size and associated economic burden. Age- and sex-specific prevalence and incidence of diagnosed and undiagnosed DM were derived from national health surveys. A systematic review was performed to identify the cost of diabetes in Iran and the mean annual direct and indirect costs of patients with DM were estimated using a random-effect Bayesian meta-analysis. Face, internal, cross and predictive validity of the MM model were assessed by consulting an expert group, performing sensitivity analysis (SA) and comparing model results with published literature and national survey reports. Sensitivity analysis was also performed to explore the effect of uncertainty in the model. We estimated 3.78 million cases of DM (2.74 million diagnosed and 1.04 million undiagnosed) in Iran in 2009. This number is expected to rise to 9.24 million cases (6.73 million diagnosed and 2.50 million undiagnosed) by 2030. The mean annual direct and indirect costs of patients with DM in 2009 were US$ 556 (posterior standard deviation, 221) and US$ 689 (619), respectively. Total estimated annual cost of DM was $3.64 (2009 US$) billion (including US$1.71 billion direct and US$1.93 billion indirect costs) in 2009 and is predicted to increase to $9.0 (in 2009 US$) billion (including US$4.2 billion direct and US$4.8 billion indirect costs) by 2030. The economic burden of DM in Iran is predicted to increase markedly in the coming decades. Identification and implementation of effective strategies to prevent and manage DM should be considered as a public health priority.

Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the current situation of PhD education of medical scie... more Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the current situation of PhD education of medical science fields in Iran and compare it with successful models in developed countries. Methods: In a qualitative design, we systematically collected and analyzed the academic staff’s perspectives that had studied abroad and were involved in training of post-graduate students in medical fields. In the first step we prepared a conceptual framework based on the findings in brain storming sessions and in-depth discussions. Then in semi-structural interviews, the pros and cons of the current dominant model were discussed and the proposed revisions along with their applications were tabulated. Results: The main challenges in the current training system were listed as no-involvement of departments in the admission of their PhD students, insufficient attention to meta-capacities of enrolled students- e.g. their English skill, nonfunctional relationship of the universities with the industry, and poor s...

Journal of vector borne diseases
Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a new technique in the diagnosis of malaria with very... more Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a new technique in the diagnosis of malaria with very high accuracy; light microscopy is still conventional diagnostic method in Iran. In this study we checked the accuracy of light microscopy using the results of PCR as gold standard in Iran. The blood samples were collected from 124 febrile cases in Kahnooj district. The blood slides were read by microscopists, and double checked by experts in provincial referral laboratory. DNA samples were processed by PCR to amplify species-specific sequences of 18s subunit ribosomal ribonucleic acid (18ssrRNA) genes of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum. The sensitivity and specificity of microscopy in the detection of Plasmodium spp infection were 77% (95% CI: 46-94%) and 100% (95% CI: 95-100%), correspondingly. Also, the estimated positive and negative predictive values were 100% (95% CI: 66-100%) and 97% (95% CI: 91-99%), respectively. According to these results, we believe that the accuracy of li...

Iranian journal of public health, 2015
Although theoretically peace affects health, few published evidence for such an association was e... more Although theoretically peace affects health, few published evidence for such an association was empirically available. This study aimed to explore the association between peace and life expectancy (LE) among the world countries. In an ecological study and using random effects regression model, we examined the association between peace and LE among world countries between 2007 and 2012. The LE at birth and global peace index (GPI: a score between 1 and 5, higher score means lower peace) were selected as outcome and main predictor variables, respectively. We adjusted their association for the gross national income (GNI) per capita and education index (EI). Data were obtained from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Numbers of included countries were 158 based on the available data. GPI had a negative, considerable, and statistically significant effect on LE (standardized coefficient -0.039; 95% CI: -0.058, -0.019). This as...

Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy
Anxiety among children has increased in recent years. Culturally adapted questionnaires developed... more Anxiety among children has increased in recent years. Culturally adapted questionnaires developed to measure the level of anxiety are the best screening instruments for the general population. This study describes the scientific translation and adaptation of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) into the Malay language. The process of scientific translation of this selfreport instrument followed the guidelines of the Task Force for Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). The Malay version and its adaptation for a new cultural context are described. The Malay version achieved the aims of the original version and its conceptual and operational equivalence. It may be used as the first Malay instrument to measure anxiety among children in research and in clinical and community settings.
Conference Presentations by Aliakbar Haghdoost
Papers by Aliakbar Haghdoost