Foreign Direct Investment (FD!) inflows are industry-specific and, therefore, are regional-specif... more Foreign Direct Investment (FD!) inflows are industry-specific and, therefore, are regional-specific. Following this framework, the paper, first of all, notes that the regional FD! inflows relate positively to cross-regional differences in initial level of manufacturing output. This is especially when cross-regional differences in initial level of manufacturing output do not conform to a regional manufacturing convergence process and point to cross-regional differences in production structures. The paper also says that the regional FD! inflows are attracted less by regional incentive pattern (both provisions of financial incentives and infrastructure facilities) which is independent of cross-regional differences in manufacturing levels. At the same time, though FD/ inflows are attracted to regions with initial higher level of manufacturing output, they do not directly support a divergence process. This may be due to the fact that (1) FD! regional flows pertain mainly to the post-1991 phase. and (2) the FD/ and total private investment in India have different regional biases. * The author is indebted to Prof. Ashok Kumar and the editors' board (anonymous referrers) for critical comments/suggestions on an earlier draft ofth1s paper.
Marketing analytics plays a major role in discovering insights from big data to improve marketing... more Marketing analytics plays a major role in discovering insights from big data to improve marketing decision-making and competitive advantage. However, while few studies have examined the chain of effects from the antecedents, the use, and the outcomes of marketing analytics, the use of marketing analytics is limited and only a fraction of its potential value is captured by firms. This study takes a contingency perspective and uses resource-based theory to develop a process-oriented perspective on marketing analytics to examine its antecedents, applications, and outcomes. A research model is developed and will be tested using SmartPLS based on survey data to be collected from UK firms. The findings will contribute to the literature by developing a theory-based understanding of the mechanism through which the use of marketing analytics affects marketing decision-making, marketing-related business process capabilities, and competitive advantage. This understanding may help firms’ to use...
The internationalization of operations has led to more countries trying to attract foreign direct... more The internationalization of operations has led to more countries trying to attract foreign direct investment by promoting themselves through nation branding and other activities including online promotion by national or regional Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs). This paper utilizes a nation branding framework to identify and analyze online IPA promotion crossnationally. Results show that IPA websites have certain common elements but also vary greatly in their use of promotional approaches that contribute to branding the places they represent. This implies a need for a better practice of nation branding oriented strategies to influence investors’ perceptions and decisions.
Top management team might make primary usage decisions related to marketing analytics. To date, e... more Top management team might make primary usage decisions related to marketing analytics. To date, extant research has mostly focused on investigating the impact of marketing analytics on firm performance; limited research exists to examine the conditions of utilizing marketing analytics. Furthermore, little is known about how the combinations of conditions affect marketing analytics use. Drawing on upper echelons and configuration theories, this study proposes that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have alternative pathways to utilizing marketing analytics. Based on a sample of 187 managers from UK SMEs and employing fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), this study confirms that (1) configurations of antecedents exist to provide alternative pathways to utilizing marketing analytics, and (2) configurations for small firms are distinctively different from those for medium-sized firms. This study contributes to upper echelon theory and configuration theory by highli...
Ethnic consumers are an important market segment in both traditionally multicultural countries an... more Ethnic consumers are an important market segment in both traditionally multicultural countries and newer destinations of growing immigration waves. Such consumers may carry with them “old country passions” that may influence their attitudes toward the products of countries perceived as friendly or hostile in relation to the consumers’ original home countries. This study is the first to examine together four place-related constructs—namely, country and people images, product images, affinity, and animosity—and their potential effects on purchase intentions for products from countries that may be perceived as friends or foes from the perspective of the ethnic consumers’ homeland, while also juxtaposing these measures against views toward a neutral “benchmark” country for comparison. The results show that country/people and product images, affinity, and animosity work differently depending on the target country; both affective and cognitive factors influence product and people evaluati...
Purpose This study aims to address a heretofore neglected area in research, nation branding, for ... more Purpose This study aims to address a heretofore neglected area in research, nation branding, for the purpose of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). It compares and contrasts the well-established literature on decision-making and location choice in FDI with studies in the nascent field of nation branding, with a view to developing directions for future research that result from the identification of research gaps at the intersection point between the two areas. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a systematic and integrative review of several streams within the relevant literatures, from the theory of decision-making in FDI to the similarities and differences between advertising, promotion, branding and marketing for investment on the part of nations and sub- or supra-national places. Findings Each of the two areas is characterized by lack of consensus as to the principal factors that affect investor and nation decisions and actions, resulting in several knowled...
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
This research examines the purchase intention effects of ethnic consumers’ views toward “animosit... more This research examines the purchase intention effects of ethnic consumers’ views toward “animosity” and “affinity” target countries against a “neutral” benchmark country. The findings show that “old country” views persist in ethnic consumers’ new country, with very negative views of the animosity target and positive views of the affinity target, with views of the benchmark country being slightly positive. Implications and future research suggestions are discussed.
Handbook of Research in International Marketing, Second Edition
Aos meus pais e irmãos por sempre terem acreditado no meu potencial e não terem poupado esforços ... more Aos meus pais e irmãos por sempre terem acreditado no meu potencial e não terem poupado esforços para que eu chegasse até a esta tese! AGRADECIMENTOS Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer a Deus, por ter me fornecido saúde, disposição e intelectualidade para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Em alguns momentos difíceis que passei somente uma força Divina para fazer continuar e eu só tenho a agradecer. Ao meu orientador desde a iniciação científica, Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches Veiga, pela oportunidade de fazer parte da equipe do "Laboratório de Matriz Extracelular e Biotecnologia de Venenos", a qual me orgulho tanto! Por ter me confiado este projeto e por meu crescimento científico adquirido durante esses anos. À minha co-orientadora, Profa. Dra. Andrea Senff Ribeiro, pelas várias reuniões de discussão científica, por ter confiado esse projeto a mim e por toda ajuda prestada na burocracia da patente desse trabalho. À minha co-orientadora, não no papel... mas de coração sempre, Profa. Dra. Olga Meiri Chaim! Por ter depositado toda a confiança em mim desde minha iniciação científica! A qualquer hora esteve disposta a ouvir e discutir assuntos relacionados ao laboratório fosse de origem científica ou organizacional. Muito obrigada! Levarei sua amizade sempre comigo! À Dra. Dilza Trevisan Silva! Bem Dil, sem comentários, né?! Companheira e amiga de todas as horas desde que eu entrei no laboratório! Muito obrigada por tudo! Pelas discussões científicas, pelos experimentos, cursos, disciplinas e tarefas realizados juntos... E claro, por sua amizade magnífica! À Profa. Dra. Luiza Helena Gremski! Lu, obrigada por ser este exemplo de cientista e pessoa! Eu só tenho a agradecer por toda a ajuda prestada durante todos esses anos nos experimentos, discussões científicas, correções de inglês, entre diversas outras tarefas! Muito obrigada por você sempre me escutar e ter acreditado no meu potencial! Ao querido e quase mestre Thiago Lopes de Mari! Obrigada por ter me ajudado tanto durante esses anos e também por sua amizade! Tenho muito orgulho de ter contribuído para sua formação científica e torço por uma carreira de muito sucesso pra você! Aos demais amigos do LME: MSc.
... brand incorporates the rapid growth of Spanish multinationals, hosting the Barcelona Olympics... more ... brand incorporates the rapid growth of Spanish multinationals, hosting the Barcelona Olympics, rebuilding of old Spanish cities, Spanish fashion designers, Almodovar ... scale to predict how individuals or groups perceive countries (or influence consumer behaviour). ...
Improvisation, Bricolage, and Effectuation are examples of sense-making techniques often seen in ... more Improvisation, Bricolage, and Effectuation are examples of sense-making techniques often seen in the field of entrepreneurship. Original literature introduces these ideas with respect to decisionmaking problems faced by entrepreneurs. Most often, these are problems that deal with resource (land, labor, capital) sourcing, creation, development, and/or allocation. However, in the last few decades, new literature has surfaced that underlines the implications of these sense-making concepts for smalland medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises. In particular, this literature discusses these ideas within the context of internationalization. Research indicates that SMEs and micro-enterprises can operate in an entrepreneurial manner, especially when making decisions. Several case studies indicate that when faced with decision-making problems, especially during foreign market selection (FMS) and foreign market entry (FME), SMEs and microenterprises employ the above sense-making ...
The literature surrounding SME internationalization is still in its infancy but growing rapidly a... more The literature surrounding SME internationalization is still in its infancy but growing rapidly as SMEs become prominent in global markets. This paper outlines that, although stage theories of internationalization have dominated the literature in the past, newer theories deviate from this line of thinking. Notably, theories originating from the field of entrepreneurship, such as effectuation and bricolage, have been found to be quite informative in explaining the behaviour of SMEs, yet they are greatly underrepresented in the internationalization literature. Our study critically reviews the SME internationalization literature and highlights concepts such as resource scavenging, social capital, muddling through, and dynamic experimental internationalization – all reflective of a nontraditional pattern of thinking. These approaches explain the spontaneity and improvisation that is inherent in a lot of SME internationalization. We find that ‘nontraditional’ approaches to internationali...
Foreign Direct Investment (FD!) inflows are industry-specific and, therefore, are regional-specif... more Foreign Direct Investment (FD!) inflows are industry-specific and, therefore, are regional-specific. Following this framework, the paper, first of all, notes that the regional FD! inflows relate positively to cross-regional differences in initial level of manufacturing output. This is especially when cross-regional differences in initial level of manufacturing output do not conform to a regional manufacturing convergence process and point to cross-regional differences in production structures. The paper also says that the regional FD! inflows are attracted less by regional incentive pattern (both provisions of financial incentives and infrastructure facilities) which is independent of cross-regional differences in manufacturing levels. At the same time, though FD/ inflows are attracted to regions with initial higher level of manufacturing output, they do not directly support a divergence process. This may be due to the fact that (1) FD! regional flows pertain mainly to the post-1991 phase. and (2) the FD/ and total private investment in India have different regional biases. * The author is indebted to Prof. Ashok Kumar and the editors' board (anonymous referrers) for critical comments/suggestions on an earlier draft ofth1s paper.
Marketing analytics plays a major role in discovering insights from big data to improve marketing... more Marketing analytics plays a major role in discovering insights from big data to improve marketing decision-making and competitive advantage. However, while few studies have examined the chain of effects from the antecedents, the use, and the outcomes of marketing analytics, the use of marketing analytics is limited and only a fraction of its potential value is captured by firms. This study takes a contingency perspective and uses resource-based theory to develop a process-oriented perspective on marketing analytics to examine its antecedents, applications, and outcomes. A research model is developed and will be tested using SmartPLS based on survey data to be collected from UK firms. The findings will contribute to the literature by developing a theory-based understanding of the mechanism through which the use of marketing analytics affects marketing decision-making, marketing-related business process capabilities, and competitive advantage. This understanding may help firms’ to use...
The internationalization of operations has led to more countries trying to attract foreign direct... more The internationalization of operations has led to more countries trying to attract foreign direct investment by promoting themselves through nation branding and other activities including online promotion by national or regional Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs). This paper utilizes a nation branding framework to identify and analyze online IPA promotion crossnationally. Results show that IPA websites have certain common elements but also vary greatly in their use of promotional approaches that contribute to branding the places they represent. This implies a need for a better practice of nation branding oriented strategies to influence investors’ perceptions and decisions.
Top management team might make primary usage decisions related to marketing analytics. To date, e... more Top management team might make primary usage decisions related to marketing analytics. To date, extant research has mostly focused on investigating the impact of marketing analytics on firm performance; limited research exists to examine the conditions of utilizing marketing analytics. Furthermore, little is known about how the combinations of conditions affect marketing analytics use. Drawing on upper echelons and configuration theories, this study proposes that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have alternative pathways to utilizing marketing analytics. Based on a sample of 187 managers from UK SMEs and employing fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), this study confirms that (1) configurations of antecedents exist to provide alternative pathways to utilizing marketing analytics, and (2) configurations for small firms are distinctively different from those for medium-sized firms. This study contributes to upper echelon theory and configuration theory by highli...
Ethnic consumers are an important market segment in both traditionally multicultural countries an... more Ethnic consumers are an important market segment in both traditionally multicultural countries and newer destinations of growing immigration waves. Such consumers may carry with them “old country passions” that may influence their attitudes toward the products of countries perceived as friendly or hostile in relation to the consumers’ original home countries. This study is the first to examine together four place-related constructs—namely, country and people images, product images, affinity, and animosity—and their potential effects on purchase intentions for products from countries that may be perceived as friends or foes from the perspective of the ethnic consumers’ homeland, while also juxtaposing these measures against views toward a neutral “benchmark” country for comparison. The results show that country/people and product images, affinity, and animosity work differently depending on the target country; both affective and cognitive factors influence product and people evaluati...
Purpose This study aims to address a heretofore neglected area in research, nation branding, for ... more Purpose This study aims to address a heretofore neglected area in research, nation branding, for the purpose of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). It compares and contrasts the well-established literature on decision-making and location choice in FDI with studies in the nascent field of nation branding, with a view to developing directions for future research that result from the identification of research gaps at the intersection point between the two areas. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a systematic and integrative review of several streams within the relevant literatures, from the theory of decision-making in FDI to the similarities and differences between advertising, promotion, branding and marketing for investment on the part of nations and sub- or supra-national places. Findings Each of the two areas is characterized by lack of consensus as to the principal factors that affect investor and nation decisions and actions, resulting in several knowled...
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
This research examines the purchase intention effects of ethnic consumers’ views toward “animosit... more This research examines the purchase intention effects of ethnic consumers’ views toward “animosity” and “affinity” target countries against a “neutral” benchmark country. The findings show that “old country” views persist in ethnic consumers’ new country, with very negative views of the animosity target and positive views of the affinity target, with views of the benchmark country being slightly positive. Implications and future research suggestions are discussed.
Handbook of Research in International Marketing, Second Edition
Aos meus pais e irmãos por sempre terem acreditado no meu potencial e não terem poupado esforços ... more Aos meus pais e irmãos por sempre terem acreditado no meu potencial e não terem poupado esforços para que eu chegasse até a esta tese! AGRADECIMENTOS Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer a Deus, por ter me fornecido saúde, disposição e intelectualidade para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Em alguns momentos difíceis que passei somente uma força Divina para fazer continuar e eu só tenho a agradecer. Ao meu orientador desde a iniciação científica, Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches Veiga, pela oportunidade de fazer parte da equipe do "Laboratório de Matriz Extracelular e Biotecnologia de Venenos", a qual me orgulho tanto! Por ter me confiado este projeto e por meu crescimento científico adquirido durante esses anos. À minha co-orientadora, Profa. Dra. Andrea Senff Ribeiro, pelas várias reuniões de discussão científica, por ter confiado esse projeto a mim e por toda ajuda prestada na burocracia da patente desse trabalho. À minha co-orientadora, não no papel... mas de coração sempre, Profa. Dra. Olga Meiri Chaim! Por ter depositado toda a confiança em mim desde minha iniciação científica! A qualquer hora esteve disposta a ouvir e discutir assuntos relacionados ao laboratório fosse de origem científica ou organizacional. Muito obrigada! Levarei sua amizade sempre comigo! À Dra. Dilza Trevisan Silva! Bem Dil, sem comentários, né?! Companheira e amiga de todas as horas desde que eu entrei no laboratório! Muito obrigada por tudo! Pelas discussões científicas, pelos experimentos, cursos, disciplinas e tarefas realizados juntos... E claro, por sua amizade magnífica! À Profa. Dra. Luiza Helena Gremski! Lu, obrigada por ser este exemplo de cientista e pessoa! Eu só tenho a agradecer por toda a ajuda prestada durante todos esses anos nos experimentos, discussões científicas, correções de inglês, entre diversas outras tarefas! Muito obrigada por você sempre me escutar e ter acreditado no meu potencial! Ao querido e quase mestre Thiago Lopes de Mari! Obrigada por ter me ajudado tanto durante esses anos e também por sua amizade! Tenho muito orgulho de ter contribuído para sua formação científica e torço por uma carreira de muito sucesso pra você! Aos demais amigos do LME: MSc.
... brand incorporates the rapid growth of Spanish multinationals, hosting the Barcelona Olympics... more ... brand incorporates the rapid growth of Spanish multinationals, hosting the Barcelona Olympics, rebuilding of old Spanish cities, Spanish fashion designers, Almodovar ... scale to predict how individuals or groups perceive countries (or influence consumer behaviour). ...
Improvisation, Bricolage, and Effectuation are examples of sense-making techniques often seen in ... more Improvisation, Bricolage, and Effectuation are examples of sense-making techniques often seen in the field of entrepreneurship. Original literature introduces these ideas with respect to decisionmaking problems faced by entrepreneurs. Most often, these are problems that deal with resource (land, labor, capital) sourcing, creation, development, and/or allocation. However, in the last few decades, new literature has surfaced that underlines the implications of these sense-making concepts for smalland medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises. In particular, this literature discusses these ideas within the context of internationalization. Research indicates that SMEs and micro-enterprises can operate in an entrepreneurial manner, especially when making decisions. Several case studies indicate that when faced with decision-making problems, especially during foreign market selection (FMS) and foreign market entry (FME), SMEs and microenterprises employ the above sense-making ...
The literature surrounding SME internationalization is still in its infancy but growing rapidly a... more The literature surrounding SME internationalization is still in its infancy but growing rapidly as SMEs become prominent in global markets. This paper outlines that, although stage theories of internationalization have dominated the literature in the past, newer theories deviate from this line of thinking. Notably, theories originating from the field of entrepreneurship, such as effectuation and bricolage, have been found to be quite informative in explaining the behaviour of SMEs, yet they are greatly underrepresented in the internationalization literature. Our study critically reviews the SME internationalization literature and highlights concepts such as resource scavenging, social capital, muddling through, and dynamic experimental internationalization – all reflective of a nontraditional pattern of thinking. These approaches explain the spontaneity and improvisation that is inherent in a lot of SME internationalization. We find that ‘nontraditional’ approaches to internationali...
Papers by Alia El Banna