Papers by Ali Sheriff Abubakar

Media Syari'ah : Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial
Measles and rubella are infectious diseases that cause very dangerous diseases throughout the wor... more Measles and rubella are infectious diseases that cause very dangerous diseases throughout the world. Both diseases are incurable; can only be prevented by administering the MR (Measles Rubella) vaccine. However, in Indonesia, the implementation of vaccination for these two diseases did not run smoothly due to the circulation of information that the basic ingredients or the process of making vaccines involved elements of pigs. On that basis, the Indonesian Ulema Council issued Fatwa Number 33 of 2018 concerning the Use of Mr (Measles Rubella) Vaccine Products from SII (Serum Institute Of India) for Immunization which stipulates that "the use of vaccines that utilize pig elements and their derivatives is unlawful". The MUI equates the involvement of pork as the main ingredient and as a medium for making vaccines. This paper relates the fatwa to the prohibition of certain objects in the Qur'an, hadith, and interpretations made by scholars, especially related to the theory...
Jurnal Madania, 2014
Among the major changes in the orientation of the criminal law is a shift in the concept of fairn... more Among the major changes in the orientation of the criminal law is a shift in the concept of fairness of justice on the basis of retaliation towards justice that is restorative justice. Protection and restoration of the rights of victims and the wider community is seen as important as punishment and or rehabilitation of offenders. The process of settlement is not intended solely to punish or embarrass someone, but rather an attempt to obtain a useful truth to help restore a harmonious relationship between the offender, victim, and the community. This is actually not new in the Indonesian archipelago because it familiar in their customary laws and recent legislation passed in the authority. This article explores how the existence of a criminal case settlement with the customary law in terms of sociological, philosophical, and juridical

Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing, 2021
Avoiding over-dependency on the oil-fired energy supply systems motivates many countries to integ... more Avoiding over-dependency on the oil-fired energy supply systems motivates many countries to integrate renewable energy into the existing energy supply systems. Solar Photovoltaic technology forms the most promising option for developing such a cost-effective and sustainable energy supply system. Generally, the current-voltage curve is used in the performance assessment and analysis of the Photovoltaic module. The accuracy of the equations for the curve depends on accurate cell parameters. However, the extraction of these parameters remains a complex stochastic nonlinear optimization problem. Many studies have been carried out to deal with such problem but still more researches need to be carried out to achieve a minimum error and a high accuracy. The existing researches ignored the variation in the meteorological data though it has a significant impact on the problem design. In this study, the Sample Average Approximation was employed to deal with the uncertainty and the hybrid opti...

Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2021
Renewable Energy Resources have been identified among the most promising sources of harnessing po... more Renewable Energy Resources have been identified among the most promising sources of harnessing power for industrial and household consumption but their power generations highly uctuate so building renewable power systems without critical reliability analysis might result in frequent blackouts in the power system. Therefore, in this paper, a robust, effective and ecient design approach is proposed to handle the reliability issues. The study involves a Mathematical modelling strategy of the PV system to estimate the total PV power produced and the Bottom-Up approach for predicting the household load demand. The reliability is defined in terms of Loss of Load Probability. The design methodology was validated with a University Household. The data used for the analysis consists of daily average global solar irradiance and load profiles. The results revealed that throughout the year, November-February is where the system seems to be more reliable. Also, the results indicated that without ...

This article aims to analyze the protection of life (ḥifẓ al-nafs) as the law reason (`illat) of ... more This article aims to analyze the protection of life (ḥifẓ al-nafs) as the law reason (`illat) of the rights of children outside of legal marriage (ALPS) of biological fathers. Ḥifẓ al-nafs is assumed to be `illat emerging from many neglected ALPS phenomena and resulting in negative stigma and discrimination. This research is a study of Islamic law using the theory of ̀ illat in analyzing the problem of children's rights outside of legal marriage. The research concludes that the presence of the 2010 Constitutional Court decision regarding the civil rights of ALPS with biological fathers reveals new spaces in seeing the nature of ALPS rights. This is different from the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council and classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) arguments, which tend to only link the child to the mother. Based on the Constitutional Court decision, the essence of ALPS rights from biological fathers is limited to civil rights. The responsibility of the biological father to ALPS i...

Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 2021
The paper evidenced that Hepatitis B infection is the world's deadliest liver infection and V... more The paper evidenced that Hepatitis B infection is the world's deadliest liver infection and Vaccination is among the principal clinical strategies in fighting it. These have encouraged a lot of researchers to formulate mathematical models to accurately predict the mode of transmission and make deductions for better health decision-making processes. In this paper, an SEIR model is used to model the transmission of the Hepatitis B infection with periodic contact rate and examine the impact of vaccination. The model was validated using estimated data in Ghana and simulated in a MATLAB environment. The results showed that the vaccination rate has a great impact on the transmission mode of the Hepatitis B infection and the periodic contact rate may lead to a chaotic solution which could result in an uncontrolled spreading of the infection. It is concluded that even if the vaccination rate is 70%, the infection rate would reduce to the minimum barest so more newborns must be vaccinated.

SAMARAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 2020
Today, the family experiences dysfunction because their functions are taken over by the state and... more Today, the family experiences dysfunction because their functions are taken over by the state and the market. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people still relied on their families and communities for food, shelter, education, and employment. New communication and transformation technologies enable markets and governments to pull people out of family security and enter the market as individuals. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors saw a tendency for the return of family functions that had been taken away by the state and the market. People are getting closer to their families, especially because of the effects of physical distancing rules by the state. So far there have been no studies that show in detail how a pandemic really influences family functioning. The authors tries to investigate the functions of families returning to work using the daily data of UGM Cultural Anthropology students collected in the Rural Studies class in Indonesia from 30 March 2020 to 29 April ...

National security is the podium of democracy and if democracy loses security imperatives, it has ... more National security is the podium of democracy and if democracy loses security imperatives, it has lost its core essence. Chai Anan, the Thai political scientist, in his analysis of the role of the state in promoting democracy opined that the most important role of the state is in reality to ensure security for itself and for the people. It therefore implies against sophisticated theoretical analysis obscured by the realists who conceived national security in power or military terms that in democratic rule, militarism cannot guarantee national security. A close look at Obasanjo regime 1999-2007, reveals that national security was conceived within a state-centric perspective. This perception is increasingly becoming more of an anachronism, along with growing internal opposition to the hegemonic statist perception of national security; hence, the need for a rethink. This paper contends that there is an organic relationship between democracy and national security and as such, national security cannot be conceived in military terms in a democratic rule. This paper is divided into 5 sections: 1 deals with introduction; 2 focus on conceptual clarification; 3 discuss the synergy between national security and democratic rule; 4 emphasize the imperative of rethinking national security problematic in a democratic rule; and the conclusion. The paper conclude that even though military strategy still remains a component of national security, the prospects for resolving the current national security crises thus lie in broadening the notion of security to include non-military considerations alongside more humane, equitable, and socially responsible practices by the state.

Orders about the Friday shalat: sermon, shalat, tribune and khatib stick, until opinion of i`adah... more Orders about the Friday shalat: sermon, shalat, tribune and khatib stick, until opinion of i`adah zuhur after Friday is the parts of Friday ritual made progressively detailed and confessed by some of moslem scholar as Jumhur opinion, at least Syafi`iyah, so that public society assume it as permanent form come from teaching of Rasulullah saw. This article describes construction of Friday at period of Rasul covering history, kaifiyat, categorize the mukallaf, sermon position, and Friday substansi. Research done indicate that there was no complete theorem about procedures of shalat and Friday sermon. This result it become the religious service which multi interpret; very supple, not tighten, and rich with the different idea, so that opened a possibility to be re-expostulated. Theorem of opinion of faction “minority» about orders of Friday can be told stronger rather than Jumhur. Important finding, Friday substansi is syiar of Islam and Friday founded have to with the governmental pe...
Papers by Ali Sheriff Abubakar