Background: The general and common symptoms of covid 19 disease are fever, dyspnoea, cough, cold,... more Background: The general and common symptoms of covid 19 disease are fever, dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, loss of smell and taste, Gastrointestinal manifestations. The symptoms may be exhibited alone or in combination. The prime objective of the study is to know the frequency of occurrence of symptoms for better control of the infection. The purpose of study is to detect prevalence of ENT manifestations (dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, alterations in smell and taste sensation). Materials and Methods: Single center, retrospective study covered 1070 inpatients for a period of 2 months duration ie; from August and September 2020 in teritiary health care centre.A questionnaire with various parameters like age, gender, smoking, alcohol, HTN, DM, fever, cough, Nasal obstruction, Anterior nasal discharge, posterior nasaldrip, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, dyspnoea, anosmia, hyposmia, dysosmia, ageusia, hypogeusia, dysguesia history was ta...
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Otitis media is an important and a highly prevalent disease of the middle ear and pos... more Background: Otitis media is an important and a highly prevalent disease of the middle ear and poses serious health problem worldwide especially in developing countries where large percentage of the population lack specialized medical care. A normally functioning eustachian tube is an equally essential physiologic requirement for a healthy middle ear and normal hearing. In this study we have used the middle ear risk index (MERI) developed by Kartush which generates a numeric indicator of the severity of the middle ear disease to stratify patient groups according to the severity of the disease and to evaluate the efficiency of MERI score in predicting the outcome of tympanoplasty.Methods: Patients who came and got operated for tympanoplasty to the ENT Department in Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences and RF, Amalapuram during the study period of February 2017 to February 2018. Results: In this study graft was accepted in 22 patients (88%) and rejected in 3 (12%) patients. In pati...
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
BACKGROUND Palatine tonsils are the components of Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) of pha... more BACKGROUND Palatine tonsils are the components of Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) of pharynx. Embryologically, they develop from second branchial arch and play an important role in immune system. These are lined by stratified squamous epithelium in continuation with pharyngeal mucosa. The surface epithelium of tonsil will invaginate to form crypts. These crypts contain cheesy material which constitute food debris, keratin and bacteria. Infection of tonsil, tonsillitis was a more common infection of humans. During tonsillitis, the bacteria inhabiting the crypts will multiply and secrete toxins. This inflammation of tonsil tissue will lead to WBC infiltration, finally leading to swollen and congested tonsils. Antibiotics play an important role in treatment of acute tonsillitis. Appropriate antibiotic selection from tonsil surface swab culture for an adequate duration will prevent the continuation and spread of infection. Contrary to this surface swab culture oriented antibiotic selection, few studies reported that the bacteria causing tonsillitis may also be present in deep tonsillar tissues. Hence, the organisms grown from tonsillar surface swab cultures may not be representative of actual infective organism always. MATERIALS AND METHODS This descriptive study was carried out as a prospective study among 60 patients who underwent tonsillectomy at a tertiary care hospital. Data was collected about various socio-demographic factors, clinical information and details about routine lab examinations. After tonsillectomy, the specimen was transferred in sterile water for aerobic culture and KOH mount. RESULTS Out of 33 positive cultures, S. aureus (48.5%) was grown majorly followed by H. influenzae (18.2%), S. pyogenes (12.1%), Pseudomonas (9.1%), K. pneumoniae (6.1%), S. pneumoniae (3%) and no fungal elements were detected. CONCLUSION Surface cultured microorganism represent more of normal commensals, which is a false indicator of the pathogen in the core. The findings of this study are in support of directing rational therapy against tonsillar core pathogens like Staph. aureus, H. influenza, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella with antibiotics like Gentamycin, Amikacin and Ciprofloxacin.
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Rhinosinusitis is one of the commonest sinonasal condition with chronic Rhinosinusiti... more Background: Rhinosinusitis is one of the commonest sinonasal condition with chronic Rhinosinusitis affecting 10% of population worldwide. Although the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis is clinical, the final diagnosis should be confirmed by objective measures like radiography and nasal endoscopy. Though anatomical variations in sinonasal region are rare, they have significant impact in the causation of sinonasal diseases and pose difficulties during surgery.Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on 60 patients who attended to the Department of ENT and HNS, Konaseema Institute of Medical Science, Amalapuram between December 2017 to July 2019. By considering AAO-HNS criteria patients were selected and subjected to high resolution computerized tomography para nasal sinuses and diagnostic nasal endoscopy. Results: As per study, 60% patients are having deviated nasal septum, followed by aggar nasi in 58.3%, concha bullosa in 26.8%, Haller cells in 11.7%, paradoxical middle tu...
Background: The general and common symptoms of covid 19 disease are fever, dyspnoea, cough, cold,... more Background: The general and common symptoms of covid 19 disease are fever, dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, loss of smell and taste, Gastrointestinal manifestations. The symptoms may be exhibited alone or in combination. The prime objective of the study is to know the frequency of occurrence of symptoms for better control of the infection. The purpose of study is to detect prevalence of ENT manifestations (dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, alterations in smell and taste sensation). Materials and Methods: Single center, retrospective study covered 1070 inpatients for a period of 2 months duration ie; from August and September 2020 in teritiary health care centre.A questionnaire with various parameters like age, gender, smoking, alcohol, HTN, DM, fever, cough, Nasal obstruction, Anterior nasal discharge, posterior nasaldrip, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, dyspnoea, anosmia, hyposmia, dysosmia, ageusia, hypogeusia, dysguesia history was ta...
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Otitis media is an important and a highly prevalent disease of the middle ear and pos... more Background: Otitis media is an important and a highly prevalent disease of the middle ear and poses serious health problem worldwide especially in developing countries where large percentage of the population lack specialized medical care. A normally functioning eustachian tube is an equally essential physiologic requirement for a healthy middle ear and normal hearing. In this study we have used the middle ear risk index (MERI) developed by Kartush which generates a numeric indicator of the severity of the middle ear disease to stratify patient groups according to the severity of the disease and to evaluate the efficiency of MERI score in predicting the outcome of tympanoplasty.Methods: Patients who came and got operated for tympanoplasty to the ENT Department in Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences and RF, Amalapuram during the study period of February 2017 to February 2018. Results: In this study graft was accepted in 22 patients (88%) and rejected in 3 (12%) patients. In pati...
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
BACKGROUND Palatine tonsils are the components of Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) of pha... more BACKGROUND Palatine tonsils are the components of Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) of pharynx. Embryologically, they develop from second branchial arch and play an important role in immune system. These are lined by stratified squamous epithelium in continuation with pharyngeal mucosa. The surface epithelium of tonsil will invaginate to form crypts. These crypts contain cheesy material which constitute food debris, keratin and bacteria. Infection of tonsil, tonsillitis was a more common infection of humans. During tonsillitis, the bacteria inhabiting the crypts will multiply and secrete toxins. This inflammation of tonsil tissue will lead to WBC infiltration, finally leading to swollen and congested tonsils. Antibiotics play an important role in treatment of acute tonsillitis. Appropriate antibiotic selection from tonsil surface swab culture for an adequate duration will prevent the continuation and spread of infection. Contrary to this surface swab culture oriented antibiotic selection, few studies reported that the bacteria causing tonsillitis may also be present in deep tonsillar tissues. Hence, the organisms grown from tonsillar surface swab cultures may not be representative of actual infective organism always. MATERIALS AND METHODS This descriptive study was carried out as a prospective study among 60 patients who underwent tonsillectomy at a tertiary care hospital. Data was collected about various socio-demographic factors, clinical information and details about routine lab examinations. After tonsillectomy, the specimen was transferred in sterile water for aerobic culture and KOH mount. RESULTS Out of 33 positive cultures, S. aureus (48.5%) was grown majorly followed by H. influenzae (18.2%), S. pyogenes (12.1%), Pseudomonas (9.1%), K. pneumoniae (6.1%), S. pneumoniae (3%) and no fungal elements were detected. CONCLUSION Surface cultured microorganism represent more of normal commensals, which is a false indicator of the pathogen in the core. The findings of this study are in support of directing rational therapy against tonsillar core pathogens like Staph. aureus, H. influenza, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella with antibiotics like Gentamycin, Amikacin and Ciprofloxacin.
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Rhinosinusitis is one of the commonest sinonasal condition with chronic Rhinosinusiti... more Background: Rhinosinusitis is one of the commonest sinonasal condition with chronic Rhinosinusitis affecting 10% of population worldwide. Although the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis is clinical, the final diagnosis should be confirmed by objective measures like radiography and nasal endoscopy. Though anatomical variations in sinonasal region are rare, they have significant impact in the causation of sinonasal diseases and pose difficulties during surgery.Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on 60 patients who attended to the Department of ENT and HNS, Konaseema Institute of Medical Science, Amalapuram between December 2017 to July 2019. By considering AAO-HNS criteria patients were selected and subjected to high resolution computerized tomography para nasal sinuses and diagnostic nasal endoscopy. Results: As per study, 60% patients are having deviated nasal septum, followed by aggar nasi in 58.3%, concha bullosa in 26.8%, Haller cells in 11.7%, paradoxical middle tu...
Papers by Ali Shaik