Papers by Ali Murtadho,Drs.MPd.
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, Dec 21, 2023
This article aims to examine the audience's response to the da'wah content broadcasted by "Suara ... more This article aims to examine the audience's response to the da'wah content broadcasted by "Suara Muslimah" on the NU online YouTube channel. The research method used in this study was a qualitative text analysis. Through the examination of 162 netizen comments on four episodes of "Suara Muslimah" programs, the findings have shown that the majority of audiences have positive responses to da'wah content aired by the "Suara Muslimah" program, although some audiences have responded negatively and others made irrelevant comments to the content. Additionally, the audience also provided responses related to cognitive, affective, and conative aspects.
E3S web of conferences, 2024
Environmental sustainability is an effort to defend and defend the environment so that it can fun... more Environmental sustainability is an effort to defend and defend the environment so that it can function to maintain the survival of all living creatures, including humans, on this earth. Various aspects of life can be influenced by environmental changes. There is no public awareness and desire to change the environment, which results in a decline in its function. The chair of Islam and the Environment at UIN Raden Intan can help build characters who care about the environment.

Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling, Dec 25, 2020
Purpose-The aim of this research was to recognize radically (deeply) the professionalism of Islam... more Purpose-The aim of this research was to recognize radically (deeply) the professionalism of Islamic spiritual guides. Method-This research used descriptive qualitative with the determination of informants using the model of snowball. The data analysis in this study used Creswell's theory of analysis ranging from data reduction, display, and to conclutions. Result-The results of this study indicate that a professional Islamic spiritual guide needs to meet three indicators in order to carry out counseling process optimally. The indicators of professionalism are relevant educational qualifications, expertise or qualified credibility, and finally the presence of payment commensurate with the quality of work. Meanwhile, the professionalism of Islamic spiritual guidance services is to pay attention to the time and material given to counselees so that they can display or provide Islamic spiritual guidance services professionally. Implications-The implication of this research is to improve performance professionally by absorbing the experts or specialists in the field of Islamic spiritual guidance. Originality-The originality of this study is that it is the first research model to apply the correlation research method with the LESKAP pattern.

Journal of Al-Tamaddun, Jun 30, 2022
This qualitative study aims to explore the religious coping of Covid-19 patients during the home ... more This qualitative study aims to explore the religious coping of Covid-19 patients during the home care and self-isolation process. A correlative narrative strategy with a sample of 7 Covid-19 patients are used to determining the religious coping of Muslims during the pandemic in the form of praying, reading the Qur'an, dhikr, charity, and having thoughts of Allah. The the result showed that patients need the help of close relatives to develop religious coping and it is essential to provide spiritual healing services in addition to pharmaceutical therapy to Covid-19 patients. Furthermore, Islamic counseling can be used as an alternative to spiritual therapy, while religious coping creates positive psychological conditions, supporting healing and increasing immunity. Further study needs to be carried out to determine the importance of implementing a holistic care model in health services Covid-19.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Today, sustainable packaging has become an important way towards achieving the sustainable develo... more Today, sustainable packaging has become an important way towards achieving the sustainable development by protecting the environment. This paper is an attempt to investigate the factors which affect the intention of Indian consumers towards green packaging, a packaging which is not harmful to the environment. This study considers three factors/ variables namely environmental concern, attitude towards green packaging and willingness to pay as independent variables and purchase intention of consumers towards green packaged products as dependent variable. The data have been collected from 111 respondents and have been analysed by using SPSS software. The correlation and regression analysis were performed to reach the conclusion that which factor affects how much towards consumers’ purchase intention of green packaged products. Findings of this study demonstrated that all the three variables (environmental concern, attitude towards green packaged products and willingness to pay) have a ...

Journal of Al-Tamaddun
This qualitative study aims to explore the religious coping of Covid-19 patients during the home ... more This qualitative study aims to explore the religious coping of Covid-19 patients during the home care and self-isolation process. A correlative narrative strategy with a sample of 7 Covid-19 patients are used to determining the religious coping of Muslims during the pandemic in the form of praying, reading the Qur’an, dhikr, charity, and having thoughts of Allah. The the result showed that patients need the help of close relatives to develop religious coping and it is essential to provide spiritual healing services in addition to pharmaceutical therapy to Covid-19 patients. Furthermore, Islamic counseling can be used as an alternative to spiritual therapy, while religious coping creates positive psychological conditions, supporting healing and increasing immunity. Further study needs to be carried out to determine the importance of implementing a holistic care model in health services Covid-19.

Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological impact of victims of sexual... more Purpose - The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological impact of victims of sexual violence and the da'i efforts carried out by the preacher, in this case, the counselor with an individual approach to dealing with victims of sexual violence.Method - This research uses qualitative research using a case study approach. The research subjects were 2 supervisors who handled 14 victims within 3 months. In addition, observations of the subject, and interviews with counselors and psychologists outside the LRC-KJHAM (Legal Resource Center- Keadilan Jender Hak Asasi Manusia) legal aid division were also carried out, while documentation was taken from the client record or counseling status of the research subject.Result - The results of this study indicate the psychological impact that appears on victims of sexual violence: experiencing emotional disturbances, behavioral disorders, and cognitive disorders. Counselors' efforts in dealing with victims are in the form of in...

The purpose of this study is (1) To analyze the effectiveness of SFBC group counseling with an ex... more The purpose of this study is (1) To analyze the effectiveness of SFBC group counseling with an exception technique in increasing self control of students who fight in the SMK National Cirebon. (2) To analyze the effectiveness of SFBC group counseling with miracle question techniques in improving self control of students who fight in the SMK National Cirebon. The research method uses true experimental method with pretest-post control group design. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics with the average difference test. The results of the study concluded that (1) There is effectiveness of SFBC group counseling with exception techniques to improve self-control in group A on the results of hypothesis testing with paired sample test analysis, meaning that SFBC group counseling with exception techniques succeeded in increasing self-control in students fighting at the Cirebon Nati...

Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy
This research aims to analyze the relationship of self-esteem with social loafing through academi... more This research aims to analyze the relationship of self-esteem with social loafing through academic honesty as a mediator variable. We involved 232 junior high school students in Banda Aceh which selected using cluster random sampling. This study uses a scale of psychological adaptation and questionnaire as instruments. The results showed that self-esteem had a significant association with social loafing with a value of (β = -0.436 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Academic honesty also has a significant relationship with social loafing with values (β = -0.264 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Self-esteem is significantly related to academic honesty with values (β = 0.992 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Research indicates that academic honesty is a mediator in the relationship between self-esteem and social loafing. Students with high self-esteem tend to have high academic honesty. This is expected to reduce social loafing behavior in stude...

Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling
Purpose: This study aims to prove the effectiveness of Aggression Placement Training ( ART ) in r... more Purpose: This study aims to prove the effectiveness of Aggression Placement Training ( ART ) in reducing the aggressiveness of students, especially in Islamic High School (Madrasah Aliyah).Method: This research used a true-experimental design method with a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Samples were determined using random selection technique. The subjects were students of class XI Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kendal. Aggressiveness data collection is using the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ).Results: The results of the study revealed that ART with an Islamic cultural and religious approach was effective in reducing the level of students' aggressiveness. The data show the level of aggressiveness of students in the experimental group was significantly lower than students in the control group. The theoretical means of 93,461 to 45.09 with a significance level of 0.00.Implication: ART is suggested to be applied to overcome student’s aggression, therefore it ...

Fiscal policy is not synonymous with Islam taxation / tribute that made the king / emperor , nor ... more Fiscal policy is not synonymous with Islam taxation / tribute that made the king / emperor , nor synonymous with modern fiscal policy born of the failure of the free market mechanism . Referring to public finance policy at the beginning of the Islamic era , Islamic fiscal policy is a practical representation of the mission of the Islamic economic system oriented religiosity , justice and wealth distribution . Not only deal with the fiscal revenue and expenditure of state revenue but also about the mission of fair distribution of wealth . Jizya , kharaj and ghanimah is a fiscal instrument in accordance with the circumstances at that time for the mission fair distribution of wealth . Based on the concept of fiscal Islam , then the application of fiscal policy now must somehow form could lead to a fair distribution of wealth towards a comprehensive community welfare ( falah ) , not just the budget deficit .
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 2018
This study aimed to determine the impact of self-instruction group counseling technique on studen... more This study aimed to determine the impact of self-instruction group counseling technique on students' academic procrastination behavior. To achieve such objective, one-group pretest - posttest design was used in this study by involving 8 students as participants. The results of paired t-test showed that the students' academic procrastination level decreased higher in the posttest measurement (71.39%) than pretest (80.21%, t = 14.982, p < 0.01). Moreover, this study further discussed the possibility of applying self-instruction in overcoming students' academic procrastination behavior problem at State Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 11 Surakarta.

G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2020
Tujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBCdengan te... more Tujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBCdengan teknik exception dalam meningkatkan self control pada siswa pelaku tawuran di SMKNasional Cirebon. (2) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBCdengan teknik miracle question dalam meningkatkan self control pada siswa pelaku tawuran diSMK Nasional Cirebon. (3) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBCdengan menggabungkan teknik exception dan teknik miracle question dalam meningkatkan selfcontrol pada siswa pelaku tawuran di SMK Nasional Cirebon. Metode penelitian menggunakanmetode true eksperimental dengan desain pretes-post control group. Teknik analisis datamenggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial dengan uji beda rata-rata. Hasilpenelitian ini (1) Terdapat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan teknik exceptionterhadap peningkatkan self-control pada kelompok A pada hasil uji hipotesis dengan analisispaired sample test. (2) ...

G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2020
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan konseling kelompok melalui pendek... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan konseling kelompok melalui pendekatan berpusat pada klien yang berorientasi religius untuk menurunkan perilaku anti social siswa. (2) Menganalisis keefektifan konseling kelompok melalui pendekatan berpusat pada klien yang berorientasi religius untuk menurunkan perilaku anti sosial siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode true eksperimental dengan desain pretes-post control group. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial dengan uji beda rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) Keterlaksanaan konseling kelompok melalui pendekatan berpusat pada klien yang berorientasi religius mencapai 86,67% yang termasuk kategori sangat baik. (2) Layanan konseling kelompok melalui pendekatan berpusat pada klien yang berorientasi religius efektif untuk menurunkan perilaku antisocial siswa yang dibuktikan dengan nilai Zhitun...

Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2020
This study aims to describe Islamic guidance services in improving the cognitive function of hear... more This study aims to describe Islamic guidance services in improving the cognitive function of heart disease patients at Sunan Kudus Hospital. The data source of this study were clergy and heart disease patients at Sunan Kudus Hospital. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman's theory, began the collection, presentation, and inference of data. The results of this study indicate that heart disease patients at Sunan Kudus Hospital have a negative cognitive function that is the mind focuses on pain and death. The practice of Islamic guidance in improving the cognitive function of heart disease patients uses the direct method of visiting clergy in each patient's room. The indirect method is by using Qur'anic healing, namely by listening to verses of the Qur'an to the patient through the speaker. This guidance practice provides positive benefits to the cognitive function of the patient. This positive benefit is seen...

Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 2020
This study was intended to determine the effect of the presence of tutors in the learning video o... more This study was intended to determine the effect of the presence of tutors in the learning video on cognitive load and academic achievement. The design used in this study was the posttest control group design. The subjects of this study were 30 students of eleventh-grade science of senior high school number 1 Ungaran. The measurements of the data were carried out using cognitive load questionnaires, eye-tracking measurements, and biological matter of reproductive materials (prior knowledge and posttest teaching). The result of analysis using the Multivariate analysis of variance test showed that the presence of tutors in the learning video did not have a significant effect on extraneous load (F(2.27)=2.6, p>0.05), the presence of tutors in the learning video did not have a significant effect on germane load in the subjective measurements (F(2.27)=0.06, p>0.05), however, the presence of tutors in the learning video has a significant effect on the objective measurements (F(2.27)=...
Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2017
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan (istri) yang terjadi di lingkungan keluarga tidak terlepas dari adan... more Kekerasan terhadap perempuan (istri) yang terjadi di lingkungan keluarga tidak terlepas dari adanya ketimpangan gender yang menjadi salah satu sebab terjadinya KDRT. Di Jawa Tengah, salah satu lembaga yang memiliki konsen dalam penanganan kasus KDRT adalah LRC KJHAM. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling individu dan <em>support group </em>bagi korban KDRT yang diberikan oleh LRC-KJHAM bersifat integral dan menimbulkan perubahan yang signifikan dari perubahan sikap dan psikologis perempuan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Melalui bimbingan konseling tersebut para individu (korban) mampu menyadari bahwa dapat mengatasi masalahnya sendiri dan sadar bahwa mereka secara bersama dapat berjuang untuk mengatasi masalah yang mereka alami.
Papers by Ali Murtadho,Drs.MPd.