This study aims to determine the social and economic characteristics of fish cages and to analyze... more This study aims to determine the social and economic characteristics of fish cages and to analyze the financial feasibility of tilapia cage cultivation in Keranggan Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. Data collection in this study used observational data, namely filling out questionnaires and direct interviews with tilapia fish cage business actors in Keranggan Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. The location selection was carried out with the consideration that the businesses that became the object of this study were widely spread in Muaro Jambi Regency, especially in Keranggan Village, Sekernan District. The population in this study were tilapia cage farmers, namely the cultivators themselves (the owners of the cultivators). The fish cage business in Keranggan Village is 25 units of tilapia fish cage business, the data studied in this study were sourced from primary data. To determine the sample in this study, a cluster system was used which was carried out in Keranggan Village, Sekernan Dist...
This study aims to: 1) find out and analyze how the effect of the number of family members partia... more This study aims to: 1) find out and analyze how the effect of the number of family members partially on people's income; and 2) knowing and analyzing how the influence of education level partially on people's income. The results of this study reveal that 1) partially family member variables have no effect on the income level of the community around the Kurma Jambi area; and 2) partially the education level variable has a significant and positive effect on the income of the community around the Jambi date palm area.
Economic development carried out by a State aims to realize a prosperous, just and prosperous soc... more Economic development carried out by a State aims to realize a prosperous, just and prosperous society. The success of a development can be seen from the development of existing economic indicators, whether it has increased or decreased. Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) is included in one of the indicators of development of a region to see the level of community welfare in a region. PDRB which tends to increase indicates an increase in development and community welfare that continues to improve, while the Declining GDP reflects the decline in development and a decrease in the level of community welfare. Investment is an important factor in determining the level of national income which means it depends on the amount of capital and technology planted and developed in society. Investment activities allow an area to continuously increase economic activity and employment opportunities. This increase in investment in both government and private is very important. The conceptual fram...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh belanja langsung terhadap perekono... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh belanja langsung terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Jambi dalam hal ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari kantorPemerintah Provinsi Jambi dan Kantor Statistik Provinsi Jambi periode 2005-2015. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Berganda. Hasil analisis sacara parsial belanja Barang dan Jasa serta belanja modal berpegaruh secara singnifikan terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Jambi. Hasil dari penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa belanja pegawai, Barang dan jasa serta belanja modal berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Pertumbuhan kinerja keuangan (PDRB) Provinsi Jambi.
EKONOMIS : Journal of Economics and Business, 2018
This research aims to analyze the effect of government spending, investment of foreign capital in... more This research aims to analyze the effect of government spending, investment of foreign capital investment, capital investment In Land and labor against growth of Jambi province during the 2004-2015. This research using Time Series data with regression analysis "Ordinary Least Square (OLS) wear EViews 8. The findings from this research indicate that Labor become the most variable gives a positive impact against the next economic growth, government spending and investment, while investing PMDN PMA gives negative impact on The Economic Growth Of The Province Of Jambi. PMA investment posit no impact and no signikan against economic growth this is not prevalent, but it is possible the investment PMA in Jambi province is relatively small and still no impact in the absorption of the local Workforce. Menyikapai is an effort to boost the Economic growth of the Province of Jambi then needed a special business development policies should be directed at the activities that are labor-inten...
This study aims to analyze the structure of household income and the level of welfare of farmers ... more This study aims to analyze the structure of household income and the level of welfare of farmers in the sub-sector of food crops and horticulture in Muara Sabak Timur Subdistrict. The survey method using questionnaires was conducted to collect primary data as the main data in this study. The sampling method used is purpossive sampling to determine the sample location and accidental sampling is used to determine the respondents of farmers as many as 40 farmers directly at the site. Data analysis method with descriptive statistics and logistic regression. The results showed that the source of income of farmers' households in Muara Sabak Timur subdistrict is still dominated by the main income from food crops and hortikutura farming even though today almost all farmers have jobs outside the farm as a side job. Variable income and the number of family members have a significant impact on the welfare of farmers in a positive direction while the education of the head of the household h...
The structure of household expenditure describe the purchasing power of households. For farmer ho... more The structure of household expenditure describe the purchasing power of households. For farmer households, their purchasing power is reflected in the exchange rate of the farmers (NTP). NTP describe the higher purchasing power is also higher, which will influence the consumption patterns of farmers.This study aims to: 1) describe the characteristics of farmers, 2) calculate the exchange rate farmers (NTP) and 3) to analyze the pattern of household consumption and horticulture crop farmers in the Eastern District of Muara Sabak. Primary data type with purposive sampling method, were analyzed with descriptive methods in the form of table distibusi frequency and cross tabulation. The results showed: 1) 82.5%farmers belonging to the productive age, the program received by farmers only PAJALELE program, the number of household members mostly 3-4 people and no one including smallholders to own property ownership status of more than 50%. Crops planted by farmers are rice, corn and beans (s...
This study aims to determine the social and economic characteristics of fish cages and to analyze... more This study aims to determine the social and economic characteristics of fish cages and to analyze the financial feasibility of tilapia cage cultivation in Keranggan Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. Data collection in this study used observational data, namely filling out questionnaires and direct interviews with tilapia fish cage business actors in Keranggan Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. The location selection was carried out with the consideration that the businesses that became the object of this study were widely spread in Muaro Jambi Regency, especially in Keranggan Village, Sekernan District. The population in this study were tilapia cage farmers, namely the cultivators themselves (the owners of the cultivators). The fish cage business in Keranggan Village is 25 units of tilapia fish cage business, the data studied in this study were sourced from primary data. To determine the sample in this study, a cluster system was used which was carried out in Keranggan Village, Sekernan Dist...
This study aims to: 1) find out and analyze how the effect of the number of family members partia... more This study aims to: 1) find out and analyze how the effect of the number of family members partially on people's income; and 2) knowing and analyzing how the influence of education level partially on people's income. The results of this study reveal that 1) partially family member variables have no effect on the income level of the community around the Kurma Jambi area; and 2) partially the education level variable has a significant and positive effect on the income of the community around the Jambi date palm area.
Economic development carried out by a State aims to realize a prosperous, just and prosperous soc... more Economic development carried out by a State aims to realize a prosperous, just and prosperous society. The success of a development can be seen from the development of existing economic indicators, whether it has increased or decreased. Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) is included in one of the indicators of development of a region to see the level of community welfare in a region. PDRB which tends to increase indicates an increase in development and community welfare that continues to improve, while the Declining GDP reflects the decline in development and a decrease in the level of community welfare. Investment is an important factor in determining the level of national income which means it depends on the amount of capital and technology planted and developed in society. Investment activities allow an area to continuously increase economic activity and employment opportunities. This increase in investment in both government and private is very important. The conceptual fram...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh belanja langsung terhadap perekono... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh belanja langsung terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Jambi dalam hal ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari kantorPemerintah Provinsi Jambi dan Kantor Statistik Provinsi Jambi periode 2005-2015. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Berganda. Hasil analisis sacara parsial belanja Barang dan Jasa serta belanja modal berpegaruh secara singnifikan terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Jambi. Hasil dari penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa belanja pegawai, Barang dan jasa serta belanja modal berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Pertumbuhan kinerja keuangan (PDRB) Provinsi Jambi.
EKONOMIS : Journal of Economics and Business, 2018
This research aims to analyze the effect of government spending, investment of foreign capital in... more This research aims to analyze the effect of government spending, investment of foreign capital investment, capital investment In Land and labor against growth of Jambi province during the 2004-2015. This research using Time Series data with regression analysis "Ordinary Least Square (OLS) wear EViews 8. The findings from this research indicate that Labor become the most variable gives a positive impact against the next economic growth, government spending and investment, while investing PMDN PMA gives negative impact on The Economic Growth Of The Province Of Jambi. PMA investment posit no impact and no signikan against economic growth this is not prevalent, but it is possible the investment PMA in Jambi province is relatively small and still no impact in the absorption of the local Workforce. Menyikapai is an effort to boost the Economic growth of the Province of Jambi then needed a special business development policies should be directed at the activities that are labor-inten...
This study aims to analyze the structure of household income and the level of welfare of farmers ... more This study aims to analyze the structure of household income and the level of welfare of farmers in the sub-sector of food crops and horticulture in Muara Sabak Timur Subdistrict. The survey method using questionnaires was conducted to collect primary data as the main data in this study. The sampling method used is purpossive sampling to determine the sample location and accidental sampling is used to determine the respondents of farmers as many as 40 farmers directly at the site. Data analysis method with descriptive statistics and logistic regression. The results showed that the source of income of farmers' households in Muara Sabak Timur subdistrict is still dominated by the main income from food crops and hortikutura farming even though today almost all farmers have jobs outside the farm as a side job. Variable income and the number of family members have a significant impact on the welfare of farmers in a positive direction while the education of the head of the household h...
The structure of household expenditure describe the purchasing power of households. For farmer ho... more The structure of household expenditure describe the purchasing power of households. For farmer households, their purchasing power is reflected in the exchange rate of the farmers (NTP). NTP describe the higher purchasing power is also higher, which will influence the consumption patterns of farmers.This study aims to: 1) describe the characteristics of farmers, 2) calculate the exchange rate farmers (NTP) and 3) to analyze the pattern of household consumption and horticulture crop farmers in the Eastern District of Muara Sabak. Primary data type with purposive sampling method, were analyzed with descriptive methods in the form of table distibusi frequency and cross tabulation. The results showed: 1) 82.5%farmers belonging to the productive age, the program received by farmers only PAJALELE program, the number of household members mostly 3-4 people and no one including smallholders to own property ownership status of more than 50%. Crops planted by farmers are rice, corn and beans (s...
Papers by Ali Fahmi