Latest uploads and links by Ali Cameron
An archaeological evaluation was carried out by Cameron Archaeology in December 2015 on behalf of... more An archaeological evaluation was carried out by Cameron Archaeology in December 2015 on behalf of Claymore Homes at Greenacres, Wester Clerkhill, Petherhead, in advance of development of the area. A total of 29 trenches were machine excavated that was equivalent to 5% of the total area. During the evaluation, 697 flints were recovered from the two fields comprising the evaluation area. Although no features were identified in the trenches due to the shallow topsoil and the extensive damage from agricultural practices, the lithic artefacts indicated occupation of the site during the middle or late Neolithic. This publication is a result of a post-excavation research design (PERD) prepared for and agreed with Aberdeenshire Archaeologist Bruce Mann, as no further fieldwork was required at the site.
Papers by Ali Cameron

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018
In this study, we aim to extend the chronological, geographical and societal scope of previous bi... more In this study, we aim to extend the chronological, geographical and societal scope of previous bioarchaeological research on infant diet and age-at-weaning in Britain in the past through the analysis of the large Medieval and post-Medieval skeletal assemblage from St. Nicholas Kirk, Aberdeen, Scotland. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data were obtained from rib collagen from 67 sub-adults across the two phases, and were compared to mean adult female dietary isotope values. Nitrogen isotope data were modelled using the R Package WARN, along with previously published datasets, to provide quantitative age estimates for the commencement and completion of weaning at St. Nicholas Kirk and other Medieval and post-Medieval sites. Data from Phase A (12th-15th century AD) suggest that breastfeeding may have continued up to and beyond the age of 2 years, likely in combination with other foods. This complements previously published data from urban and rural Medieval contexts in England, highlighting similarities in infant feeding practices across very different contemporary populations. Data from post-Medieval Phase B at St. Nicholas Kirk (15th-18th century AD) give new insights into early modern period breastfeeding and weaning practices, indicating that weaning commenced soon after birth and was completed relatively early (within a year). These data bridge the gap between previously published studies on Medieval and late 18 th /19 th century populations from the British Isles, and suggest trends observed at later urban sites may be rooted in preceding centuries, although the underlying reasons for this change are difficult to elucidate. Contributing factors may include the social and religious changes that occurred in the postreformation period, such as the decrease in use of wet nurses; changes in the availability and acceptability of artificial feeding; increased urbanism; and even changes in the socioeconomic status of those interred in the Kirk.
Latest uploads and links by Ali Cameron
Papers by Ali Cameron