Papers by Ali Ali Gobaili Saged
Afkar-Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam, 2014
QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research, Mar 31, 2021
QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research, Aug 18, 2020
QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research, Oct 31, 2021

Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, Oct 31, 2017
This research provided a systematic literature review of theoretical models on interaction and co... more This research provided a systematic literature review of theoretical models on interaction and collaborations regarding Information system (IS) and Information Technology (IT). This paper conducted an review of studies dedicated to (IS & IT) on the basis of certain dimensions namely, research theories, review of constructivist theories, definitions of constructivism, social constructivism, theoretical of constructivism, active collaborative learning theory, technology acceptance model (TAM), theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model and Its extensions, and finally research models and frameworks. The discussion of this research obtained revealed that the interest on the topic has shown an increasing trend over recent years that it has ultimately become a well-known topic for academic research in the future via theories use. From review of theoretical models and related theories we recommend to use constructivism, active collaborative learning theory with (TAM) to measurement performance and satisfaction with social media use as the mediator. However, to boost and enhance the IT continuance intention, it is important that future studies apply considerable use of theoretical and methodological approaches like the qualitative methods to examine the IT continuance intention.

Humanomics, May 8, 2017
Purpose This paper aims to attempt to present a number of higher purposes of Islamic law that inc... more Purpose This paper aims to attempt to present a number of higher purposes of Islamic law that include within their scope the preservation and protection of the natural environment. Such preservation is in the best interest of mankind. Design/methodology/approach The researchers have extrapolated evidence from the Qur’an and authentic traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) that afford a sense of certainty that Islamic laws contain operative or effective causes (illa) seeking the welfare of human beings and society. Findings The Qur’an and Sunnah have placed great importance on the preservation and protection of the environment. They have extolled the merits of treating the environment with care and compassion. Evidence of this can be found in authentic hadiths beginning with the Book of Purity and is found in many of the teachings concerning worship rituals and civic activities. Originality/value The researchers have attempted to present a number of higher purposes of Islamic law that include within their scope the preservation and protection of the natural environment. Such preservation is in the best interest of mankind. For this, the researchers have extrapolated evidence from the Qur’an and authentic traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) that afford a sense of certainty that Islamic laws contain operative or effective causes (illa) seeking the welfare of human beings and society.

Afkar, Dec 30, 2019
The issue of fairness when dealing with opponents among Muslims in general and followers of the A... more The issue of fairness when dealing with opponents among Muslims in general and followers of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā'ah in particular is considered as an important issue that should be understood by all Muslims. Although some Muslims claimed to have adhered to the principles of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā'ah, in the event of disagreement among themselves, they dealt with it harshly, sometimes even violently. At other times, some have labeled their fellow Muslim as an immoral (fasiq) or fabricator (mubtadi') while some others even labeled the other as non-believer (kafir). This paper explains the importance of fairness in Islam and highlights the views of the salaf scholars and the leaders of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā'ah in dealing with the opponents. They are the reference of Muslim community in understanding this religion and their attitude in dealing with opponents should be referred as guidance in judging others. This paper concludes that the principle held by the salaf scholars and the leaders of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā'ah in dealing with opponents is to adopt a moderate and balanced attitude between two different extremes. They are not inclined to hastily label anyone with fasiq, mubtadi', being misleading or

Afkar, Nov 20, 2017
Khulasah Universiti al-Azhar merupakan institusi yang melahirkan sosok pembaharu dan pemikir yang... more Khulasah Universiti al-Azhar merupakan institusi yang melahirkan sosok pembaharu dan pemikir yang berperanan mengembangkan ilmu dan pemikiran dari kepelbagaian budaya dan tradisi. Institusi ini dikembangkan oleh sekumpulan ulama pemikir dan ilmuwan yang mengharmonikan disiplin ilmu klasik dan moden sesuai dengan zaman dan dalam masa yang sama teguh mempertahankan prinsip ajaran Islam. Ramai tokoh-tokoh yang lahir dalam perkembangannya dan khususnya pada abad moden ini, antaranya ialah Muhammad al-Ghazali dan Muhammad Abu Zahrah. Mereka boleh disebut sebagai perintis pembaharuan institusi ini. Kemunculan kedua-dua ulama ini adalah ketika berlakunya kecelaruan akidah, pencerobohan manhaj, pencemaran politik sekular dan kekontangan intelek dalam kalangan umat Islam. Mereka berperanan menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dan menghadapi arus pemikiran yang menyesatkan. Muhammad Abu Zahrah diiktiraf sebagai pembaharu separuh pertama abad ini yang ditandai dengan sumbangan pemikiran serta kedalaman inteleknya dalam menangani isu-isu pemikiran moden. Manakala Muhammad al-Ghazali dikenali sebagai Kata kunci: Mujaddid al-Azhar; Muhammad al-Ghazali; Muhammad Abu Zahrah; pembaharu; ilmu dan pemikiran.

The Anthropologist, May 4, 2017
Social media has been suggested as an effective tool for educational purpose. Therefore, this stu... more Social media has been suggested as an effective tool for educational purpose. Therefore, this study is conducted on two theories, constructivism theory and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Moreover, this study conducted an analysis of studies dedicated to social media use for collaborative learning and engagement based on previous research problems of models and theories. In addition, this study applied quantitative approach, and the questionnaire was conducted using 340 students. The results show that social media use is useful, enjoyable and easy to use. Moreover, the students had a feeling of satisfaction using it. They believe that social media can be used positively and that it can provide significant interaction, engagement and collaborative learning wi th respect to the Quran and Hadith, thus improving learners' performance. The results of this study also revealed the percentage and frequency of the tools of social media used for collaborative learning, sharing, discussion and publishing.
al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam, 2016
Khulasah Al-khula` merupakan satu fenomena global di seluruh dunia Islam. Selain itu, ia turut me... more Khulasah Al-khula` merupakan satu fenomena global di seluruh dunia Islam. Selain itu, ia turut mengundang salah faham dalam kalangan wanita Islam. Al-khula` sering kali terpaksa dijadikan penyelesaian cepat untuk masalah perkahwinan dan salah satu cara untuk perceraian. Secara umumnya, kelaziman pengamalan al-khula` dalam bentuk sebegini telah menjadi penghalang kepada pembangunan masyarakat, terutamanya kerana wanita kini memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pertumbuhan dan pembangunan masyarakat. Al-khula` telah menjadi halangan utama kepada pembangunan wanita sebagai pekerja dan juga sebagai asas kepada institusi keluarga dan masyarakat. Penyelidik Libya telah mengenal pasti pengamalan alkhula' dalam undang-undang Arab. Walau bagaimanapun, tiada kajian dilakukan mengenai praktik al-khulu` di Malaysia dan hal ini boleh menjejaskan kefahaman masyarakat mengenainya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan antara undang-undang al-khulu` di Libya dan di Malaysia dengan undang-undang Islam. Perubahan keadaan ekonomi, sosial, dan politik mungkin menjadi penyebab kepada perkembangan praktik al-khulu` berbanding talak (perceraian) yang kadangkala boleh mencapai tempoh selama bertahun-tahun. Ia terjadi atas beberapa faktor seperti sikap sesetengah hakim yang mengendalikan kes di samping status sosial wanita yang semakin baik. Namun, terdapat undangundang konvensional tertentu yang telah mengenakan

The Anthropologist, 2017
This paper involves a systematic and organized review of 155 research articles regarding Informat... more This paper involves a systematic and organized review of 155 research articles regarding Information Technology (IT) based on the Islamic perspective from 1992 to 2016. An analysis of studies dedicated to IT from the Islamic perspective was carried out on the basis of certain dimensions, namely, journal, country, author, year of publication, research methods, type of respondents, models, and theories. Based on the obtained findings, the use of quantitative and survey research methods (55.5%) dominate this field of study compared to qualitative research methods (23.9%) and mixed methods (20.7%). Furthermore, the findings have shown an increasing trend over recent years. However, to boost and enhance the IT continuance intention, it is important that future studies apply considerable use of theoretical and methodological approaches like the qualitative methods to examine the IT continuance intention based on the Islamic perspective.
The Anthropologist, 2017
The current paper investigates both interactivity and engagement of using social media in collabo... more The current paper investigates both interactivity and engagement of using social media in collaborative learning and its impact on academic performance as addressed in previous literature. In particular, the investigation of this paper is conducted in the context of lea rning the Quran and Hadith. Through the application of the constructivism theory, this paper attempts to examine the role of social media in encouraging academic performance through intera ctivity, engagement and collaboration. To help achieve the purpose of this study, students of University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) volunteered to participate in it. Positive and significant relations were found among social media use, collaborative learning and the students' satisfaction in the context of learning the Quran and Hadith.
Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, Aug 28, 2020
al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021

Journal of religion and health, Jan 26, 2018
This paper studies the effect of Quranic therapy on psychological diseases and spiritual diseases... more This paper studies the effect of Quranic therapy on psychological diseases and spiritual diseases. The experiments have been conducted on a random sample with 121 patients from both genders. The procedures that have been followed were different sessions with the patients, who were given some verses from the Holy Quran to listen within a specific period of time. After that, each patient was given a remedy program. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness and responsiveness of patients to receive treatment through Quran. This study highlighted the employment of a quantitative research, which achieved its objective through validity and reliability. The results of the effectiveness factor came after ability and willingness and gave a result of 92.6% for those who support the contention that the Quran has a significant healing influence. Also, some of the patients who regularly attended Quranic therapy sessions have been successfully cured, 81.8% of the sample believe that Quranic t...
All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or oth... more All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission from the AUTHOR except quotations for research purposes in which the source is cited in a proper scientific acknowledged way. PUBLISHER MASHREQ INTERNATIONAL FOR BOOKS SDN BHD Company Reg. No.:
Papers by Ali Ali Gobaili Saged