Papers by Alfredo Solarte
Una reflexión sobre los aspectos filosóficos y conceptuales que determinan el desempeño organizac... more Una reflexión sobre los aspectos filosóficos y conceptuales que determinan el desempeño organizacional, a partir de más de 20 años de experiencia como ejecutivo.
Una reflexión acerca de los aspectos filosóficos esenciales del liderazgo organizacional a partir... more Una reflexión acerca de los aspectos filosóficos esenciales del liderazgo organizacional a partir de más de 20 años de experiencia como ejecutivo.
Drafts by Alfredo Solarte

Executive Summary Rural Mission Latin American Corporation (RMLAC) is a Colombian organization ba... more Executive Summary Rural Mission Latin American Corporation (RMLAC) is a Colombian organization based in Bogota, established formally and registered as a nonprofit Non-Government Organization. It has developed operations during 17 years in different states in the country. It has been working at the state of Cauca for the past 7 years where its experience with peasant and indigenous communities as well as with institutions in the north of the state has allowed it to understand the territory's reality and interact with different actors. Local peace construction: Miranda, Cauca is a proposal where the main goal is to develop in 3 years an exemplary project (bright spot) that achieves reconciliation among peasant communities, indigenous communities and government institutions regarding land conflict and illicit crop cultivation, by modifying attitudes and behavioral patterns, enabling, in alliance with the private sector, the transit of 200 coca and marihuana farmer families towards a lawful scenario and a peaceful coexistence in the town of Miranda, Cauca, at the following villages: Calandaime, The project is formulated based on the theory of change framework and the P2P methodology and it incorporates the area's conflict from the work experience of RMLAC in the territory, the Colombian rural society and northern Cauca investigations, the Peace Agreement analysis and its relationship with territorial peace, and the Productive Alliances Project operation that links the private sector and small associated producers, led by the National Government and financed by the World Bank. Conflict Analysis Colombia is living a historical moment in which a significant part of the problems that originated violence related to the armed conflict have been integrated to Colombia's Agreements to End Conflict and Build Peace document signed in Habana. This is a favorable scenario that benefits, both at the central government level, as well as at the local territories level, dialogues and collective, participative and bonding solution building that addresses the problems that affect the northern Cauca communities and that can by summarized in two general aspects and one specific aspect and that are part of the Habana Agreement: on one hand, land (property and use) and rural development (citizen rights and public properties), and on the other, the illicit crop issue, its connection with illegal groups and the way this phenomena has affected, not only the individuals' lifestyle, but also their value system, attitudes, behavioral patterns, as well as the economic, political-institutional and social system. As starting point for this intervention process we acknowledge two tensions that are at the base of the proposed theory of change that denote what we label territorial conflict. On one hand, there are the peasant and indigenous communities' territory occupation related conflicts, specially referred to the land tenure, and on the other hand, the conflictive situation derived from the illicit crops existence.
Papers by Alfredo Solarte
Drafts by Alfredo Solarte