Papers by Alfiia Antonova

Автоматизация технологических и бизнес-процессов, Dec 24, 2018
Анотація:У статті розглядаються питання технології та методології для автоматизації процесу пошук... more Анотація:У статті розглядаються питання технології та методології для автоматизації процесу пошуку та розробці нових способів застосування сучасних технологій комп'ютерного моделювання та сучасних методів обчислень, а потім розробки програмного забезпечення для автоматизації физико-техничних і технологічних досліджень та розрахунків. Оскільки, дані технології досить розвинуті самі по собі та мають велику базу знань, варіантів їх використання дуже багато, від навчальних до інженерних додатків, то не менш актуальною, є тема візуалізації планів, схем або дизайну майбутнього обладнання, а також складання графіків порівняння характеристик вже існуючих пристроїв та плануємих до розробки та виробництва. Для виконання самого дослідження була виконана інформаційна опрацювання (статті, доповіді, самі засоби автоматизації) етапів розвитку даної теми. В результаті авторами зроблені висновки про подальші напрямки розвитку по даної тематиці, виявлені переваги існуючих рішень і визначені області, які недостатньо опрацьовані.

Harčova nauka ì tehnologìâ, Jun 29, 2016
Researches included grounding of classification of phytogenous raw material considering operating... more Researches included grounding of classification of phytogenous raw material considering operating normative, terminological documents, principles of products classification according to which the statistical information regarding its production and turnover is formed. According to the worked out researching scheme based on analyzing specialization of agrarian production of Ukraine we defined actual chemical composition of raw material and studied peculiarities of the impact of a number of factors on it, namely, grading factors, weather as well as climate and environmental conditions of planting. For the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the data on actual content of basic food nutrients of agricultural raw material, receiving reference material with the high-grade accuracy we conducted the system analysis applying the statistical methods. The analysis of statistical processing of the data of indexes of chemical composition of raw material on the example of white-haired cabbage showed that according to the received results the dispersions were homogeneous under Cochran's Q test. We conducted statistical processing of the indexes of chemical composition of different types of raw material according to the formed database.

Automation of technological and business processes, 2020
The article discusses cloud computing and their impact on the field of software development, and ... more The article discusses cloud computing and their impact on the field of software development, and analyzes several issues of developers that can be solved using the online IDE. Usage of cloud computing in the enterprise is not new, and it is not difficult in terms of implementation. That is why it is gaining popularity. First, due to the large number of technologies that allow you to optimize internal processes. Secondly, due to the large number of giant companies and small businesses that use these technologies. Cloud computing is very interesting in financial terms. After all, they allow not spending money on building and supporting the infrastructure. One can also not worry about risks, such as, for example, equipment that affects the system, weather conditions, and so on. It takes on all these moments. Evolving of architectural solutions also increases the impact on cloud technology. A service-oriented approach to software development is becoming increasingly popular. It is less ...

Technology audit and production reserves, 2020
The object of research is a data model that characterizes the pumping units of main oil pipelines... more The object of research is a data model that characterizes the pumping units of main oil pipelines. The paper considers the creation of pumps database and their characteristics as a component of software systems designed to search for sources of energy saving in pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. An overview of existing programs for calculating the joint operation of an oil pumping station and a pipeline is given. It is shown that most programs are inaccessible for analyzing the applied data storage technologies, or involve manual input of entry data without using databases. Comparative analysis of spreadsheets and relational databases is performed. It is shown that relational databases better meet the requirements of data convenience, availability, scalability, and performance. A physical model of a relational database is presented. The parent and child entities have been established, which make it possible to fully reflect all information about the pumping unit, namely:-coefficients of hydraulic characteristics depending on the diameter of the impeller rotor;-characteristics depending only on the pump make;-classification of the pump by design or purpose. Relationship types and referential integrity rules are defined between entities when deleting or updating data. For data management, the SQLite system is proposed, which provides data manipulation in the SQL query language and does not require the development of additional software. The analysis of possible ways of organizing multilingualism using a database is carried out. The text of the SQL query is proposed, which allows to select the pump with its characteristics by the pump make and impeller diameter. A database structure is proposed that allows storing information about equipment for oil pipelines for various purposes, which makes it possible for automated calculations of complex technological processes. The pumping unit database is an open source project that is posted on the public web service GitHub.

Avtomatizaciâ Tehnologičeskih i Biznes-Processov, 2017
<em>The article is concerned with the analysis of recipes of confectionary products on the ... more <em>The article is concerned with the analysis of recipes of confectionary products on the basis of essential indicators of chemical composition meeting the demands of definite group of consumers (corresponding the physiological norms of feeding the different group of population). The ratio of carbohydrates and proteins which is determined for correlating group of the intensity of labour is analized. Criteria of optimality of the composition of present products were adopted on this basis. The received results give the possibility of choice of the composition of farinaceous confectionary product concidering the aminoacid composition. Variants of the optimized recipes of the farinaceous confectionary product enriched with gluten were obtained. Key indicators of quality of the made farinaceous confectionary product were defined.</em>
Automation of technological and business processes, 2017
The article is concerned with the analysis of recipes of confectionary products on the basis of e... more The article is concerned with the analysis of recipes of confectionary products on the basis of essential indicators of chemical composition meeting the demands of definite group of consumers (corresponding the physiological norms of feeding the different group of population). The ratio of carbohydrates and proteins which is determined for correlating group of the intensity of labour is analized. Criteria of optimality of the composition of present products were adopted on this basis. The received results give the possibility of choice of the composition of farinaceous confectionary product concidering the aminoacid composition. Variants of the optimized recipes of the farinaceous confectionary product enriched with gluten were obtained. Key indicators of quality of the made farinaceous confectionary product were defined.
Papers by Alfiia Antonova