Papers by Alfiana Efiyanti

Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Changing the learning system during the pandemic period from offline to online requires teachers&... more Changing the learning system during the pandemic period from offline to online requires teachers' readiness, including elementary school teachers. Demands for mastery of technology in learning and the characteristics of elementary school students who need direct guidance in learning are teachers' problems. However, not all primary school teachers are ready for technology-based online learning. This study aims to investigate the readiness of primary school teachers in online learning in terms of three aspects, namely cognitive (knowledge and perception), affective (emotional condition), and moral (skills). The research method uses a mixed-method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire deepened by interviews. The research respondents were 22 elementary school teachers in Tlekung village, Junrejo district, Batu City. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the teacher had a low readiness to carry out on...

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
This study aims to investigate students' perception of student well-being based on five aspec... more This study aims to investigate students' perception of student well-being based on five aspects, namely having, loving, being, spirituality, and healthy. This study uses a mixed-method approach with a total of 541 madrasah ibtidaiyah students in grades 5 and 6 as research subjects. Quantitative data collection uses a Student Perception Questionnaire of student well-being, while for qualitative data obtained through interviews. The results showed that first, the majority of student well-being was in the high category. Likewise, in every aspect of student well-being, which includes having, loving, being, and healthy, it also shows a high level of well-being. However, in the element of spirituality, most students show a low level of wellbeing. Second, compared to the other four aspects, the loving aspect has a higher frequency. This result shows that the aspect of social relations (loving) in school as the most critical aspect of improving student well-being. Third, from a gender perspective, the results of the study show that the well-being of female subjects is higher than male subjects, although not significantly

Entrepreneurial intention is an important variable in fostering prospective entrepreneurs in the ... more Entrepreneurial intention is an important variable in fostering prospective entrepreneurs in the future. For this reason, many research projects are conducted to find factors that influence entrepreneurial intention. This study aims to explain the tendency of the research factors that were tested by researchers in predicting entrepreneurial intention of university students, as well as to search for factors that have been proved to be the main predictors. The main data source of this research was twenty articles of research conducted in 19 countries and 5 continents that tested 117 research hypotheses. The type of this research is content analysis. The results showed that the internal factors tended to be more considered in predicting entrepreneurial intentions, while the external factors tended to be tested indirectly in determining entrepreneurial intention. The test results from various research hypotheses showed that the factors that were the main predictors in determining studen...

Sulphur miners in Ijen crater, Banyuwangi, Indonesia has been undergoing life changing experience... more Sulphur miners in Ijen crater, Banyuwangi, Indonesia has been undergoing life changing experience for many years. It happened due to the natural phenomena of the area. Mount Ijen has a potential natural tourism that might attract domestic and international tourists. In addition, the area has high sulphur contents. The management of sulphur is fully authorized by CN Company. The traditional miners deposit the mining results to the company. Working in sulphur mining is very risky, especially for the carriers who are paid based on the quantity of sulphur they bring up from the crater. This study explores in deep the profile of the traditional sulphur miners in Ijen crater, Banyuwangi. It employs a qualitative approach to obtain the real image of their profile. The research results are (1) three types of traditional sulphur miners in Ijen crater are found. Two of them are permanent employees of the company while the remaining type of the miners is independent worker, whose activitie...

Indonesian Statistic Bureaus reported that the percentage of fishermen poverty is quite high in 2... more Indonesian Statistic Bureaus reported that the percentage of fishermen poverty is quite high in 2013. It was 7.87 million people or 25.14% from the total national poverty that reached 31.02 million. High poverty in a social group in a country indicates the lack of development economic in that country . An interesting phenomenon existing in the fisherman society. The phenomenon is the involvement of fisher-women to generate revenues for their family in order to solve poverty problems. However, the role of fisher-women is not widely recognized. Fisher-women also play the important role in Sendang Biru coast, Malang, East Java. They produces the captured-fishes to be some products such as “abon”, fish-ball etc. However, they have some problems related to the business management, product development, product marketing and also accounting. Therefore, fisher-women require valuable opportunities to improve skills in order to manage the natural resources at their environment. This study dem...

Changing the learning system during the pandemic period from offline to online requires teachers&... more Changing the learning system during the pandemic period from offline to online requires teachers' readiness, including elementary school teachers. Demands for mastery of technology in learning and the characteristics of elementary school students who need direct guidance in learning are teachers' problems. However, not all primary school teachers are ready for technology-based online learning. This study aims to investigate the readiness of primary school teachers in online learning in terms of three aspects, namely cognitive (knowledge and perception), affective (emotional condition), and moral (skills). The research method uses a mixed-method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire deepened by interviews. The research respondents were 22 elementary school teachers in Tlekung village, Junrejo district, Batu City. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the teacher had a low readiness to carry out on...

ABSTRAK Efiyanti, AlfianaYuli, (2016), Pengembangan Model PembelajaranKewirausahaanbagiWanitaNela... more ABSTRAK Efiyanti, AlfianaYuli, (2016), Pengembangan Model PembelajaranKewirausahaanbagiWanitaNelayanPesisirPantai Selatan Kabupaten Malang, Disertasi, Program StudiPendidikanEkonomi, Program Pascasarjana, UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) prof. Dr. J.G. Nirbito, M.Pd, (II) Prof. Dr. Wahjoedi, M.E, dan (III) Dr. Sunaryanto, M.Ed. Kata kunci : model pembelajaran kewirausahaan, wanita nelayan Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan pada masyarakat nelayan Indonesia cukup tinggi yakni 7,87 juta orang atau 25,14% dari total pendudukmiskinnasional yang mencapai 31,02 juta orang padatahun 2014. Hal tersebut bertolak belakang dengan kondisi kekayaan alam laut Indonesia yang berlimpah.Namun fenomena menarik yang juga melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah kenyataan bahwa peran wanita nelayan di dalam menggerakkan roda perekonomian masyarakat nelayan cukup tinggimeskipunperanmerekabelumbanyakmendapatperhatian. Hal tersebutjugaterjadi di masyarakatnelayan di Kabu...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Keberadaan remaja yatim/piatu sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia dalam membangun bangsa perlu... more Keberadaan remaja yatim/piatu sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia dalam membangun bangsa perlu mendapat perhatian dan dukungan dalam proses pengembangan optimisme mereka dalam menghadapi kehidupan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membangun optimisme remaja yatim/piatu melalui pelatihan wirausaha kerajinan tangan. Subjek dampingan berjumlah 15 orang yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria kegiatan pengabdian. Pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini diantaranya Jemaah pengajian An-nisa, staf kelurahan, karang taruna dan masyarakat sekitar. Ada beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan secara simultan dalam proses pengabdian ini. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan optimisme para remaja dalam menghadapi kehidupannya setelah diberi pelatihan wirausaha kerajinan tangan.

JKI (Jurnal Konseling Indonesia), Apr 10, 2019
Young generation, especially teenagers, plays a very important role in the nation's sustainabilit... more Young generation, especially teenagers, plays a very important role in the nation's sustainability. However, it becomes hard situation for orphan teenagers as they live in abnormal situations. In Sendang Biru, Sumbermanjing Wetan Malang, orphan teenagers experience problems that occur due to their orphan status. There are various social problems, that relating to economic and psychological problems. Continuously attention and assistance has been provided by the community through the social community "An Nisa". However, because the assistance is short-term and momentary, it only touches a small number of problems faced, and has not touched other psychological and social domains. We strongly recommend Sendang Biru community, government and higher education institutions to develop long-term programs that can solve the whole problems of orphan teenagers in Sendang Biru.

Iqtishoduna, 2008
It is realized that State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is one of the most important asset of Indonesi... more It is realized that State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is one of the most important asset of Indonesia. Those firms are expected to contribute and generate a significant number of revenue. They are also demanded as a public needs provider. However, there are many evidents that the performance of BUMN, that historically heritage from the Dutch colonialist, is not satisfactory. In 1982 when Indonesian economy suffered because of the sharp fall in oil prices, issues regarding the inefficiency of BUMN were widespread due to the lack of their performance. As a result, the government instructed all ministries to increase the productivities and efficiency of BUMN in their departments. Some restructuring and reforming programs including privatization have taken place. However, without any clear objectives, the program was not seriously monitored. Only in mid 1997, when the Asian crises hit Indonesia economy, government needs tool in stabilizing and restructuring the economy. Privatization program then emerged and was not postponed. This report of research presents the failure of privatization program that was adopted during the Asian Crises. It is judged as a failure because the "big bang" action, did not meet both the government written objectives and the theories of privatization.

Iqtishoduna, 2009
Bangalore, sebuah kota yang merupakan ibu kota propinsi Karnataka, salah satu Negara bagian India... more Bangalore, sebuah kota yang merupakan ibu kota propinsi Karnataka, salah satu Negara bagian India, telah membuktikan diri mampu mengembangkan diri menjadi kota industri yang yang berteknologi tinggi. Kota ini dikenal sebagai pusat kota yang produktifitasnya sangat tinggi. Industri sotware berkembang pesat sehingga mengundang banyak investor asing, yang pada akhirnya mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan Negara bagian tersebut. Keberhasilan ini diawali dengan didirikannya sebuah Universitas Teknologi unggulan di Bangalore, pada tahun 1909. Dibarengi dengan kondisi alam yang cukup ideal dan beberapa kebijakan pemerintah termasuk revolusi teknologi, perkembangan Bangalore dapat direkomendasikan sebagai bahan rujukan bagi pembuat kebijakan, terutama bagi pemekaran suatu daerah menjadi sebuah kota berteknologi tinggi. Kata Kunci: kota industri berteknologi tinggi, Bangalore, politik regional Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, India, has been famous as a high technology city. Software industry is the leading company that are operated in that city. Until 2002, the total number of software professionals is over 80,000, and about 116 new Software Technology Park units were established. It should be recognised that the development of Bangalore as a high technology city has a long story. Beside some factors endowment such as a beautiful climate, the most important started point of the development was the existed of the university in Bangalore, combined with the government policies. In 1909, attracted by the comfortable climate, an Indian industrialist, Jamsetji Nasarwanji Tata, established an "India"s Premier Science and Technology University" in Bangalore. At that time, Jamsetji Nasarwanji Tata did not anticipate that his technical school would lead to a computer industry concentration in Bangalore. (Easterly, 2001:187). But it proved that the existence of that university have provided many skilled labor force.

JKI (Jurnal Konseling Indonesia), Apr 10, 2019
Young generation, especially teenagers, plays a very important role in the nation's sustainab... more Young generation, especially teenagers, plays a very important role in the nation's sustainability. However, it becomes hard situation for orphan teenagers as they live in abnormal situations. In Sendang Biru, Sumbermanjing Wetan Malang, orphan teenagers experience problems that occur due to their orphan status. There are various social problems, that relating to economic and psychological problems. Continuously attention and assistance has been provided by the community through the social community “An Nisa”. However, because the assistance is short-term and momentary, it only touches a small number of problems faced, and has not touched other psychological and social domains. We strongly recommend Sendang Biru community, government and higher education institutions to develop long-term programs that can solve the whole problems of orphan teenagers in Sendang Biru.

Journal of Socioeconomics and Development
Historically, mosque is the center for human civilization with various activities covering social... more Historically, mosque is the center for human civilization with various activities covering social, economy, and culture. However, its function have been shifted and specialized into a place of worship. This paper aims to describe the contribution of the great mosque of Attaqwa Pancor in social economic empowerment, particularly small businesses in Pancor, East Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). The Data are collected through observation, interview, and document study. The result of the analysis shows that mosque involvement in the small-scale economic activities has brought them to be free from the difficulty of capital access and dependence. In the first stage, that is the period of 2019 to August 2020, through Mawar Emas program, total of 80 small-traders in Pancor village was helped to be free from debt problems. The great mosque of Attaqwa which is supported by Indonesia Sharia Economic Community (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah, MES) were successfully distributing the total amount ...

The development of children's character becomes urgent considering that children are a part o... more The development of children's character becomes urgent considering that children are a part of young generation who will undertake the nation’s future. Education process is one of the best way to develop children’s character. The process can be carried out through formal, non-formal or informal education. Based on a research using descriptive qualitative approach, it is known that the efforts of “Krambil” Children’s Home of Reading and Creative Studio community to characterize children who come from lower-middle class in Blimbing, Malang through non-formal and informal education. Through literacy or reading activities, children are encouraged to develop their knowledge by analyzing the author’s idea. In addition to reading, children are also invited to understand and love Indonesian culture through various artistic activities, such as dancing, singing, storytelling and creating dances and composing songs. Children also gain an environment to develop creativity based on their tal...
Papers by Alfiana Efiyanti