Papers by Alfabetian Haditomo

Advanced Science Letters, 2017
Bacterial disease is still a big concern in intensive catfish culture in Indonesia. The aim of th... more Bacterial disease is still a big concern in intensive catfish culture in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to find out causative agent on cat fish based on the 16S rDNA gene sequences. This research combined between exploratory in the field and experimental method in Laboratory. Causative agents diversity of bacterial diseases of catfish was isolated from Kendal Regency, Indonesia and based on postulat Koch results. Twenty bacteria (K01-K20) were isolated from external wound and kidney of moribound catfish with TCBS, NA and GSP medium. The postulat results showed that three isolates (K6, K14 and K19) were weaken up to 60% of fishes and caused 10-20% mortality. On the other hand, there were 14 isolates that did not demosntrated their virulence. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, strain K6, K14 and K19 were closely related to Aeromonas sobria (97%.), Pseudomonasplecoglossicida (96%.), Aeromonas caviae (96%.) respectively. Sensitivity test to all isolates showed that these causative agents resistant to some fish drugs.
The genus Thalassotalea is ubiquitous in marine environments, and up to 20 species have been desc... more The genus Thalassotalea is ubiquitous in marine environments, and up to 20 species have been described so far. A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain PTE2T was isolated from laboratory-reared larvae of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences revealed that PTE2T was closely related to Thalassotalea sediminis N211T (= KCTC 42588T = MCCC 1H00116T) with 97.9% sequence similarity. ANI and in silico DDH values against Thalassotalea species were 68.5–77.0% and 19.7–24.6%, respectively, indicating the novelty of PTE2T. Based on genome-based taxonomic approaches, strain PTE2T (= JCM 34608T = KCTC 82592T) is proposed as a new species, Thalassotalea hakodatensis sp. nov.

Aacl Bioflux, 2015
A 42-day indoor feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the growth performance and feed utilizati... more A 42-day indoor feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed with diets containing different supplement levels of hot-water extract of brown tropical macro algae Sargassum cristaefolium extract. The commercial white shrimp feeds containing 36% crude protein were incorporated with graded levels of brown algae S. cristaefolium extract (0, 200, 600, 1000 and 1400 mg kg-1) and used in the feeding trial. Shrimp (mean initial weight, 2.65±0.11 g) were fed three times daily ad libitum at an initial feeding allowance of 8% total body weight day-1. A completely randomized design was used in the study and shrimp were stocked at a density of 10 animals 30 L-1 black round plastic tank in triplicates. Results showed that the different levels of dietary brown algae extract supplement did not significatly affect (p > 0.05) on final body weight (10.6-11.3 g shrimp-1), survival (80-96.7%), and total moulting ...

Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology, 2018
Monogenea merupakan salah satu jenis parasit yang sering menginfestasi ikan dan biasanya ditemuka... more Monogenea merupakan salah satu jenis parasit yang sering menginfestasi ikan dan biasanya ditemukan di organ eksternal seperti, kulit, sirip dan insang dengan menancapkan haptor. Parasit monogenea memiliki bentuk tubuh fusiform dan haptor pada bagian posteriori dengan sejumlah kait marginal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gejala klinis ikan yang tampak pada ikan nila dan ikan lele sebagai ikan uji, mengetahui nilai intensitas dan prevalensi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode random sampling dan pengamatan laboratorium. Ikan yang digunakan yaitu ikan nila dan ikan lele masing-masing sebanyak 50 ekor diambil dari kolam budidaya milik warga. Ikan nila diambil dari Genuk,Ungaran Barat dengan rerata panjang 12.72±1.89 cm dan rerata berat 14.24±2.78 g, sedangkan ikan lele diambil dari Kp. Nglarang, Gunungpati dengan rerata panjang 14.67±1.70 cm dan rerata berat 17.34±3.71 g. Pengamatan monogenea dilakukan dengan pembuatan preparat ulas ( smear ) yang di ambil dari i...

Ikan lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) merupaka salah satu jenis ikan budidaya yang mempunyai tingk... more Ikan lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) merupaka salah satu jenis ikan budidaya yang mempunyai tingkat pertumbuhan yang relatif tinggi, mudah untuk dipelihara karena mempunyai daya toleransi yang tinggi terhadap perubahan lingkungan dan ruang terbatas. Dengan melihat kondisi lingkungan pemeliharaan yang digunakan, maka ikan lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) dapat terserang oleh berbagai organisme yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit. Untuk meminimalisir tingkat kematian, salah satu cara adalah perlu dilakukannya pemeriksaan ekoparasit. Dengan diketahui jenis parasit yang menyerang ikan lele dumbo, maka dapat diketahui pula cara penanganannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis, nilai prevalensi, intensitas, dan dominasi ektoparasit yang mendominas ikan lele dumbo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksploratif. Data primer diperoleh melalui pengamatan di laboratorium dengan melihat gejala klinis tingkah laku dan tubuh ikan, selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan parasit d...

Transportasi benih antar pula umumnya menggunakan pengangkutan jalur udara. Pengangkutan melalui ... more Transportasi benih antar pula umumnya menggunakan pengangkutan jalur udara. Pengangkutan melalui jalur udara memiliki kekurangan yakni biaya sangat besar, namun memiliki keunggulan dari segi waktu yang lebih singkat. Peningkatan jumlah kepadatan benih tanpa mengakibatkan kematian dan stres berlebih akan memberikan keuntungan bagi penjual dan pembeli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian minyak cengkeh pada kepadatan yang berbeda terhadap kelulushidupan benih dan kadar glukosa darah Nila pasca pengangkutan sehingga diketahui kepadatan terbaik dengan kelulushidupan tertinggi serta tingkat stres terendah akibat pengangkutan. Dosis minyak cengkeh yang digunakan adalah 15ppm pada kepadatan benih Nila 400, 500, dan 600 ekor/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar glukosa darah benih Nila setelah pengangkutan menunjukkan nilai terendah pada perlakuan tanpa pemberian minyak cengkeh dengan kepadatan 400 ekor/L yakni sebesar 95,00±29,55 mg/L dan nilai glukosa tertinggi p...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
Bacterial disease is a problem in mud crab culture in Pemalang, Indonesia. The purpose of this st... more Bacterial disease is a problem in mud crab culture in Pemalang, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to find out the bacteria associated with bacterial diseases on mud crab based on the molecular approach. Exploratory methods were conducted in this reserach. Twenty two bacteria (SJP 01 – SJP 22) were isolated from carapace and gills and hepathopancreas of moribound mud crab with TCBS and TSA medium. Based on rep PCR, five isolates (SJP 01, SJP 02, SJP 04, SJP 10 and SJP 11) were choosen for further investigation. Result from 16S rDNA sequence analysis, SJP 01, SJP 02, SJP 04, SJP 10 and SJP 11 were closely related to Exiguobacterium sp. ZJ2505 (99%), V. harveyi strain NCIMB1280 (98%), V. alginolyticus strain ATCC 17749(98%.), B. marisflavi strain TF-11 (97%) and E. aestuarii strain TF-16 (99%) respectively.

Budidaya lele dapat dilakukan di kolam yang bersalinitas rendah dalam rangka mengkonversi tambak ... more Budidaya lele dapat dilakukan di kolam yang bersalinitas rendah dalam rangka mengkonversi tambak yang tidak produktif. Salah satu kendala yang sering terjadi pada budidaya ini adalah serangan penyakit bakteri, termasuk pula vibriosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keanekaragaman causative agent vibriosis yang berasosiasi dengan ikan lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) yang dibudidayakan di kolam bersalinitas rendah (3 – 5 ppt) beserta gejala klinisnya. Sebanyak 30 ikan sampel, ikan lele yang menunjukkan gejala penyakit bakterial diperoleh dari kolam bersalinitas rendah di kabupaten Demak dan Pati. Sebanyak 38 isolat bakteri (SBA 01 – SBA38 ) berhasil diisolasi dari ginjal, hati dan luka ikan lele dumbo pada medium Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose (TCBS). Berdasarkan perfomance morphologi dari ketiga puluh delapan isolat (bentuk, warna dan karakter koloni) dipilih 7 isolat ( SBA 9; SBA 10; SBA 14; SBA 30; SBA 24; SBA 27 dan SBA 37) untuk uji selanjutnya yaitu karakterisas...

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
As an organization, hospitals should always make efforts to improve the performance of their empl... more As an organization, hospitals should always make efforts to improve the performance of their employees because those employees will help the hospitals to attain their vision, mission, and goals. This research aims to analyze the effect of organizational climate on turnover intention in mediating organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The research type is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Data collection is done in one-time observation through a survey involving questionnaires. Items of the questionnaire are arranged on the Ordinal Likert Scale. The data analysis instrument is Variance Based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), or Second-Order Partial Least Square Program (Smart PLS Version 2.0). The research subject or analysis unit is all employees at Mother-Child Health Hospital of Rembang. Population (N) of research includes all hospital employees, a total of 218 individuals. The employees are divided into clinical staff involved in health care servic...

White snapper, Lates calcalifer, is a sea fish who was widely cultivated because the price reache... more White snapper, Lates calcalifer, is a sea fish who was widely cultivated because the price reaches IDR 63,000.00/ kg for market size (500 gram up). Demand of white snapper on the market tends to increase, but there are high mortality problems when transporting seeds from seed sources to the destination location where was relatively far away. Lemongrass oil had geraniol compounds, citronellol and aromatherapy odors could reduce anxiety (sedatives) and reduce the level of fish metabolism by making the fish faint. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lemongrass oil on survival rate, blood profile (total of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and glucose levels) post-transportation of white snapper seeds with length and weight average of 9.71 ± 0.62 cm and 11.33 ± 1.82 g, respectively. The method used was experimental and completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments 3 replications (0, 10, 20, 30 µl/L). The results showed that the allocation lemongrass oil with differen...

A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain PT3T was isolated from laboratory-... more A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain PT3T was isolated from laboratory-reared larvae of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences revealed that PT3T was closely related to Amphritea ceti RA1T (= KCTC 42154T = NBRC 110551T) and Amphritea spongicola MEBiC05461T (= KCCM 42943T = JCM 16668T) both with 98.3% sequence similarity, however, average nucleotide identity (ANI) and in silico DNA-DNA hybridization (in silico DDH) values among these three strains were below 95% and 70%, respectively, confirming the novelty of PT3T. Furthermore, the average amino acid identity (AAI) values of PT3T against other Amphritea species were on the reported genus delineation boundary (64–67%). Multilocus sequence analysis using four protein-coding genes (recA, mreB, rpoA, and topA) further demonstrated that PT3T, Amphritea ceti and Amphritea spongicola formed a monophyletic clade clearly separate from o...

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
The objective of this research is to examine 4 (four) variables, respectively total quality manag... more The objective of this research is to examine 4 (four) variables, respectively total quality management, supply chain management, competitive advantage, and firm performance. The research type is quantitative. Statistic data were analyzed using SmartPLS version 3.0. The subject of research was book writers at Optima Publikasi Literasi Makassar. The research was done in Optima Publikasi Literasi Makassar, which published and printed books. The research population comprised of book writers at Optima Publikasi Literasi Makassar, which as of November 2020 was counted for 334. Slovin Equation was used on the population, which produced 77 respondents as a research sample. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire. The results showed that better total quality management has an optimization effect on competitive advantage. Better supply chain management delivers a high competitive advantage. Better total quality management has an optimization effect on firm performance. Better supp...
Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro eBooks, 2017
SAINTEK PERIKANAN : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, Apr 14, 2021

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Sea urchin is an indicator of coastal environmental changes in the global warming era, and is als... more Sea urchin is an indicator of coastal environmental changes in the global warming era, and is also a model organism in developmental biology and evolution. Due to the depletion of wild resources, new aquaculture techniques for improving stocks have been well studied. The gut microbiome shapes various aspects of a host’s physiology. However, these microbiome structures and functions on sea urchins, particularly Mesocentrotus nudus and Strongylocentrotus intermedius which are important marine bioresources commonly found in Japan, have not been fully investigated yet. Using metagenomic approaches including meta16S and shotgun metagenome sequencings, the structures, functions, and dynamics of the gut microbiome of M. nudus and S. intermedius, related to both habitat environment and host growth, were studied. Firstly, a broad meta16S analysis revealed that at the family level, Psychromonadaceae and Flavobacteriaceae reads (38–71%) dominated in these sea urchins, which is a unique feature...

Udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) menjadi salah satu spesies andalan bagi pertambakan di indone... more Udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) menjadi salah satu spesies andalan bagi pertambakan di indonesia. Salah satu kendala pada pembudidaya udang vaname saat ini adanya penyakit IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus). Pekalongan merupakan salah satu produksi udang vaname yang cukup penting di Jawa Tengah. Pemantauan penyakit penting seperti IMNV sangat perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi resiko tertular dan tersebarnya penyakit IMNV di Pekalongan. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status kesehatan udang khususnya dari infeksi IMNV pada tambak intensif di Kota Pekalongan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan metode studi kasus, dengan melakukan pengambilan sampel udang melalui purposive random sampling dan wawancara kepada pemilik tambak. Jumlah udang 144 ekor dari 8 tambak terpilih. Hasil real time PCR dan analisa histopatologi terhadap organ daging bagian ekor menunjukkan bahwa 25% tambak contoh terinfeksi IMNV yaitu di desa Krapyak dan desa Kandang Panjang, sed...

Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology, 2015
Berdasarkan data KKP (2013), pencapaian produksi ikan lele pada tahun 2013 mampu melampaui target... more Berdasarkan data KKP (2013), pencapaian produksi ikan lele pada tahun 2013 mampu melampaui target. Ikan lele merupakan ikan yang mudah dibudidayakan, sehingga banyak dilakukan penelitian agar didapatkan benih lele dengan pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan yang lebih baik, serta tahan terhadap serangan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi larutan garam yang berbeda dan konsentrasi yang terbaik pada perendaman rGH dan vaksin terhadap kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan benih lele sangkuriang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 November 2014 – 15 Februari 2015 di Satuan Kerja Pembenihan dan Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar (SATKER PBIAT), Siwarak, Ungaran, Semarang. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih lele sangkuriang umur 12 hari. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yaitu: (A) perlakuan tanpa larutan garam, (B) konsentrasi 0,5%, (C) konsentrasi 1,0% dan (D) konsentrasi 1,5%. Pemeliharaan ...
Papers by Alfabetian Haditomo