Alexey Turchin
Alexey Turchin
Email: [email protected]
I am the author of several books and numerous articles on the topics of existential risks and life extension (mostly in Russian) as well as a series of roadmaps on the same topic (in English).
Moscow State University (1991-1997) – I studied Physics and History of Art.
Jan 2010 – now: Science for Life Extension Foundation
Together with Michael Batin and Maria Konovalenko I have worked on various topics on life extension, first as a project director and later as a vice-president. The result of our work became a book “Futurology” and a series of roadmaps.
2008-2010: Center of Civilizational Studies
I collaborated with the Center of Civilizational Studies in the Institute of African studies, where I worked on a book on global risks (2008-2010).
June 2007– now: Expert on Global Risks of Russian Transhumanists Movement
I’ve translated over 20 main articles on existential risks into Russian, including works by Bostrom and Yudkowsky. I was also the first person to present the topic of existential risks to the Russian public.
In Russian:
1. War and 25 other Scenarios of the End of the World, Moscow, Europa, 2008.
2. Structure of the Global Catastrophe, Moscow, URSS, 2010.
3. Futurology, Moscow, Binom, 2012, together with Michael Batin.
4. Global Risks, edited volume, editor and translator, Moscow, RTD, 2012.
In May 2016 I presented my Roadmap for Life extension at the London Futurists Society.
In May 2015 I co-organized the conference “Exponential Futures Symposium” in Hong Kong. http://expfuture.org/
In 2014 I co-organized “Existential Risks and Radical Futures” with Hank Pellisier – a conference on existential risks in San Francisco. http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/print/8871 I am also a contributing author of IEET. http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/bio/turchin
In 2013 I presented my Life extension roadmap at the SENS conference in San Francisco
In 2010 I made a presentation on the risks of SETI at the “Humanity+ 2010” conference in Boston, US. http://hplussummit.com/program.html
I was a candidate for the Russian Parliament representing the Russian Green Party in the 2016 election.
Scientific publications
1. A.V. Turchin. On the possible causes of the underestimation of risks of the destruction of human civilization // Problems of risk management and safety: the works of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences. - T. 31. - M .: KomKniga 2007.
2. A.V. Turchin. Natural disasters and the anthropic principle. // Problems of risk management and safety: the works of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences. - T. 31. - M .: KomKniga 2007.
pp. 306-332.
3. A.V. Turchin. The problem of sustainable development and the prospects of global catastrophes // Social studies and the present. 2010. № 1. S. 156-163
Email: [email protected]
I am the author of several books and numerous articles on the topics of existential risks and life extension (mostly in Russian) as well as a series of roadmaps on the same topic (in English).
Moscow State University (1991-1997) – I studied Physics and History of Art.
Jan 2010 – now: Science for Life Extension Foundation
Together with Michael Batin and Maria Konovalenko I have worked on various topics on life extension, first as a project director and later as a vice-president. The result of our work became a book “Futurology” and a series of roadmaps.
2008-2010: Center of Civilizational Studies
I collaborated with the Center of Civilizational Studies in the Institute of African studies, where I worked on a book on global risks (2008-2010).
June 2007– now: Expert on Global Risks of Russian Transhumanists Movement
I’ve translated over 20 main articles on existential risks into Russian, including works by Bostrom and Yudkowsky. I was also the first person to present the topic of existential risks to the Russian public.
In Russian:
1. War and 25 other Scenarios of the End of the World, Moscow, Europa, 2008.
2. Structure of the Global Catastrophe, Moscow, URSS, 2010.
3. Futurology, Moscow, Binom, 2012, together with Michael Batin.
4. Global Risks, edited volume, editor and translator, Moscow, RTD, 2012.
In May 2016 I presented my Roadmap for Life extension at the London Futurists Society.
In May 2015 I co-organized the conference “Exponential Futures Symposium” in Hong Kong. http://expfuture.org/
In 2014 I co-organized “Existential Risks and Radical Futures” with Hank Pellisier – a conference on existential risks in San Francisco. http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/print/8871 I am also a contributing author of IEET. http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/bio/turchin
In 2013 I presented my Life extension roadmap at the SENS conference in San Francisco
In 2010 I made a presentation on the risks of SETI at the “Humanity+ 2010” conference in Boston, US. http://hplussummit.com/program.html
I was a candidate for the Russian Parliament representing the Russian Green Party in the 2016 election.
Scientific publications
1. A.V. Turchin. On the possible causes of the underestimation of risks of the destruction of human civilization // Problems of risk management and safety: the works of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences. - T. 31. - M .: KomKniga 2007.
2. A.V. Turchin. Natural disasters and the anthropic principle. // Problems of risk management and safety: the works of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences. - T. 31. - M .: KomKniga 2007.
pp. 306-332.
3. A.V. Turchin. The problem of sustainable development and the prospects of global catastrophes // Social studies and the present. 2010. № 1. S. 156-163
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Drafts by Alexey Turchin
In this article, I present a view on the future of nuclear war which takes into account the expected technological progress as well as global political changes.
There are three main directions in which technological progress in nuclear weapons may happen:
1) Very powerful, many gigaton weapons.
2) Cheaper nuclear bombs which are based on the use of the reactor-grade plutonium, laser isotope separation or are hypothetical pure fusion weapons. Also, advanced nanotechnology will provide the ability to quickly build large nuclear arsenals and AI could be used in designing, manufacturing and nuclear strategy planning.
3) Specialized nukes like nuclear-powered space lasers, hafnium bombs and nuclear-powered space ships as kinetic weapons.
Meanwhile, the nuclear war strategy also has changed as the bipolar world has ended and as new types of weapons are becoming available.
The first strategy change is that Doomsday weapons for blackmail will become attractive for weaker countries which can’t use ICBM to penetrate the anti-missile defense of the enemies.
Secondly, the cheaper nukes will become available to smaller actors, who may be involved in “worldwide guerilla”. Cheaper nukes and a larger number of actors also encourage regional nuclear wars, nuclear terrorism and anonymous or false-flag warfare. This will result in the disruption of social complexity and in the global food production shortages because of the effects on climate.
The third change of the strategy is the use of nukes not against primary military targets but on other objects, which could increase their effects: nuclear power plants, supervolcanos, EMP, tsunamis, taiga fires for global cooling, and even more hypothetical things like asteroid deflection to Earth.
All these unconventional means and strategies of nuclear war could become available somewhere in the 21st century and may cause or contribute to the civilizational collapse and even human extinction.
При этом основными механизмами устойчивости для человека являются системы репарации первого уровня: иммунитет, стволовые клетки, репарация ДНК, но система исправления репарации (то есть репарация репарации) развита гораздо меньше. Однако многие предлагавшиеся терапии старения выглядят как репарация репарации.
Если мы будем действовать на все основные механизмы устойчивости одновременно, например, с помощью комбинаций геропротекторов, мы можем достичь More-Dacca-эффект, когда болезнь сдаётся при комбинации трёх и более препаратов, как например, в современной антиретровирусной терапии СПИДа.
Другой способ победить старение, у которого нет единого механизма – это замена органов либо ремонт повреждений (SENS). Поскольку старение сложно, то только сложная индивидуальная система управления, оказывающая комплексное воздействие, может его замедлить, а значит, нужны бионанороботы и управляющий ими ИИ. Ключевым для победы над старением оказывается создание нового инструмента воздействия: бионаноробота, который может представлять собой генетически модифицированную стволовую клетку человека либо иммунную клетку, которая может получать команды от внешних систем управления.
Наконец, мы можем вообще не решать проблему старения, сразу перейдя к замене тела, киборгизации и загрузке сознания.
Даже небольшое замедление старения сейчас позволит нам дожить до технологий радикального продления жизни в будущем.
Есть прямая связь между эволюцией старения, механизмами старения, способами борьбы со старением и способами привлечения денег на эти методы борьбы. Например: старение-как-программа – отключающая-молекула – стартап.
Method: An open label pilot experiment was performed in 2004-2005 in Moscow, Russia with 100 participants.
Results: The results show that there are two groups of people: ones with “visual imagination screen” and others have “mental imagination screen”. AIM works perfectly as a replacement for lucid dreams only for the first group of people. For the second group, it created interesting content, but not visual or emotional intensity equal to enter lucid dreaming like state. No known instruments helped to move the person from one group to another. The first group consisted of young females, while the second mostly contained males with rational and mathematical type of personality.
Conclusion: AIM partly works as a replacement for LD, as it works great only for half of people, and it requires a sitter. However, AIM outperforms LD in reliability and availability in any circumstance: it could be performed even by text chat or in a crowd. It is also better than LD in retaining concentration on topic and the easiness of memorizing the results (which could be recorded). Self-performed AIM is less effective. AIM can be improved by intelligent chat bots as sitters and weak brain stimulation that can increase the probability of attaining something like hypnogogic state.
Anthropic considerations suggest that the universes in the multiverse with interstellar panspermia will have orders of magnitude more civilizations than universes without IP, and thus we are likely to be in such a universe. This is a strong counterargument against a variant of the Rare Earth hypothesis based on the difficulty of abiogenesis: even if abiogenesis is difficult, IP will disseminate life over billions of planets, meaning we are likely to find ourselves in a universe where IP has happened. This implies that there should be many planets with life in our galaxy, and renders the Fermi paradox even sharper. Either the Great Filter is ahead of us and there are high risks of anthropogenic extinction, or there are many alien civilizations nearby and of the same age as ours—which is itself a global catastrophic risk, as in that case the wave of alien colonization could arrive between 25-500 ky from now.
In this article, I present a view on the future of nuclear war which takes into account the expected technological progress as well as global political changes.
There are three main directions in which technological progress in nuclear weapons may happen:
1) Very powerful, many gigaton weapons.
2) Cheaper nuclear bombs which are based on the use of the reactor-grade plutonium, laser isotope separation or are hypothetical pure fusion weapons. Also, advanced nanotechnology will provide the ability to quickly build large nuclear arsenals and AI could be used in designing, manufacturing and nuclear strategy planning.
3) Specialized nukes like nuclear-powered space lasers, hafnium bombs and nuclear-powered space ships as kinetic weapons.
Meanwhile, the nuclear war strategy also has changed as the bipolar world has ended and as new types of weapons are becoming available.
The first strategy change is that Doomsday weapons for blackmail will become attractive for weaker countries which can’t use ICBM to penetrate the anti-missile defense of the enemies.
Secondly, the cheaper nukes will become available to smaller actors, who may be involved in “worldwide guerilla”. Cheaper nukes and a larger number of actors also encourage regional nuclear wars, nuclear terrorism and anonymous or false-flag warfare. This will result in the disruption of social complexity and in the global food production shortages because of the effects on climate.
The third change of the strategy is the use of nukes not against primary military targets but on other objects, which could increase their effects: nuclear power plants, supervolcanos, EMP, tsunamis, taiga fires for global cooling, and even more hypothetical things like asteroid deflection to Earth.
All these unconventional means and strategies of nuclear war could become available somewhere in the 21st century and may cause or contribute to the civilizational collapse and even human extinction.
При этом основными механизмами устойчивости для человека являются системы репарации первого уровня: иммунитет, стволовые клетки, репарация ДНК, но система исправления репарации (то есть репарация репарации) развита гораздо меньше. Однако многие предлагавшиеся терапии старения выглядят как репарация репарации.
Если мы будем действовать на все основные механизмы устойчивости одновременно, например, с помощью комбинаций геропротекторов, мы можем достичь More-Dacca-эффект, когда болезнь сдаётся при комбинации трёх и более препаратов, как например, в современной антиретровирусной терапии СПИДа.
Другой способ победить старение, у которого нет единого механизма – это замена органов либо ремонт повреждений (SENS). Поскольку старение сложно, то только сложная индивидуальная система управления, оказывающая комплексное воздействие, может его замедлить, а значит, нужны бионанороботы и управляющий ими ИИ. Ключевым для победы над старением оказывается создание нового инструмента воздействия: бионаноробота, который может представлять собой генетически модифицированную стволовую клетку человека либо иммунную клетку, которая может получать команды от внешних систем управления.
Наконец, мы можем вообще не решать проблему старения, сразу перейдя к замене тела, киборгизации и загрузке сознания.
Даже небольшое замедление старения сейчас позволит нам дожить до технологий радикального продления жизни в будущем.
Есть прямая связь между эволюцией старения, механизмами старения, способами борьбы со старением и способами привлечения денег на эти методы борьбы. Например: старение-как-программа – отключающая-молекула – стартап.
Method: An open label pilot experiment was performed in 2004-2005 in Moscow, Russia with 100 participants.
Results: The results show that there are two groups of people: ones with “visual imagination screen” and others have “mental imagination screen”. AIM works perfectly as a replacement for lucid dreams only for the first group of people. For the second group, it created interesting content, but not visual or emotional intensity equal to enter lucid dreaming like state. No known instruments helped to move the person from one group to another. The first group consisted of young females, while the second mostly contained males with rational and mathematical type of personality.
Conclusion: AIM partly works as a replacement for LD, as it works great only for half of people, and it requires a sitter. However, AIM outperforms LD in reliability and availability in any circumstance: it could be performed even by text chat or in a crowd. It is also better than LD in retaining concentration on topic and the easiness of memorizing the results (which could be recorded). Self-performed AIM is less effective. AIM can be improved by intelligent chat bots as sitters and weak brain stimulation that can increase the probability of attaining something like hypnogogic state.
Anthropic considerations suggest that the universes in the multiverse with interstellar panspermia will have orders of magnitude more civilizations than universes without IP, and thus we are likely to be in such a universe. This is a strong counterargument against a variant of the Rare Earth hypothesis based on the difficulty of abiogenesis: even if abiogenesis is difficult, IP will disseminate life over billions of planets, meaning we are likely to find ourselves in a universe where IP has happened. This implies that there should be many planets with life in our galaxy, and renders the Fermi paradox even sharper. Either the Great Filter is ahead of us and there are high risks of anthropogenic extinction, or there are many alien civilizations nearby and of the same age as ours—which is itself a global catastrophic risk, as in that case the wave of alien colonization could arrive between 25-500 ky from now.
One of the main principles of engineering safety is multilevel defence. When a nuclear bomb accidentally fell from the sky in the US, 3 of 4 defence levels failed. The last one prevented the nuclear explosion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1961_Goldsboro_B-52_crash
Multilevel defence is used a lot in the nuclear industry and includes different systems of passive and active safety, starting from the use of delayed neutrons for the reaction activation and up to control rods, containment building and exclusion zones.
Here, I present a look at the AI safety from the point of view of multilevel defence. This is mainly based on two of my yet unpublished articles: “Global and local solutions to AI safety” and “Catching treacherous turn: multilevel AI containment system”.
The special property of the multilevel defence, in the case of AI, is that the biggest defence comes from only the first level, which is AI alignment. Other levels have progressively smaller chances to provide any protection, as the power of self-improving AI will grow after it will break of each next level. So we may ignore all levels after AI alignment, but, oh Houston, we have a problem: based on the current speed of AI development, it seems that powerful and dangerous AI could appear within several years, but AI safety theory needs several decades to be created.
The map is intended to demonstrate a general classification principle of the defence levels in AI safety, but not to list all known ideas on the topic. I marked in “yellow” boxes, which are part of the plan of MIRI according to my understanding.
I also add my personal probability estimates as to whether each level will work (under the condition that AI risks are the only global risk, and previous levels have failed).
The principles of the construction of the map are similar to my “plan of x-risks prevention” map and my “immortality map”, which are also based around the idea of the multilevel defence.
pdf: https://goo.gl/XH3WgK
1) Existing and dangerous, that is already having technology to destroy the humanity. That is superpowers, arrogant scientists – Red
2) Existing, and willing to end the world, but lacking needed technologies. (ISIS, VHEMt) - Yellow
3) Morally possible, but don’t existing. We could imagine logically consistent value systems which may result in human extinction. That is Doomsday blackmail. - Green
4) Agents, which will pose risk only after supertechnologies appear, like AI-hackers, children biohackers. - Blue
• Existing military submarines could be upgraded for this function with relatively low cost
• Contemporary submarines could provide several months of surface independence
• A specially designed fleet of nuclear submarines could potentially survive years or even decades under water
• Nuclear submarine refuges could be a step towards the creation of space refuges
Most successful examples of self-improving are evolution of a net with many different goals and agents, not revolutions inside single self-changing agent. Such evolving net has a tendency to keep early stages of its development inside itself, which provide some hope for human survival in case of creation of ascending net of AIs. Net solution has also different specter of risks, AI war is more probable than paperclip maximizer, and bipolar semi-stable solution is more probable than singleton.