Papers by Alexandre Magalhães

Este artigo busca apresentar parte das reflexões realizadas em minha tese de doutorado, em que an... more Este artigo busca apresentar parte das reflexões realizadas em minha tese de doutorado, em que analiso os significados da reatualização de práticas e discursos sobre a “remoção” de favelas atualmente no Rio de Janeiro. Neste trabalho discutirei uma das dimensões constituintes do que chamo de “repertório da remoção”: o “legado” que deixará a realização dos megaeventos esportivos que a cidade sediará (Copa do Mundo de 2014 e Olimpíadas de 2016). As intervenções urbanísticas em curso vêm implicando alterações significativas nos fluxos e usos do espaço da cidade, provocando, inclusive, o deslocamento de moradores de algumas favelas. Esse processo tem sido traduzido pelas autoridades públicas envolvidas, bem como em relação a outras intervenções, como um “legado” permitido pela concretização desses megaeventos. Essa configuração representa uma inflexão importante na conformação do “problema favela” na atual conjuntura.This article seeks to present part of the reflections made in my docto...
Problemes d'Amerique latine, 2016
Radical Housing Journal, 2020
This Update reports from a webinar on the impacts on the right to housing and linked political st... more This Update reports from a webinar on the impacts on the right to housing and linked political struggles of the lockdown measures put in place globally amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Three main threads emerged through the conversation: the impacts of the pandemic are deepening pre-existing housing inequalities, while governments’ responses are largely insufficient; activists and contentious actors worldwide are changing their framings and repertoires to adapt to lockdown measures and attempt to radicalise their action; possibilities, albeit limited, are opening for the construction of global networks of struggle.
Revista Brasileira de Sociologia - RBS, 2021
Este artigo descreve e analisar as múltiplas ações que moradores de favelas do Rio de Janeiro, at... more Este artigo descreve e analisar as múltiplas ações que moradores de favelas do Rio de Janeiro, através de suas organizações e coletivos, estão realizando no sentido de enfrentar os efeitos do novo coronavírus nesses territórios. Propomos pensar esse processo de articulação e mobilização no contexto pandêmico como produzindo deslocamentos dos sentidos historicamente atribuídos aos habitantes dessas localidades. Com isso, buscamos compreender como ações voltadas para doação de alimentos, comunicação comunitária, produção local de painéis informativos e outras iniciativas compõem um conjunto multifacetado de experiências que, de alguma forma, reivindicam e expressam as variadas potências de vida existentes nesses territórios.

Horizontes Antropológicos, 2021
Resumo O presente artigo descreve e analisa a experiência dos painéis comunitários de mapeamento ... more Resumo O presente artigo descreve e analisa a experiência dos painéis comunitários de mapeamento da Covid-19 organizados por moradores de favelas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Tais painéis são dispositivos que quantificam a extensão e intensidade da pandemia nesses territórios, apresentando arranjos diversos que envolvem dados produzidos por moradores, serviços de saúde ou órgãos públicos. Mobilizados a partir da inconsistência ou falta de informações sistematizadas sobre a pandemia em seus territórios, os painéis operam uma disputa pela verdade da pandemia nas favelas, num contexto de desvalorização das políticas de combate ao vírus e negacionismo. A tensão produzida com os painéis chama a atenção para a existência de tais territórios no tecido urbano e as relações que o poder público sustenta em cada local. Para compreender esse processo, partiremos de dados compilados pelo Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco, notícias de jornal, sites dos coletivos promotores desses painéis, bem...

International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, Jan 2, 2017
We aimed to assess the validity of a single question to evaluate leisure-time physical activity (... more We aimed to assess the validity of a single question to evaluate leisure-time physical activity (PA) in adolescents. We included 209 participants (57.4% girls) aged 14 to 18 years from Porto, Portugal, evaluated as part of the SALTA project. A self-reported question with four answer options, designed for the EPITeen study, was used to classify the intensity level of usual leisure-time activities. Actigraph accelerometers were used to objectively measure total PA during 7 consecutive days. Since the accelerometers measured PA as a continuous variable, hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify clusters of individuals with similar level of objectively measured PA. Correlations between self-reported and objective measures were evaluated through polychoric correlations. In girls, we found higher mean time on sedentary activities among those describing their leisure-time PA as "sitting", and an increase on the time spent on light and moderate activities with increasing ...
Proceedings of MOL2NET, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2015
It is known that individual amino acids can have a decisive role in the stabilization of a protei... more It is known that individual amino acids can have a decisive role in the stabilization of a protein structure. Moreover, it is likely that specific amino acid combinations also fulfil structural and stabilizing roles in protein structure. We present Prot-SSP, an analytical Python tool designed to gather and parse sequence and structural data from sets of PDB files and determine amino acid residue pairing propensities and correlations in alpha helices and beta strands, in various secondary structure contexts.This versatile and user-friendly bioinformatic tool has proven useful for the analysis of a selected set of protein structures as shown in an illustrative example.

The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015
The first direct epoxidation of acridine on the edge positions is reported. The reaction proceeds... more The first direct epoxidation of acridine on the edge positions is reported. The reaction proceeds under mild conditions using a biomimetic catalytic system based on a Mn(III) porphyrin. The successive oxyfunctionalization to mono-, di-, and tetraepoxy derivatives is accomplished using hydrogen peroxide as a green oxidant at room temperature. Computed optimized geometries showed only slight shifts to the base planarity upon dearomatization by epoxidation, which is an important feature for DNA intercalation and bioactivity. NMR studies and comparison with theoretical values allowed the assignment of the stereochemistry of the anti-and syn-diepoxy and-tetraepoxy derivatives as well as compounds resulting from epoxide ring opening, exemplified by epoxydiol. The diepoxide is formed in an anti:syn ratio of ∼4, and the attack by nucleophiles, exemplified by ethylaniline, occurs selectively and with full conversion, using a microwave process with acetonitrile reflux for 10 min. Finally, studies of the electrostatic potential allowed the mechanisms of the formation of 4-hydroxyacridine and the regioselective reaction of diepoxyacridine with nucleophiles to be rationalized.
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 2012
The functions of proteins in living organisms are related to their 3-D structure, which is known ... more The functions of proteins in living organisms are related to their 3-D structure, which is known to be ultimately determined by their linear sequence of amino acids that together form these macromolecules. It is, therefore, of great importance to be able to understand and predict how the protein 3Dstructure arises from a particular linear sequence of amino acids. In this paper we report the application of Machine Learning methods to predict, with high values of accuracy, the secondary structure of proteins, namely α-helices and β-sheets, which are intermediate levels of the local structure.

Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2011
The complexation behavior of nine polyether type podands with a varying number of oxygen donor at... more The complexation behavior of nine polyether type podands with a varying number of oxygen donor atoms (4-10) towards the alkali metal cations Li + , Na + and K + was studied by quantum chemical methods at the DFT-B3LYP level of theory using the all-electron split-valence 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The optimized structures of the complexes show a regular increase in the mean cationoxygen distance with the coordination number. OC-CO dihedral angles of the podand arms were also found to increase with the coordination number and with the size of the cation. Maximum values for the number of strong cation-oxygen interactions (effective coordination numbers) were found for each cation (six for Li + , seven for Na + and eight for K +). The calculated values for thermodynamic parameters relative to the binding of free and solvated cations to the podands allowed the assessment of binding constants in vacuum, in water and in dichloromethane. The estimated cation extraction constants mimic the experimental extraction trends, but their values are much larger than experimental values. Scale factors were determined to correct the values effectively. For each podand the ratios between the calculated extraction constants of Li + (or Na +) and the corresponding ones for K + (seen as extraction selectivities) compare acceptably with the corresponding experimental values.

Journal of theoretical biology, Jan 7, 2009
The importance of the promoter sequences in the function regulation of several important mycobact... more The importance of the promoter sequences in the function regulation of several important mycobacterial pathogens creates the necessity to design simple and fast theoretical models that can predict them. This work proposes two DNA promoter QSAR models based on pseudo-folding lattice network (LN) and star-graphs (SG) topological indices. In addition, a comparative study with the previous RNA electrostatic parameters of thermodynamically-driven secondary structure folding representations has been carried out. The best model of this work was obtained with only two LN stochastic electrostatic potentials and it is characterized by accuracy, selectivity and specificity of 90.87%, 82.96% and 92.95%, respectively. In addition, we pointed out the SG result dependence on the DNA sequence codification and we proposed a QSAR model based on codons and only three SG spectral moments.

Journal of theoretical biology, Jan 21, 2009
The cancer diagnostic is a complex process and, sometimes, the specific markers can interfere or ... more The cancer diagnostic is a complex process and, sometimes, the specific markers can interfere or produce negative results. Thus, new simple and fast theoretical models are required. One option is the complex network graphs theory that permits us to describe any real system, from the small molecules to the complex genetic, neural or social networks by transforming real properties in topological indices. This work converts the protein primary structure data in specific Randic's star networks topological indices using the new sequence to star networks (S2SNet) application. A set of 1054 proteins were selected from previous works and contains proteins related or not with two types of cancer, human breast cancer (HBC) and human colon cancer (HCC). The general discriminant analysis method generates an input-coded multi-target classification model with the training/predicting set accuracies of 90.0% for the forward stepwise model type. In addition, a protein subset was modified by sin...
Revista de Ciência Elementar
Este artigo é de acesso livre, distribuído sob licença Creative Commons com a designação CC-BY-NC... more Este artigo é de acesso livre, distribuído sob licença Creative Commons com a designação CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0, que permite
R@u. Revista de antropologia social dos alunos do PPGAS-UFSCar, Jun 1, 2018
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar uma das tecnologias de governo recorrentemente acionada para g... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar uma das tecnologias de governo recorrentemente acionada para gerir a população moradora de favelas no Rio de Janeiro. Consideraremos como o recurso ao discurso técnico nos auxiliará a delinear a constituição de formas de governo destas pessoas no contexto das remoções ocorridas recentemente na cidade. Compreendemos que acompanhar suas formas de agenciamento nos permitirá perspectivar as linhas de força que atravessam e constituem, por um lado, as relações entre aparatos estatais e determinadas populações e, por outro, o próprio traçado urbano que se nos revela ao acompanhar estes agenciamentos. Para levar adiante a empreitada, partiremos da consideração de dois casos: o da Vila União de Curicica e da Indiana.
Conflict and Society, 2020
Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this article explores the eviction of residents from Vila Autódr... more Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this article explores the eviction of residents from Vila Autódromo, a neighborhood that was decimated as Rio de Janeiro prepared to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. Inspired by Achille Mbembe’s notion of “necropolitics” and Mindy Fullilove’s concept of “root shock,” we argue that forced evictions in Rio constitute a form of racialized governance. The authorities exclude favela residents from the citizenry security interventions are intended to protect and conceptualize them instead as security risks. This exclusion reflects the spatial expression of racial hierarchies in the city and produces a public security governance that in the case of Vila Autódromo terrorized residents and destroyed life conditions in their community. Racialized governance therefore exacerbates insecurity for large parts of the population.

O objetivo deste artigo e apresentar parte da discussao que realizei em minha tese de doutorado, ... more O objetivo deste artigo e apresentar parte da discussao que realizei em minha tese de doutorado, que aborda o que chamo de reatualizacao dos discursos e praticas de remocao de favelas no Rio de Janeiro. Buscarei demonstrar a constituicao do “repertorio da remocao”, uma transformacao conjuntural no historico “problema favela” que favoreceu a reincorporacao da via da erradicacao como forma especifica do Estado atuar nestas localidades. Para tanto, explicitarei dois momentos especificos que contribuiram para esta alteracao, conformados pela mobilizacao de duas justificativas para este reenquadramento moral: a “desordem urbana” e o “risco”. The aim of the article ‘The Removal Was Demonized, But it Shouldn't': The Return of the Removal as a Form of State Intervention in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro is to present part of the discussion of my PhD dissertation, which addresses what I call the actualization of the discourses and practices of removal of favelas in Rio de Janeiro. I w...

SAGE Open, 2021
The increasing dissemination of geographic information systems (GIS) in recent years has broadene... more The increasing dissemination of geographic information systems (GIS) in recent years has broadened the availability and use of geospatial tools, mostly to analyze the spatial data of different territories. A territory can be viewed at different analysis scales, and some buildings are as complex as small cities, presenting the opportunity to use GIS to study the dynamics, patterns, and phenomena within a building. This study presents a systematic literature review of the relevant evidence focused on the utilization of GIS in indoor spaces. To this end, we searched in three scientific libraries following the PRISMA statement guidelines. All phases were analyzed independently by two of the authors and agreement between them calculated through the Kappa statistic. In total, 50 studies were included. A qualitative synthesis was performed, considering the assessment of data and heterogeneity of methodologies within the included articles. Subsequently, the studies were categorized into fiv...

Convergences - Journal of Research and Arts Education, 2020
O presente estudo aborda a utilização de Diagramas no processo de análise de Sistemas e de lingua... more O presente estudo aborda a utilização de Diagramas no processo de análise de Sistemas e de linguagem de Identidade Visual das Marcas. Foi desenvolvido o estudo comparativo de casos de marcas Gastronómicas de Estrela Michelin, com intuito de compreensão do seu DNA e posicionamento em relação aos elementos de comunicação utilizados. Os resultados obtidos, permitiram perceber as diferentes linguagens visuais entre as MARCAS, desde da sua componente visual, através do nome, símbolo, tipografia, cor, passando pelos elementos complementares, imagética, formas, som entre outros. Essa relação permite-nos obter reflexões acerca das suas características e do que as difere e as aproximam permitindo ter um maior controle sobre esse universo visual, bem como sobre a implementação do seu DNA. Em suma concluímos, apesar das diferentes linguagens, as marcas mantém o seu posicionamento.

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2021
Resmo Minha intenção neste artigo é discutir como a guerra é um recurso político de governo da vi... more Resmo Minha intenção neste artigo é discutir como a guerra é um recurso político de governo da vida e da morte de determinadas populações na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse sentido, sugiro pensar as relações entre os diferentes aparatos estatais e os moradores de favelas cariocas a partir da “lógica da destruição”, na qual a guerra emerge como o modo mesmo de governar estas populações. As reflexões aqui apresentadas se sustentarão na análise da intervenção federal nas forças de segurança estaduais implementada em 2018 no Rio de Janeiro. Intentarei demonstrar dois processos interconectados, dando ênfase, nesse texto, ao primeiro deles: por um lado, como as experiências de vida destas populações se constituem a partir de uma constante exposição à morte, a formas de destruição de seus modos de existir na cidade e à produção de dor e sofrimento. Por outro, quais formas essas pessoas criam para contornar ou atravessar a destruição e a devastação, a fim de continuar existindo e reabitar a...
Papers by Alexandre Magalhães