Papers by Alexandre Bastos

The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences Le Journal Canadien Des Sciences Neurologiques, Dec 1, 2005
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most common underlying pathologic substrates in pati... more Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most common underlying pathologic substrates in patients with medically intractable epilepsy. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of FCD is an important predictor of good surgical outcome, conventional MRI is not sensitive enough to detect all lesions. Previous reports of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) abnormalities in FCD suggest the potential of DTI in the detection of FCD. The purpose of this study was to study subcortical white matter underlying small lesions of FCD using DTI. Five patients with medically intractable epilepsy and FCD were investigated. Diffusion tensor imaging images were acquired (20 contiguous 3 mm thick axial slices) with maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), trace apparent diffusion coefficient (trace/3 ADC), and principal eigenvalues (ADC parallel and ADC perpendicular to white matter tracts) being calculated for each slice. Region of interest analysis was used to compare subcortical white matter ipsilateral and contralateral to the lesion. Three subjects with FCD associated with underlying white matter hyperintensities on T2 weighted MRI were observed to have increased trace/3 ADC, reduced fractional anisotropy and increased perpendicular water diffusivity which was greater than the relative increase in the parallel diffusivity. No DTI abnormalities were identified in two patients with FCD without white matter hyperintensities on conventional T2-weighted MRI. While DTI abnormalities in FCD with obvious white matter involvement are consistent with micro-structural degradation of the underlying subcortical white matter, DTI changes were not identified in FCD lesions with normal appearing white matter.

The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2005
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most common underlying pathologic substrates in pati... more Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most common underlying pathologic substrates in patients with medically intractable epilepsy. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of FCD is an important predictor of good surgical outcome, conventional MRI is not sensitive enough to detect all lesions. Previous reports of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) abnormalities in FCD suggest the potential of DTI in the detection of FCD. The purpose of this study was to study subcortical white matter underlying small lesions of FCD using DTI. Five patients with medically intractable epilepsy and FCD were investigated. Diffusion tensor imaging images were acquired (20 contiguous 3 mm thick axial slices) with maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), trace apparent diffusion coefficient (trace/3 ADC), and principal eigenvalues (ADC parallel and ADC perpendicular to white matter tracts) being calculated for each slice. Region of interest analysis was used to compare subcortical white matter ipsilateral and contralateral to the lesion. Three subjects with FCD associated with underlying white matter hyperintensities on T2 weighted MRI were observed to have increased trace/3 ADC, reduced fractional anisotropy and increased perpendicular water diffusivity which was greater than the relative increase in the parallel diffusivity. No DTI abnormalities were identified in two patients with FCD without white matter hyperintensities on conventional T2-weighted MRI. While DTI abnormalities in FCD with obvious white matter involvement are consistent with micro-structural degradation of the underlying subcortical white matter, DTI changes were not identified in FCD lesions with normal appearing white matter.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 1995

Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2005
RESUMO -Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade, objetivando-se estudar o valor nutricio... more RESUMO -Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade, objetivando-se estudar o valor nutricional de quatro diferentes milhetos (BN2, COMUM, IAPAR e IAPAR-REPASSE) processados em moinhos com três tipos de peneiras (diâmetros de furo de 3, 2 e 1 mm). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CD) da energia bruta CDEB) e o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade (CM) da energia bruta (CMEB) relativos à peneira de 3 mm foram: 63,09 e 61,20% (COMUM); 71,57 e 69,66% (IAPAR) e 67,39 e 65,60% (BN2). Os CD e CM da energia do COMUM foram inferiores ao IAPAR e ambos foram semelhantes ao BN2. O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou CDEB de 70,62% e CMEB de 68,49%, semelhante ao IAPAR. O IAPAR-1 mm apresentou maior CDEB e CMEB (84,61 e 81,41%) que o IAPAR-3 mm (70,59 e 68,71%) e o IAPAR-2 mm (77,73 e 75,46%). Os valores de energia digestível (ED) e energia metabolizável (EM) para o IAPAR (3 mm) foram de 3.030 kcal/kg e 3.001 kcal/kg, respectivamente. Verificou-se ED de 3.083 e 3.355 kcal/kg e EM de 2.993 e 3.228 kcal/kg para o IAPAR (2 e 1 mm). O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou valores de 2.849 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.763 kcal/kg (EM), enquanto o COMUM (3 e 2 mm), de 2.574 e 3.022 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.497 e 2.932 kcal/kg (EM), e o BN2 (3 e 2 mm), de 2.692 e 3.047 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.620 e 2.966 kcal/kg (EM). As diferentes variedades de milheto apresentaram variações em sua composição química que resultaram em diferenças no valor nutricional, sendo o milheto IAPAR o que apresentou melhor valor, seguido pelo BN2 e o COMUM. Palavras-chave: alimento alternativo, granulometria, nutrientes digestíveis
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2004

Epilepsy & Behavior, 2005
Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) is a malformation of cortical development, frequently ... more Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) is a malformation of cortical development, frequently associated with severe dysarthria or anarthria. BPP patients are therefore often labeled as severely retarded, but a detailed neuropsychological profile has not been reported to date. In a series of 14 patients, we demonstrated that only a minority had extremely low intelligence, and that some aspects of cognitive function correlated with the extent of the cortical disorganization. Early age at seizure onset correlated positively with Performance IQ scores (P < 0.05) and negatively with the extent of the lesion (P < 0.01), reflecting that patients with more severe BPP are more likely to have early seizure onset, resulting in greater interference with ongoing cognitive development. Receptive and expressive language skills were found to be equally poor. Frontal lobe function and memory abilities were relatively well preserved, suggesting that the observed cognitive profiles were related, at least in part, to specific areas of cortical dysfunction and not only to global dysfunction.
Epilepsia, 2001
Purpose: To characterize perfusion patterns of periictal single-photon emission tomography (SPECT... more Purpose: To characterize perfusion patterns of periictal single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) in patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and to determine their relationship to the epileptogenic zone (EZ).
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2008
Revista Brasileira de …, 2004
... Nutritive value and performance of piglets fed rations containing high moisture corn silage. ... more ... Nutritive value and performance of piglets fed rations containing high moisture corn silage. Ricardo Pinto de Oliveira I ; Antonio Claudio Furlan II ; Ivan Moreira II ; Alessandro Luís Fraga III ; Alexandre Orio Bastos IV. ... Por outro lado, Engelke et al. ...
… de Literatura dos …, 2010
... 66-104 Review of Transportation Literature Reviews & Essays Noise and Emmissions in Air T... more ... 66-104 Review of Transportation Literature Reviews & Essays Noise and Emmissions in Air Transportation Alexandre Bastos*, Derick Baum and Daniel Dias Abstract The economy of a country may be notably stimulated by air transportation spillover effects. ... (Cordina, 2002) ...
Neurology, 2004
Studies in animals lacking the cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) gene (Prnp) showed higher neuronal... more Studies in animals lacking the cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) gene (Prnp) showed higher neuronal excitability in vitro and increased sensitivity to seizures in vivo. The authors previously reported a rare polymorphism at codon 171 (Asn--&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Ser) of human Prnp to be associated with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy related to hippocampal sclerosis. They demonstrated that the same variant allele is also associated with symptomatic epilepsies related to different forms of malformations of cortical development.

Epilepsy & Behavior, 2012
Health-related quality of life QOLIE-31 Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy Psychiatric disorders Purpo... more Health-related quality of life QOLIE-31 Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy Psychiatric disorders Purpose: The identification of variables associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy related to hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS) would improve surgical decisionmaking and post-operatory follow-up in this group of patients. Methods: We analyzed the independent association between the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31) of 81 consecutive patients with refractory MTLE-HS. The clinical, demographic, radiological and electrophysiological variables were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. Key findings: Approximately 36% (adjusted R 2 =0.36; R coefficient= 0.66) of the QOLIE-31 overall score variance was explained by the history of initial precipitant injury, family history of epilepsy, disease duration, age of epilepsy onset, seizure frequency and presence of psychiatric axis-II diagnosis. The variance of QOLIE-31 subscales was: seizure worry =7%; overall QOL =11%; emotional well-being=32%; energy/fatigue =38%; cognitive function=13%; medication effects= 7%; social function=13% (R coefficient between 0.30 and 0.65). Significance: The pre-surgical variables studied had relatively low prediction capacity for the overall QOLIE-31 score and its sub-scales in this set of Brazilian patients with refractory MTLE-HS.

Epilepsy & Behavior, 2001
Because of the striking findings and thorough neuropsychological studies of Patient H.M., the lit... more Because of the striking findings and thorough neuropsychological studies of Patient H.M., the literature has focused on postsurgical occurrence of such memory impairment, with much less emphasis on other causes. Here we summarize, for comparison, the history of H.M. We report five patients with pronounced memory loss who had extensive neuropsychological and electroencephalographic testing. MRI was also performed in four of the patients, MRI volumetric measurements of amygdala and hippocampal formation in three, and measurements of entorhinal cortex in two. The amnesia occurred after head trauma in one patient, following encephalitis in one, after partial status epilepticus in two, and after unilateral surgical resection in a woman with bilateral lesions. On the basis of these studies it was impossible to distinguish the role of recurrent temporal lobe epileptic seizures as distinct from underlying lesions in the genesis and course of the memory loss. We review here the anatomical substrate, neuropsychological, and other investigations and the etiological factors leading to the amnesia in these patients, together with current concepts regarding possible causes of such severe memory dysfunction. In patients with this degree of severity of memory deficit, temporal resection in an attempt to control seizures did not lead to a measurable increase in memory problems. It also, however, did not bring about worthwhile improvement in seizure control.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2013

Brain, 2002
Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) or double cortex syndrome is a neuronal migration disorder, wh... more Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) or double cortex syndrome is a neuronal migration disorder, which occurs very rarely in males: to date, at least 110 females but only 11 in males have been reported. The syndrome is usually associated with mutations in the doublecortin (DCX) (Xq22.3-q23) gene, and much less frequently in the LIS1 (17p13.3) gene. To determine whether the phenotypic spectrum, the genetic basis and genotype-phenotype correlations of SBH in males are similar to those in females, we compared the clinical, imaging and molecular features in 30 personally evaluated males and 60 previously reported females with SBH. Based on the MRI findings, we defined the following band subtypes: partial, involving one or two cerebral lobes; intermediate, involving two lobes and a portion of a third; diffuse, with substantial involvement of three or more lobes; and pachygyria-SBH, in which posterior SBH merges with anterior pachygyria. Karyo typing and mutation analysis of DCX and/or LIS1 were performed in 23 and 24 patients, respectively. The range of clinical phenotypes in males with SBH greatly overlapped that in females. MRI studies revealed that some anatomical subtypes of SBH, such as partial and intermediate posterior, pachygyria-SBH and diffuse bands with posterior predominance, were more frequently or exclusively present in males. Conversely, classical diffuse SBH and diffuse bands with anterior predominance were more frequent in females. Males had either mild or the most severe band subtypes, and these correlated with the over-representation of normal/borderline intelligence and severe mental retardation, respectively. Conversely, females who had predominantly diffuse bands exhibited mostly mild or moderate mental retardation. Seven patients (29%) had missense mutations in DCX; in four, these were germline mutations, whereas in three there was evidence for somatic mosaicism. A germline missense mutation of LIS1 and a partial trisomy of chromosome 9p were identified in one patient (4%) each. One male each had a possible pathogenic intronic base change in both DCX and LIS1 genes. Our study shows that SBH in males is a clinically heterogeneous syndrome, mostly occurring sporadically. The clinical spectrum is similar to that of females with SBH. However, the greater cognitive and neuroradiological heterogeneity and the small number of mutations identified to date in the coding sequences of the DCX and LIS1 genes in males differ from the findings in females. This suggests other genetic mechanisms such as mutations in the non-coding regions of the DCX or LIS1 genes, gonadal or somatic mosaicism, and finally mutations of other genes.

Annals of Neurology, 1999
Focal cortical dysplasia is a frequent cause of medically intractable partial epilepsy. These les... more Focal cortical dysplasia is a frequent cause of medically intractable partial epilepsy. These lesions are being increasingly identified by high quality images provided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), resulting in improved seizure control of surgically treated patients. Small dysplastic lesions are often missed by conventional MRI methods. The identification of subtle structural abnormalities by rectilinear slices is often limited by the complex convolutional pattern of the brain. We developed a method of curvilinear reformatting of three-dimensional MRI data that improves the anatomical display of the gyral structure of the hemispheric convexities. It also reduces the asymmetric sampling of gray-white matter that may lead to false-positive results. We present 5 patients in whom conventional two-dimensional and three-dimensional MRI with multiplanar reformatting was initially considered normal. Subsequent studies using curvilinear reformatting identified lesions in all. Four patients underwent surgery with histological diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia. Three patients are seizure-free and 1 had significant improvement in seizure control. These results indicate that an increase in the detection of subtle focal dysplastic lesions may be accomplished when one improves the anatomical display of the brain gyral structure by performing curvilinear reformatting.
... Lauro Wichert-Ana 1 , Mery Kato 2 , Vera Cristina Terra Bustamante 1 , Tonicarlo Rodrigues Ve... more ... Lauro Wichert-Ana 1 , Mery Kato 2 , Vera Cristina Terra Bustamante 1 , Tonicarlo Rodrigues Velasco 1 , Juliana Starling Lage 1 , David Araújo Júnior 1 , Eliana Gárzon 1 , Nassim Iazigi 2 , Antonio Carlos dos Santos 4 , Alexandre Bastos 4 , João Alberto Assirati 3 , João Pereira ...
Papers by Alexandre Bastos